Tranxending Vision

C1117 Silly money also lewd

C1117 Silly money also lewd

"Darling, I made your favorite pasta and pizza. Are you coming back for lunch?" Alice's voice was very sweet and pleasant to hear.    


"Darling, didn't I already say that? I won't be back until this afternoon. I have some work to do. " Thompson's voice.    


"You always have a job to do. I've spent most of the day making spaghetti and pizza, but you don't even want to tell me what you're doing. In your heart, I'm not even as important as your job. " Alice's voice carried a hint of complaint.    


"Darling, you know who I am, so I can't just casually say the contents of my work. You do not need to doubt your place in my heart. In my heart, you are the most important. I swear to God. "    


"You always say that. I don't know if it's true or not."    


Thompson said. "Alice, I've asked a friend to contact a Hollywood director. He promised to give you a prostitute. A female character. "    


"Prostitute. A female character? "    


"Yes, a prostitute. The role of the woman. You will probably get five minutes to appear on screen, you will seduce the main character, poison the wine, and then get killed by the main character. "    


Alice, "..."    


If Xia Lei had appeared before him, Alice would have gone crazy with joy at being able to obtain this role. But the role Xia Lei gave her was given to a new generation girl from No. 007, she still desired a prostitute who could not even last five minutes. The role of a woman?    


"Why, don't you like it?" Thompson's voice.    


"No, I was too excited to speak... "Thank you, my dear, I will cherish this opportunity." Alice said.    


"It's good that you like him, but I have a request. If that director has any unspoken rules, don't agree to them. I'm not doing this for myself, but for your future career. "    


"Thank you, my dear, for being so kind to me." Alice's voice sounded, "Dearest, I have some good news for you too."    


"What good news?"    


"Do you still remember the person that beat you by over 20 thousand?"    


"Of course I remember. What happened?"    


"I went to the casino again last night. I met him and won $100 thousand from him."    


"What ?" "How much?" Thompson's voice was filled with surprise.    


"100 thousand dollars, don't doubt it, you didn't mishear me."    


"Heavens, how is this possible?" Thompson still couldn't believe it.    


Alice laughed and said: "Darling, he is actually not some amazing gambler. He is the illegitimate son of a chief of the United Arab Emirates, a prince that flies around the world in his plane, looking for fun. He's got too much money, all he needs is some fun. I just did a little trick and he won $100 thousand. "    


"Hahaha ?" Thompson could not help but laugh out loud.    


"Darling, he asked me to make another bet tonight. Do you want to go?" Alice's voice.    


"Of course, I just want to see the look on his face when he loses money." Thompson said excitedly.    


"People don't care about that money at all. Last night, he lost $100 thousand and gave the dealer a tip of $5000."    


"Darling, wait for me, I'll be back soon!"    


The call ended.    


This conversation between Alice and Thompson came out from the speaker on the hacker's computer without leaving a single word out. The people listening in on their conversation were not only Xia Lei, but also Yasuya Khan and Kyoko Tsukino, as well as Thousand Army and Sayimu who had rushed over.    


Sayimu gave Xia Lei a big thumbs up, "Boss, in terms of picking up girls, I can despise you, but I admire you."    


Xia Lei only laughed. He didn't want to do this, but he had no other choice.    


Yasuya Khan said: "Sayimu, when the day comes that you have so much money, and when you are as handsome as him, you will be qualified to compete with boss in picking up girls."    


Sayimu pointed a middle finger at Yasuya Khan.    


It was a gesture of insult, but the Indians just smiled, not caring, because such gestures were almost the most common form of greeting between Zodiac Clan members.    


"That Alice listens to you a lot. Boss, will you win all of Thompson's underwear tonight?" The voice of a thousand soldiers.    


However, Xia Lei shook his head while smiling, "Tonight's gambling house will be split into two. The first time, I will lose $200 thousand. The second time, I will win. I will win however many opponents there are. "    


A few members of the Zodiac Clan looked at Xia Lei strangely, but that was only for a few seconds.    


"Are you trying to catch a big fish in the long line?" The thousand soldiers were the first to react.    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "I gave Alice $100 thousand and lost another $200 thousand to him tonight. This money was given to him by me, not Thompson. Thompson is a gambler, he definitely wouldn't miss this rare opportunity to make a fortune, but if he wants to bet with me, I will raise the price to $3 million. Thompson only has around 300 thousand dollars, if he wants to bet, he has to go borrow money. "    


"But can he borrow that much money at the casino?" Kyoko Tsukino said.    


Xia Lei said: "With his status, of course the usurer would lend it to him. He borrowed money and we bought his IOU from the usurer. "    


"Can a promissory note threaten his obedience?" Sayimu said worriedly: "Thompson is a brigadier general, he will not give in so easily."    


Xia Lei laughed: "You will know when the time comes, go and find me some actors with better acting skills, I don't need to tell you what items I need to buy from you guys."    


"Leave this matter to me. My informant can handle this matter." Sayimu said.    


"That's for the best. Give me a call when your people are done." Xia Lei said.    


"Wait for my call." Sayimu left the study room.    


Qian Jun hesitated for a while, but still said it out loud, "Boss, the matter about getting rid of Mei Hattori ? I missed. I'm sorry. "I've heard about what happened at the military hospital in the capital. If I hadn't erred, that wouldn't have happened."    


Xia Lei got up and walked to the side of the soldier, and patted Qian Jun's shoulder, "This is not your fault, with your spear, you couldn't possibly have failed. It is very likely that she detected something, and then deliberately let her double come here to die, creating a false impression that she had already been shot to death. Mei Hattori is a very cunning woman, I even suspect that she had used you to kill her father, Masao Hattori. So, you don't have to be sorry about this. "    


Qian Jun nodded his head, what Xia Lei had said allowed him to put down the stone in his heart.    


Xia Lei said: "You have stayed in the United States for the longest period of time, have you received any information from my father?"    


Qian Jun replied, "No, Sayimu and I have actually been searching for father's whereabouts all this time. But you know father's style, if he doesn't want to be found by others, he would disappear from this world and no one can find him."    


Xia Lei's heart was filled with disappointment. He had gotten four children, and his father Xia Changhe only got four grandchildren, but he did not show up even on such an important day. He couldn't help but wonder what was the most important thing in his father's life.    


8 PM MGM Phantom Casino.    


A good-looking mixed youth was sitting alone in front of a slot machine, playing slot machines. His luck was bad, he came over 7, and lost 100 thousand dollars in less than an hour.    


The casino loved buyers like him the most. Behind him stood two bunny girls, one holding a wine tray and the other a pastry, ready to serve him at any time.    


This mixed youth was Xia Lei.    


Many people behind Xia Lei stared at him, and many people guessed how much this wastrel would have to lose before they could stop.    


Thompson was also amongst this group of people, and his woman, Alice, was also present.    


"Did you see that?" Alice went close to Thompson's ear and whispered: "I think what I said was correct. He is the kind of person who takes money to the whole world to find entertainment. This was a chance, a chance to get rich. For people like us, I'm afraid we'll only meet once in our lifetime. "    


"Is he still willing to bet with me?" Thompson looked a little worried.    


"It's not a problem. He asked me out last night. Wait for me, I'll go talk to him first. " Alice left Thompson, and she walked towards him.    


Thompson watched from afar. He saw Alice greet Xia Lei and the two chatted for a while. Then Xia Lei got up from the slot machine and left with her. A cold smile emerged from the corner of Thompson's mouth, and he said to himself: "Silly, yet perverted."    


Xia Lei followed Alice into a VIP room.    


"He's coming." Alice said.    


"Don't say anything to me that has nothing to do with you." Xia Lei reminded.    


"Sorry, I... "We'll pay attention." Alice turned and waved towards Thompson, gesturing for him to go over.    


Just as Alice was waiting for Thompson, Xia Lei had already opened up a hall and entered the VIP lounge. Then, Alice and Thompson entered the VIP lounge.    


"Mr. James, do you still remember me?" Thompson walked in front of Xia Lei and extended his hand out to shake hands with him.    


However, Xia Lei turned around and walked to the other side of the game table, and sat down before saying: "I am not here to make friends, Miss Alice, your friends can stay, but do not affect us."    


Thompson's face suddenly became ugly, but he endured it in the end and did not flare up. He truly did have a high status in the army and was respected. However, this was a casino, and the other party was a prince who had been born a bastard. Since the other party wasn't his soldier, he had no choice but to give him face.    


Alice moved closer to Thompson's ear and whispered: "Darling, don't worry about him, our goal is his money."    


Thompson nodded his head, "Try playing with him, I'll give you some advice from the side."    


Alice sat across from Xia Lei and then placed the reward of $100 thousand on the gambling table.    


Xia Lei frowned, "You want to play with me for so little money? I think it's more fun to play slot machines. "    


Alice said: "This money was all lost to me by you. I have the confidence to win against you, so there's no need to bring a lot of money with me. "What, you don't have the confidence to beat me?"    


"Heh, you have quite the tone you have there. Very well, I'll play a few games with you." Xia Lei waved towards the dealer, "Bring my chips over."    


"Yes sir." The dealer was very polite and then said into the walkie-talkie: "Bring in Mr. James's chips."    


Very quickly, a few waiters walked in carrying a large plate of dressed chips, and then uniformly placed Xia Lei's chips on the gambling table. At a glance, the number of chips is about $5 million.    


Thompson was stunned by the scene, his eyes shined as he looked at the chips. He couldn't help imagining what he could do with the chips, the beach house, the pretty young bikini girl, even the yacht he'd dreamed of taking him around the world.    


People always like fantasy, and then get caught up in it.    


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