Tranxending Vision

C1133 Arrogant CEO

C1133 Arrogant CEO

Things that happened in the valley could not be covered up at all. Thompson fought for Xia Lei for almost an hour. After that, a large number of CIA agents, Delta Special Forces, SEALs Special Forces, and National Guard personnel, as well as the FA, all rushed into the valley.    


The destroyed vehicles, the bodies of the Japanese warriors, everything here was shocking.    


A helicopter flew into the valley and landed on the road. Williams walked down from the helicopter and rushed to the scene under the protection of a group of CIA field agent s.    


An intelligence officer gave a simple oral report like Williams, "Chief, we found some electronic equipment in the forest that blocks mobile phone signals. There was no signal at the time of the incident. We found mine fragments at the scene, and the gunmen used two types of mines, the MS3 anti-infantry mine and the TM83 anti-tank mine, both of which were manufactured in Russia. "    


Williams interrupted the intelligence officer's report, "A mine made in Russia? How does this have to do with Russia? "    


The intelligence officer said: "We are not sure yet, but we also found a lot of blast assault rifle s and XL2500 sniper rifles' shells and warheads on the battlefield. These two guns were made by the Rayma Group."    


Williams's expression immediately changed, "Anything else?"    


The intelligence officer said, "For now, there are only so many. Our traces experts are still at the scene of the investigation. For a battle of this scale, no one can leave no traces. The gunmen will definitely leave behind traces."    


Williams said: "Go and do what you need to do. When you get back, write a detailed report for me."    


"Yes, boss." The intelligence officer turned away and climbed the hill to the right.    


Williams suddenly thought of a woman. Just when he wanted to call the intelligence officer back to ask more, Yan Fo walked over.    


"Mr. Williams, our people are searching further away, they are following some traces to find the woman you are looking for, Mei Hattori." Yan Fo seemed to have seen through Williams's thoughts.    


Williams said, "I have a question I don't understand, Mei Hattori's mother was executed in the east side. She did not go to the east side to save her mother, but came here, and even encountered an ambush. Can you tell me what is going on?"    


"That I don't know yet, but I'm sure it was that person who did it." Yan Fo said in a low voice: "Xia Lei."    


"My judgment is also on him. He's too daring, he dares to come to America and act so atrociously again!" Williams's eyes were filled with anger and killing intent.    


Yan Fo said: "Xia Lei came to the United States for the Shepherd Project, and he was one of the targets there. Mei Hattori had sent people to assassinate Xia Lei's woman. That mission almost succeeded, and Xia Lei had almost lost his woman and children. Thus, when he came to the United States this time, he would definitely not let Mei Hattori go. In this situation, I have every reason to believe that Mei Hattori has already ? "    


Just then, a voice came out from a communicator in Yan Fo's hand, "Reporting! We found Mei Hattori, she ? Dead! There are also two black bear corpses at the scene. "    


Yan Fo said to the messenger, "I understand, continue searching regardless of the corpse. "If you find any traces, just let me know immediately."    


"Yes sir!" The call ended.    


Yan Fo's line of sight returned to Williams's body, "Mr. Williams, seal this forest. If we're lucky, we might be able to stop Xia Lei and his men before they can escape."    


Williams said coldly: "I will not only search the forest, I will also call the Pentagon. I will seal off all America!"    


A few minutes later, dozens of helicopter gunships flew across the sky. In the sky above, a Global Hawk flew past the sky, flying towards the depths of the forest. On the ground, a large number of special forces, CIA agents, and National Guard personnel entered the forest and began a carpet search.    


Williams turned around and walked towards the helicopter on the road.    


Yan Fo watched Williams leave with a mysterious smile on his face.    


Williams suddenly turned around and asked, "Yan Fo, tell me, who is the leader of the FA? "Isn't it strange that the FA, which is now working for the United States, doesn't even know who your leader is?"    


Yan Fo was silent for a moment, before replying, "I don't know."    


"You don't know?" Williams's face immediately became ugly, "Are you joking with me? "With your status, you actually don't know who the leader of the FA organization is?"    


Yan Fo shrugged his shoulders, "Mr. Williams, I know you won't believe me, but this is the truth."    


"Then how exactly did he control the FA?"    


Yan Fo did not speak.    


Williams continued, "Or maybe I should ask a more specific question, how did he make you do things?"    


"Naturally, he has his own methods." Yan Fo said.    


Williams asked: "What method?"    


Yan Fo pointed at his head, "Mr. Williams, if you still want me to do something for you, it's best that you don't ask. If we keep talking, my head will fall off my shoulders at any time. "    


Williams was obviously not satisfied with this answer, but he did not continue asking, because he knew that if he continued asking, Yan Fo would not say anything.    


Just then, the sound of a helicopter engine roaring came from the sky. Williams and Yan Fo both looked towards the sky at the same time.    


An administrative Black Hawk helicopter appeared in the sky. In the blink of an eye, it flew over and landed on the road.    


A pair of blonde women jumped down from the helicopter and stood on both sides of the cabin door. Each of them held out a hand to support a blonde youth as they got off the helicopter.    


The two blonde women were both in their early twenties. They were tall and slim with breasts that fit perfectly. Their waists were slim but they also had a buxom butt. This kind of body was the favorite type for European and American men. Not only were they of good stature, the faces of the two golden-haired ladies were also beautiful, as if they were Elf princesses who had just walked out from a fairytale.    


The blond youth was also tall and well-proportioned. He gave off a sense of strength that was just right for him. It was easy to see this in the lines of his hump and the upturned triangle of his upper body. His facial features were exquisite, the lines on his face were cold and good-looking, and in addition to his dark blue eyes, he looked like an elf prince from a fairy tale, giving people a surreal feeling of unreal beauty.    


The golden-haired youth led two golden-haired beauties over. Those two blonde ladies were obviously his bodyguards. Executive class Black Hawk Helicopter, a beautiful bodyguard who was so sexy that it would make people jealous. The appearance of this blond youth exuded a high-profile and luxurious aura.    


Williams frowned slightly, "Kirsten, hmph ? The board of directors of the Lockheed Martin Corp actually allowed such a playboy to take over Folson's position. I really wonder what those board members were thinking. "    


Yan Fo had also heard some stories about the new CEO of the Lockheed Martin Corp, Kirsten, but it was the first time he had seen it in person.    


Mei Hattori had told Xia Lei before, but she never told him that Kirsten was such a young person. If Xia Lei was here, and if he were to see such a Kirsten, his new business rival, he would also be shocked.    


Kirsten walked to the side of Williams and Yan Fo, but did not take the initiative to greet them. Instead, he turned to the two golden-haired beauties beside him and said, "Charlotte, Eva, go back to work."    


Charlotte and Eva were the names of the two golden-haired beauties.    


Charlotte and Eva nodded in greeting before walking towards the mountain on the right.    


Williams could not hold it in anymore, "Mr. Kirsten, what are you doing here? What do you want with those two girls on the scene? "    


Only then did Kirsten speak to Williams, "Mr. Williams, I will have my men find the traces left behind by Xia Lei. I'll have to face him sooner or later. I want to know more about him, starting with his fingerprints and his smell. "    


Williams's face became ugly, "Since when did Lockheed Martin Corp have such authority? Get those two girls back, or you'll be in trouble! "    


Kirsten said indifferently, "I have the authority of Mr. President. If you don't believe me, you can call Mr. President right now."    


Williams laughed coldly, "There's no need for that, I'll talk to Mr. President when I have the chance."    


Kirsten said: "I can probably guess what you will talk about with Mr. President, but what I want to tell you is that the CIA you will lead is like a Boy Scout in front of Xia Lei, and it's not only been one or two times since you got beaten up by him. You're American intelligence, and I'm ashamed of you for that. I find it strange that you still haven't resigned. "    


"You ?" Williams never thought that Kirsten would actually mock him in such a way. He wished that he could punch him, but he was not a reckless person. Kirsten's attitude was as though he did not even put him in his eyes, and he suddenly thought of a piece of information that he was wary of ? This Kirsten in front of him, even he did not find any information about him!    


Kirsten had appeared out of nowhere, like a beautiful mushroom that had just appeared after a rain.    


"Do your job well, Mr. Williams. You only need to remember one thing." Kirsten moved closer to Williams's ear and lowered his voice, "You better not provoke me."    


With that, Kirsten walked past Williams and slowly crawled towards the forest on the right. During this entire process, he didn't even look at Yan Fo, who was standing behind Williams. In his eyes, the advisor of FA was just a lowly person.    


"This guy!" Williams looked at Kirsten's back, and said sinisterly: "Sooner or later, I will let him know what it means to be polite!"    


"Mr. Williams, what is his background?" Yan Fo tried to test the waters.    


Williams shook his head.    


"You don't even have the authority to check his identity even after coming to the CIA?"    


Williams said: "The CIA has the authority to investigate anyone, but... It was as if this fellow had suddenly emerged from the ground, and was unable to find anything. "Oh right, I'll leave this matter to you."    


Yan Fo cursed silently in his heart, but he nodded calmly on the surface.    


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