Tranxending Vision

C1161 pressure wrap

C1161 pressure wrap

got out of the carriage and walked straight into the church.    


In the secret room of the church, the members of the Zodiac Clan and the four female Knights were present. There was a package on the conference table in the secret room, but it was not opened.    


The way Kyoko Tsukino looked at Xia Lei was extremely passionate, it felt like Xia Lei was a piece of human-shaped delicacy. It was not that she did not know that Tang Yuyan had also become Xia Lei's wife, but she did not feel the least bit jealous. The women beside Xia Lei and her were women from two different worlds. The life they had now was not suitable for her, and she did not want to have it either. What she wanted was to release his burning passion that was like wildfire when he was with Xia Lei.    


Their four eyes met, and Xia Lei smiled at Kyoko Tsukino. He did not feel unnatural in her heart at all. Wife and woman were two different concepts, and he could tell them apart.    


"I've had the lab scan it. It's a cell phone." Erdelmtu said, "There is no explosive device, and there is also nothing inside the poison aura. After finishing the scan, Giovanna called you. "    


If there was any problem with the package and it was filled with bombs and poison gas, they would take care of the package and only then would they give Xia Lei a call and explain the situation to him.    


Actually, when Xia Lei arrived, he already saw the contents of the bag, but he didn't see any explosive devices or poisonous gas inside the bag either. At this moment, he locked his eyes onto the bag, awakening the power of his left and right eyes. He scanned through the phone in his bag. It was a new version of satellite telephone. The parts inside were all normal phone parts, without any special parts.    


Who paid so much for a cell phone?    


Xia Lei pondered over this question in his heart.    


"Shall I open it?" Erdelmtu asked.    


Xia Lei said: "Let me do it."    


But before waiting for Xia Lei to make a move, Erdelmtu had already cut open the package with a paper knife. After that, he used his hands to take out the satellite telephone inside the bag and handed it over to Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei was very clear that he was worried about some potential danger, which was why he rushed to open the package. His heart was filled with gratitude, but he didn't need to say thank you.    


The satellite telephone's battery still had electricity. After waking up, Xia Lei found a number in his contact list. He hesitated, then dialed the number.    


A few seconds later, the call connected and a strange voice came from the satellite telephone, "Breathe..." "Breathe in ?"    


Xia Lei's expression immediately became solemn. This was not the first time he had been through this kind of call, whether it was from the black-robed man before the war or Zhu Xuanyue when he had called, both had started like this, and from the characteristics of his voice, the one who had called was the only one before the war.    


The only one alive before history.    


Among the three important targets he had set for himself, either Kirsten or the only one in the entire prehistoric era, then Zhu Xuanyue was definitely still alive. This was the worst situation he could face. If he had known this would happen, he would never have driven the B2 strategic bomber to bombard AE Research Center. Because in that situation, no matter if it was or Prehistoric, neither of them would attack him. But after throwing so many bombs on top of their heads, would the two of them still be courteous to him?    


"Breathe ?" "Breathe in ?" The voice from the satellite telephone was still the same.    


Xia Lei said solemnly: "Speak, what are you trying to do?"    


The only voice from before history finally came over, "Xia Lei, are you surprised that I'm still alive?"    


Xia Lei said, "Why should I feel surprised? I didn't do the work in District 51. "    


"You didn't do it?" The only person in this world who has the power to blow up area 51 is you, Xia Lei, so who else could it be other than you? "    


There was no lack of people in the Middle East who wanted to bomb the United States, but they had only succeeded once, and they were attacking civilian targets, the twin towers of the World Trade Organization. Actually, there was no need to investigate any evidence. Just by this point, he could guess the answer ? ? Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei was silent for a moment, before saying: "If you want to take revenge on me, you can come find me, that matter has nothing to do with my family."    


"It's good that you dare to take responsibility for your actions." "I said I would kill you, but that was after the three years I gave you."    


Xia Lei's heart slightly sunk. In three years of time, there was only a little more than a year left. His current situation was tantamount to a suspension of the execution.    


"I won't kill you now, but I'm not sure if she will. The bombs you dropped didn't kill her, but they ruined her plans. "    


Xia Lei recalled the six alloy containers in the AE Research Center, as well as the extremely pure white liquid refined from the six Faceless 50 statues. With such a violent explosion, it was impossible for those things to survive. After a brief silence, he asked, "Where is she now?"    


"I don't know. I'm looking for her too." "If you know where she is, make this call."    


Was this the only reason why they had called before history?    


Xia Lei did not express his stance, he just listened.    


"If you work together with me, you'll still be able to live for more than a year. However, once she recovers, she'll immediately come to kill you." "Not just you, but your family, your Rayma Group will be destroyed by her as well."    


Xia Lei's heart was filled with anger, as well as helplessness.    


"Do you know? The United States has now launched the Dragon Slayer Project, which will create a fighter plane that has never been seen before. "    


"I know their Dragon Slayer's plan, but I'm not worried at all." Xia Lei said that he was confident that he could suppress the Lockheed Martin Corp's fighter jets.    


"If that's what you think, you're wrong." The only sound that came from before history, "What I want to tell you is, that fighter jet is made from the materials of those six warrior statues. That material is not worse than the X Secret Gold you made, or even better. Furthermore, I think that the fighter jet was designed by Ixtab to help America. "    


Ixtab, that was the true meaning of Zhu Xuanyue, the "Goddess of Suicide" from the Maya language. It was a name that sent chills down one's spine.    


Zhu Xuanyue helped the United States?    


If that was true, it would be a huge problem!    


"Why are you telling me this?" Xia Lei said: "We have never been friends, and I will never become your ally."    


"I just don't want her to play you to death. You will die, but you will die by my hands." The only voice before history said, "And I'm telling you this to put enough pressure on you to eat that AE capsule. You're beginning to think about eating it now, aren't you? "    


"You're wrong. I didn't even consider it."    


"Then the pressure I'm giving you is not enough. I will continue to pressure you." At this point, Prehistoric hung up the phone.    


Xia Lei wanted to smash the phone into the ground, but he did not do so.    


"Boss, who called?" Qian Jun asked.    


Xia Lei hesitated for a moment before replying, "Since all of you are here today, I'll tell you two some things. I promised you that one day I would tell you the truth. I think it would be more appropriate right now. It's time for you to know the truth. "    


Everyone's eyes were focused on Xia Lei. All along, they had been following Xia Lei, risking their lives, and they had the right to know the truth. Not knowing why, but before Xia Lei even opened his mouth, everyone felt an invisible pressure. The atmosphere in the secret chamber was also extremely tense and tense.    


"I have to start from Hai Zhu. At that time, I was just a poor kid who opened a small workshop on the side of the street ?" Xia Lei slowly continued.    


Everything started from that compass, which then dragged the ancient alloy box s along. Finally, the ancient alloy box s dragged out the holy objects and armor of the Knights Hospitaller, and then the crystal skull s and faceless samurai statue s. Of course, the one who talked the most was still Zhu Xuanyue and the only one in history.    


Xia Lei spent an entire half an hour to explain everything that had happened, as well as related speculations.    


Xia Lei had finished speaking, but the room was still silent. The atmosphere in the secret chamber became even more oppressive and tense.    


Undefeatable opponents were not just one, but two. The Goddess of Suicide Ixtab and the only ones before history were pressing down on them like two big mountains, making it hard for people to breathe. No matter if it was the members of the Zodiac Clan or the four female Knights, they could easily face the FA, the CIA, or even the special forces of the United States. However, they were unable to face Zhu Xuanyue and the only person in the history, because they were not opponents of the same level.    


Xia Lei said: "This is the truth that I want to tell you all. I don't know when the only person in history or Zhu Xuanyue will come here to seek revenge on me, or even kill to vent her anger for no reason. If any of you leave, I won't stop you. I'll give him a hundred million dollars in severance pay, enough for him to enjoy the world. "    


"One hundred million dollars? Wow! That sounds tempting. " Sayimu said: "However, I will not take it. You are in grave danger now, how can we disband at any time? "    


"I don't want it either." Yasuya Khan said: "I am determined to stay, if you insist on giving me one hundred million dollars, I will keep it as well."    


Just as he finished speaking, Ye Liena slapped the back of his head, "If you don't know how to speak, then shut up. Otherwise, I'll break up with you."    


"Ugh ?" Yasuya Khan seemed to want to say something, but he closed his mouth right after.    


Giovanna made a cross with his hand, "We are knights, and share the same fate as you. We will not leave you, because that would violate our teachings as knights."    


"If that's the case, I don't want to hear it, so don't talk about it in the future." Chivalry said.    


Kyoko Tsukino said: "I will leave you, but that was after my death."    


Erdelmtu shrugged his shoulders, "Boss, people will die sooner or later, I am willing to die for you. So, don't say that anymore. "    


No one was willing to leave.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "What I'm doing is definitely not to test your loyalty, but rather ? If you can't protect yourself, you might die if you stay. Shouldn't you consider it? "    


"I need to go to the bathroom." Erdelmtu turned and left.    


"I remember now, I still have some matters to attend to, I'll go and take care of them." Giovanna also wanted to leave.    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "Alright, stop acting, I won't say anymore, okay?"    


The person who was about to leave stopped in his tracks.    


Just then, Erdelmtu's phone rang, he picked up the call, his expression changed, and said: "Boss, something happened at the company!"    


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