Tranxending Vision

C1175 Bad room

C1175 Bad room

"Scram!" Sayid snapped, then waved his arm.    


Startled, the black dog turned around and ran.    


However, the voice of the black dog emerged in Xia Lei's mind, "Friend, I'll be leaving first. I'll see you later."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


This really was an accident and he had accidentally turned into a dog.    


"Are you okay?" Shentu Tianyin asked with concern.    


Xia Lei came back to reality and said: "It's nothing, I just felt that dog ? "Yes, it's a bit special."    


Shentu Tianyin replied: "I don't think it's special. It's so ugly."    


Xia Lei laughed, "Let's go, it's just a dog."    


The energy field on his body disappeared, and he returned to normal. What happened just now had caught him off guard, and he was truly shocked. However, his gains were also huge. He finally understood how Zhu Xuanyue could control a person's mind, and how she could read information from a specific prison cell. Although he was far from being as strong as Zhu Xuanyue and the only ones in the entire prehistoric domain, he could still do it!    


Sai De brought Xia Lei and his to a low mud hut, "Mr. Song, this is your house. The conditions here are very bad, so I have to trouble you to stay two nights. "    


It was indeed two nights, and the time he had stayed here was also a decision that Xia Lei made after careful consideration by the system. When Giovanna contacted them, he told them that he was going to stay the night.    


Xia Lei said: "You're welcome, it's good enough that you have a place to stay."    


Sayid said, "Ms. Zhang, your room is on the other side. Please follow me."    


Shentu Tianyin didn't understand French at all, she looked at Xia Lei curiously, "He seems to be talking to me? "Is that so?"    


Xia Lei said: "He said that your room is on the other side, he wants to bring you over to take a look."    


Shentu Tianyin immediately frowned, "I'm not going to look. I want to live together with you."    


Xia Lei laughed, "Do you really want to sleep with me?"    


Shentu Tianyin rolled her eyes at Xia Lei, "Bullying me again ? "How long are you going to bully me?"    


Xia Lei no longer joked with her, he said to Sayid: "Let's cancel the other room, she's my woman, we'll live together."    


Sayid was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "No problem, you can all stay here. I sent someone to prepare dinner, and there was a welcoming ceremony. The girls in the village will dance for you, I hope you like it. "    


Xia Lei said: "Thank you."    


He had not wanted to attend the welcoming ceremony, nor did he want to watch any of the village girls dance, but he had just arrived and he did not want to embarrass the atmosphere. He was already wondering what excuse he could come up with to get Sayid to cancel the welcoming party.    


"See you later, Mr. Song, Ms. Zhang." Sayid left with his men.    


Xia Lei pushed open the door, and a smell of mold assaulted his nostrils. The room was dark and dirty. There was only a simple wooden bed, a simple table, and not even a bench, let alone a clean bathroom or bathroom.    


This kind of place immediately caused Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin to frown. The two of them had thought that it would be a simple and crude room, but they didn't think that it would be so unhygienic.    


Xia Lei could still barely endure it, but Shentu Tianyin was different. She was born with a golden key, and was now the richest woman in Grand China. Let alone letting her live in such a place, she probably hadn't even seen such a terrible room before.    


"Tianyin, if you don't like it, we can go somewhere else to live." Xia Lei said.    


"Where to?" Shentu Tianyin asked.    


Xia Lei thought for a while, "We can go to Yaound? and find a hotel to stay in."    


Shentu Tianyin seemed to be moved at that moment, but in the next moment she shook her head, "No, you have already planned everything out well. It was indeed good to stay in a hotel in Yaound?, but those places were crowded with people and there was also surveillance. If someone found out that something bad was happening, then it would be very bad. It's alright, this place is actually pretty good. Let's just live here. "    


She was indeed an extremely intelligent woman. Along the way, she had learned a bit about counterespionage. Knowing that there were many people, and the place where there were surveillance was not safe.    


Xia Lei actually did not want to stay at a hotel, because that was not safe and was not part of his plan. He had only considered Shentu Tianyin's feelings, and since she did not mind, there was no need for him to go to a hotel.    


Xia Lei dragged a large luggage into the room. He habitually looked for the light switch, but he quickly realised that there was no light in the room, only a single candle. It was placed on the dusty windowsill.    


Of course, there was nothing wrong with Xia Lei's line of sight, but he could not see in the darkness like he could, she needed that candle.    


Xia Lei used his lighter to light the candle, and the candle light dispersed the darkness in the room. After lighting up the candles, Xia Lei went to get Shentu Tianyin's luggage.    


Shentu Tianyin said: "I'll do it myself, how can such a thing be done by a man like you, it should be done by a woman like me, you go and busy yourself."    


"You've never done rough work. Let me do it."    


"I'm not the spoiled woman you think I am. Go talk about your business, I'll clean up the room, and when you come back, I'll have a clean room." Shentu Tianyin smiled and said, she rolled up her sleeves ready to start work.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Alright then, I'll go talk to them, I'll be back soon."    


"Go, go. Don't stand in my way. You will distract me if you stay here." Shentu Tianyin pushed Xia Lei out of the room and closed the door.    


When the door closed, she frowned again. What she wanted was a clean and comfortable big house, a fragrant bed, and then she would be there to welcome the arrival of her child. If there was no big house like that, all she wanted was a soft, flat meadow, with sunshine and colorful flowers, and then she would be there to greet her children. However, the hope was very plentiful, but the reality was very hard. She had never dreamed that it would be such an environment. Although she told Xia Lei that she didn't care about it, but for a queen like her, how could she not care about this kind of environment? Moreover, she had to welcome her child here.    


"Forget it, I can't give him any trouble. I don't want to become his burden." Shentu Tianyin thought like this, and then she was relieved. She opened her luggage and took out a set of translucent white underwear ?    


After leaving the room, Xia Lei quickly found Sai De, he also saw Rescue Institute's church. It couldn't even be called a church, because it was just an empty hut. Under the roof, on the ground, were rows of wooden benches and a crude cross made of two pieces of wood nailed together.    


A woman was kneeling in front of the cross, praying. Sayyid, dressed in a priest's robe, held a Bible in his hand, offering prayers and blessings to the woman.    


Xia Lei stood outside the "church", waiting for the woman to finish her prayer ceremony and then leave.    


"Mr. Song, I thought you needed to rest a bit more." Sayid replied in a polite tone: "Women and girls are still preparing the food and dance. I think we will need another half hour."    


Xia Lei said: "I specifically wanted to talk to you."    


"What do you want to talk to me about?"    


"The conditions here are very bad."    


"Mr. Song, we are not in Grand China. It would already be difficult for us to eat our fill. On the other side, many people were still starving. We are grateful to the Lord of the Gods and to the Grand China Headquarters for their help. "Believe us, we will definitely get better in the future."    


Xia Lei laughed and said: "I am not here to check on the hygiene. I am here to help you. I'll give you one million dollars to improve the environment and help people in need. "    


"Ah?" 1 million... US Dollars? " Sayid looked dumbfounded.    


Xia Lei said: "Yes, one million dollars, but I also need your help."    


"Mr. Song, what do you need us to do for you?"    


Xia Lei said: "Find some people, rent a few cars, and pretend to be a group of merchants that are going to Nigeria to do business. Find a way to send me to Karuo City."    


"Mr. Song, that place is a mess. Why are you going there?" Saidy looked at Xia Lei strangely.    


Xia Lei made a cross, "The more chaotic the battle is, the more people will need the help of our Rescue Institute. I'm going there to preach and help those in need. "    


"Mr. Song, I have to remind you that the people there worship Islam. If you are going there to preach, they might kill you as if you were a heretic."    


"If I don't go to hell, then who goes to hell? I believe that no matter what religion it is, it should save suffering, not create it. "Don't try to dissuade me, I am carrying out the divine decree of God, I will put my life on the line." Xia Lei had a righteous look.    


Saidy sighed. "Alright then. I'll go prepare tomorrow, but ?"    


"But what?"    


"You want a few cars, but we don't have the money to rent one."    


Xia Lei took out a bank card that he had prepared beforehand, and handed it over to Sayid, "Tomorrow morning, go to Yaound?, find a business bank in Grand China, you can pay one million USD at any time. The password for the card is 6 8. "    


Giving someone a million yuan just like that, yet the password was such a simple initial password. Sayid was starting to doubt life.    


"Remember, be careful not to let anyone who doesn't trust you know about this. Also, the people you choose are best able to fight. You said it yourself, that place was in a state of chaos, and those who were brought there should at least know how to shoot. " Xia Lei said.    


"No problem, I'll make the arrangements now." Sayid had already withdrawn, but only took two steps before turning back. He awkwardly said, "I really don't remember. The dinner and the welcoming party is about to begin ?"    


Xia Lei interrupted him, "It's more important to get down to business, shouldn't you cancel the ball? We are the servants of God, we should not have such enjoyment. As for the food, you just need to get someone to bring some to our room. "    


"This ?" Sayid looked troubled.    


Xia Lei made a cross with his hand, "Please forgive us, Master."    


"Well, I'll tell the girls now, and tell them not to prepare." Sayid left.    


Xia Lei laughed, then left the church and returned to the room with Shentu Tianyin.    


The moment the door opened, Xia Lei was instantly stunned on the spot.    


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