Tranxending Vision

C1178 new brain condition

C1178 new brain condition

After eating a three hundred kilogram python's brain, the energy, soul and non-soul inside the python's brain became Xia Lei's food. The moment he started eating, the mysterious energy began to digest the food!    


It was an unbelievable process. The mysterious energy hidden within his body was like a chemical decomposing agent, disintegrating the energy that the giant python had devoured, leaving behind useful energy that was useless for throwing away. During this process, his brain cells became extremely active. It felt as if they possessed limitless potential!    


Active, limitless potential, this is the embodiment of a stronger brain.    


Why did his brain become stronger? This was because it had received an unprecedented amount of new energy, a power that could be provided by evolution!    


Shentu Tianyin climbed up from the grass patch as she rushed to the side of Xia Lei and the python's body with one hand holding the stone.    


"Hubby!" Shentu Tianyin wailed, and threw the stone in her hands recklessly towards the python's head.    


Pow! There was a crack.    


The python's head immediately flattened. Its skull was shattered, but no brain matter how hard it tried, it didn't flow out.    


Shentu Tianyin was stupefied. She looked at the python on the ground in disbelief and then looked at the stone in her hand. How could a weak woman like her be able to stone such a huge python to death in one fell swoop? Even she could not believe such a thing!    


However, the python was still dead.    


Suddenly, Shentu Tianyin threw a stone at Xia Lei's body. She grabbed Xia Lei's arm, wanting to pull him out from under the python's corpse. However, her strength was simply too small, she simply could not hold Xia Lei back, let alone the giant python that was three hundred kilograms on Xia Lei's body.    


Shentu Tianyin fell onto the ground, but she was trying hard. She used her legs to stomp on the ground, wanting to pull Xia Lei out from under the python's corpse.    


"Phew ?" Xia Lei finally managed to suppress the crazed and restless desire in his body to eat.    


"Hubby! "You ?" Shentu Tianyin cried, unable to say a word.    


This was not the first time she had called Xia Lei "husband" on this day. In her heart, and in her subconscious, her husband had always been Xia Lei, and he could only be Xia Lei.    


"I'm fine." Xia Lei let out a long breath, "Let go of my hand, I'll do it myself."    


Shentu Tianyin was startled, but still obediently let go of Xia Lei's hand.    


Xia Lei supported the python's body with his two hands and pushed with all his strength. The three-hundred-kilogram heavy python instantly fell off his body.    


Shentu Tianyin threw herself onto him and cried to the point of tears, "Scared me to death ? Woo woo ? * Scared me to death... "It's done ?" "Sob, sob ?"    


Xia Lei gently embraced her, "I'm fine, don't worry, don't cry, everything is fine."    


"I don't want to live here anymore, we, we... Let's go back... "Ying, ying, ying ?" Shentu Tianyin collapsed, unable to hold back his tears. What made her lose control was not the python's attack, but Xia Lei. Just now, she thought that Xia Lei had been strangled to death by the python. To her, Xia Lei had already become an indispensable part of her life. How could she possibly lose her? That would be no different from killing her!    


Xia Lei laughed, and said without a care in the world, "Didn't you say you want to follow me to Africa? Are you scared now? How about I send you back? "    


Shentu Tianyin hugged Xia Lei tightly, and then, he bit's shoulder as she choked with sobs: "I, I ? I was so sad that I died, yet you still came to cancel me, and bully me ? "Ying, ying, ying ?"    


When the queen cried, she was like a different person, walking down the altar, turning into a delicate woman.    


Xia Lei held her tightly, "Don't worry, don't be afraid. With me by your side, no one can hurt you."    


Shentu Tianyin moaned as she threw herself into Xia Lei's embrace.    


The big python's corpse was lying silently on the grass in the forest. After being smashed by Shentu Tianyin's stone in the head, some blood had finally flowed out, but there was still no brain blood flowing out. Xia Lei couldn't help but peek at the head of the huge python. He saw a withered and rotten brain tissue. This huge python was the same as the ones Zhu Xuanyue killed, causing him to feel disgust and fear.    


"Tianyin, let's leave this place." Xia Lei said that he did not want to stay in this forest anymore.    


Shentu Tianyin, however, leaned into Xia Lei's embrace and tightly hugged him, not wanting to get up at all, "Hug me a little more, okay? It's been a long time since I've felt you carry me to sleep. "    


Xia Lei whispered into her ear: "It's already dawn. If we don't leave soon, it would be too embarrassing if someone came in and saw us. I don't really care, but you, if someone sees you, how much of a loss will I suffer? "    


These words worked, and only then did Shentu Tianyin reluctantly crawl up from Xia Lei's embrace to put on his clothes. After putting on her clothes, she looked at the corpse of the huge python lying on the ground and said with a lingering fear in her heart, "Hubby, it really is ? Did I smash it? "    


Since the situation had developed to this point, Xia Lei did not mind if she called him husband anymore. He smiled and said: "Of course it was you who smashed him to death, and it was also you who saved me."    


Shentu Tianyin half believed and half doubted, "It looks like it, but it's just that ? Where did I get so much strength? "    


Xia Lei said: "Maybe you used the power of prehistoric times."    


"You're lying, where did you get your power from?" Shentu Tianyin placed her fist on Xia Lei's chest, "You must have killed it, I only hit it once."    


"Ignore it, let's go." Xia Lei brought Shentu Tianyin and left the forest.    


When they returned to the village, they ran into Sayid.    


"Mr. Song, I just went to your room to look for you, but you weren't there." "Where did you go?"    


Xia Lei said casually: "We just casually walked around and did some morning training."    


"So that's how it is, breakfast is already prepared. Please come with me for breakfast." Sayid said.    


Xia Lei nodded his head once, then held Shentu Tianyin's hand and followed Sai De. It was fortunate that Shentu Tianyin didn't understand French, otherwise when she heard the words "morning practice", she would definitely blush.    


After eating breakfast, Shentu Tianyin was surrounded by a few women from the village, who were communicating using sign language. Shentu Tianyin wanted Xia Lei to translate something for her, but Xia Lei went out with Sai De.    


Walking out of the house they were eating in, Xia Lei said: "Today we must prepare the vehicles we need. Don't save money, we must prepare the best off-road vehicles. In addition, we need to prepare spare parts for the maintenance of the vehicles, as well as a barrel of gasoline. "    


Sayid said, "No problem, Mr. Song. Please rest assured." In Yaound? you can buy anything as long as you have money. And you gave us so much money, so it won't be a problem. "    


Xia Lei said: "Also..."    


"What else?"    


Xia Lei hesitated for a moment, but still said it out loud, "Can you help me buy some energy bars specifically for athletes?"    


"What do you want that for?"    


"Of course it's to eat. I like eating that." Xia Lei said.    


He bought the energy bar, of course, not because he liked to eat, but as a substitute for ordinary food. Eating ordinary food made his body feel uncomfortable, but the energy bar would be much better. It accumulates all the energy the human body needs, and it is concentrated, and it is better to use it to satisfy the body's needs than to eat the human being.    


Sayid felt that Xia Lei's taste was a little strange, but he still agreed without hesitation, "Ok, no problem, I will bring my people to go to Yaound?."    


"Go on, remember what I told you." Xia Lei reminded them once again, "You are merchants now, so you are not to casually talk with strangers, and even more so, answer any of their questions. After getting the car, try to take the route that is not monitored, remember? "    


"Remember, wait for our good news Mr. Song. Goodbye." Sayid whistled, and several black youths walked out from different corners. Then Sayid led several black youths in the direction of Yaound?.    


This scene stunned Xia Lei, "They ?. It's actually a walk to Yaound?. Do they know how to drive? "    


No one answered him.    


In the end, Shentu Tianyin still escaped. With a worried expression, she said, "They were so passionate, but I don't even know what they said."    


Xia Lei pulled her hand and said, "Let's go back. We'll wait for Sayid and co.    


Shentu Tianyin sighed, "I really want to stay here for a period of time. If I don't have to care about your Wanxiang Group, and if you don't have to care about your Rayma Group or working for your country, we can just live peacefully in this kind of little village."    


"There aren't even any electric lamps here. Can you even get used to living here?" Xia Lei said.    


"Of course I'm not used to living here. However, as long as you are accompanying me, no matter how much suffering I have to endure, I'm willing to do so." Shentu Tianyin said.    


She had really changed.    


When the two of them returned to his room, Xia Lei took out his hacker computer and started writing the Super Xiao Qian.    


Shentu Tianyin laid on her bed with nothing to do. An hour later, she took out a glass bottle that was hidden inside her bed, "Hubby, are you thirsty? Drink your saliva. "    


Xia Lei didn't even turn his head, he only reached out with the back of his hand.    


Shentu Tianyin placed the glass bottle into Xia Lei's hands.    


Xia Lei held the glass bottle close to his mouth and suddenly smelled a familiar and strange smell. He turned his head to look at Shen-tu's Heaven's Will, his face had a look of being at a loss of whether to laugh or cry. "Tianyin, you ?"    


Shentu Tianyin pulled open her collar a little, exposing a tall sheet of snow-white skin, as well as the deep ravine in the middle of the snow-white skin. She said in a lazy tone: "It's so hot, why is it so hot? "I can't take off my clothes anymore."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Everything was caused by the twins.    


Early the next morning, a convoy of four SUVs set out from Riverside Village, heading north in the direction of Nigeria.    


A new storm was brewing.    


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