Tranxending Vision

C1181 You know too much

C1181 You know too much

You know too much    


Twenty-five kilometers later, an abandoned railway line appeared in sight. The railway line was littered with dead branches and fallen leaves and madly growing vines. It continued to stretch forward, and one could not see the end of it.    


Rescue Institute's army of veterans stepped onto the abandoned railway, and started to move quickly. Everyone was running. They had to run for more than ten hours and more than a hundred kilometers. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to reach the predetermined rendezvous point before daybreak.    


Xia Lei carried Shentu Tianyin as he ran along the railway line. His long legs moved past rows of railroad ties, and on his back, Shentu Tianyin rose up, fell down, climbed up, and then fell down. Her pair of plump breasts also landed on his back, smashing it twice ?    


The four women originally wanted to help Xia Lei, but seeing that he was running more steadily with Shentu Tianyin on his back than anyone else, and didn't even have a chance to breathe, they dispelled the idea of helping him. They don't have any problems at all. What are they trying to help with?    


Shentu Tianyin was also shocked in her heart, "Why is he so strong and indefatigable? Was this the reason for that evolution? His four children were able to speak in two months, and their intelligence was comparable to that of a few years old. These people had inherited his genes. His children and I will inherit his genes. Will he be as smart and powerful as his father? "    


Thinking about her child, Shentu Tianyin couldn't help but be secretly excited, because her child might still be in Xia Lei's body. But there was only one way to get a child, and that was ?    


Excitement would cause some reactions in the body, and some reactions would also be reflected when Xia Lei touched them with his palm. In short, it was a pink vicious circle.    


Twenty kilometers later, beside a railway line chosen by an abandoned building.    


Giovanna, who was at the front of the group, suddenly raised his hand and stopped in front of his. More than a hundred people stopped talking. Some of them leaned against the railroad ties while others hid in the woods on both sides of the railway line. Judging from this reaction, the military attainments of the Rescue Institute's veterans were very high.    


Xia Lei also put Shentu Tianyin down, "You stay here, don't run around."    


Shentu Tianyin nodded.    


Xia Lei was about to walk over from the railway line to Giovanna's side, but just as he was about to send someone to investigate, he stopped her. He said, "Send me."    


"Master ?" Giovanna did not dare to send Xia Lei as a scout.    


Xia Lei said: "Do as I said."    


"Fine." Giovanna was unable to refuse Xia Lei, he could only pretend to make a hand gesture, and let Xia Lei, the "scout", inspect the structure in front of him.    


The reason why Xia Lei volunteered himself as a scout was because he had already discovered the situation inside the building. The building that was about 200 meters away from him should be the maintenance and supply station that he built back then. There were two floors, one of the lower floor's room had four black people, and the second floor also had two black people on the roof. Although there was a distance of 200 meters between them and the dark night, he saw the two black men standing on the rooftop as observers at first. Then, he saw the four black men in the room on the first floor through his perspective scan.    


There were a total of six black men. None of them wore the same outfit. K47 and other weapons, including one with an old-fashioned Russian-made RPG rocket launcher. These armed men were obviously not American special forces, they were the armed men of the Boca scared land, which meant they were the patrolling men according to the thousand troops.    


The armed men of the Boca scared land knew that this railway was not strange, because there were many of them in the vicinity who were familiar with the environment here, so they stayed here to guard the railway, in case anyone went to the Friendship Mining Industry from here.    


Xia Lei left the railway line and entered the forest on the right side of the railway line. While he was sneaking through the forest, he took out his viper pistol, because the viper pistol had put on a silencer. A machine.    


The forest was filled with dense trees and full of vines, but all of this simply prevented Xia Lei from approaching the building. His speed was extremely fast, and gave off the impression that he was a monkey or a leopard, not a human at all.    


In the blink of an eye, Xia Lei had already traveled over a hundred meters. When he was about fifty meters away from the building, he slowed down his footsteps. It was not that he was afraid of being discovered by the two sentries on the roof, but that the armed men of Boca had planted mines near the building.    


Sweeping his eyes across the ground, Xia Lei took in all the nearby mines that were buried in the ground. There were a total of twelve mines, all of which were American anti-infantry, and they were extremely powerful.    


If it was Giovanna who sent someone to investigate the structure, they would also choose to approach the structure from the forest. Then, they would have to pass through this lightning zone. With twelve mines buried in such a small area, even the veterans with the most experience in Rescue Institute could not avoid stepping on the mines, because they could not see what was happening underground. Once the Rescue Institute's veterans triggered the mines and caused an explosion, then this operation would be completely exposed. Boko Haram and the American Special Forces would be here soon, and the consequences would be unthinkable.    


Xia Lei very easily avoided the mines, and slowly approached the structure that was forty meters, thirty meters, twenty meters...    


On the roof, an armed member of the Boko Holy Land took out a pack of cigarettes and handed one to his companion. His companion took out a lighter and lit a cigarette.    


"This damned place doesn't even have a single woman. How long are we going to stay here?"    


"I don't know. I hate this place too."    


"I'm sure no one will go this way--" His voice broke off as a bullet shot into the socket of his right eye.    


Five seconds later, another bullet went into the eye socket of the other man's left eye. Even until death, he didn't have the time to cry out.    


After taking care of two sentries in a second, Xia Lei continued to sneak towards the abandoned building.    


In a dilapidated house with no doors and no windows, four armed men from the Boca scared land were napping. There was a pile of charcoal on the floor of the room, traces of a bonfire.    


Puff, puff, puff!    


Three bullets, three heads exploded, three corpses, all of this happened in an instant. The remaining black gunner was awakened by the strange noise. He subconsciously grabbed the Ace that was placed beside him. The K47. Just then, he saw a person appearing at the window. The person had also put on a silencer. The weapon's pistol.    




A bullet entered the arm of the last black gunman who had just grabbed hold of A. The K47 fell to the ground. This time, he did not reach out to grab his gun, but also resisted the urge to scream for help. This was because he knew very well that the only reason he was still alive was because the other party wanted to leave him alive.    


Xia Lei jumped through the window and pointed his gun at the head of the last soldier, but he did not ask any questions.    


The last black armored soldier looked at Xia Lei nervously, waiting for him to reveal the news. However, after a long time, the other party did not even ask him a single question, but only looked at him coldly.    


Xia Lei did not mention anything because he did not need to ask any questions at all. The moment he jumped into the house, he immediately awakened the mysterious energy hidden within his body. By the time he reached the last terrorist's side, his energy field had already captured his opponent's biological and brain waves as well as their thoughts. And it was also at that time that his energy field entered his opponent's brain and read all the information in her brain.    


The last terrorist's brain was full of stuff: books, bombs, beheading, women... Wait a minute, all this information was instantly filtered out by Xia Lei's brain. After getting rid of the useless information, what was left was the information he wanted ? the person who made the deal with the Americans was an important figure in the Boca scared land, named Ramalafa. This time, the armed forces of Boka Sheng sent out a thousand armed personnel, of which three hundred were stationed on both sides of the road, while a hundred were searching in the forest. There were also two hundred people in the rear area of Friendship Mining Industry. The remaining four hundred people were standing guard in the vicinity of Friendship Mining Industry. They were the human shields of the American Special Forces.    


Sure enough, the United States had sent out the Delta Special Forces, as well as the SEALs, the most elite of the Special Forces. It is not hard to see how important Americans are to the sudden discovery of mysterious rare metals!    


"Hey, what do you want to know?" Finally, one of the African men said tentatively, "Ask away. As long as you don't kill me, I will tell you everything."    


"What's one plus one?" It was very strange, the language that came out from Xia Lei's mouth was the same as the last terrorist's, the language of the tribe.    


The last African armed member was stunned for a moment. "Two."    


Just as he finished speaking, Xia Lei's fingers moved, and a bullet went through the head of the last black armored member.    


"Sorry, you know too much." Xia Lei withdrew his gun, turned around and walked out the door, then left the building. After arriving at the platform, he waved in the direction he came from.    


Two hundred meters away, Joanna put down the night vision binoculars in her hands. She curled her lips and smiled wryly. "He's still the same type of person. He's done all the work by himself. Does he think we're people who came with him to see the scenery?"    


Although she said so, her reaction was still very fast. She came out from her hiding place and waved her hand. "Let's go!"    


The Rescue Institute's group advanced once again.    


Shentu Tianyin followed the group closely as they walked towards the abandoned building. Just a moment ago, she was undoubtedly the most nervous and feared the most during the period of time that Xia Lei had left. She was worried that Xia Lei would never come back, that he would face this primeval forest alone, and those inhuman terrorists who could do anything. However, what she was most afraid of was that she would live by himself in this world from now on.    


However, all of her worry and fear disappeared as soon as she saw Xia Lei, and she threw herself at him, hugging him tightly without a care in the world.    


"It's fine, we should leave now." Xia Lei whispered into Shentu Tianyin's ear: "Many people are looking at us."    


Only then did Shentu Tianyin let go of Xia Lei, and her face finally revealed a smile.    


Four bodies were carried out of the abandoned building, and another climbed onto the roof to examine the two corpses on the roof. After that, someone carried the corpses and threw them into the deep forest at the back of the house. Xia Lei stopped them and said: "Don't bother with the corpses. There are mines in the back of this house, and mines in other places as well.    


The group of Rescue Institute veterans were shocked. He had actually passed through a minefield in the middle of the night and killed six terrorists in a matter of minutes!    


The feelings of the veterans could no longer be described with words.    


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