Tranxending Vision

C1184 Killing is like playing a game

C1184 Killing is like playing a game

Of the four special forces teams, two came from the Delta and two came from the SEALs. There were a total of eighty people, and another forty from the CIA. The number of people occupying the Friendship Mining Industry reached one hundred and twenty.    


There was indeed a radar station on top of that mountain, and it was also a signal shielding station. It turned an area of 50 kilometers into a signal blind zone, where people outside could not contact those inside and people outside could not contact people outside.    


It wasn't hard to understand why. This land belonged to Nigeria and was occupied by the American Special Forces and the CIA's field agent. This was an invasion of a sovereign country. If the international community knew that the United States would face criticism from the entire world, the Western values they proclaimed and promoted would be worthless.    


Currently, there was a mining company that was under the complete control of the American Special Forces and the CIA's field agent. The employees of the Friendship Mining Industry were all controlled within the factory area, and there were also five deaths and seventeen injuries. event. The injured and dead were all Chinese employees. The one who did this was the CIA's field agent. The reason was because the five Chinese workers tried to use electronic components to create a loyal transmitter, hoping to send out a distress signal to the outside world. They had executed them, and some had resisted, but they had suppressed them. That meant that there were seventeen injured people.    


With the current situation, the Americans would not leave a single survivor. In the end, the only one who would take the blame would be the Boca scared land. If the two suspects, the United States and the Boca scared land, were placed in front of the world, would the world believe the United States or the Boca scared land? The answer is almost no brainstorming.    


There were two people in command of the Friendship Mining Industry Corporation. One of them was the leader of the CIA, Williams. The other one was the leader of the five big arms merchants alliance in the United States, the new leader of the Lockheed Martin Corp, Kirsten.    


This was all information that Xia Lei found from the Delta Special Forces. However, because their levels were too low, that special forces soldier didn't know if Williams or Kirsten was in Friendship Mining Industry.    


The members of the Zodiac Clan took care of the corpses and changed into the uniforms of the Delta Special Forces. Every Delta Special Forces had a messenger on them, but no signal.    


"They've blocked all the signals. Why are they still carrying the communicator?" Sayimu was puzzled.    


Xia Lei said, "I reckon that after a period of time, they will open a special channel, and after the conversation is complete, it will close. After all, they also need to be able to grasp the situation in this area. If they can cover up their own eyes and ears, they will also become blind. "    


"Then take it with you. As long as we take it, we will be able to receive their messages." Ye Liena inserted the communication device into the sheath on his shoulder.    


Xia Lei left the railway, brought his men into the forest, and then advanced towards the mountain on the left of the Friendship Mining Industry.    


Near the area of 5 km in Friendship Mining Industry, the number of enemies increased. Xia Lei and the members of the Zodiac Clan were advancing at an even slower pace. However, no matter if it was the American Special Forces patrols or the Boca scared land's patrols, as long as they met anyone, they would not be able to survive.    


Fighting, fighting, fighting.    




Xia Lei was becoming more and more adept at using energy field. When he met a patrol with many people and their targets were scattered, he would invade the brains of the Zodiac Clan members, making them a part of him. This kind of fighting style was equivalent to having his body split into seven people to fight. Unanimity of thought, unity of movement, and extreme accuracy of the spear. Who could possibly be his match?    


At three in the afternoon, Xia Lei and the members of the Zodiac Clan arrived at the foot of the mountain. This place was less than three kilometers away from Friendship Mining Industry.    


"The height of this mountain is about 2500 meters. We need two hours to climb it, and then we have ten minutes to finish the battle." Xia Lei began to draw up a battle plan.    


"Then when do we destroy the radar station?" Sayimu asked.    


Xia Lei said, "After you get rid of the people from the Lei Da Station, you will stay here."    


"What about you?" Kyoko Tsukino's eyes were filled with worry.    


Actually, not only Kyoko Tsukino, the other members of Zodiac Clan also had a premonition that their heads would have to move alone again.    


Sure enough, as soon as Kyoko Tsukino finished speaking, Xia Lei said, "I want to enter the Friendship Mining Industry, wait for my signal to destroy the Lei Da Station. As soon as the radar station is destroyed, the Americans in the Friendship Mining Industry will know. At that time, they will want you to attack. You guys need to send a signal to Giovanna that when Giovanna and the others brought their men over, they happened to attack the Americans and the armed men from behind. "    


Yasuya Khan made a face, "Boss, those are over a thousand enemies, and among them are more than a hundred of CIA's elite agents, Delta Special Forces and SEAL Special Forces.    


Xia Lei said indifferently: "Don't worry, with me, they won't be able to win."    


These words were extremely tyrannical, but if Xia Lei had not consumed the last AE Capsule, he would not be able to say such words. The reason was simple, because he did not have the confidence to do so. After consuming the last AE capsule, his body entered a complete evolution. With the energy field formed by the mysterious energy, those terrorists and special forces were on a completely different level compared to him.    


"Then it's decided." Ye Liena said.    


"Let's go." Qian Jun said.    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "Let's go."    


At five in the afternoon, Xia Lei and the members of the Zodiac Clan appeared in a forest at the peak of the mountain.    


Outside the forest was an artificially cut clearing. On the clearing was a radar car and an electronic interference truck. There was no road on the mountain, so these two cars were obviously flown in. Only the United States has the ability to airlift radar vehicles to a mountain in West Africa.    


This was the radar station.    


It was guarded by a team of twenty Seawave commandos. There were also a few radar soldiers, who were also technical soldiers of the SEAL team.    


"Boss, is it still the same standard?" At the edge of the forest, Kyoko Tsukino asked.    


The standard she was referring to was obviously the standard by which the enemy could not fire a shot. There were more than 20 people on the other side, and there were also radar soldiers who could send out distress signals to headquarters at any time. The difficulty of this battle was obviously higher than all the previous battles, to the point that it was impossible to complete it.    


However, Xia Lei appeared to be very relaxed, "Wait for me here."    


"What about you?" Kyoko Tsukino asked.    


"I'll go over and talk to them first." Xia Lei got up and walked out of the forest.    


Behind him, the six Zodiac Clan members stared at his back with their mouths agape, their heads filled with question marks.    


"Boss, what's going on?" Yasuya Khan said with great difficulty.    


"Yeah, what happened to him?" Sayimu said.    


"It's been a while, boss seems to have changed." Arresian said.    


Qian Jun replied, "He has become stronger."    


"Our family's Xingzi has the most say in this matter." Erdelmtu laughed and said.    


Kyoko Tsukino turned and gave Erdelmtu a middle finger.    


Erdelmtu shrugged his shoulders, a good man would not fight with women.    


Xia Lei had just walked out of the forest and was discovered a short distance away. It was at this time that the members of the Zodiac Clan began to move towards their designated location.    


"Halt!" A captain of the SEAL team shouted to Xia Lei, "Why are you here?"    


At the edge of the forest, the members of Zodiac Clan raised their blast assault rifle s and prepared to shoot at any time. The captain's voice immediately attracted the attention of the other SEAL commandos, who surrounded him from different directions. They were all holding M14EBR assault rifles, vigilantly locking onto Xia Lei.    


There was no way up the mountain at all. The radar station and even the three of them had flown here on the Hercules. There was no way up the mountain at all. Therefore, although Xia Lei was wearing the Delta Special Forces uniform, for a Delta Special Forces soldier to appear here was in itself a suspicious area.    


Xia Lei walked over with raised hands, "Don't be nervous, don't misunderstand. Something happened at headquarters, let me verify it."    


"What happened?" the commander of a SEAL asked.    


Xia Lei continued to walk towards them, "There's a problem with the communication device, we've lost contact with a patrol squad. Therefore, Mr. Kirsten sent me to ask so that you all can solve this problem as soon as possible. "    


Xia Lei's answer made the SEAL team's special forces lower their guard. After all, Kirsten was the commander of this operation. And only a few people knew about this secret, even the higher ups of the Boca scared land did not know about it. If this Delta Special Forces said that Kirsten had sent them, then it meant that they could be one of Kirsten's men. Furthermore, he had his hands up high with no intention of attacking.    


"Come with me, let's go ask the radars, they should know the situation." The SEAL commander said.    


Xia Lei walked in front of the SEAL commandos and smiled. "Why don't we go together?"    


Everyone followed him to the radar car.    


At the edge of the forest, the members of the Zodiac Clan were all dumbstruck.    


This works?    


Are all the SEALs guarding this place pigs?    


However, what surprised them even more was the beginning of the battle.    


The group of SEAL Special Forces stayed by Xia Lei's side, not five steps away from him. No one spoke, and no one held a gun.    


Xia Lei walked to the front of the radar car. He suddenly pulled out his viper pistol and shot explosively at the few radars in the car.    


Puff puff puff!    


Blood splattered as several of the radars fell to the ground. They had died for no apparent reason.    


Kyoko Tsukino suddenly rushed out without caring about anything else, following closely behind her, the other members of Zodiac Clan also rushed out of the forest border. As they ran, they fired at the SEAL commandos.    


One by one, the SEAL commandos fell to the ground, bleeding profusely. However, even when all the soldiers and commandos were shot to the ground, no one took up their guns to retaliate!    


The battle ended in such a strange way.    


It was all like a black joke.    


"This ?" Kyoko Tsukino looked at Xia Lei worriedly. For some reason, for the first time, she did not dare to approach Xia Lei. In her line of sight, it was as if Xia Lei had become a stranger. His eyes were like a black hole in the universe;    


It was not only Kyoko Tsukino who felt this way, the other members of the Zodiac Clan s also felt the same way.    


Xia Lei closed his eyes, and only opened them a few seconds later, revealing a smile on his face: "Why are you looking at me? This is my plan. You did well. "    


A member of the Zodiac Clan, "..."    


"Clean this place up a bit. Sayimu, take a look at the operations process of the radars. After that, open the passage for them." Xia Lei said.    


"Sure, no problem." Sayimu said.    


"Then that's it, I'll go to Friendship Mining Industry now and wait for my signal to destroy the radar station and that signal shield car." Leaving these words behind, Xia Lei began walking down the mountain.    


This time, no one spoke to persuade him.    


Is that necessary?    


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