Tranxending Vision

C1186 Rescue Hostages

C1186 Rescue Hostages

Where would Kirsten hide?    


Xia Lei's gaze quickly swept across the entire factory area, the Friendship Mining Industry area did not exceed his vision. Other than some areas that he could not see through, his line of sight completed the second fluoroscopic scan of the entire factory area in almost a minute.    


Kirsten was not found in the entire factory.    


Kirsten might be hiding in a place that couldn't be seen, but the possibility of that wasn't very high. But if he wasn't in the factory, where would he be?    


After completing his second perspectivity check out of the entire factory, Xia Lei gave up and continued to walk towards the warehouse.    


He really wanted to get rid of Kirsten, but there was something more important than getting rid of Kirsten, which was to save the hostage and learn about the rare metals from the hostage's mouth.    


Xia Lei appeared from behind the wall of the warehouse, and the two CIA field agent s guarding the door immediately noticed him.    


"Hey!" Why are you here? " A field agent of the CIA asked Xia Lei warily.    


Almost all the special forces had gone out to fight, yet a special force of the delta special forces appeared here. This kind of thing was enough to arouse the suspicion of the two CIA's.    


Xia Lei did not speak, and continued to walk forward.    


"Halt!" The CIA field agent who was interrogating Xia Lei reached out her hand to pull out her spear.    


A knife suddenly stabbed into the back of the CIA field agent who was about to pull out her gun. He turned around in fright and saw his colleague looking at him expressionlessly, and the knife that stabbed into his heart from her back was in his colleague's hand. This was the last thing he would ever see in his life.    


The CIA agent who had killed his colleague with a knife dragged his colleague's body out of the warehouse door. After dragging the corpse away from the door, he turned back around, opened the door of the warehouse and walked in.    


"Hey!" What are you doing in here? " In the warehouse, a CIA field agent asked.    


The CIA agent who opened the door did not answer, but walked straight to the switchboard. He opened the switchboard and reached for the knife.    


"You, what are you doing?" The CIA agent who asked the question strode over, wanting to stop them. Because they were familiar with each other, he didn't take out his gun.    


The CIA agent who had just opened the door suddenly pulled the trigger, and the entire warehouse fell into darkness.    


"Bastard!" "Close the door!" someone scolded in the darkness.    


Puff puff puff ?    


Bullets flew out one after another from the warehouse, and each bullet reaped a life.    


What was harvested were the lives of the CIA field agent s. Their eyes suddenly entered a dark environment, and before they could even get used to it, they were all killed by Xia Lei who rushed in one shot after another!    


A minute later, the lights came back on in the warehouse.    


All of the CIA field agent s were lying in pools of blood, not a single one of them could move.    


The Chinese employees imprisoned in the warehouse looked at the American Special Forces in fear. They thought that their end was nigh, this butcher would kill them all, but at this moment, they heard the voice of the Special Forces speaking in Chinese.    


"Don't be afraid, I'm here to save you." Xia Lei said.    


The group of hostages heaved a sigh of relief. Some of them collapsed to the ground, while others wiped the cold sweat off their foreheads with their sleeves. In this short amount of time, they felt as if they had slipped past the gates of hell and returned to the human world.    


"Can we leave now?" Someone in the crowd asked.    


Xia Lei said: "Not yet, there are still a lot of American special forces and Boca scared land's armed personnel outside. If you go out now, you will be shot dead on the spot."    


The hostages exploded into discussion.    


Xia Lei said: "All of you be quiet, if you want to live, you must cooperate with me."    


The noisy scene immediately quieted down. There was nothing more important than to live.    


Xia Lei continued: "Which one of you is in charge?"    


Strangely, no one stood up.    


Xia Lei thought for a moment and said: Who is the hero of Shen-tu?    


A young woman with a sweet appearance and a good figure stood up, looking timid. Xia Lei was startled, because Shentu Tianyin said that Shen-tu Wei Ying was her Seventh Uncle. Since he was his Uncle, then he should be a man.    


Then the woman said, "I'm his secretary, and Director Ying is not here."    


He was Shen-tu's secretary.    


Xia Lei asked: "Where is he?"    


The woman said, "He... I think he's on the mine. "    


Xia Lei's heart skipped a beat, "You're all trapped here, why would he be at the mines?"    


"He ?" The woman wanted to say something but hesitated.    


An old man suddenly stood up and angrily said, "He's a traitor! We found some rare metals, and then the Americans found out and came here. We've all been beaten, but he's all right. He went to the mines, of course, to show the Americans the rare metals we found! "    


The Shen-tu family truly had the gene of betrayal. Before, there was Shen-tu's righteousness, but now, a Shen-tu hero appeared. The former had betrayed Shentu Tianyin, while the latter had betrayed the country. He had betrayed the interests of the country.    


"Sir, what's your name?" Xia Lei walked towards him and politely asked.    


"Wu Ke." The old man introduced himself, "I'm a geologist. I found the rare metal, and I sent the sample home."    


"Can you talk to me about that rare metal?" Xia Lei stopped in front of Wu Ke. He looked at Wu Ke's use and the expression in his eyes quietly changed.    


Wu Ke said, "The one that was found to be rare metal is mine number 13. It's in the belly of the mountain, about 500 meters deep. "I'm not sure about the rare metal reserves. The geological structure of that place is also very complicated. If I had a little more time, I would have been able to figure out what was going on, but it all happened too quickly ?"    


Before he finished speaking, Xia Lei had already dug out all the information he needed from his brain.    


The information formed an image in Xia Lei's brain, and in that image, he became Wu Ke's. A mining tunnel stretched out in front of him and finally stopped at the bottom of the tunnel. It was a huge black rock, blocking the road to the abandoned mining site. Its surface was not smooth and was full of craters, making it look like a huge meteorite.    


But that's impossible. Wu Ke once said, that mine No.13 mining site is 500 meters below ground. How could a meteorite be 500 meters below ground? That kind of force was enough to destroy this planet!    


"At that time, I thought that it was a meteorite, but that was impossible, so I thought of ways to knock it down ?" Wu Ke was still describing.    


However, Xia Lei was not interested in listening to them. His gaze moved to Shen-tu's Wei Ying's secretary. The energy field wrapped the female secretary up and synced her thoughts. New information also appeared in his mind. He saw the majestic look of the Shen-tu. It was a man who was around forty years old, with clean and white skin. He wore a pair of black-framed glasses and looked very gentle.    


Xia Lei had also caught a glimpse of the female secretary's memories. In an office, she was busy working under Shentu Tianyin's desk while Shen-tu Vivant was on the phone with someone. It was also this phone call that Shen-tu Vivant had sold out the information that the Friendship Mining Industry had discovered precious and rare metals, and his buyer was an American. It was because he mentioned about the green card during the call and the conditions for the transaction with fifty million US dollars.    


Shen-tu Wei Ying ended the call and pulled the secretary out from under the desk. She then pressed her down on the desk and lifted up her skirt ?    


Shen-tu Vivant moved while the secretary said, "The Americans will send someone over tomorrow. You can use Wu Ke and the lab to lure the people over to the warehouse. I'll do the rest."    


The secretary moaned. "Will you take me to America?"    


Shen-tu Vivant Ying said: "Of course, I did all this for us, to hell with that Shentu Tianyin bitch. I worked myself to death here, but the money I earned was hers, she already has over a hundred billion, I don't even have a fucking ten million!"    


"Then I'll use Wu Ke and the people from the lab to lure him to the warehouse tomorrow." The female secretary tried her best to curry favor with the man behind her.    


The Shen-tu used her strength, "I think Shentu Tianyin will come over. That kind of Divine Secret Gold is a strategic resource, a gold mine. If she comes over, I'll ask you to make her some tea. Put the medicine I prepared into her tea, hehe. "    


"I'll listen to anything you say."    


After Xia Lei cleared away this chaotic mess of memories, a cold smile appeared on his face, "Old mister Wu, I already know about this. There's no need to say anymore." Then he said, "Those who can fight pick up their weapons. I'll close the door after I leave."    


No one moved.    


It takes a lot of courage to fight CIA agents with guns and the best American commandos and terrorists, and most people don't have that kind of courage.    


Xia Lei said: "Do you want to live on? Then take your gun and prepare for battle. If you give up, I will respect your choice. I can tell you this for sure, the Americans will kill you in the end, and blame it on the armed groups of the Boca scared land. You can decide for yourselves what to do. "    


"Damn it!" "Since I'm going to die anyway, I'll do it even if I have to!" A young man picked up a pistol.    


After that, more people went to pick up their guns.    


Xia Lei said to the female secretary: "Follow me."    


"Go, go ?" "Where?" The female secretary looked nervous.    


Xia Lei said: "Take me to Mine 13."    


"I ? I ? I'm not going." The female secretary rejected him immediately.    


Xia Lei pulled her arm, and dragged her towards the exit of the warehouse.    


"What are you doing? Let me go! You're hurting me! " The female secretary was angry, she patted Xia Lei's shoulders, but her strength was no different than a mosquito bite to Xia Lei.    


No one intervened. In such an environment, everyone felt threatened by the appearance of a hero saving a beauty.    


Walking out of the warehouse, the woman was still making noise. Xia Lei's gaze turned cold, "If you make any more noise, I'll kill you. Don't think I don't know about the deal between you and Shen-tu."    


"You ?" The female secretary was stunned. She did not know how Xia Lei found out about the secret between her and the Shen-tu.    


"Let's go." Xia Lei's voice was also very cold.    


"I'm not going!" The female secretary sputtered, "You don't know anything, why should I listen to you? Do you have evidence? If you have evidence, you can sue me in court.    


"You think I don't dare to kill you?"    


"Kill me, kill me, do you dare to kill me? "You country bumpkin!"    


Xia Lei waved his hand, and a cold light swept past the female secretary's neck.    


Blood spurted from the secretary's neck as she clutched her severed neck in terror and fell to the ground, twitching.    


Xia Lei looked at her expressionlessly, then walked towards the office building.    


There were still more than a dozen CIA agents in the building. He had to clean up before going to Mine 13.    


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