Tranxending Vision

C1187 13th mines

C1187 13th mines

In the office, when the last CIA field agent fell into a pool of blood, gunshots and explosions were heard from the forest. Giovanna and the others had already led the veterans of the Rescue Institute to the battlefield to attack the Boca scared land and the American Special Forces together. Although their numbers were inferior, their weapons were better. Adding to that, the members of the Zodiac Clan were all super warriors that could fight one against ten, so the disadvantage in numbers could be ignored. Moreover, the majority of Boca scared land's armed personnel were just a motley crowd. They couldn't even beat the Rescue Institute's veterans, let alone face off against the Zodiac Clan's members.    


In fact, after getting rid of the Apache helicopter and the Qiunuqian transport plane, Xia Lei was not too worried that the war would develop in the direction he was worried about.    


Xia Lei left the office and drove a forklift towards the mining area.    


The mining area was right next to the back door of the factory area, and mine No.13 was one of them.    


The back door was closed, and there were concrete blocks blocking the way.    


When the forklift was still 50 meters away from the back door, two guards who were responsible for guarding the door rushed out and prepared to stop the truck. If they hadn't said a word, the two of them would have silently flown over and smashed their heads apart.    


Xia Lei kept his poisonous handgun and stepped on the throttle, the forklift lowered the hopper, and with a bang, he broke through the barricade and the back door. Then, he headed towards the mining area.    


Mine No.13 appeared in front of his eyes. It was a very ordinary mine cave, and there weren't any special forces or CIA guards guarding the entrance.    


This situation was somewhat unexpected, Xia Lei felt that there should be guards, but they did not.    


Xia Lei stopped his forklift and entered cave No. 13. He removed the blast assault rifle on his shoulder. In this kind of environment, the viper pistol could not even suppress a few enemies.    


The tunnel was silent, lights on the walls.    


Xia Lei's footsteps made no sound as he walked along the tracks.    


The tunnel was winding down, and he couldn't see the end of it.    


Very quickly, Xia Lei had reached a depth of almost four hundred meters. The underground air was very humid, and water droplets would occasionally fall from the top of his head. He was about to reach the bottom, but he still didn't see a single enemy. As he walked, he took out the satellite telephone. The satellite telephone had no signal at all.    


"Boom ~ ~ ~"    


Suddenly, there was an explosion.    


The blast wave rushed out from the bottom of the tunnel. The entire tunnel was trembling, as if it would collapse at any moment!    


A piece of rock fell from the top of his head. Xia Lei dodged in a flash, but he stopped in his tracks. The blast wave soon cleared, and the tunnel was silent again, except for the sound of dripping water. After a pause, he moved on. After about fifty meters, he crossed a bend and the bottom of the tunnel came into view.    


From the memory dug out by Wu Ke's brain, there was a huge black rock at the bottom of the tunnel, which looked like a meteorite. Now, it had been torn off, revealing a round hole.    


It was obvious that the explosion had been directed at it. It was evident that the person it had crashed down from was not at the bottom of the tunnel. The cave entrance on the wall was so deep that he could not see what was inside. Xia Lei tried to scan the interior of the round hole, but the strange thing was that the clairvoyance that he had been dissatisfied with for a long time actually failed.    


"What is this place?" Xia Lei's heart was filled with shock.    


The rare metal sample that Wu Ke had knocked off was obviously from the spherical black rock, but after it was blown off the wall, it didn't have the same ore. As for it, it looked like a spherical barrier that was used to block the passageway.    


If it was not a rare metal mine and it was only an obstacle, would the Americans have paid such a heavy price to occupy the Friendship Mining Industry?    


The safest course of action would be to immediately turn around and leave, bringing along the members of the Zodiac Clan, Giovanna and the rest of the older soldiers of the Rescue Institute. But after hesitating for a moment, Xia Lei decided to walk towards the bottom of the tunnel.    


Arriving at the bottom of the tunnel, Xia Lei stopped in his tracks and touched the circular black boulder. A very strange feeling came over him. For some reason, those six faceless samurai statue suddenly appeared in his mind. He was shocked and secretly asked: "Could it be the materials to create the faceless samurai statue?"    


This conjecture could not be confirmed.    


Xia Lei went into the circular tunnel on the cliff wall.    


The interior of the circular tunnel was relatively smooth, and there were obvious traces of manual grinding. It was not a natural karst tunnel.    


A new question was born in Xia Lei's mind. Who would dig a tunnel five hundred meters underground?    


Still no answer.    


The cylindrical tunnel was dark and devoid of light. After walking forward a distance, the light at the entrance was unable to shine in. Even with Xia Lei's eyesight, he still found it difficult to see anything. He could also sense that there was a very peculiar energy field here. The power of his left and right eyes had been affected by the energy field and had been weakened by at least half.    


Xia Lei had no choice but to pick up a light stick and continue walking down.    


It was risky, but he had no choice.    


After some distance, the cylindrical tunnel came to an end. In front of him was a huge underground space that was triangular in shape. It looked very similar to the pyramid found in the mountains in Jerusalem, except that there were no scary human bones or crystal skull. The other difference was that the pyramid floor was not made of rock, but water. The still water was like a mirror.    


Xia Lei's current position was half a waist away from the water's surface, and was about fifty meters above the water's surface. At this height, coupled with his eyes being affected by the energy field, he was unable to see what was happening inside the water.    


Xia Lei shifted his gaze to the middle of the square shaped water surface. It was as if he saw something that looked like an altar, but he was still unable to see it clearly. He raised his hand and dropped the glow stick, which rolled in the air a few times before crashing into the middle of the square surface of the water. It was sinking into the water, but it had only sunk a little before it stopped.    


It was a hexagonal stone platform, a stone platform that was submerged in water.    


In that instant, a woman lying in the middle of the stone platform appeared in the water. Her skin was snow-white, her hair as black as ink, and her beauty could not be described with words. However, Xia Lei was terrified because of her, because the woman lying on the underwater stone platform was none other than Zhu Xuanyue, the Ixtab who came from the other corn, the goddess of suicides.    


Rumble ?    


An ear-splitting sound suddenly came from under the water. The still water surface also began to tremble, and soon after, waves began to surge.    


Amidst the rumbling sounds, the stone platform slowly rose up bit by bit. Zhu Xuanyue, who was lying on the stone platform, also surfaced up bit by bit. The first thing that surfaced was her twin peaks, then her face and abdomen, then her pair of jade legs. There were no clothes on her body, and everything was clearly visible under the glow of the glowing stick, making it impossible to find any flaws. If she had to pick out a few bones from the chicken egg, she was afraid that she would only inherit Gu Kewen's characteristics.    


The stone platform rose out of the water, but the shaking did not stop. The hexagonal stone platform had six corners of the stone tiles open. From below, six metal columns emerged, bit by bit.    


The six metal pillars stopped moving and suddenly opened. Six beams of bright light pierced through the darkness, reaching the top of the pyramid.    


It was only then that Xia Lei realized that each of the stone bricks that were used to construct the pyramid were black colored ores!    


If this was a rare metal mine, then this place was truly a rare metal mine with considerable reserves!    


"Could it be that the Americans have reached an agreement with Zhu Xuanyue? If that's the case, then things are going to get tricky. " Xia Lei secretly thought.    


If Zhu Xuanyue made a deal with the United States, then this deal could not be broken. Not only could he not destroy it, he had to leave this place immediately! She thought that it was for no other reason but that he would likely face Zhu Xuanyue's fury!    


After confirming that the woman lying on the stone platform was Zhu Xuanyue, Xia Lei retreated backwards.    


He was very curious about what Zhu Xuanyue was doing here, but between curiosity and his life, he chose the latter without hesitation. The black-robed man still had a little more than a year left before his one and only chance of dying. Although the chances of that were slim, he still had a chance to make a comeback. But the prerequisite for a comeback was that he had to live!    


However, just as Xia Lei was retreating and preparing to leave, a man's voice broke the silence within the underground pyramid.    


"We're already here, are you going to leave if you don't clarify?" Kirsten's voice rang, "I always thought you were a very courageous man, but did you know? Your actions just now have disappointed me. "    


Xia Lei stopped walking and returned to the edge of the tunnel. He stuck out his upper body and looked down. He saw Kirsten standing at the edge of the pond, as well as his two inseparable attendants, Charlotte and Eva.    


Kirsten raised his head to look at Xia Lei who was standing at the top, and his face carried a confident and beautiful smile, "Xia Lei, don't you think it's strange? Don't you want to know? "    


"You know?" Xia Lei tried to test the waters.    


Kirsten nodded.    


"What happened to her?"    


"She's fine." Kirsten said.    


"What does she want?"    


Kirsten laughed, "Can't you ask her for yourself later? I think you and she have a lot to talk about, especially about you blowing up AE Research Center with your B2 bomber. Don't you think you owe her an explanation? "    


Xia Lei's gaze moved towards the hexagonal stone platform. Zhu Xuanyue's eyes were still tightly closed, and had not woken up. Under the illumination of the six snow-white pillars of light, her body was revealed without a single strand of concealment. It was also at this time that his line of sight suddenly shifted to the metal container that had fallen onto the stone platform. He was stunned for a moment, wasn't that the alloy container that Zhu Xuanyue used to store the energy liquid after dissolving the six faceless samurai statue at AE Research Center?    


The B2 bombers were bombarding the AE Research Center. That place had been destroyed many times over, but the important people and things had not been destroyed!    


There was no point in trying to figure out what had happened.    


"Xia Lei, do you know?" Kirsten's tone was full of ridicule, "It's really not easy to lure you here. I've prepared a large number of Delta troops, SEAL Special Forces, and Boca scared land's armed forces for you to kill. I've kept the Grand China workers alive so that they can tell you where they found the rare metals. In order to meet with you, I even deliberately withdrew the guards from the mine. "Say, why should I be so good to you?"    


This had all been a trap from the very beginning!    


Xia Lei suddenly grabbed onto the gun, pressed down the muzzle of the gun, and then pulled the trigger.    


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