Tranxending Vision

C1191 miracle

C1191 miracle

The violent explosion had taken place in the tunnel, and the rock structure of the place, as well as its solidity, had not collapsed. Kirsten planned to kill Xia Lei using all of these, but he couldn't possibly blow up the tunnel and trap himself a few hundred meters underground.    


The tunnel was filled with stone fragments from the high temperature. As Xia Lei walked on the tunnel barefooted, the stone fragments stabbed into his feet. However, he seemed to feel no pain at all.    


Who is Kirsten?    


What was Zhu Xuanyue doing?    


Why did Zhu Xuanyue let him go after realizing that he had taken the last AE capsule?    


These three questions troubled him, making it impossible for him to be at peace.    


If Zhu Xuanyue was really summoning her comrades on the other corn, then assuming that she would succeed, then it would undoubtedly be the beginning of a huge disaster for this world. But even so, he couldn't stop her. The situation now was that even if he had another B2 bomber, she wouldn't be able to destroy the pyramid that was a few hundred meters underground with a nuclear bomb, not to mention kill Kirsten and his. How could he still feel the excitement of barely escaping death when faced with such a thing?    


Walking out of Mine No.13, Xia Lei hopped onto the forklift and drove the forklift towards Friendship Mining Industry. After entering the back door, he stopped the forklift, then took off the clothes of a special forces soldier and put it on. Then he walked back to the warehouse. During this entire process, he wanted to contact the members of the Zodiac Clan, Giovanna and the others, but the satellite telephone had only rang out when he needed it.    


Without the satellite telephone, he would not be able to contact the members of the Zodiac Clan, Giovanna and the others, and therefore, would not be able to know what was happening during the battle. But the person he was most worried about was still Shentu Tianyin. She was someone who had even wiped her spear before, how could she survive in a battle group with a large number of enemies?    


Just as he was beginning to worry about Shentu Tianyin, he heard someone speaking from the communication device he found on the corpse, "The people on the mountain are retreating towards the railroads. Surround them and kill them!"    


A reply came through the communicator. It was a complete mess.    


Hearing such a conversation, Xia Lei's heart relaxed a little. The enemies on the mountain were obviously the members of the Zodiac Clan. They were retreating towards the direction of the railroads, obviously wanting to reunite with Giovanna and the others. The development of the battle might be somewhat unfavorable, but it had yet to reach a terrible level.    


Xia Lei ran towards the warehouse and appeared in front of the Chinese employees once again. He went straight to the point, "The armed forces of the Boca scared land and the American special forces have all gone towards the direction of the railways. You can run away now and drive away all the cars you can. "    


Wu Ke said, "Aren't you going to leave with us?"    


"Yes, I will not leave with you." Xia Lei said: "I want to go and support my people."    


One of the hostages said, "How can we do that? If you leave, who will protect us? "    


Xia Lei's voice was ice-cold, "Nobody owes you guys anything, so don't take my kindness for granted. I can only do this much for you guys, if you want to live, you have to rely on yourselves."    


With that, he left the warehouse and suddenly sped up, rushing towards the factory gate.    


There were four Special Forces guards at the entrance to the factory, but after two seconds they were all corpses.    


Xia Lei stepped over their corpses and disappeared into the dark forest...    


On the railway line, a few hundred armed men from the Boca scared land were charging towards the lines formed by the Rescue Institute. The forest itself was not suited to combat because every tree was a natural shelter. The armed men of the Boca scared land were hiding behind the trees. Even if the older soldiers of the Rescue Institute possessed the best weapons like the blast assault rifle and the XL2500 sniper rifle, their bullets could only hit the tree trunk.    


The remaining dozens of special forces attacked the Rescue Institute from the sides. The ones stopping them were the members of the Zodiac Clan who had come down from the mountain top. The six of them against the dozens of well-equipped and experienced members of the special forces, even the members of the Zodiac Clan, were clearly having a hard time.    


If this continued, the occupation would be reversed in at most half an hour and it would progress in the worst possible direction. The members of the Zodiac Clan would be killed after running out of ammunition, and the veterans of the Rescue Institute would be defeated by a pack of wolf tactics.    


Bang Bang Bang...    


Erdelmtu reached out from behind the tree he was hiding in and fired a few times, but following after, a few bullets struck the tree trunk he was hiding in. Sawdust flew everywhere, causing him to not dare to show his face.    


"Boss, why aren't you back yet?" Erdelmtu looked to be in a hurry.    


"He's in the factory. He faces more enemies than us." The thousand man army appeared from behind the rock they were hiding in. One shot was fired, and a special forces soldier who was rushing over was decapitated by one shot.    


In the grass, Yasuya Khan also pulled the trigger. The XL2500 sniper rifle shot out a bullet. A hundred meters away, a commando sniper that was moving stealthily on the hillside was shot down.    


"Get down!" Ye Liena suddenly exclaimed.    


Everyone fell to the ground.    




A grenade exploded in the forest, sending shrapnel flying.    


"F * ck!" Sayimu scolded, "My butt was hit by a bullet!"    


Taking advantage of the suppression of the grenade's firepower, the special forces once again approached the area of at least ten meters.    


On the other side.    


Bang Bang Bang...    


Giovanna stood behind a tree by the side of the railway line and shot. She killed two armed men from Boca scared land who were rushing over from the railway line, but more people rushed over from the railway line and the forests on both sides.    


Sou sou sou!    


The sound of bullets flying could even be heard. Giovanna could feel the heat waves of the bullets flying past his cheeks.    


Pfft! A veteran of Rescue Institute behind him was hit in the chest and fell to the ground.    


On the ground, there were already dozens of corpses.    


They followed her here to fight, to die here. She didn't even know their names. In Africa, the least valuable thing was human life.    


"Kill!" Giovanna roared, holding the blast assault rifle and wildly shooting at them, but this time the armed men of the Boca scared land who were charging forward laid on the ground, the bullets she shot out did not hit any target.    


Ka ka ka ?    


There were no more bullets in the blast assault rifle, causing Giovanna's heart to sink rapidly as well. She was losing more and more confidence in the battle before her.    


"Master, when will you be back?" Theresa threw a magazine at Giovanna, and she was also extremely anxious, "If we continue to fight, we will all die here!"    


"What about that woman?" Giovanna asked.    


"That fellow called Shen-tu?" Theresa laughed: "I think she's probably trembling behind you. Don't worry, Rosa is taking care of her, she'll be fine."    


Giovanna hesitated for a moment, "If there's really no other way, let them take her and leave first. Master said that no matter what, we must protect her well!"    




A rocket suddenly whizzed past him.    




A few of the older soldiers of the Rescue Institute were suddenly blasted away by the rockets.    


"Charge over and get rid of them!" The commander of the Boca scared land shouted.    


Amidst the raucous shouts, a large group of armed men from Boca scared land rushed over like chicken blood. As they charged, they fired at the Rescue Institute's line of defense, the bullets raining down like rain.    


Rescue Institute's veterans were suppressed by the firepower and did not dare to raise their heads, but they were also reluctant to shoot blind fire because they did not have much ammunition left.    


She took out her satellite telephone and dialled Rosa's number. In the midst of the rain of bullets, she said: "Rosa, we will not be able to hold on much longer, bring that woman and you quickly!"    


"How can this be? How can we leave you behind and run away?" Rosa's voice sounded, "Just wait here, I'll come over to support you guys!"    


"You ?" Giovanna wanted to stop her, but Rosa had already hung up.    


The battle was already moving in the direction of the worst possible outcome, and it was progressing very quickly.    


But in that moment of life and death, a bullet flew in from the direction of the Friendship Mining Industry company. Each bullet ended the life of an armed member of the Boca scared land company.    


Twenty to thirty people were killed just like that, in just two or three seconds. Those with fast reactions had the opportunity to take a look behind them. Those with slow reactions didn't even understand what had happened before going to hell. Regardless of whether one was fast or slow, no one could avoid this sudden sneak attack.    


The pressure on Rescue Institute lessened.    


Giovanna was stunned for two seconds, then said excitedly: "It's master! It's him, it must be him! "    


"These guys are dead for sure!" Stella was also excited, her hands shaking when she shot the gun.    


The one who took action was of course Xia Lei, the only person in this world who had the ability to do so. A magazine, two to three seconds, the person who killed twenty to thirty people!    


The reason why Xia Lei's gun technique could reach such a level was inextricably linked to his brain. Under the super brain mode, his brain was able to calculate all the data needed to kill those targets in an instant, and how many millimeters of millimeters he would lift the gun at any time, pull the trigger a few times, and so on. These data were just like a program written by a computer.    


Some of the members of the Boca scared land's armed groups turned around to look for the enemy who had just fired his Dark Spear. However, they didn't discover anyone. What they just said was like a ghost suddenly ambushing them and then silently leaving.    


However, just as the armed members of the Boko Sacred Land were about to leave, their eyes suddenly lost their light. After that, they suddenly raised their guns and pulled the triggers on their comrades in front of them.    


Amidst the sounds of gunfire, all the armed men of Boca scared land who were in a state of battle fell into a pool of blood. Their strange behavior was soon discovered, and the people in front of them also fired at them.    


More than a dozen bodies were added to the rails.    


On top of a tree, Xia Lei expressionlessly watched as the corpse fell onto the rail line before leaping from tree to tree with a single leap.    


A dozen seconds later, the same thing happened again. This time, even more of the armed men of the Boca scared land wanted to shoot. In a blink of an eye, the lines surrounding the Boca scared land's armed forces crumbled, all of them falling under the muzzles of their comrades, those who did not kill were killed, and those who did not kill were also killed. There were even some armed members of the Boca scared land's armed groups who opened fire on the American Special Forces who were on the same side as them. When had the American Special Forces ever suffered such a loss? Their firepower had shifted to the front of the Boca scared land's armed groups...    


A chaotic battle broke out.    


Rescue Institute Veterans Front.    


Giovanna was dumbstruck, she looked at the chaotic battlefield for some reason, and stared blankly for a long time before saying, "What happened?"    


"Rabies, I think?" Stella shrugged her shoulders and said.    


Of course, Giovanna would not believe what rabies attack it was, but she knew clearly that the battle would end soon, so she said: "It's a miracle."    


In her heart, Xia Lei had already become the god that she was willing to give up everything for.    


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