Tranxending Vision

C1192 return horse gun

C1192 return horse gun

The sound of gunfire had died down, and the forest and the tracks were littered with bodies.    


In the world of animals, lions do not eat lions, tigers do not eat tigers, even in dry seasons, when their food is scarce. But humans could kill their own kind, and it had nothing to do with food. Therefore, humans were the most brutal species on the planet.    


Giovanna counted the number of old veterans in the Rescue Institute. She had brought a hundred people with his, but after the battle, there were only thirty-two left.    


Everyone from Zodiac Clan had been rewarded, but their numbers had not decreased.    


This was already an impressive feat.    


The members of Zodiac Clan met Giovanna and the others, and Shentu Tianyin was also brought over by Rosa and Theresa. But there was only one important person that was missing, and that was Xia Lei.    


"Where's boss?" Yasuya Khan said: "It must have been him who did it, but why didn't he show himself?"    


"What just happened?" Ye Liena was still in shock and confusion.    


No one replied the couple's questions, and what Yasuya Khan and Ye Liena asked was exactly what the others wanted to know.    


"He can't get through." Qian Jun put down his satellite telephone, his face full of disappointment.    


"Why didn't he come out and see us?" Rosa asked anxiously.    


Shentu Tianyin suddenly ran towards the direction of the factory area owned by the Friendship Mining Industry, and shouted, "Xia Lei! Xia Lei ? Where are you? "    


"Stop her!" Giovanna suddenly called out.    


Without waiting for anyone else to catch up to Shentu Tianyin, a black shadow jumped out from the forest to the side of the railway line, and grabbed onto Shentu Tianyin's waist.    


Many people thought that Xia Lei had appeared, and it was true, the one who stopped Shentu Tianyin was Kyoko Tsukino. While the others were discussing what had just happened and where Xia Lei was, she kept searching for traces of Xia Lei within the battlefield.    


"Let me go! Let me go! " Shentu Tianyin struggled.    


"If you're not my boss's woman and he wants me to protect you, I don't care. What do you want to do? Died? If you are dead, how can we report to our boss? "Bastard!" Kyoko Tsukino said.    


The word "bastard" caused Shentu Tianyin to calm down. She bit her lips and didn't say a word. In such an environment, in the eyes of these ruthless warriors, not to mention her, even the Queen of England would not be able to put on the airs of a queen. Moreover, it was completely useless.    


Kyoko Tsukino carried Shentu Tianyin back and put her down.    


"Xingzi, did you find any traces of our boss?" Sayimu asked.    


Kyoko Tsukino took out an incomplete map and held it up.    


On the back of the map was written: Leave Nigeria, go to Chad. I'll come to you later. If I still haven't returned by tomorrow evening, don't wait for me and take the opportunity to return home. Also, take care of my woman.    


Seeing the words "take good care of my woman", Shentu Tianyin could no longer hold back her emotions and tears started rolling down her face.    


Kyoko Tsukino crumpled the map into a ball, lit it with her lighter, and threw it on the ground.    


The map turned to ashes in the firelight and was blown away by the wind.    


"What is boss playing at?" Yasuya Khan asked.    


Kyoko Tsukino laughed bitterly, "How would I know? What he wants us to do, let's do it. We have to get out of here. If the American reinforcements come, it will be bad. "    


The group began to retreat.    


Shentu Tianyin turned her head around. She had been fantasizing about the man that made her daydream suddenly appearing in front of her, but he didn't.    


The four female Knights muttered to each other.    


"I confirm that it is a miracle." Giovanna spoke in Italian: "From now on, we can't call him master anymore."    


"Then why should we call him?" Stella was confused.    


"Saint Ray." Giovanna drew a cross in front of his chest, "He is a War God sent by God to this world. Being able to follow him is the greatest honor of our lives. I am willing to give my all for him. "    


"Sis, what's all this about you?" Stella said with a smile.    


"Blood, spirit, and flesh. Everything I have." Giovanna's eyes flashed with a divine light of piety.    


Rosa laughed and said: "You want to sleep with Saint Ray right? I bet you're wet. "    


Giovanna, "..."    


The scarred group moved further and further away.    


Several hundred meters away, atop a towering tree that was tens of meters tall, Xia Lei silently watched his men leave. His gaze stayed on Shentu Tianyin for a while, but in the end, he shifted his gaze away. He muttered to himself, "Forgive me, it's not that I'm not willing to meet you, I also want to leave together with you, but ? There are some things I have to do. "    


There are always some things in life that we hate to do, but we have to do them anyway, thinking we have no choice.    


Xia Lei also did not have a choice.    


Zhu Xuanyue did not kill him because she knew that he consumed the last AE capsule. Why is that? He had to find out. Also, he had to figure out Kirsten's identity as well. Therefore, even though he knew that it was extremely dangerous to return to the Friendship Mining Industry at this time, he still had to go back.    


Kirsten suffered such heavy injuries that he had to receive treatment. To receive treatment, he would have to leave Mine 13. This was the only chance he had to capture or kill Kirsten. If he let Kirsten return to the United States, he would not have the chance. Moreover, he had to figure out whether Kirsten would bring the stone bricks that were hidden with rare metals back to the United States so that he could use them to make the Dragon Slayer's super fighter aircraft.    


Under the night sky, the Friendship Mining Industry was completely silent. The cold moonlight and the ice-cold corpses made this place look like a morgue in the apocalypse.    


Xia Lei appeared in the factory area of the Friendship Mining Industry. He headed for the back door, still heading for Mine Number 13. While he was walking, his line of sight quickly swept across the entire factory area. He was doing a fluoroscopic reconnaissance of the entire factory area. The hostages in the warehouse had fled, and the cars in the parking lot had been driven away, including some American military vehicles.    


When his gaze swept past the office building, Xia Lei suddenly stopped, turned, and walked towards the building.    


In an office on the first floor of the office, a middle-aged man was talking to someone on the phone.    


Xia Lei recognized it with a glance.    


That man was none other than Shentu Tianyin's Seventh Uncle, Shen-tu Vivant.    


"..." What the hell was this? You promised to protect me! If I hadn't left the 13th mine on the spur of the moment, I would already be dead! "I don't care, those workers have already escaped. If you don't send a plane to pick me up, I will force out the trade between us!" Shen-tu was very nervous and scared.    


"What's happening in Mine No. 13?" A man's voice came from the phone.    


Ten metres away, Xia Lei heard the sound coming from the phone and stopped in his tracks.    


This voice, was Yan Fo's voice.    


He never thought that the person who made the deal with Shen-tu Wei Ying would be Yan Fo. The FA was currently working for the United States, and Yan Fo was also under Williams's command, so the only person who had made a deal with Shen-tu Wei Ying was the CIA.    


"I don't know, I don't dare to go in ?" But I know what's going on outside... People, people are dead! " Shen-tu's heroic voice trembled.    


"Check out Mine No. 13. We are here. You will get what you wanted. You can rest assured on that, as long as you take a look at Mine No. 13 and tell me what's going on inside." Yan Fo's voice.    


"Alright, I'll go take a look now."    


"Call me when you see it."    


"Wait for my call." Shen-tu Wei Ying put down the phone and went out. Just as he walked out of the door, he stopped in his tracks as he saw Xia Lei, who was a few meters away.    


Xia Lei walked towards Shen-tu Wei Ying.    


"Hey!" "You came just in time. Go check out the 13th mine and tell me about it." Shen-tu Wei Ying said that he treated Xia Lei as a surviving member of the American Special Forces.    


Xia Lei did not speak, he continued to walk towards Shen-tu.    


Shen-tu Wei Ying frowned, "Do you not understand English? So how did you get the job? Well, if you do as I say, I'll give you five hundred dollars... A thousand? "    


Xia Lei walked to the front of Shen-tu Great Ying and suddenly grabbed his neck.    


"You ?" Shen-tu was pale.    


"Do you people from Shen-tu have genes for betrayal?" Xia Lei spoke Chinese.    


"You are ?" Shen-tu's heroic voice trembled as she asked, "Who is it?"    


Xia Lei said lightly: "The person who wants your life."    


"Let me go!" Shen-tu Great Ying punched towards Xia Lei's face.    


Xia Lei suddenly tightened his grip on Shen-tu Wei Ying's neck, Shen-tu Wei Ying's breathing stopped, he did not care to slap Xia Lei's face anymore, in a hurry to break Xia Lei's hand, but to him, the hand that was grabbing onto his neck was not a hand, but a big metal pincer.    


Shen-tu Vivant's legs kept on kicking Xia Lei, but his struggle was getting weaker and weaker. His crotch was wet from the piss and dripped to the ground.    


Xia Lei frowned, but did not do so. Shen-tu fell to the ground and did not move at all.    


Xia Lei dragged his body into the office and stuffed it under the desk. He sat on his office chair and repeated what Shen-tu Vivant had just said, "Can't you understand English? So how did you get the job? Well, if you do as I say, I'll give you five hundred dollars... A thousand? "    


Ten minutes later, he picked up the phone on the table and called the number that Shen-tu Vivant had just called. He said, "No, no ? This is bad! "    


"Why are you panicking? "Calm down!" Yan Fo's voice was filled with anger.    


Xia Lei was still nervous, "I have to escape from here ?. They're coming! They're coming! At least two thousand people! "    


"What did you say?" Two thousand people? How is that possible? "    


"They are coming! "No, I have to go!" Xia Lei said anxiously: "That's right, they still have antiaircraft missile vehicles, it seems to be ? Russian! "    


"Huh?" Yan Fo's voice.    


Xia Lei put down the phone and cut off the call.    


Of course, there were no Russian soldiers or anti-aircraft missiles here. He had pretended to be Shen-tu Wei Ying and told such a lie with a clear goal, which was that his target tonight was Kirsten and not someone from FA. The FA would have to be destroyed, but not now. He made this call, telling Russia to take the blame for now. The CIA would definitely investigate, and by the time they got to the bottom of this, he would probably be done for by the time Yan Fo came back with reinforcements.    


Xia Lei left the office, and then climbed onto the office building's roof. His line of sight shifted to the direction of Mine No. 13. Then, he took off his equipment bag and assembled the XL2500 sniper rifle within it.    


Then there was the wait.    


Five minutes later, a figure entered his line of sight.    


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