Tranxending Vision

C1195 Twins

C1195 Twins

Warm water, a lot of bubbles, tangled men and women, bathing was a fake proposition.    


When the excitement died down, the two wet girls crawled into bed. Under the thin blanket, one could vaguely see the undulating curves of Shentu Tianyin's beautiful body.    


Shentu Tianyin rested her head on Xia Lei's arm, but her gaze was on a glass bottle beside the bed. Inside the glass bottle, the antidote only had a little bit left, and could probably be used again.    


However, Xia Lei was still staring at the oil painting, guessing the secrets of the Forest of No Return, as well as Zhu Xuanyue's plan. However, the things he knew were too little. Even with a brain comparable to a supercomputer, he was still unable to come up with a reliable conclusion. And it was easy to think of the worst possible scenario, which was ? Zhu Xuanyue's invasion of her own kind. In this world, humans who were at the top of the food chain had become food.    


When pure energy forms of life entered this world, they could control a person's brain at will, and they could hunt for food throughout the world, becoming even more powerful. That day was almost the end of the world.    


"If Zhu Xuanyue's plan was really to destroy this world, then why did the only thing before history not stop him? Furthermore, she is mortal enemies with Zhu Xuanyue, so why doesn't he come and stop Zhu Xuanyue? " Xia Lei didn't understand this question.    


If the only one that appeared before the history and attacked Zhu Xuanyue, he and prehistory would only have one chance to stop Zhu Xuanyue.    


However, the only thing that did not appear in the prehistoric era was this.    


"Hubby, the medicine that Yuyan gave me is about to run out. Say ?" Shentu Tianyin's voice broke the silence on the bed, and she looked a little embarrassed, "You said I'm pregnant?"    


Xia Lei withdrew his train of thoughts. He then reached his hand into the blanket and gently placed it on Shentu Tianyin's lower abdomen. Her belly was smooth and smooth and warm, and she continued to talk about baby skin. He gently caressed it as he smiled and said, "I feel like a little fellow is kicking your stomach. Hmm, it must be pregnant."    


"Hehehe." Shentu Tianyin laughed like a child, "Do you think I'm a twelve or thirteen year old girl to be coaxed? Even if you were pregnant, you wouldn't be able to feel it. How long has it been? "    


"If you can find anything, she's the best master of the bioengineering in the country." Xia Lei said, but suddenly realised that he had said the wrong thing. He was secretly dating Shentu Tianyin, so as to satisfy her desire to have a child, how could Shentu Tianyin find Fan Fan to help him inspect the situation?    


Sure enough, Shentu Tianyin's smile disappeared, and her eyes flashed with a sad and sorrowful light: "After I return home, will you come find me?"    


For a moment, Xia Lei did not know how to answer this question.    


Shentu Tianyin's expression darkened, "Then what about when I was giving birth to my child?"    


Xia Lei held her in his arms, "Of course I will come and see you. When you give birth, I will naturally be by your side."    


If this was what she wanted, he could give it to her. To meet for ten days to half a month until the end of his lifespan was nigh wasn't really that big of a deal. If Shentu Tianyin was really pregnant with his child and gave birth to his child, he should also do her best to become a husband and father, although Shentu Tianyin did not ask for any status right now.    


Shentu Tianyin became happy again as she lightly rubbed her cheek against Xia Lei's, "Meeting you was the luckiest thing to have happened to me in my entire life. I had lost you once, that was my stupidity, I won't lose you again."    


Xia Lei kissed her forehead and sighed in his heart. His time was running out, and he was destined to leave her. At that time, she would be hurt even worse than when he divorced her. And he was powerless to change that.    


"Tianyin, if I leave this world one day, you have to take good care of the child and raise the child, okay?" Xia Lei said.    


Shentu Tianyin was stunned for a moment, and then, she reached out and pinched Xia Lei's waist, "What nonsense are you saying? I don't want to hear you say that. I want you to see our son married and our daughter married. You are not to leave, I am not to leave. Promise me, will you? "    


Xia Lei smiled and nodded, "I promise you."    


Shentu Tianyin kissed Xia Lei's cheeks.    


Xia Lei suddenly untied the thin blanket.    


Shentu Tianyin cried out, she extended her hand to cover the important spots, but could not cover it up at all, she asked in embarrassment and anger: "What are you doing?"    


Xia Lei said: "Let me take a look at your stomach, I can see if there are any children inside."    


"I don't believe it." Shentu Tianyin felt that Xia Lei wanted to see her, not a child.    


"Be good and lie down. Let me see." Xia Lei said.    


Shentu Tianyin put down both her hands. If he wanted to see, she would show him. The cover up just now was just an act of duplicity.    


Xia Lei's gaze landed on Shentu Tianyin's lower abdomen. He felt that he could look at it this way for three years without getting tired of it.    


Shentu Tianyin twisted her waist, "What do you see? You pervert. "    


Xia Lei's left and right eyes suddenly entered the extraordinary mode of fluoroscopy and instantly entered her lower abdomen. Under the effects of the three abilities, a hologram of the uterus appeared in his mind. A minute later, he saw two fertilized eggs on a hologram of the uterus.    


This discovery stunned Xia Lei for a moment, and he immediately laughed out loud, "Tianyin, you're pregnant. There's two of them, but ? I don't know if it's a man and a woman, or two men and two women. "    


He could see the fertilized eggs, but he couldn't see the sex of the eggs, because they weren't developed enough to tell the difference between the sexes.    


"True... "Really?" Shentu Tianyin was also stunned.    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "That's true, believe me."    


Shentu Tianyin moaned as she suddenly stood up and tightly hugged Xia Lei. Because of her excitement, her voice seemed to be trembling, "I'm going to be mother! I'm going to be mother! I'm going to be the mother of two children! "Hahaha ?"    


Xia Lei covered her mouth, "Shh, you want people to laugh at us?"    


Shentu Tianyin suppressed the excitement in her heart and nodded, his voice also becoming smaller, "Then I'll lower my voice a bit ? Hubby, I love you, I love you. "    


Xia Lei kissed her nose.    


Shentu Tianyin kissed his lips, "You can use the two names now. The boy is called Xia Yang, and the girl is called Xia Yue."    


Xia Lei smiled and said: "I said, I don't know if it's a boy or a girl, it can be two boys, or it can also be two girls."    


"You're still called Xia Yang and Xia Yue, you're the child's father, whatever name you choose." Shentu Tianyin said.    


Xia Lei pressed his cheek against Shentu Tianyin's lower abdomen. Her lower abdomen was soft and warm, like a heated jelly, and had a faint enchanting body fragrance. As his vision unavoidably shifted downwards, as a result ?    


He felt as if his whole body had been heated and was about to move.    


Shentu Tianyin laid on top of Xia Lei's head, caressing his face, her hair, was especially gentle.    


Just like that, Xia Lei was ignited, pressing her down below.    


"Be gentle, you have children." Shentu Tianyin said as she closed her eyes in embarrassment.    


Xia Lei nodded his head, then carefully and quietly......    


This time, Shentu Tianyin tossed the antidote to the back of her head. Happiness was that simple. She had obtained it, although the process was tortuous and difficult to come by, but the feeling was so wonderful and precious.    


Dawn quietly arrived, and golden sunlight shone through the window. The ground was covered with golden spots of light, and the bed was snow-white. The view outside the window was fascinating, and the view inside the window was tempting.    


Xia Lei woke up early in the morning. He wanted to wake Shentu Tianyin up, but seeing that she was sleeping soundly and the smile on her face was so peaceful, he couldn't bear to do so.    


Dong, dong, dong.    


The sound of knocking could be heard.    


Xia Lei shifted his gaze over and with a glance, he saw Kyoko Tsukino, who was standing at the door.    


Xia Lei went over to open the door, then walked out. Facing Kyoko Tsukino, a trace of an embarrassed smile surfaced on his face, "Xingzi, are you going to set off?"    


Kyoko Tsukino passed her satellite telephone over to Xia Lei, "Your call."    


Xia Lei was startled, "Who is it?"    


Kyoko Tsukino said: "Dad, you can call him over, he's waiting for you."    


After Xia Lei dialed his father's number, the call quickly connected.    


"Xia Lei."    


"Yes, Dad." Xia Lei asked: "Where are you? I want to see you. "    


He had too many things he wanted to ask Xia Changhe.    


"I am in Israel, in Jerusalem."    


"What are you doing in Jerusalem?"    


"Don't worry about that. I'll tell you when I get back."    


"When are you coming back?" Xia Lei was a little dissatisfied, "Your grandson already knows how to speak, but they haven't even seen their grandfather before. Just what are you busy with?"    


"You have to believe that everything I do is for your sake."    


Xia Lei sighed, "Alright, why did you call me this time?"    


Xia Changhe was silent for a moment, before saying: "The important matter is about to unfold, you must prepare yourself."    


"What's the big deal?" Xia Lei's heart was moved. "Dad, what do you know?"    


"A huge disaster is about to happen. I think you should know what I'm talking about." Xia Changhe said: "The Kirsten by that woman's side is not a real person. He is extremely dangerous and will affect your plans.    


"What do you know about him?"    


"He is a replica of Da Vinci."    


"How do you know?" Xia Lei was shocked. He knew it from Zhu Xuanyue's mouth. If Zhu Xuanyue had not said it, he would not have believed that Kirsten was a copy of Da Vinci even if he had been beaten to death. Then, where did Dad learn of such a secret?    


"I naturally have my own channels. I know you have a lot of questions you want to ask me, but I already said that I will tell you when I return. Be careful, get rid of Kirsten. "    


"I will."    


"Let's talk about it this time. Take care!" Xia Changhe hung up the phone.    


Xia Lei was stunned for a few seconds before returning the call to Kyoko Tsukino.    


"Last night ?" Kyoko Tsukino's expression was strange, "Are you happy?"    


Xia Lei hesitated for a moment, then said: "After we return, I'll accompany you to your training place, let's spar, how about it?"    


This was their signal. The pond at the back of the Rayma Group was where Kyoko Tsukino trained with the sword. During the time when Kyoko Tsukino was training with him, he would ask to meet him at the back of the mountain to spar with him. Of course, it was hard to say what she wanted to practice.    


Kyoko Tsukino laughed, then suddenly kissed Xia Lei on the cheek.    


This time, Xia Lei took it.    


Kyoko Tsukino turned and left, and said: "Call her out, we're leaving after eating."    


Xia Lei laughed, "Okay."    


Women and children were perhaps the only things that could make him feel relaxed and happy.    


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