Tranxending Vision

C1198 Doomsday had arrived?

C1198 Doomsday had arrived?

"Yuyan, I'm sorry." Xia Lei said apologetically: "If I can't see him forcing you, I won't be able to resist when I bully you ?"    


Tang Yuyan held Xia Lei's hand from under the table, "Hubby, I'm fine, you don't need to apologize to me, I know very well what they want to do ? "Alright, let's talk business."    


Xia Lei laughed awkwardly: "Big brother Yang, my brother-in-law is not sensible and let you watch such a joke."    


Yang Changhai then said, "It's fine, it's fine, who hasn't had some family matters? "Well, let's get down to business."    


"Big brother Yang, tell us." Xia Lei said.    


Yang Changhai said, "Before I say this, please watch a video."    


A member of the Group took out a laptop and placed it in front of Xia Lei and Tang Yuyan, then played a video that had been prepared beforehand.    


The location of the video was none other than the's mining site.    


Xia Lei was not unfamiliar with this place, he recognized it with a glance.    


The mine was filled with piles of black stone bricks, which were the stones of the underground pyramid. Carts were being loaded onto the Milky Way's C5 transport aircraft. This kind of transport plane was the biggest strategic transport plane produced by the Lockheed Martin Corp. Its maximum take-off weight was 379 tons, and it could carry more than 200 tons of goods. It was the world's biggest take-off weight.    


Not only was there a Milky Way C5 transport plane, but there were also a dozen or so of them, all parked in the mine. At the end of the mine, a new runway appeared on the monitor. The United States built a runway for that purpose in order to transport away the black stone bricks.    


Tanks and armoured vehicles were everywhere on both sides of the runway, along with armed commandos. The former Friendship Mining Industry had become a military base.    


Xia Lei muttered in his heart: "Could it be that the underground pyramid is already useless against Zhu Xuanyue? So she tore it down? What did she want to do with the pyramid? Refining rare metals into the Dragon Slayer Battleship for Kirsten? If it is, then what does she want the Dragon Slayer Battleship for? "    


The scene changed to the Forest of the Irreducible Forest, where a few construction machines were digging holes. There were thousands of bodies beside an undug pit, young ones, old ones, and children. Beside the undug pit, there were two already dug pits. Construction machinery was currently filling up the pits with piles of corpses. It was hard to count the number of corpses in the pits.    


These were three mass graves.    


The screen switched again and they came to a slum in New Delhi, India. Several anti-epidemic personnel were disinfecting the slums with blowguns, and corpses could be seen everywhere on the screen. A child fell to the ground as he walked and never got up again. His mother wept beside him, heartbroken. The anti-epidemic personnel numbly sprayed the disinfectant onto the woman and then walked past her and the child. In another part of the slums, a group of people suddenly went crazy and attacked their compatriots without any warning. There were men, women, and even children. They beat people to death with stones and sticks. Some people even did the same thing to women.    


The scene changed for the third time and the ground became a small city in Mexico. The Mexican army and police had sealed off the city and no one was allowed in or out. Some people were shot mercilessly as they tried to rush out on a path along the blockade line. The roads were filled with people's cars, and some of the cars had bodies in them. A girl with a bag on her back walked towards the sealing line while crying, but before she could get close she fell to the ground and didn't get up again. Behind her, a group of people were crazily attacking another group of people. Without any warning, the scene was bloody.    


The video ended here.    


Xia Lei felt his back go numb.    


Tang Yuyan's feelings were not much better. She grabbed Xia Lei's hand, unable to suppress the fear and nervousness in her heart.    


Xia Lei was silent for a moment before saying: "Big brother Yang, this video is ?"    


"It was our spy." Yang Changhai said, "Different spies, different videos, it was we who combined these videos to make this video. We sacrificed five spies for this video. "    


Unlike agents, spies lurk in an environment to perform secret tasks, which are usually long-term and covert. Yang Changhai mentioned spies, and he sacrificed five of them, so this team of experts had been targeted a long time ago.    


Xia Lei's gaze moved onto Yang Changhai, he hesitated to steal the information in Yang Changhai's mind. If it was an enemy, or someone he didn't know, he would have already done so. However, this Yang Changhai was obviously one of them, stealing the information in his brain was not a glorious thing.    


After hesitating for a moment, Xia Lei decided to give up. He decided to observe for a bit longer and listen to Yang Changhai's explanation before making a decision. He said, "Big brother Yang, can you tell me what this group of experts is targeting? When was it established? "    


Yang Changhai said, "Let's have a team of experts. It was established before you established the Rayma Group, it's called the office of Dawn, I'm the director in charge of this office. We are targeting the ancient alloy, and of course we are targeting the members of the expert group that have mysteriously died researching the ancient alloy as well. "    


Xia Lei understood. The country had never given up on researching ancient alloy, and had even included him in the research for a period of time. Later on, he created two capital tank, the Scavenger infantry fighting vehicle and the ZTZ100, which brought more benefits to the country than the research he did, so the research on him was stopped. From the looks of it, Dawn Office had been operating the entire time. Otherwise, they would not have been able to obtain the video information that even the 101 innings were unable to obtain.    


Now that Dawn Office had surfaced and taken the initiative to find him, it was clear that the situation had reached a critical state.    


Then, Xia Lei thought of Zhu Xuanyue. He couldn't help but ask in her heart, could this be Zhu Xuanyue's plan? His kind had already come to this world?    


If that was the case, then it was the end of the world!    


Yang Changhai said, "Previously, when the experts from the ancient alloy team died, their brains quickly withered and rotted, and the corpses in the video were the same. This kind of body has always been our trail. There was a time when the same body appeared in the United States, and we investigated it. The Americans believed that one of the killers had committed the murders, and the CIA gave the killer an X killer code name. At first we thought so too, a terrible killer. But after watching this video, we don't think so. We think there is an organization that is anti-human. A terrorist organization of sorts, and they had a terrible virus in their possession. This organization appeared after the ancient alloy appeared, so we have reason to believe that it is related to the ancient alloy. "    


Xia Lei did not speak. He wanted to know what Yang Changhai knew, the situation of the people in Dawn's office, and the extent of the investigation. As far as Yang Changhai was concerned, this Dawn office's investigation and judgement was actually very reliable.    


"Xia Lei, you are a person who studies ancient alloy. I believe you must know something. As you can see, the situation has reached a critical point. Right now, the virus is only spreading in India and Mexico, as well as in Nigeria. Before we do that, we have to be prepared to deal with it. "    


With just Yang Changhai's words, Xia Lei had already finished stealing the information in Yang Changhai's brain. There weren't many people in Dawn Office. There were archaeologists, biological experts, physical experts, as well as forensic experts and veteran spies. That was Yang Changhai. He was the head of the spy and was directly responsible to the leader. What surprised Xia Lei was that this Yang Changhai did not hide anything from him, what he said was all true.    


Yang Changhai still had some information about tranquility in his brain, but he didn't know much about it.    


"After our analysis and research, we suspect that the organization and virus are related to ancient alloy s. Xia Lei, you must still remember a person. " Yang Changhai looked straight at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei knew that the person he was about to bring up was Tranquil Water, but he still asked: "Who?"    


"Quiet." Yang Changhai said, "She was the only survivor of the team of experts, but she mysteriously disappeared. We suspect that the organization used the virus to kill our specialists, but Serenity should be carrying antibodies against the virus. She is very important to us. Do you know where she is? "    


Xia Lei was silent for a moment before shaking his head, "I don't know where she is."    


The tranquility, in a sense, had already disappeared. She was now a part of Zhu Xuanyue. If she were to tell the people from Dawn Office that Zhu Xuanyue was in America or Nigeria, it would be equivalent to sending them to their deaths. How could a dawn office defeat an enemy that even he couldn't defeat?    


"We know you have many channels. Can you help us find her?"    


"No problem, I will help you find peace." Xia Lei said, "But... I can't promise you that. "    


"It's good that you're willing to help. Just do whatever you can." Yang Changhai said, "Also, I want to know to what extent has the ancient alloy been researched?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "The X Secret Gold is the research results of ancient alloy, it is a very impressive research results, you can't expect me to get anything all of a sudden, right? You have to give me some time. "    


"No problem. Then let's do it this way. I'm looking forward to your good news." Yang Changhai said.    


"Then I'll go back and make the arrangements." Xia Lei shook hands with Yang Changhai, then stood up and left.    


Tang Yuyan also followed him and left.    


In the meeting room, the expert who played the video said, "Is what he said true?"    


Yang Changhai forced a smile, "I don't know, I can't see anything from him. But our purpose is to tell him what has happened, he knows what to do, he is the guardian of our country. "    


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