Tranxending Vision

C1189 Not a gentleman, just a massacre!

C1189 Not a gentleman, just a massacre!

There was no sound, no warning. That hand suddenly appeared. That feeling was like a scene in a horror movie, where a shriveled hand suddenly emerged from the graveyard and grabbed his ankle.    


What was different from the movies was that the hand that was grabbing Eva's ankle was not shriveled up, but a pair of strong hands!    


"Ah ? ?" Eva shrieked, unconsciously trying to struggle free from that hand.    


However, before she could do anything to struggle, the hand forcefully pulled her underwater!    


Eva's body could not help but fall into the pond.    


"No ? ?" Kirsten pounced over.    


Crash! * Eva fell into the water. The hand that was grabbing her ankle didn't release its grip on her, instead, it dragged her foot into the water. She finally saw who dragged her into the water, Xia Lei. What she couldn't see was a terrifying face. Its eyes were as black as ink, and there wasn't the slightest bit of white in them. There was no expression on his face. He was looking down on her!    


Eva struggled desperately, but she could not shake off that hand. The freezing water also quickly took away the heat from her body. Her limbs became numb and she was unable to move. She opened her mouth to breathe, but what came into her mouth was cold water. There was no air.    


"Gulp ?" Gulp ? "Goo ?" Eva became quiet, his mouth opened wide, but he did not drink another mouthful of water.    


He's still alive?    


This was Eva's last thought.    


"Bastard!" By the side of the pond, Kirsten shouted crazily: "I want to kill you!"    


Kirsten pointed his gun at the water and pulled the trigger, but his gun exploded. He had forgotten that his gun was frozen in the pool and that the bullet could not be fired.    


"Damn ? ah!" Kirsten threw his gun into the water.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


Charlotte had shot, but her spear was not frozen in ice.    


However, the moment the bullet left the muzzle, it flew towards the stone platform and disappeared. She had also forgotten that guns were useless here.    


"Come out! "Get the hell out here!" Kirsten roared.    


Crash! *    


Suddenly, a head popped out of the water, it was Xia Lei's head. There was no expression on his face. It was cold and terrible.    


The place where Xia Lei came out from was at the side of the lake, about ten meters away from Kirsten. Once he was out of the water, his upper body jumped out of the water. He grabbed the edge of the pool with both hands and pushed himself up. Then, he jumped out of the water and landed on the bank of the pool.    


With this leap, his clothes turned into pieces of ice and fell to the ground. His equipment bag and the blast assault rifle on his back also fell to the ground. In almost a second, he had somehow become a naked primitive.    


His body could withstand the extreme cold, but his clothes could not. With external forces, the clothes that had been frozen into ice shattered on the ground.    


It could be said that he had a perfect body curve, firm and well-proportioned muscles, fair and tender skin, and on the ground once again, Xia Lei had a beauty that could be said to move both men and women. It would be perfect if he could hide his eye-piercing object for a moment.    


Even though his clothes were torn and his spear was gone, Xia Lei was only holding onto a blade in his hand.    


The military knife was very sharp, and it flashed with a cold light.    


Among the energy field in this underground pyramid, the greater the object's kinetic energy, the greater the impact it would have. With a knife, there wouldn't be a problem.    


"Bastard!" Celita pounced towards Xia Lei, in her hands was also a blade.    


In the blink of an eye, the two warblades collided against each other, causing sparks to fly.    


Ding ding ding!    


After the first clash, Xia Lei and Charlotte clashed three more times.    


Kirsten quietly appeared at Xia Lei's side. In his hand was a blade used by the Delta Special Forces, ready to ambush Xia Lei.    


Ding ding ding!    


"Chi ~ ~ ~"    


The sound of the blade tearing through flesh came out, causing Charlotte to retreat in panic. Her high breasts were cut open, her clothes were torn, her bra was split open, and even the white jade inside was cut open. If she had only a little more, maybe she would have had a free mastectomy.    


Kirsten finally found an opportunity and stabbed his blade right at Xia Lei's ribs!    


Xia Lei did not even look at it, with a wave of his hand, he sliced towards it.    




Sparks flew as the two military blades collided. General Xia Lei pushed the blade towards Kirsten's chest, and General Kirsten pushed the blade towards Xia Lei's chest. The forces coming from different directions worked together and the tip of the blade shifted towards Xia Lei, then shifted towards him once more. The tip of the blade clashed, and produced an ear-piercing sound.    


Xia Lei's heart was filled with horror, because he never thought that Kirsten's strength would be so great, to actually be able to compete against his strength. This was his first time fighting head on with Kirsten, but before this, Kirsten only gave him the impression that he was a smart and cunning intellect enemy, but he never thought that this guy was a martial arts genius!    


Charlotte did not bother to check the wounds on her body, and rushed forward, the military knife in her hand drawing a bright trajectory in the air, like a shooting star cutting through the night sky, and piercing straight towards Xia Lei's back.    




At that critical moment, Xia Lei's brain suddenly went into the super brain mode. Kirsten's actions, Charlotte's movements, Kirsten's actions that were possible, his actions that were possible, and everything that was possible, appeared in his mind and was simulated.    


Pushing Kirsten away, his back was stabbed by Charlotte's blade!    


Withdrawing his sword to block Charlotte's sneak attack, had sliced open his neck!    


Lying on the ground, stabbed to death by two random blades!    


If he moved horizontally and was unable to dodge the combined attack of the two, he would also die!    


One by one, the results of the simulations surfaced in Xia Lei's brain, and his brain also rejected one simulation after another until the correct conclusion was reached.    


Xia Lei suddenly let go of her hand, and her body fell backwards. His body was still in the air, his right leg suddenly exerted force, and kicked towards the vital spot between Kirsten's legs that was pouncing towards him due to the inertia. At the same time, the military knife in his hand stabbed backwards.    


Kirsten was forced to raise his knees to block Xia Lei's attack.    


Charlotte's sneak attack missed, and his leg was in pain, as Xia Lei's blade had actually stabbed into his thigh!    


This was the result of Xia Lei's simulation and deduction under the super brain mode.    


It seemed like a very complicated process, but it was a process that took less than a second. In that seemingly negligible amount of time, his brain's processing speed was comparable to a large computer. According to the images his eyes ingested, the sounds his ears heard were analyzed and calculated in all directions, and his body moved according to the commands of the super brain. As a result, not only did he dissolve Kirsten's and Charlotte's joint attack, he had also heavily injured Charlotte!    


Xia Lei used his superbrain model to study the technique. It was unknown how many times the fighter jets and fighters had come into contact with each other, but this was the first time they were used in combat.    


"AHH!" Charlotte screamed in pain and staggered backwards.    


Xia Lei's back smashed onto the ground. With the support of his hands, his legs twisted in the air, and his entire body spun up like a tornado that had just risen from the ground.    


Kirsten had already rushed forward, he would not give up the chance that Xia Lei had just crawled up.    


Xia Lei twisted his waist, and the legs that were still in the air opened up like scissors, following that was the spinning energy. His right leg suddenly swept horizontally, bringing along a huge amount of strength, and smashed onto Kirsten's right arm that was holding the blade and thrusting it towards his chest.    




With a dull thud, Kirsten's body was swept flying, and the blade in his hand dropped to the ground. His body flew a few meters away before heavily crashing into the black pyramid wall. Then, he fell onto the ground.    


And during this entire process, Xia Lei had already rushed forward, the military blade in his hand continuously attacked, like a violent storm piercing towards Charlotte.    


Ding ding ding ?    




Charlotte blocked a few more strikes, but due to the injuries on her chest and legs, on the fifth fall, her movements were slower by half a beat, and her stomach was pierced by Xia Lei's blade.    


"Puff ?" Charlotte opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.    


Xia Lei's face did not have the slightest bit of emotion, nor was there the slightest bit of gentleness or pity. He pulled out the military blade that was stabbed into Charlotte's stomach, and then he stabbed into her lower abdomen.    


Charlotte no longer had the strength to resist. Xia Lei did not stab her fatal points, but her life was quickly fading away.    


Xia Lei lightly pushed with his hands, causing Charlotte to fall onto the ground face first. Blood flowed out of the wounds, and in the blink of an eye, wet her clothes and left a large patch of ground.    


"No ? ?" Kirsten, who had just gotten up from the ground, roared at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei walked over to him and lightly said, "Nothing? Don't you want her to die? If you hadn't said it earlier, if you had said it earlier, I would have fulfilled your wish. "    


Kirsten retreated a few steps. He no longer had a blade in his hands, but his spear could no longer be used as it normally would. Both he and Charlotte had failed to kill Xia Lei together, and now that Charlotte was dead, he no longer had the courage to fight Xia Lei alone.    


Xia Lei continued to approach Kirsten, "Who exactly are you? I don't believe that you're the CEO of the Lockheed Martin Corp. "    


"Lockheed Martin Corp's CEO? My family owns a stake in one of America's five biggest arms companies. I can go there and be CEO. " Kirsten continued to retreat.    


There was actually such a clan in this world?    


If there was one, it would be even more mysterious and powerful than the legendary "Skeleton Society" of Yale University!    


"What family?"    


"We'll have a fair duel, the kind of gentleman to gentleman, and if you win, I'll tell you everything you want to know. Not only my family, but also the things that you want to know. " Kirsten said.    


Xia Lei stopped and asked, "What do you know?"    


Kirsten shrugged his shoulders, "My conditions are clear. A battle between Gentlemen, if you win, I will tell you."    


Xia Lei laughed, "You want me to put down my blade and fight you?"    


Kirsten nodded, "Yes."    


Xia Lei said indifferently: "But I feel that stabbing you with a blade will give you more pleasure, and I want to test how much pain you can endure to continue keeping your secret."    


Kirsten was originally calm and relaxed, but he couldn't relax in this second.    


Xia Lei suddenly rushed towards Kirsten. He gathered his strength and launched himself forward. Suddenly, he dashed forward like a cheetah hiding in the grass. He pounced on a prey that had not been discovered. In fact, his speed was even faster and more vicious than a real cheetah!    


Kirsten wanted to dodge, but he was facing Xia Lei and did not dare to turn around to expose his back to Xia Lei's blade. However, if he retreated, his speed was not comparable to Xia Lei who was pouncing over like a cheetah!    


In the blink of an eye, the two of them were entangled.    


The blade in Xia Lei's hand struck out, slicing, slicing, piercing, one at a time faster than the other.    


Kirsten struggled to hold on, his body swayed left and right, not daring to clash with the blade in Xia Lei's hand.    




A cold light slashed across Kirsten's shoulder, and a trace of blood sprayed out from beneath the blade.    




The sharp blade slashed across Kirsten's lower abdomen, the expensive suit on Kirsten's body had a cut, blood flowing out. If it were not for his urgent abdomen, his intestines would have probably flowed out from his wounds!    


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