Tranxending Vision

C1271 Sneaking into Black Building

C1271 Sneaking into Black Building

After the Nighthawk helicopter landed on the rooftop of the black building opposite them, it did not take off again. Due to the mysterious energy shield, Xia Lei was still unable to see what was happening inside the black building. But he was in no hurry. While he was waiting for the Nighthawk helicopter to take off, he took the two little cows for a stroll around the building, killed a lot of people infected helldog virus, and found some water and food for them.    


In order for a cow to produce milk, it had to be fed with grass.    


To Song Yinxiao and the Quan Zixian, the food that they did not even want to look at before had now become human delicacies. They each found a bag and stuffed it full. They had their plans, they didn't know how many more days they would have to stay here. Food and water were as important as life, so they would take as much as they had until they couldn't.    


When Xia Lei brought the two little cows back to the top floor, it was already dark.    


A day passed just like that, no one could feel its departure.    


Looking at the huge pile of food and bottled mineral water on the two women's backs, Xia Lei could not help but smile bitterly. However, he took these two little cows and wandered around the building. His goal was not only to find food and water for them, but also to empty the people infected helldog virus in the building. This was necessary, because once the Nighthawk helicopter took off, he would enter the black building opposite. At that time, the only ones left in the building were Quan Zixian and Song Yinxiao. He cleared out the people infected helldog virus in the building to protect them.    


The three of them sat down at the end of the corridor.    


Xia Lei looked at the sky outside the stairs, quietly waiting. His ears went into transcendent mode, searching for any sounds around him. He could hear the wind on the roof and the noise made by the people infected helldog virus at the foot of the black building. The people infected helldog virus s were still circling around the black tower without any signs of stopping. Previously, when he was searching for the people infected helldog virus in the building, he had observed them and discovered that a few of them had fallen to the ground.    


There were also the whispers of two young cows.    


"Zixian, why does our milk have milk?" Song Yinxiao's voice was very, very soft.    


"How would I know? It's not like I had a child." Quan Zixian's voice.    


"You mean I had a baby?"    


"That's not what I meant, I just ?" Song Yinxiao shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know what happened either. But one thing I know for sure is that he wanted to drink milk, and we agreed, and then we had milk. "    


"Is he a god?"    


"Maybe an angel."    


"It could also be a demon."    


"Keep your voice down. If he gives up on us, we won't be able to live on."    


The two young cows mumbled to themselves as they secretly bit their ears, thinking that Xia Lei couldn't hear them, but they didn't know that their voices were like singing on stage for Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei was indifferent, he would not give the two women any explanation, he was not even bothered to insert or erase anything with his Deep Hypnosis. The only reason he saved them was because he wanted to drink milk. He had promised them that when this was over, he would keep his promise and take them away from here. Then, they went their separate ways and owed each other nothing. This was a simple trade relationship that was willing to do whatever it was. Why was there a need to be so complicated?    


With a rustling sound, the corner of Xia Lei's eyes shifted towards the two little cows. The two young cows seemed to consider their own situation, and they unbuttoned their jackets and began milking him with their phials.    


The unmarried Korean beauty celebrity, milking in a glass bottle with her teeth clenched, this scene was too beautiful that no one dared to look at it directly. Although he felt a little awkward, Xia Lei was still unable to move away from the corner of his eyes. He was surprised to find that after eating a lot of food and water, the two young cows had produced several times more milk than they had at the beginning.    


"The branding power's energy is really too magical. I only hypnotized their brains, making them operate according to my will. Then, they can produce milk without giving birth. If I ?" That beautiful scene made Xia Lei have a bad thought, and his eyes quietly changed after that.    


The two young cows that were milking suddenly had a very strange reaction. Their skin began to turn red, a flush that would only appear when they were extremely excited. Their eyes had changed, become blurred, full of pleasure, full of desire. Their small mouths couldn't help but emit that kind of seductive sound. It was very light, but extremely seductive.    


In only two seconds, Xia Lei's simple brain control caused the two little cows to fly. However, he ended his prank in time, for he was sure that if he let them fly any further, they would fly to him.    


This ability didn't need to be legendary to cause a person to become pregnant just by looking at it.    


It took two minutes for the two little cows to catch their breath. They were well aware of what had happened to them, but it was a shameful thing that they couldn't hide in time, let alone say it out loud. In their subconscious, they associated the reaction just now with them milking Xia Lei, so they did not ask Xia Lei or discuss it.    


"Mr. Xia, it's for you." Song Yinxiao passed a bottle full of milk to Xia Lei. When Xia Lei took the bottle, for some reason, she couldn't help but touch Xia Lei's hand.    


Xia Lei smiled, "Thank you."    


Quan Zixian also passed her milk. "Mr. Xia, drink while it's hot."    


Xia Lei also smiled at Quan Zixian, "Thank you."    


"If ?" Quan Zixian wanted to say something but hesitated.    


"If what?" Xia Lei began to enjoy his food, but he actually didn't care about what 'if' at all.    


Quan Zixian hesitated for a moment, but still mustered up her courage to speak out, "If you were to drink it yourself, it would taste even better."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Song Yinxiao added, "If it's always crowded, it will hurt a little. Look, it's all red here."    


Xia Lei did not look. He was a little worried that he would not be able to control himself and do something about it. So he pretended not to hear and drank two bottles of milk in one go.    


Maybe it was because the power behind the prank had not disappeared yet, Quan Zixian came over to Xia Lei and really wanted to feed him some milk. One of her hands was also on Xia Lei's leg, and it was a little dishonest.    


Song Yinxiao did not approach her, but her breathing clearly became short, and the blush that had just disappeared from her face once again appeared.    


Xia Lei had a headache, and started to regret his prank. The trouble the Quan Zixian brought him was getting more and more intense. Her snow-white skin was pressing down on him as well, the final stop really seemed to be his lips.    


But just as the matter was about to progress in a chaotic direction, Xia Lei heard the sounds of the black building in front of him. That was the sound of the helicopter engine suddenly starting. The sound was like the start button. Xia Lei suddenly crawled up from the ground, grabbed his equipment bag and rushed towards the exit.    


Quan Zixian and Song Yinxiao did not understand what had happened and were instantly stunned on the spot.    


"Stay here and wait for me to come back!" If you want to live, do as I say. " The sound of his words still echoed in the corridor, but Xia Lei had already disappeared from the entrance of the Sky Platform.    


Only then did Quan Zixian and Song Yinxiao regain their senses. Song Yinxiao subconsciously wanted to chase after them, but she was stopped by the Quan Zixian.    


"What do you want?" The Quan Zixian's voice carried a sense of blame.    


Song Yinxiao said: "Are you stupid? If he leaves and leaves us here, we will die here! We have to make him stay, even if we have to leave, we have to make him bring us with him! "    


"Didn't you hear what he said? He told us to stay here and wait for him. If he really wants to leave us, we can't stop him. " The Quan Zixian said.    


Only then did Song Yinxiao calm down.    


"We have to please him. I was almost successful just now." The Quan Zixian said: "Men use the lower half of their body to think. Next time, you have to help me. We must get out of here alive. "Think about the rest of our lives. All that we have done is worth it."    


Song Yinxiao bit her thin and sexy lips, then gently nodded her head.    


On the rooftop, a steel arrow shot out angrily from the rope gun. It flew over fifty meters and smashed into the wall of the building opposite.    


The helicopter started up its engine and prepared to take off, but the black building's energy shield had indeed disappeared. Otherwise, the steel arrow would not have been able to pierce through the walls of the black building.    


Xia Lei did not pause at all. With a sprint, his entire body flew out from the edge of the roof. His hand gripped the body of the gun and, under the force of inertia, he flew toward the black building on the other side.    


The black hawk helicopter left the ground and flew into the sky.    


As the force of inertia disappeared, Xia Lei's body began to drop, rapidly plummet, and crash towards the black building's outer wall. As the outer wall got closer, Xia Lei bent his legs and bowed backwards. A second later his feet were on the outside wall. The huge rebound force came from the bottom of his feet, but he had already prepared himself for it. His bent legs and bent spine absorbed the impact and then eliminated it.    


Weng! * A strange sound came from inside the building. Xia Lei turned around and looked at the building opposite him; he was no longer able to see through to the Quan Zixian and Song Yinxiao in the building's top floor. The mysterious energy shield was activated again. If he was one or two seconds slower, he would have directly crashed into the shield. What was the consequence? He didn't dare to imagine.    


The operation this time was extremely dangerous, and if he were to use the sunlight from a normal person, there was no need for him to take such a risk. But he had no choice. He had less and less time left. If they were all going to die, then why not take the risk?    


Sometimes, one must put one's life on the line to survive!    


Xia Lei retracted his gaze and moved it to the wall in front of him that was blocking his view. He tried to look through the situation inside, but he could only see the wall and not the wall. The building was filled with a mysterious and familiar energy. It was like a giant sponge. When his line of sight, which carried the clairvoyance, came in contact with the outer wall, it was absorbed.    


Then he could only go in and take a look.    


Xia Lei moved towards a window and arrived next to it. He used a military knife to pry open the window, and then climbed in.    


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