Tranxending Vision

C1276 A battle to the back, potential exploding!

C1276 A battle to the back, potential exploding!

The operation this time was a success, but the final result was death, this was definitely not the result Xia Lei wanted. However, he didn't regret it at all. If he was given another choice, he would still come here and risk his life. The reason was simple: he had no other choice. If he did nothing and stayed home to enjoy his happiness with his wife and children, he would eventually die, and it would be very close by then. Therefore, no matter how dangerous it was, he had to fight back. He had to give it his all!    


Even if he failed, he had nothing to complain about.    


"Do you have anything else to say?" Ixtab's voice, was very calm.    


Xia Lei said: "It won't be that easy for you to eat me. You better not knock your teeth out.    


The corner of Ixtab's mouth revealed a cold smile.    


Xia Lei straightened his back, and the equipment bag on his back slid off. Facing an opponent like Ixtab, all the weapons and ammunition in the equipment bag were useless. What he could rely on, was only his branding power.    


Crash! *    


The branding power in his body completely awakened as the energy field suddenly released it. Without the interference and suppression from being able to refine it, the suddenly released energy field shattered his clothes. The glass fragments that had embedded themselves into his back had all been squeezed out.    


Fragments of his clothes fluttered in the air as they floated down. Xia Lei's body had lost all of its concealment, as he remained calm and composed. His body was slender and well-proportioned. The muscles on his body were sturdy and full of beauty. His body was probably the most beautiful body in the world. No matter how one looked at it, it was flawless. Especially the place that represented men. It gave people a sense of visual impact. Not because of its size, but because it looked like a piece of art carved out of jade.    


It wasn't for no reason that so many women liked him.    


Xia Lei's sudden action caused Ixtab to be slightly stunned, and a trace of astonishment flashed across her deep blue eyes. Envy!    


Yes, envy.    


At her level of evolution, all that was left was a mass of pure energy. She could live a long, long time, but she couldn't feel the warmth of her blood or the smell of food. She couldn't even love someone!    


When the soul and consciousness were only left with destruction, that was a crime in itself.    


Xia Lei had the same kind of evolution as her, but what happened to her did not happen to Xia Lei. His body still looked so real, and his emotions were still so rich.    


"What happened to you?" Ixtab raised this question for the third time.    


This was the answer Xia Lei had given her.    


Actually, even if Ixtab knew the answer, she wouldn't be able to be like Xia Lei, because she had already lost her body. In this case, it would be useless even if she created and put on her "clothes" again, because they were only clothes after all, not her real body. The universe gives each life its mark. If you wear clothes, then the brand of clothing cannot be erased. In other words, if there were at least two brands on a set of clothes, it would be impossible for her to completely remove the brand of someone else, and that brand belonged to the original owner of the body. Will a normal person become stronger after drinking milk? Obviously not. This was also the reason why her strength would drop after wearing "clothes". Even clothes that fit her were only clothes.    


But even in this situation, Xia Lei would never reveal this secret to Ixtab, because he did not know what kind of situation Ixtab's clansmen were. If this secret were to flow into her clansmen's world, it might cause those demons to become even stronger.    


Looking at Xia Lei's middle finger that was stuck in the air, Ixtab's voice turned cold, "Don't think that I can't do it, I'll eat you. When you're weak to a certain degree, there's nothing that can protect the secret in your brain."    


"Come on, cut the crap." Xia Lei said.    


Ixtab's body suddenly disappeared into the air.    


Xia Lei's figure disappeared from his sight, but his energy field caught hold of Ixtab's existence almost instantly. His brain also simulated a true image based on the information sent to him by the energy field of branding power.    


It was very strange; this time Ixtab did not madly attack him like before, instead, she slowly and soundlessly approached him. Her feet didn't move at all. While she was still floating in the air, she slowly raised her arms and aimed them at his neck. This scene gave him a kind of creepy feeling. At this moment, Ixtab was acting like a ghost girl.    


Although Ixtab's speed was very slow, there was only a few meters of distance between the two of them. In the blink of an eye, Ixtab had still forcefully arrived in front of Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei suddenly punched towards Ixtab's lower abdomen. He suddenly made his move, and Ixtab, who was about to pinch his neck, was unable to dodge his attack. His fist ruthlessly smashed into Ixtab's lower abdomen. Not only his fist, there was also the energy of the branding power that surrounded it.    


Bo! *    


A very faint sound, that sounded like the sound of soap bubbles popping, sounded out from between Xia Lei's fist and Ixtab's lower abdomen. And it was also under that light sound that Ixtab's energy body quickly flew backwards.    


Crash! *    


A huge glass container was smashed into pieces. The blood liquid inside the glass container was frozen into ice and fell to the ground before it could flow out.    


Amidst the dull sound of the blood colored ice hitting the ground, Ixtab's energy body stopped in mid air. She looked at Xia Lei with shock in his eyes. This was the first time Xia Lei had forced her to retreat!    


Xia Lei was also shocked, he never thought that this would be the result. This was actually the first time he wrapped branding power energy around his fist and used it to attack a certain target. All along, other than the two special enemies Ixtab and Carcia Ruiz, his enemies were humans with flesh and blood. He didn't even need to fight physically, he could solve all his problems with his spear. When facing opponents like Ixtab and Carcia Ruiz, he did not even have the chance to help, so his use of branding power s energy was actually too simple. Most of it was used for hunting, hypnotizing, perspective, etc. As a result, his use of branding power's energy in the battle field was practically useless to him.    


This time, Ixtab forced him into a corner once again. The branding power's energy that had been suppressed and disturbed suddenly erupted, and shattered his clothes. That one shatter gave him an inspiration, that was, if Ixtab was not afraid of any kind of physical attack, then what about when the two powers clashed?    


To deal with an enemy that used a spear, the least weapon would be a spear. If you use your knife to rush forward, you are courting death.    


For the same reason, against an enemy like Ixtab who was in the form of pure energy, the least weapon would be an energy attack.    


Thus, with this inspiration, Xia Lei activated the branding power's energy in his body almost instinctively, wrapped it around his fist and ruthlessly struck at Ixtab. This was how it turned out. The enemy that previously could not even fight back was now sent flying with a single punch!    


This punch gave Xia Lei confidence. All along, he had been threatened by Ixtab and Carcia Ruiz, and even under the threat of death, he seemed to have found a path to struggle, and also saw a trace of hope.    


"I told you." Xia Lei blew his fist, "My fist is very big, but your mouth is very small, do you think you can eat it?"    


Ixtab removed the stealth state, revealing a faintly glowing energy body. She looked at Xia Lei, and spoke with a disdainful tone, "You were lucky to hit me, but your confidence has already expanded to this extent? Then I'll let you experience my true strength. "    


As her voice fell, and even as it reverberated in this blood-colored space, her body actually condensed into a lance that flew over in fury. In an instant, she broke through the space between the two of them and pierced right in front of Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei was shocked, and quickly dodged to the side. But his speed was still slower than Ixtab's, he was able to avoid the fatal wound on his chest, but his shoulder had a cut, and fresh blood flowed!    


Ixtab's condensed energy spear clashed against the wall, and with a loud bang, a transparent hole appeared on the thick and solid mud wall.    


With that, Ixtab's attack was simply like a cannonball!    


The wound on Xia Lei's shoulder stopped bleeding and quickly healed. This situation was beyond his expectations. It might have something to do with drinking milk, but now was not the time to think about it. From that single attack just now, he could completely feel just how determined Ixtab was to kill him.    


Without waiting for the dust to disperse, Ixtab's body made of pure energy appeared once again in the air. In the next second after she appeared, her body of energy split into four, each part condensing into a spear that shot straight at Xia Lei.    


Her energy body would be able to close after the explosion without suffering any damage. Then, she would be able to split her energy body into several parts.    


Four spears, four different directions. Xia Lei basically had no way of dodging them. And the spear that Ixtab had condensed was only second to bullets in terms of speed, it was fast to the extreme.    


Right at the moment when the four spears were activated, Xia Lei's legs suddenly stepped on the ground fiercely, causing the ground to shake.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


Four energy spears struck the ground, and four large holes appeared on the reinforced concrete floor.    


Crash! * Crash! * Crash ?    


Xia Lei's body had only stopped after colliding with several huge glass containers. This was the first time he wrapped the branding power's energy around his legs and then jumped. This was also the first time he had experienced the feeling of being a bird. The branding power's energy strengthened his legs and when used on the ground, it was as if he had a pair of wings on his back!    


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