Tranxending Vision

C1287 Xia Lei's tear

C1287 Xia Lei's tear

It was as if Ixtab had disappeared from this world, and the Super Xiao Qian used all of her ability but couldn't find any traces of her. Her three bases had been bombed, and she had done nothing in retaliation.    


There was also Carcia Ruiz, the only one in the history who had left a '71' number on the Jesus' statue in the Saint Ray Church. She seemed to have disappeared from this world, and Xia Lei was unable to find any information on him.    


The other was his father, Xia Changhe. He knew that even Xia Lei wouldn't be able to figure out his relationship with him. He suspected that his father Xia Changhe was the mysterious leader of the FA, and he had even suspected that his father Xia Changhe was one of Carcia Ruiz's "clothes". He also suspected that his father Xia Changhe was not the "Third Pole" between Ixtab and Ixtab, but he could only find out after talking to his father Xia Changhe face to face. However, the old man also disappeared at this time. Bombs read seconds of critical time.    


Ixtab had disappeared. The base of the Black Moon Army was destroyed, but the world was not at all quiet. Shares in Microsoft, Apple and Google are falling again and again, three giants are going downhill, and some large US companies are also being attacked and have suffered heavy losses. Influenced by the big corporations, the new financial crisis has sprung up on Wall Street as Assassin's Storm.    


This is not a crisis that inevitably arises when capital markets reach a certain stage, but a man-made crisis. Therefore, the name Assassin's Storm was quite fitting.    


The mastermind behind the assassin storm was the Super Xiao Qian, and she was under Xia Lei's command. However, the source of the financial turmoil this time was still Xia Lei. He had initially spent $4 million to roll snow balls in the American stock market, but later on, the Super Xiao Qian had rolled snow balls up to trillions of dollars. Such a snowball was nothing to the capital markets of the United States, and was still tolerable. However, all of this changed after the Celestial system s in the United States were killed by the Super Xiao Qian.    


Right now, there was only one queen in the entire network world, and that was the Super Xiao Qian. She not only occupied the online world of Europe, but also the online world of the United States. Even in the United States, she could get whatever information she wanted. If she wanted to control one of the cameras, she could control the other one. She could even command flights, collide planes, and cause terrorist attacks at any time!    


However, Xia Lei didn't allow her to do that. He only wanted the United States to repay the wealth that he had stolen from the Third World over the years, as well as to pay the price for all of their actions. He didn't want a terrorist attack. He was never a terrorist.    


The Assassin Storm spread rapidly through the U. S. capital markets, spreading like a virus. However, the real virus had been controlled, and this was due to Xia Lei's actions to remove the virus. He dispatched her Kunpeng Bomber to bombard the bases of India and Nigeria, and the Super Xiao Qian's warships that entered Mexico fired missiles at the bases of Mexico. Although it did not completely destroy the helldog virus that time, at least it had been controlled and did not spread to other areas.    


This was the current state of the world. There were good things happening, and also bad things happening. Some were born, some died. And time does not stop, no matter what is happening in this world, its footsteps are always in a hurry.    


Day 51.    


"Hubby, look after the child, I'll go cook." Jiang Ruyi reported Xia Jianghe to Xia Lei, "Tonight, Xia Xue and the man from the south wants to come over for dinner, as his sister-in-law, I want to make a move."    


"Do you need my help?" Xia Lei said.    


Before Jiang Ru Yi could say anything, Xia Jianghe pulled Xia Lei's hand and said: "Men do not enter the kitchen to play with their obedient daughter. Daddy, let's perm Barbie's hair, do you have a lighter?"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Jiang Ruyi slapped Xia Jianghe's little butt, then rolled her eyes and scolded, "You little brat, mother has loved you for nothing."    


However, Xia Jianghe pulled Xia Lei's hand and left, "Father, let's go, ignore her."    


Jiang Ruyi spread out her hands with an expression of not knowing whether to laugh or cry, but her heart was filled with happiness and warmth. The best man in the world was his husband. He was leading the smartest girl in the world that she and he had ever given birth to. What else could she not be satisfied with?    


Xia Lei played with Xia Jianghe, and not long after, Liang Jiayu, Xia Long, and Xia Fan also came. In the end, Xia Yang, Xia Yue and Xia Wangda, who were all struggling to learn how to walk, also came under Shentu Tianyin's lead. Seven children, one father, six wives.    


That night, Xia Xue and Liu Zhengnan came over, the whole family was eating at the same table, it was bustling with noise and excitement.    


Xia Xue's stomach was starting to rise, but it was not very obvious. At the dining table, Xia Xue continuously asked the six sister-in-law for guidance on pregnancy and the knowledge of taking care of children.    


"Bro, let me toast you. Thank you." Liu Zhengnan toasted to Xia Lei with both hands.    


Xia Lei picked up his wine cup and clinked it with Liu Zhengnan's, then smiled: Thank me for what?    


"Everything." Liu Zhengnan finished it in one gulp.    


Xia Lei did not say anything, and also drank the wine in his cup. He understood Liu Zhengnan's intentions. He had accomplished everything Liu Zhengnan had done, and even married Xia Xue to him. These words of thanks were obviously not enough, but he could feel the sincerity and responsibility that Liu Zhengnan had in his heart, and that was enough. The only thing that he regretted was that he was unable to see Xia Xue's child being born, and this uncle of his most likely would never have the chance to see his nephew again.    


"I'll take a trip somewhere far away after a while. Male, take good care of Snowy and your sister-in-law." Xia Lei whispered.    


Liu Zhengnan nodded his head, "Brother, I know what to do even if you didn't say it. "Right, where are you going?"    


Xia Lei's heart was filled with bitterness.    


Where to?    


Perhaps it was the world inside the box, whether it was dead or alive, not to mention knowing where it was going.    


Or else he would die in Carcia Ruiz's hands, forever separating the heaven and the earth.    


But he was still unable to tell Liu Zhengnan about this, as well as his wives. All he could say was to tell them not to worry, that he would return safely. However, he had no confidence that he would be able to return.    


"Mm, it's related to the national secret, so you don't need to ask." Xia Lei said.    


"Alright, then I won't ask. Let's have another drink." Liu Zhengnan poured for Xia Lei.    


The two men drank, the women talked about the children, and the atmosphere in the dining room was harmonious and pleasant. However, the more harmonious and happy the atmosphere was, the more sad Xia Lei felt. Carcia Ruiz had left behind the deadline of 71 days for the God of Jesus in the Saint Ray Church. It was now 51 days, which meant that he only had 20 days left. Apart from the 20 days left, he only had 19 days left in actual practice.    


In 19 days, he was going to leave his wife and children, the Rayma Group that he had worked so hard to create, everything he had now. How could he not be sad? The corners of his eyes were quietly moist. In order to not be discovered, he intentionally dropped the chopsticks to the ground and bent down to pick them up. While he was picking up the chopsticks, he used his hands to wipe the tears in the corners of his eyes.    


"Siyao, have some fish." Liang Siyao picked up a piece of cod fish and put it into Shentu Tianyin's bowl, while saying with a smile, "You have two children with you. There's not enough water, and there's even a big kid who sneaks around. You should eat more fish to nourish your body. "    


"Thank you." Shentu Tianyin laughed awkwardly.    


Long Bing said: "Siyao, the main male is still here, what are you talking about?"    


"Uh, I forgot." Liang Siyao laughed, "Male, did you hear anything?"    


Liu Zhengnan shook his head in panic, "Sister-in-law, I didn't hear anything. Did you say anything?"    


"Isn't that right? "Cluck, cluck, cluck ?" Liang Siyao laughed until her branches trembled. A woman that trained in martial arts had a straightforward character.    


Tang Yuyan said: "Siyao, are we going to train in a while?"    


"If you want to train, then train. I haven't exercised my body in a long time, but I won't show mercy." Liang Siyao said.    


Tang Yuyan rolled her eyes at Liang Siyao, "Who asked you to give way? I will beat you until you are convinced! "    


"My mom is awesome!" Liang Jiayu said.    


"My mother is stronger than Er Niang!" Xia Long said.    


Liang Jiayu and Xia Long started arguing with each other on a child's table beside the big dining table.    


"Enough!" Xia Fan slapped the table, "My mom is the strongest in our Xia family. I heard it myself last night. My mom beat me up to the point where I begged for mercy."    


At the dining table, the adults looked at each other with awkward and weird expressions.    


"I don't believe it!" Xia Long was unwilling to accept this.    


"I don't believe it either!" Liang Jiayu said with an angry look on his face.    


Xia Fan pointed at Xia Lei with his chubby little hand, "If you don't believe me, you can ask my father. Last night, he kept saying," No, no, I can't take it anymore.    


Pata! The chopsticks in Xia Lei's hand dropped to the ground.    


A few seconds later, the restaurant burst into laughter again. Fan Fan covered his face, not daring to meet anyone.    


The innocence of the child made Xia Lei relax for a bit, but it was only for a bit. Although he still had a smile on his face, it was only a fake smile. As the time of his death approached, he actually still had another thing on his mind, and that was, the relationship between his six wives was originally not this harmonious. Fan Fan, Liang Siyao, Long Bing and Jiang Ruyi originally did not accept Shentu Tianyin. Among his five wives, only Tang Yuyan accepted Shentu Tianyin, but she was only one person. He had used Deep Hypnosis to solve this problem. Although the problem had been solved, it wasn't real after all. If she left or died, it would be inevitable. If this matter was not resolved, there would always be a flaw in his heart.    


What's wrong with you?    


It was difficult for a government official to stop his family's affairs, and this kind of family problem troubled the smartest person in the world like him.    


Just as he was thinking about this, the Super Xiao Qian suddenly appeared. He was wearing a snow-white cold-proof suit and a thick hat, which made him look out of place here in the summer.    


Fortunately, the Xia family's women were already used to her existence and weren't surprised at her sudden appearance.    


"Master, Matriarchs, good evening." Super Xiao Qian took off the hat on her head, bowed and said: "The construction of the Peach Blossom Earth has been completed, please inspect it."    


Following which, a valley appeared in the sky. As the end of the valley approached, a military and civilian shelter base appeared in everyone's line of sight.    


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