Tranxending Vision

C1294 Farewell, living legend!

C1294 Farewell, living legend!

Xia Changhe was silent for a while, before saying: "Although I did not find anything, nor did I find any clues or evidence, but I have several hundred years of experience, I think you are ?"    


"What?" Xia Lei was inexplicably nervous. He was afraid that Xia Changhe would claim that he was an alien from the sky, or some kind of monster that had been created. If that was the case, then he would completely lose his sense of direction and be completely lost.    


"My guess is that it's like the reincarnation of a living Buddha from the Tibetan area, do you understand?" Xia Changhe said with a serious look, "A woman gave birth to you, but you told her that you were not her real child. She abandoned you, perhaps for her own reasons. Your reason, coupled with hers, has led to this result. So, I've come because you're the person I've chosen. "    


Xia Lei did not move, but an image appeared in his mind.    


On a stormy night, a woman whose face could not be seen climbed up the rooftop of a residential building with much difficulty. Perhaps she had thought of throwing him down from the rooftop. But she could not bring herself to be ruthless. In the end, she placed him on the rooftop, turned around, and left ?    


"Of course, this is just my guess." Xia Changhe said: "If you want the answer, you will have to find it yourself. I believe that you will definitely find the answer."    


Xia Lei's thoughts were pulled back as he laughed bitterly, "Although I don't know where to start, I will look for him, if I can survive."    


Xia Changhe looked at Xia Lei, and looked at his eyes. In that instant, a trace of emotion flashed across his eyes; You and I are not related by blood, but in my heart you are my son. Until now, I ask you to believe me, all this is for your own good. "    


Xia Lei was slightly stunned, Xia Changhe's gaze touched upon the softest place in his heart.    


"Let me tell you another secret."    


"Is it about the FA?"    


The corner of Xia Changhe's mouth quirked up in a smile, "You're always so smart. Carcia Ruiz fell into a deep sleep. I want to complete my mission, I have to be able to control an armed force that can do anything, thus the FA that developed in Mexico became my goal. I joined the FA and used the FA's intelligence network to serve me. During that time, I also adopted a few orphans and trained them. They formed the later Zodiac Clan ? "    


"All my life I have lived for a mission, and all I have done was serve it. Whoever interferes with my mission, I will kill them. What happened in Jerusalem, as you know, was discovered by an Israeli archaeologist in the heart of the mountain, and then the Americans went too. At that moment, the compass moved again. "Its hands are pointing towards the pyramid in the middle of the mountain. I've sent the Thousand Army over ?"    


"Thousand Army found that piece of amber in the pyramid, but he was captured by the people of the Mossad. After all, that was Israel. If they decided to capture someone, that person wouldn't be able to escape the fate of being captured, let alone within the borders of Israel. I had an appointment with Chivalry in Dubai, but he couldn't come. I received word that I was in Jerusalem, but he was already locked up, and the Amber was sent to Nevada District 51, where they set up a laboratory, the AE Research Center. "    


"At that time, the compass gave me new confidence. I heard the voice, and then I had a dream. Actually, that wasn't a dream in the first place. Rather, it was a command for me to give you the medicine in the amber. "On one hand, it's a mission. I have to find a way to get the medicine from the amber liquid. On the other hand, I have to find a way to get the medicine from the amber liquid.    


"I stole the AE capsule, I returned to Grand China, I did some things to you, it gave you a headache, and lied about having a tumor in your brain, I need to take this medicine to cure it. "You were very obedient and started taking the medicine, but I didn't expect you to forget about the last pill ?"    


"The FA Organization has become my problem. After I arranged for you and Xia Xue to go to Mexico. I can't let FA threaten you and Xia Xue, so I started to investigate the head of FA. It took me two years to find the guy. I killed him. The way he controlled the FA was very special. No one had ever seen him in person. That's why it took me two years to find him, but it's also why it's convenient for me to replace him as the hidden leader of the FA ? "    


Xia Lei interrupted Xia Changhe, "Since you have already taken control of the FA, why should I let the Nomosha kill Amanda, Piao Taiyong, Markus and Baghu? They are orphans you brought up to be, and they see you as their father! "    


"I don't want them to die. Giving up the Thousand Army is a mistake, but I have no choice. I could not fight the Mossad of Israel and the CIA of the United States. I could not save him from the Americans and the Israelis. But the deaths of Amanda, Piao Taiyong and the others have nothing to do with me. "    


"What do you mean?"    


"After I took control of the FA, I gave Yan Fo and Augustman some privileges. After that, I left Mexico. I didn't go home. I went to Malta. "    


Xia Lei's heart skipped a beat. "Why are you going to Malta?"    


Xia Changhe said, "Because someone had given me instructions, so Carcia Ruiz's instructions are that he should wake up. I had to carry out his instructions, so I went to Malta, and I did something inhumane... " "I'm sorry, I don't want to talk about that."    


Even if he didn't say it, Xia Lei could have guessed it already. Carcia Ruiz needed energy to revive, and that energy only existed in the brains of living people. He used the word "inhumane" to describe it. This was already a very clear answer.    


"After Carcia Ruiz revived, he gave me new instructions. He asked me to look for traces of Ixtab, and I once again embarked on my journey. In those few years, it had actually been Yan Fo and Augustman controlling the FA. Afterwards, I knew that Amanda, Piao Taiyong and the others had died, but I didn't feel anything. I've witnessed too much death, and I don't feel much about it anymore. " Xia Changhe let out a long exhale, then suddenly burst out laughing, "Hahaha! "To think that it would be so comfortable to reveal the secret in my heart!"    


This was Xia Changhe's entire body. He had taken off the mysterious clothes on his body, but he was still a chess piece that could be manipulated by anyone. He had gained great power and a long life, but he had also lost what was most precious to him, and that was his feelings and freedom.    


"As I said, I'll tell you everything when the time comes. I came because it was time. I have told you everything I know. " Xia Changhe's line of sight shifted towards the sky. That deep and distant sky seemed to have brought back some of his memories, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.    


"You are Carcia Ruiz's man. Tell me, what does he want from me?" Xia Lei asked.    


Xia Changhe shook his head, "I don't know, I really don't know. You are the chosen one, and you have your destiny. I also have my destiny, and now I am ready to face it. "    


"What do you mean?" Xia Lei felt the grief in his heart.    


Xia Changhe didn't say anything, he just continued to look at the sky.    


Xia Lei suddenly understood. As Carcia Ruiz's man, how could Carcia Ruiz let him go after telling him so many secrets? He said he was ready for his fate, his fate ? death!    


After a moment of silence, Xia Changhe slowly said, "Xuan Yue likes white dresses the most. When she's with me, she always likes to wear white dresses, she's as clean as snow ? ? I've been away from her too long, and she's been alone too long. I dreamed about her last night. She was waiting for me. I'm going to see her. I don't know why, but I'm so nervous, like a young man who's just started to fall in love. "    


"Dad!" Xia Lei could not help but shout out.    


"You ?" Xia Changhe retracted his gaze from the sky and looked at Xia Lei in a daze.    


Tears rolled out of Xia Lei's eyes, "What nonsense are you spouting? You have a son, you have a daughter, where are you going? "    


Xia Changhe remained silent for a while, before saying: "Thank you, but this word 'Father' of yours makes my heart warm. I have not felt this kind of feeling for hundreds of years. But I can't be with you guys, I can't face Xia Xue, I killed her mother. "    


Xia Lei's heart felt like it was being stabbed by a blade. From his point of view, he could obviously accept Xia Changhe living together with him. But Xia Xue? Although Xia Xue didn't know the truth, it wasn't fair at all to her!    


Xia Changhe laughed bitterly, "There are some things that is destined. Destiny, everything has its fate. I don't want to go on. I am too lonely, and Xuan Yue is too lonely.    


Xia Lei's tears silently flowed down.    


Xia Changhe walked towards Xia Lei and placed his hands on Xia Lei's shoulders, "Promise me that you will get rid of them no matter what!"    


Xia Lei nodded.    


Xia Changhe carried Xia Lei in his arms.    


It was a silent hug. The sky was blue and cloudy.    


Xia Changhe released Xia Lei and walked toward a mountain.    


Xia Lei turned around, "Dad, where are you going?"    


Xia Changhe turned around and smiled, "That was my first date with Xuan Yue, but I won't tell you. That is my secret."    


"Aren't you going to look at your grandchildren?"    


"I've already seen it." Xia Changhe said. He turned his head and strode forward.    


Xia Lei quietly watched Xia Changhe's back as he walked further and further away. In that moment, it was as if he had returned to an hour later. The man who was slowly walking away held his hand as they walked down the busy street. He asked for a popsicle, and the man led him to the peddler, laughing and jumping ?    


Goodbye, Pop.    


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