Tranxending Vision

C1296 birth separation

C1296 birth separation

Half a month later.    


Dawn had not yet arrived, and the sky was dark.    


The room was very quiet. The women were all over the largest bed in the paradise. They were tired from last night's absurdity, and their plan was to get up later than the sun.    


But Xia Lei did not sleep at all. He had been thinking about things all night, after the excitement had subsided. Five days later would be the end of his lifespan but even now, he had yet to receive any information nor find any trace of Carcia Ruiz.    


Would the guy show up on the last day and kill him?    


Xia Lei was unable to guess what Carcia Ruiz was thinking, and even now, he still had not figured out what Carcia Ruiz's goal was.    


After lying down quietly for a while, Xia Lei got up from the bed. He put on his clothes and kissed each of his wives on the bed. Jiang Ruyi who was sleeping on the side, Liang Siyao who was lying on the ground with one leg on top of her body, Fan Fan Fan who was smiling on the corner of her mouth, Tang Yuyan who was sleeping on the floor and finally Shentu Tianyin who was hugging a pillow.    


The night when the whole family moved to a paradise, Tang Yuyan taught Shentu Tianyin wrong. After that night, the biggest room and bed in the paradise became theirs and Xia Lei's heaven. This period of time was truly ridiculous, unrestrained, depraved, but it truly was very happy.    


"I'm sorry, I don't want to leave either, but ?" Xia Lei wanted to leave behind some words, but he was unable to continue.    


Xia Lei quietly left the happy house with the women.    


This was the name he had given to this enormous room, and for that he had taken many blows from the women. If he had a choice, he wanted to stay here forever, to work during the day, to play with the children, to spend the night in bed with his wives and enjoy himself. But he had no choice. He had to leave.    


He had to leave.    


This was the decision he had made last night after thinking about it for an entire night.    


There were still five days until the deadline that Carcia Ruiz had given him. He could still enjoy a few days here, living a blissful and superb life. But so what? When the time came, he still left. Moreover, if he continued to stay here, once Carcia Ruiz and Ixtab arrived and turned this place into a battlefield, his wife and children would be in extreme danger.    


As the door closed, the seductive glow in the room disappeared. At that moment, Xia Lei was unable to hold back his tears. He gently opened the door and took one last look.    


The women in the big bed formed a white landscape, with black spots. The mountains were high and the waters were low. The curves were captivating. Their beauty, their good fortune, had entered his line of sight, as if it was branded into his mind.    


"Goodbye, my lovers." Xia Lei closed the door and turned to leave. Several times he tried to turn back, but he resisted.    


He went into the room where the children slept, kissed every child, and left his blessing.    


"I'm sorry, my children, but Dad has to leave. Dad may not be able to grow up with you and see you get married and have kids, but you have to believe Dad loves you and will always love you. Grow up, and be filial to your mothers in the future ? " He could not continue. Tears wet his clothes.    


After a quarter of an hour, Xia Lei carried a huge backpack and headed towards the big gate of the Peach Blossom World. A few fully armed members of the Rescue Institute looked at him helplessly, but none of them reacted. Xia Lei was like a transparent ball of air as he walked past them, and they had no impression of him in their minds.    


In the sky, a huge black object fell from the sky. That was the peak work of the Rayma Group, the Kunpeng Bomber.    


Xia Lei climbed onto the Kunpeng Bomber s, which then began to sprint on the runway. Then, they uprooted themselves and soared into the sky.    


Xia Lei's line of sight shifted to the paradise that was surrounded by the mountains. It was getting smaller and smaller, and he was getting further and further away from his women and children.    


Life and death.    


The sorrow of parting was like a salty lake that could not be seen today. Every drop of water was filled with tears of sorrow.    


As the paradise disappeared from his sight, Xia Lei could no longer control his emotions. Tears welled in his eyes and his voice became choked with sobs, "Wait for me, my love. Wait for me, my child. I will definitely return."    


The first light of dawn pierced the darkness, and above the clouds, the wings of the Kunpeng Bomber reflected cold light in the sunlight.    


A slim figure appeared from the cockpit, the Super Xiao Qian coughed, "Master, you're crying."    


"Yesterday afternoon, I left a video on my hacker's computer. After I leave, you can release it for your matriarchs to see."    


"Ok, master ?"    


"What are you trying to say?"    


"I'm so sad to see you cry. Can you tell me where you're going?"    


"You mean the future or the present?"    


"Right now and in the future, I want to know." The Super Xiao Qian said.    


Xia Lei was silent for a moment, before replying, "I'll go to Malta now, and I won't know in the future."    


"Ahh ?" Super Xiao Qian suddenly wailed loudly.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "What are you crying for? If even your tears are fake, is there a need to cry? "    


"I'm sad! I don't need you to care! "    


Xia Lei said: "Promise me that after I leave, you will definitely take care of my woman and children."    


"I will." Super Xiao Qian choked with sobs: "Then are we still going to continue attacking the capital markets of the United States?"    


Xia Lei replied: "Of course, you can do whatever you want."    


"What's the point of doing this if you're gone?" Super Xiao Qian's eyes flickered with tears. Those virtual tears that were about to flow out looked very realistic.    


"Of course there's meaning, the last instruction I left for you is to take good care of my woman and children, protect the Grand China, and attack the United States." Xia Lei said.    


"I will carry it out." Super Xiao Qian's tears gushed out.    


"Alright, alright, you can go back. When we reach Malta, you can come out and take the plane back to the Grand China. Now I want some peace and quiet." Xia Lei said.    


"Master ?"    


"Go back."    


Super Xiao Qian disappeared from the cockpit. Although she was unwilling to leave, he had to carry out Xia Lei's orders.    


Kunpeng Bomber flew towards the Mediterranean.    


Where is Carcia Ruiz?    


There was no way to know.    


However, Xia Lei knew that Carcia Ruiz's base camp was on Malta, because his father had said one thing before he left, and that was that he had gone to Malta to help Carcia Ruiz revive after controlling the FA.    


The final battle required a battlefield, Xia Lei would not choose any place in the Grand China, nor would he choose a paradise, but chose Carcia Ruiz's base.    


Du du du, du du...    


The satellite telephone suddenly rang.    


Xia Lei took out the satellite telephone, but he did not see the number to call.    


"Breathe ?" "Breathe in ?" An eerie sound came out, and a terrifying atmosphere was immediately created in the Kunpeng Bomber's cockpit.    


"Carcia Ruiz." Xia Lei said: "I'm already prepared. Where are you?"    


"Xia Lei." The voice of the satellite telephone suddenly changed, turning into a woman's voice.    


Even if the voice turned to ashes, Xia Lei would recognize that the person calling was Ixtab.    


"You're actually still alive." Xia Lei's voice was very cold.    


"Do you really want me to die that badly?" Ixtab's voice was a little less ice-cold, "You did that kind of thing to me, but I didn't kill you with my own hands, would I be willing to die?"    


"Come on, then. I'm on my way to Malta." Xia Lei said.    


"Are you going to Malta? Do you really want to die that badly? " Ixtab's voice.    


Xia Lei said: "Isn't everyone going to die? What did it matter if it was a few days earlier or a few days later? But you have to think carefully, Carcia Ruiz's headquarters is on Malta, so if I go this time, it would be like walking into a trap. If you don't come, you won't get anything. "    


"We need to meet!"    


"Then we'll meet at Malta." After pausing for a moment, Xia Lei continued, "Let's do it at Valetta."    


"Where is Valetta?"    


Xia Lei said: "To the east of the Valetta, enter the mountain. There is an ancient castle, which is the location of the Knights Hospitaller, I will wait for you there."    


"Don't play tricks on me!"    


"Then that's it. If you want anything from me, then come quickly. You won't have a share if you're late." With that, Xia Lei hung up.    


A bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. In the eyes of and Carcia Ruiz, the two demons, he was just like a piece of fat meat. As a fat person, he had no choice but to be eaten by Ixtab or Carcia Ruiz.    


The Kunpeng Bomber entered India's airspace and continued to fly towards the Mediterranean.    


Xia Lei turned around and glanced at the big backpack placed on the front passenger seat, and thought to himself: "Whether you can survive this time, will depend on whether you can help me or not."    


The big backpack held the World's Box and crystal skull, as well as the silver armor that he had gotten from the Knights Hospitaller. However, even with these things, he was still not confident.    


All along, he had always thought that Ixtab was the most terrifying, but it was only now that he understood that the one who was chasing after him was not Ixtab, but Carcia Ruiz! He had lived longer than Ixtab, he was stronger and more cunning!    


Because, six hundred years ago, Carcia Ruiz had been planning for this since!    


Du du du, du du...    


The satellite telephone sounded again.    


Xia Lei took a look and saw that it was Long Bing's number. It was only until the 55th second did he muster up the courage to answer the phone, "Ah Bing, it's me."    


"Daddy, where did you go?" Xia Long's voice came from the satellite telephone.    


Xia Lei was silent for a moment, then said: "Father has some matters to attend to so I'll be back soon."    


"No, I don't want to be obedient. I want you to come back." Xia Long said stubbornly.    


Xia Lei's eyes became moist, "Remember, read properly and be a useful person."    


"No, I want you back!" cried Charon.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly. Just as he was about to cut off the call, Long Bing's voice came from the satellite telephone.    


"Hubby, I'll be waiting for you to come back." Long Bing said.    


"Wait for me to come back." Xia Lei said: "I love you."    


"I love you." Long Bing's voice was choked with sobs.    


Xia Lei hung up the call, and with a pinch, the satellite telephone shattered.    


He wanted to sever all ties. If death was the inevitable ending, then he wanted to die in peace, and not implicate anyone.    


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