Tranxending Vision

C1313 Confronted Sky City

C1313 Confronted Sky City

Carcia Ruiz's black robe fell to the ground. His body of energy continued to compress until it reached a point where it was almost impossible to see with the naked eye.    


"I'm going to eat you. Do you have any last words?" Carcia Ruiz's voice.    


Xia Lei was unable to speak, but even if he could, he did not want to speak. At this moment, all his hopes had been crushed, and the fear in his heart overwhelmed everything else.    


"Well, I forgot, you can't talk. Then I will take silence as your last words. Rest assured, you have given me such a perfect body, I will no longer kill your women and children. If this makes you feel better, then just treat this as my promise to you. " Carcia Ruiz entered a ray of blue energy.    


Xia Lei couldn't see Carcia Ruiz at all, but he could feel an ice-cold energy enter his body. However, because the branding power energy in his body was being restricted, it did not have any reaction at all.    


This was the most advanced way of eating for Carcia Ruiz. If he likened Ixtab's way of eating to eating garlic, then Carcia Ruiz's way of eating would have reached the level of drinking coffee. Carcia Ruiz used this method to enter his body, and only destroyed his soul, then occupied his Cosmic Brand, and then his body. Under the law of eating, his body would not die, but his soul would perish and he would become someone else.    


Would Carcia Ruiz succeed?    


Unable to judge.    


But what Xia Lei knew, was that this time, he had no other ideas, he was dead for sure.    


This was his fate.    


There was a sudden sharp pain in his brain, and fear took over every nerve. Just as he was about to die, many faces appeared in Xia Lei's mind. His childhood sweetheart, his first girlfriend, Liang Siyao. His first wife, Shentu Tianyin, who lived and died with him. Tang Yuyan, who loved him so dearly that he did not care.    


"I'm going to die. Farewell my love, my children. I promised you that I would come back, but I can't do it, I can't do it ? "Forgive me ?" Xia Lei's consciousness became more and more muddled, and his vision also became more and more blurry, until he could no longer see anymore.    


Just as he was about to fall unconscious, a tremor suddenly came from the front of his body.    


Crash! *    


A strange sound once again appeared. It was the sound of the jade-like rock emitting blue energy. It had appeared once before.    


The instant after the voice appeared, Xia Lei's body suddenly recovered its freedom, and fell to the ground. His vision also returned to normal, and he saw an unbelievable scene.    


The blue energy tree disappeared.    


There was an additional woman in the place that should have been a tree, Ixtab.    


BOOM! The air shook and Carcia Ruiz fell down from the air. His body of energy did not seem to be in a good condition, as the color had lightened by quite a bit. He needed to use up a lot of blue energy. If he wanted to destroy Xia Lei's soul, he would also need to expend a great deal of energy. His invasion of Xia Lei's Cosmic Brand was a huge consumption. The high-grade eating methods that he had developed were all built on the foundation of consuming one's body.    


If Carcia Ruiz destroyed Xia Lei's soul, invaded Xia Lei's Cosmic Brand and completely became Xia Lei's body's master, then he would naturally be fine. But because of Ixtab's sudden invasion, the blue energy tree had turned off, so he was basically kicked out of Xia Lei's body alive!    


"Hahaha ?" Ixtab laughed, his voice was extremely sharp, like a knife scraping at people's eardrums, "You dirty rat, you have calculated it over a million times already, right? You've planned everything, but why didn't I do it? "    


There must be Ixtab in Carcia Ruiz's plans, but he definitely did not plan for Ixtab to appear here. This was his feast, how could Ixtab possibly get a share of this?    


But some women are so annoying, you don't want her to appear in front of you. She did something to hurt you, but she was still smiling so happily, and her smile was still so pretty.    


"Eat, then eat." Ixtab ridiculed.    


Carcia Ruiz did not say anything. At the moment, the thing he wanted to do the most was to kill people, not to speak. He looked at Ixtab, his eyes terrifyingly cold.    


"You've spent a long time planning all this. I've been waiting for this day for a long time." Ixtab's voice rang, "You are not worthy of being this city's master at all. I should be its master!"    


"You think you're worthy?" Carcia Ruiz crawled up from the ground. His body of energy was trembling a little, giving off an unstable feeling.    


Ixtab pointed at Xia Lei, and laughed coldly: "He is the person you have chosen. You want to replace him, but you definitely do not know, I have also planned for a very long time, and my plan is to replace you!"    


The mantis stalks the cicada and the yellow sparrow stalks the cicada!    


Regardless of whether it was Carcia Ruiz or Ixtab, which one of them was not a cunning person? And he is the prey of these two culminate evolution!    


"You want to replace me?" Carcia Ruiz coldly snorted, "I am the master of this City of the Sky, and I am also the person you have chosen. You cannot replace me!"    


"Hehehe ?" Ixtab sneered: "Don't think that you're being sentimental, are you the only one chosen? "Then how can I stop it?"    


Carcia Ruiz was immediately stunned.    


At this time, Xia Lei caught his breath, and struggled to climb up from the ground. He did not even say a single word when he heard Ixtab's conversation with him. Even though he was still in a state of shock, his brain could not help but think, "Carcia Ruiz said that he was the person selected by the city, and that he is the owner of the city. That's why he can control the city. But just now, Ixtab stopped the operation of the city, how did she do that? Could it be that there weren't any people that had chosen this city? This city is like a spaceship that can travel between stars. Anyone who meets certain conditions can operate it? " When he thought here, his thoughts suddenly changed, "Then ?" Can I operate it? If I can operate it, I can bring two guys out of this world! This world will be safe! "    


It was a crazy idea, almost a suicidal one. He didn't know the city at all, didn't know if there would be air when the city entered space, and didn't know if he could withstand flying beyond the speed of light. After all, as far as he knew, the human body could not withstand the speed of light, and the city seemed to have little protection. Without air, without food and water, how could he survive?    


"Do you really think you're the only one? "You still call yourself prehistoric's one and only." Ixtab continued to ridicule, "That magical mineral is the real reason. You, I, and Xia Lei, the three of us can become the masters of this city, and we can control it."    


"Impossible!" Carcia Ruiz roared.    


However, Xia Lei was shocked, that thought that he almost committed suicide just now popped up in his mind again!    


For the sake of his woman and his children, for the sake of this world, for the sake of the Grand China and the Chinese, he could solve the problem with just himself. Even if he did not do this, once Ixtab and Carcia Ruiz had solved the problem between them, no matter who was left, they would not let him go!    


If death was all that mattered, why not make his own death more valuable?    


"Carcia Ruiz, I'll be the master of this city after I kill you, you stinking rat!" With that said, Ixtab's body of energy suddenly condensed into a spear, without any hesitation, it whizzed towards Carcia Ruiz.    


Under normal circumstances, Carcia Ruiz would not be afraid of Ixtab's attacks at all. All these years, he had always been the one chasing and hitting Ixtab, but now the situation had reversed.    


While you're sick, I'll take your life!    


Ixtab's energy spear instantly pierced into Carcia Ruiz's body. The body in the energy form had no vital points, so the attacking effect was the same for any part of the body.    


Carcia Ruiz was currently in a state of extreme weakness and was basically unable to dodge. Just as he was about to dodge, Ixtab's energy spear had already pierced into his abdomen.    




The collision between the energies produced a sound similar to a grenade exploding. The spear that Ixtab had condensed left a big hole on her body. In that instant, it was as if a rocket had pierced through Carcia Ruiz's lower abdomen and exploded.    


Carcia Ruiz's body of energy shook a little, and the wound on his lower abdomen quickly healed.    




A new hole appeared in Carcia Ruiz's chest, and the lance that Ixtab had condensed after piercing through his lower abdomen earlier actually pierced through his back and came out from his chest!    


This was the battle method of two culminate evolution s, which made it difficult for them to kill each other. Even though Carcia Ruiz was severely injured, it would still be difficult for him to kill him. She needed to attack again and again, completely exhausting Carcia Ruiz's energy, before he could finally destroy Carcia Ruiz's soul!    


When life evolves to the energy state, death can sometimes become a luxury.    


Even though he had suffered two heavy injuries in a row, Carcia Ruiz was still able to resist. Just as Ixtab was about to attack him for the third time, his energy body condensed into a huge fist that punched out.    




The two energy bodies were sent flying by the intense explosion.    


Very quickly, Ixtab stabilized herself, while Carcia Ruiz fell to the ground.    


"Go to hell!" Ixtab suddenly turned into four spears, whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh, all of them flew towards Carcia Ruiz!    


This time, Carcia Ruiz did not dare meet force with force, and quickly dodged to the side.    


The chase began.    


Just as the two energy bodies were fighting, Xia Lei's gaze shifted to the ground. He discovered that the blue energy was still concentrated in the center of the black jade rock, looking restless. The World's Box was about a step away from where they were.    


In this very glance, Xia Lei suddenly realized that there was a square imprint on the place where the blue energy was gathered. The size of the mark exactly matched the size of the World's Box!    


Xia Lei's heart thumped, "Will he ?"    


His legs stomped on the ground, and with a swoosh, he flew towards World's Box.    


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