Tranxending Vision

C1327 ambush

C1327 ambush

The Lan Long fell to the bottom of the cliff, its limbs in the air, but it crawled back up a second later. It raised its head and stared at Xia Lei with its two small blue eyes. If looks could kill, Xia Lei would have been killed by it multiple times already.    


Xia Lei stood on the edge of the cliff and looked down at the Lan Long, he was secretly surprised in his heart, "How did such a powerful creature get born? Perhaps only this planet can produce such a monster? If it appeared on Earth, it would be almost invincible. "    


Every planet has its own species, millions of them. If humans emigrated to this planet, they would definitely bring some familiar species with them. However, those species, including the humans themselves, were only outsiders. There should still be aboriginals on this planet!    


Maybe she knows that there are no locals on this planet. If there is, I have to think of a way to contact them. Xia Lei thought about this question, then turned and prepared to leave.    


"Roar!" The Lan Long at the bottom of the cliff roared at Xia Lei, as if it was unwilling to see him leave like this.    


Xia Lei turned around and looked at the Lan Long at the bottom of the cliff, then waved at it, "Friend, goodbye!"    


"Howl ?" A strange sound came out of the Lan Long's mouth, its meaning unknown.    


Xia Lei turned and walked down the hill. The pair of battle boots that he threw away had already been trampled to pieces by the Lan Long. The pair of boots that he found at the trash area was in Li Ni's bag. He did not know whether Li Ni and Ramona had caught up with the two horses that were fleeing in panic, or else he would have had to fight barefooted for a while.    


When he went down, Xia Lei already stood up with quick steps. Walking on the "road" that the Lan Long had created, it gave him the feeling that a train was passing through the forest. That scene made him even more shocked.    


Just as they reached the bottom of the hill, Li Ni and Ramona came back. The two women walked over and saw no warhorses.    


"Teacher Xia!" Maybe it was because of his excitement, but when Li Ni saw that he was still alive, he cheered and threw himself at Xia Lei, giving him a solid hug.    


But the embrace ended when she felt the characteristics of the male body, and lasted only a few seconds.    


Ramona did not hug Xia Lei, but the look in her eyes when she looked at Xia Lei was also filled with gratitude and excitement. Both she and Li Ni knew very well what the outcome would be when they faced the Lan Long, but Xia Lei had actually forcefully pulled them back from the side of the Grim Reaper.    


"Where's the horse?" Xia Lei asked, he was worried about the pair of shoes that he had picked up.    


"Where's the Lan Long?" Li Ni asked the question that she wanted to know the answer to almost at the same time.    


The two of them smiled at each other.    


"You first." Xia Lei said.    


"We found our horses. We tied them to the place where we found the Lan Long." Li Ni said.    


"I lured the Lan Long down the cliff." Xia Lei said.    


Ramona asked curiously: What happened?    


Xia Lei explained what happened as he walked. His words were simple, but Ramona and Li Ni still broke out in a cold sweat. Especially when Xia Lei mentioned how his battle boots were exhausted of all their energy when he jumped onto the huge boulder, they felt as if they were both in the same boat and felt the same way.    


"How can there be a creature like the Lan Long?" After finishing the story of the Lan Long, Xia Lei asked.    


Li Ni said, "They should be considered one of the aboriginals of this planet. Before the humans came here, they were the masters of this planet."    


"They haven't been affected by human colonization in such a long time?" Xia Lei felt this was unbelievable, because humans are assassins of the environment. Although the Lan Long is a strong species, it can't be a match for humans that have mastered the power of science and technology. If they pose a threat to humans, it is the most common practice for humans to destroy them, or to lock them in zoos, rather than to let them continue to pose a threat.    


"It seems like you've really forgotten everything." There was a trace of sympathy in Ramona's eyes, "Do you know how big the Star of Hope is? It covers an area of 500 billion square kilometers, and when humans colonized this planet, even when the Saint Ray was at their peak, they were only able to explore and develop a tenth of the entire planet's area. "    


Xia Lei was so shocked that his mouth almost fell out of his mouth. 500 billion square kilometers, what kind of concept is that? Earth was only 500 million square kilometers, and this planet was a thousand times bigger than Earth!    


"Idiot." Li Ni laughed, "Looking at your expression, this is something that everyone knows, is it worth being that surprised?"    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "I've already said it many times, I forgot about everything else."    


"Alright, alright. We believe in you. Let's go." Li Ni said.    


The three of them walked towards the place where the horses were tied, but Xia Lei's brain was still fantasizing about the Star of Hope. With a thousand times the size of the Earth and such a large planet, just how many magical species would it nurture? He couldn't help but imagine what would happen in an area devoid of people. He couldn't help but guess whether or not the blue moon man had explored and developed those uninhabited regions. If they had, what kind of attitude did the blue moon man have towards the aboriginals? Eat or enslave?    


In these imaginations, Xia Lei raised his head and looked at the blue moon in the sky once more.    


Arriving at the place where the horses were tied, Xia Lei took out the shoes he had found at the garbage dump and put them on.    


"Let's go back. We still have to face what we have to face." Li Ni said. After what had happened tonight, she seemed to have changed and become braver.    


Xia Lei was happy to see her change. He was destined to leave the Peace Village, but she had to shoulder the responsibility of protecting the village. It would not be a good thing if she were always so kind and lacking courage.    


Ramona transferred all of the parcels to her horse, and then mounted her horse, "Teacher Xia, you and Li Ni can ride the same horse."    


"You can ride." Li Ni said: "Your prediction ability for dangerous situations is very strong. If you are in front, we will be much safer."    


"Alright, then I'll ride it." Xia Lei mounted the horse and stretched out his hand towards Li Ni.    


Li Ni grabbed Xia Lei's hand and mounted his horse, and sat on the back of the horse. After mounting the horse, she seemed to have the same hesitation that Xia Lei had when he came over, she didn't know whether to hug Xia Lei's waist or support the saddle. In the end, she still chose to ride in the saddle. Her choice was the same as Xia Lei's.    


"Giddy up!" Xia Lei bellowed, his legs pressed against the horse's abdomen.    


The warhorse suddenly started up and galloped forward. Xia Lei immediately lost his balance and leaned backwards. Li Ni hurriedly let go of the saddle, and grabbed onto Xia Lei's waist to support him. He asked anxiously: "Teacher Xia, do you know how to ride a horse?"    


"The first time." Xia Lei said.    


Li Ni, "..."    


Ramona giggled at the side as the grapefruit like big wave shook in front of him, as if it would fall down at any time.    


Xia Lei swayed left and right, not daring to let go of him at all. The only thing he could do was to tightly hug him from behind. The firm abs of Xia Lei's lower abdomen caused a slight ripple in her heart.    


Xia Lei's front chest was pressed tightly against his back. Although it was a little small, that did not mean that it wasn't there. The feeling of softness was still very distinct. Moreover, as the warhorse continued to rub against his back, it continued to trouble him in a certain way. In a few moments, his body reacted instinctively, and the fabric of his pants became tight.    


Women were the best lubricants for men. The nervousness and fear left in their bodies from the life and death chase with the Lan Long were all flattened by Li Ni's little softness. Her arms around his waist were like a harbor, allowing him to rest in peace.    


Xia Lei's learning speed was very fast, in just 10 minutes, he had mastered the skills of a horse. His body was now level and stable on the horse. No matter if the horse below him was running or jumping, he was able to stabilize his body and control it with ease. Li Ni's hand finally left his waist. At that moment, he felt a little relaxed, but he also felt as if he had lost something.    


"A new world, a new life, I have to manage my emotions well. I can't be like how I was on Earth ?" Xia Lei secretly thought.    


He owed a lot of love debt on Earth, and he would never go the same way again in the New World.    


After some time, the three of them arrived at a place close to Peace Village's stables.    


Xia Lei pulled up the reins, the war horse below him whinnied, and then stopped. He jumped down from the horse and passed the rein to Li Ni, "You two wait here for me, I'll go take a look first."    


"Let's go together." Li Ni also jumped down from the horse.    


"How can you leave me out of this kind of thing?" Ramona took out the assault rifle she captured from her bag. She looked very excited and wasn't afraid of fighting.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Then let's go."    


With two beauties accompanying him, the atmosphere of the battle was very relaxed.    


The three of them walked towards the direction of the stables at a slow pace. Along the way, Xia Lei's control of his environment reached its limits, and he did not let go of any changes in light or any slight sounds. When the stables entered his line of sight, he discovered the warriors of the Peace Village on both sides of the stables in advance.    


Xia Lei squatted behind a big tree and said softly: "They are lying in ambush on the two sides of the stable, the moment we show ourselves we will be in their firepower range."    


Ramona's face revealed an expression of hatred, "This is an ambush, they want to kill us! Bastard! I will kill them! "    


Xia Lei pressed down on Ramona's shoulder, "Let me handle this."    


But just as Xia Lei was talking to Ramona, Li Ni suddenly walked out from behind the tree trunk he had hidden himself in, and then with large strides he walked towards the stable.    


Xia Lei realised that it was already too late when she went out.    


Ramona was about to call out to Li Ni to come back, but Xia Lei covered her mouth.    


"Wuu ?" "Howl!" Ramona struggled, her eyes full of anger. She didn't understand why Xia Lei had stopped her from calling Li Ni back.    


Xia Lei lowered his voice, "I understand why she did this. I promise you that nothing will happen to her. "I'll let you go now, but don't scream. Do you agree?"    


Ramona nodded.    


Xia Lei released the hand that was covering her mouth.    


At this moment, Black Tiger's voice came from the horse stables, "Village Chief, you're back, where are Xia Lei and Ramona?"    


Li Ni stopped walking, "I don't know, we were separated. At that time, it was very chaotic, we were attacked by the Stone Tribe and it took a lot of effort for me to escape. I don't know. I hope they're okay. "    


More people came out from the ambush.    


Big Bear spat on the ground, "Fuck, Li Ni, don't think that we don't know anything! We saw everything that happened at the trash site! "    


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