Tranxending Vision

C1343 lecherous cat

C1343 lecherous cat

Fringe Province, Dark Forest, spritual ore ?    


All of these things rushed into Xia Lei's brain, causing his heart to be filled with endless imagination. That vast and endless dark forest also gave him a very strong attraction, not one bit less than the one that spritual ore gave him. He had an impulse to go into the dark forest that he had failed to open during the time of the Saint Ray.    


"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking." Liang Tao suddenly said, "That dark forest covered an area of 894.5 million square kilometers. There were many explorers during the time of the Saint Ray.    


"No one came out alive?" Xia Lei was very surprised.    


"Not just humans, there were quite a few official and private airships that entered the forest during the time of the Saint Ray. But without exception, no matter whose flying object enters the forest, they would lose contact, go missing, and never come back. " Liang Tao said.    


Xia Lei suddenly thought of the Bermuda Triangle on Earth, where many ships and aircraft disappeared, but no one knew the reason. What Liang Tao was currently depicting was simply a super enhanced version of Bermuda!    


But the more Liang Tao said this, the more interested he was in the Dark Forest, and the stronger his desire to explore it became.    


"Brother, I have already treated you as one of the most important core members of our Rebel Army. Don't do anything foolish." Master Liang Tao was very worried about coming down to the Dark Forest.    


Xia Lei said: "Weren't you here to look for the spritual ore? This map said that there is a spritual ore in the Dark Forest.    


Liang Tao looked at the contents of the map, and with disdain, he said, "I have seen more than 100 treasure hunt maps like this. I have also seen many idiots dying because of treasure hunt, I hope you aren't that kind of fool."    


Xia Lei said: "Alright, since you have taken the spritual ore and money, I will take this map."    


Liang Tao looked at Xia Lei strangely, "You stubborn fellow, are you really going to look for treasures?"    


"Let's part here. You go, I'll go." Xia Lei walked towards the place where the weapons and ammunition were stored. He wanted to bring some back to the Peace Village.    


"Are you sure you don't want to think about it?" Liang Tao did not give up.    


Xia Lei didn't even bother to speak to Liang Tao. He took more than ten guns and a large bag of ammunition and left Huang Zhan's treasury.    


Walking out of the cave, the cold night wind blew past his face, Xia Lei's emotions in a mess. On one hand, he wanted to explore the Dark Forest to find the answer he was looking for. On the one hand, he was worried that he would die in the Dark Forest. If he died there, his hopes of returning to Earth to see his wife and children would be dashed.    


Liang Tao also walked out from the cave. Aside from the large bag of money on him, he also carried a few guns on his back. It was not hard to tell that he was not only a lustful person, he was also a greedy person. He was the one who reaped the greatest rewards from this treasure hunt.    


"Where are you going?" Liang Tao asked.    


Xia Lei said: "Peace Village, after telling the people there a little, I will leave."    


"Peace Village? I've heard of it, but I've never been there. " Liang Tao said.    


"I'm leaving. Goodbye." Xia Lei walked back the way he came.    


Liang Tao chased after Xia Lei, "Wait for me, I want to go to Peace Village as well. We're on the way now, so let's go together."    


"You were a plaster in your previous life, weren't you?" Xia Lei looked at him speechlessly.    


Liang Tao snickered, "Maybe I was a great beauty in my previous life, and there was even a sad and beautiful love story between us. Thus, the heavens arranged for us to meet in this life."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Regardless of whether Xia Lei was willing or not, Liang Tao had still become Xia Lei's shadow, and even if he wanted to, he could not shake him off.    


The two of them climbed up the mountain, and the Stone Tribe in the valley once again entered their field of vision. The tall metal building was still burning with bonfires, which were very eye-catching in the darkness.    


Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart: "Once the skeleton completely takes control of the Stone Tribe, will he bring people to attack the Peace Village? If that's the case, with Stone Tribe's strength, she is still not a match for me. If I leave at this time, will the people of Peace Village be able to live? "    


Liang Tao said: "We will take a detour around the side of the valley. Passing through Stone Tribe is indeed a shortcut, but it is too dangerous."    


Just at this moment, Xia Lei suddenly shifted his gaze to the west of the sky, and a few small spots of light entered his field of vision. Very quickly, the spots of light became larger. It turned out to be a few unique looking airships. The aircrafts were assembled from various parts and materials. They looked similar, but each one was different. They looked like locusts flying in the air. One could tell at a glance that they were not regular aircrafts from the manufacturers' production. Instead, they were bandit aircrafts that they had assembled themselves.    


In this chaotic world where firearms and ammunition were extremely precious, even the existence of a few knockoff aircrafts was sufficient to prove the strength of the person who owned these aircrafts.    


"That's ?" Liang Tao also saw the flying machines. He suddenly became nervous, "At that time, the amorous cat's lecherous locust aircrafts! The biggest bully in District 51, what is he doing here? "    


Lust locust?    


It was a strange name.    


Xia Lei said: "Probably because Huang Zhan didn't deliver the goods to him on time, he probably doesn't know that Huang Zhan is already dead. When I killed Huang Zhan, I found a letter on his body. That letter was from amorous cat to Huang Zhan. "    


A strange smile appeared on Liang Tao's lips, "Then there's going to be a good show."    


Just as Liang Tao finished speaking, the flying ship at the very front shot out a missile. The missile drew a dazzling trail of fire in the air and after two seconds, it hit the tallest metal building in Stone Tribe.    


BOOM! Fiery light overflowed into the heavens as an ear-splitting explosion resounded in all directions. However, the tallest metal building did not collapse. It only shook a few fragments.    


This was not strange at all. The tallest metal building in the Stone Tribe was built using the blue moon man's flying ship fragments, and the amorous cat's flying ship was only a knockoff flying ship made from all sorts of components and machines. It was not surprising that the airships and missiles could not destroy the metal buildings of the Stone Tribe.    


After the explosion, the Stone Tribe was in chaos. Dozens of armed men were pouring out of the metal building, shooting at the sky with guns. Soon, the sounds of gunfire could be heard from every corner of the tribe. However, their bullets couldn't reach the height of a lustful locust. It was simply a waste of bullets.    


Thump, thump, thump ?    


A few perverted locusts suddenly spread out and shot their machine guns at the Stone Tribe. On the side of the first round of shooting, more than ten armed men were knocked down. All the armed men who were hit by the bullets would be torn apart by the machine gun ammunition.    


The numerous machine gun mobile phones overturned several buildings in Stone Tribe. The armed men of the Stone Tribe with assault rifles were beaten to the point where they couldn't fight back, and they all escaped into the metal building. A few unarmed people escaped from the Stone Tribe, and started to flee in all directions, and some of them even ran towards Xia Lei and Liang Tao.    


"Do you want to continue reading?" Liang Tao said.    


"Let's go, let them bite." Xia Lei said. No matter if it was the amorous cat that killed the Stone Tribe or the mischievous stone that severely injured the amorous cat, this was the most advantageous for him and the Peace Village.    


The two of them moved towards the direction of the Peace Village from the foot of the mountain. But after walking for a short distance, they suddenly heard someone shouting from a megaphone in the sky.    


"Huang Zhan! Get the hell out here! " It was a man's voice. Judging by the characteristics of the voice, he was around fifty years old.    


Liang Tao stopped in his tracks, turned around and looked at the perverted locust in the sky, "That's the voice of the amorous cat, I didn't expect that guy to really come."    


Xia Lei also looked in the direction of Liang Tao's gaze. He saw the perverted locust facing the metal building, but they were too far away and the door of the perverted locust was closed, he could not see what kind of person was inside.    


"Bro, your archery is quite good. I assume your spear skills are also very good." You're carrying a sniper rifle. Can you help us kill him? " Liang Tao said.    


Xia Lei was startled, "Under these circumstances, you killed amorous cat? The sex locusts will soon find us and attack us. They are in the sky, we are on the ground, there is not even a tree near here, we can't escape at all. Also, if we kill the amorous cat now, his subordinates would most likely attack the Peace Village and the people from the Peace Village wouldn't be able to survive. "    


Liang Tao said: "You can actually think of so much, what you said makes sense. It's because I really want to get rid of that bully, that's why ?"    


Killing this bully, who even the Rebel Army did not dare to lightly touch, would bring about an uncertain risk. However, after saying the concerns in her heart, Xia Lei had the urge to kill the amorous cat.    


"Then we'll stay and take a look. If the amorous cat comes down and the opportunity is right, I'll use my sniper rifle to kill him. The amorous cat is currently fighting with the Stone Tribe, if he dies here, it seems like the people under the cat will blame this on the Stone Tribe. " Xia Lei started to look for a suitable sniper spot.    


Liang Tao laughed, "You are truly a changeable person, what you said earlier made a lot of sense, why did you suddenly change your mind?"    


Xia Lei walked towards a side of the mountain slope, and said while walking: "Getting rid of a bully should be considered getting rid of him for the sake of the masses, if you really want a reason, then that is the only reason."    


"I like you more and more." Liang Tao followed behind Xia Lei.    


At this time, the voice of the skeleton came out from the Stone Tribe, "Huang Zhan is dead! If you want to find him, then go to hell and find him! "    


"Who was it?" The voice of the amorous cat.    


"It's me, Skeleton!" The skeleton did not use a megaphone, but his voice was similar to the sound of the amorous cat using a megaphone.    


"A ceasefire!" The voice of the amorous cat.    


A few perverted locusts in the sky stopped their machine gun firing, but they still maintained their encirclement over the Stone Tribe. As long as the amorous cat gave the order, those few locusts would enter a battle state in a second, pouring ammunition on the Stone Tribe.    


The skeleton also shouted, "Cease fire!"    


The clothing personnel of Stone Tribe also stopped shooting. They all came out from their hiding spots and waited for the skeleton's next order.    


"Skeletons!" The amorous cat's voice sounded, "Are you willing to talk?"    


"What do you want to talk about?" The voice of a skeleton.    


"Business, of course." The amorous cat's voice sounded. "Huang Zhan is dead, you are the new leader of the Stone Tribe, you have the qualifications to do business with me. I can give you the same conditions I gave to the Yellow Station. I can give you money, weapons and ammunition. If you conduct business with me, the Stone Tribe will become stronger and stronger. "    


"Come down and we'll talk." The voice of a skeleton.    


"Come out. In view of what just happened, I will not walk into your tribe to talk to you." The voice of the amorous cat.    


"Alright, then I'll come out and have a chat with you." The voice of a skeleton.    


Through the Revenger 1000 scope, Xia Lei saw the skeleton grab a rope from the top of the metal building and slide down. The speed of his descent was so fast that it was difficult to lock onto him with a sniper rifle. However, the skeleton was not his target. As long as he used his eyes to lock onto the skeleton, he would be able to find the amorous cat.    


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