Tranxending Vision

C1356 Hand-made Enemy

C1356 Hand-made Enemy

"Are you afraid? How can someone like you be afraid? Have you ever thought about the innocent villagers you killed? When they were afraid, when they begged you for mercy, what did you do? " Li Ni's eyes were filled with tears. In her mind, she kept imagining those innocent villagers who had died a horrible death. When those innocent villagers were afraid, who would care about their feelings?    


"Don't kill me, don't kill me, or you will regret it!" Ivanov had not yet given up his desire to live.    


Be it good people or evil people, everyone was equal in the face of death. The only feeling they had was fear and fear.    


"This blade belongs to Xiao Cui!" Li Ni suddenly tiptoed and stabbed Ivanov's lower abdomen.    


"Ah ?" Ivanov's screams echoed through the burning village.    


"This blade belongs to Xiaohu!" Li Ni once again stabbed Ivanov's lower abdomen.    


"Ah ?" Ivanov could no longer cry out. His intestines gushed out of his torn belly, long and still in his belly, but already hanging to the floor of the cockpit.    


Li Ni did not stop there. While reciting the names of the dead villagers, she stabbed the blade in her hand towards Ivanov's lower abdomen, thighs and even the area between his legs.    


One by one, the names of the fallen villagers stabbed into Ivanov's body.    


This scene stupefied Xia Lei. In his impression, Li Ni was a kind-hearted woman who would not easily harm anyone. Even her enemies were no exception. But now she was a completely different person. She looked so cruel and inhuman.    


The environment would change a person, the Peace Village would be destroyed, and Li Ni would also change.    


"AHH!" I'll kill you! " Li Ni roared, and one of his mistakes was in the place between Ivanov's legs. She had stabbed that place to smithereens a long time ago, but she still hadn't stopped. He had gone completely crazy.    


It was at this moment that a hand suddenly seized her hand, and the knife she had drawn could no longer stab Ivanov's body.    


Xia Lei said: "Enough, he's already dead. Even if you stab him ten thousand times more times, chopping him into minced meat, he won't feel anything."    


His voice seemed to have awoken Li Ni, she cried out loud, turned around and threw herself into Xia Lei's embrace, "Many people are dead, and our village is also destroyed, I feel so uncomfortable ?"    


Xia Lei gently caressed her back, "No matter how difficult it is, everything will become a thing of the past. Pick up your courage and face the difficulties, the villagers still need you, you have to become strong."    


Li Ni bit her lips and nodded.    


Ri Hua appeared at the other end of the stone bridge. It glanced at Xia Lei for a moment, then turned and walked into the forest.    


Its battle was over.    


"Let's go take a look." Xia Lei walked towards Ri Hua.    


Li Ni followed Xia Lei over the stone bridge, and then entered the forest.    


Not long after passing through the stone bridge, Xia Lei saw many pieces of corpses inside the forest. Some had half a head, some had arms or legs, some had a heart, and some had an incomplete lung. The thick smell of blood permeated the forest, even the wind could not blow away the smell.    


Xia Lei wanted to find the corpse of the skeleton, but after looking around for a long time, he still could not find one.    


"Ri Hua, did you eat someone whose body was covered with tattoos?" Xia Lei tried to describe the skeleton to Ri Hua, "That person was tall and strong."    


Ri Hua just stared blankly at Xia Lei. It was obviously trying to decipher Xia Lei's language, so he didn't know if it understood it or not.    


Xia Lei did not react even after he spoke for a long time, he bitterly laughed and gave up. If a garbage transport ship descended from the sky and Lan Yue opened the sealed planet's energy field, he could obtain the relevant information from Ri Hua's brain. However, at this time, there wasn't any garbage transport ship that descended.    


"Teacher Xia, what are you looking for?" Li Ni tried to test the waters.    


"Skeleton." Xia Lei said: "I don't know if that guy is alive or dead, if he is dead, it would be fine, but if he was lucky enough to escape, he will become a source of trouble."    


Li Ni said: "Most of the people he has brought with him have died, and even if he could escape alive, the amorous cat would not let him go, so I do not think that he will become a threat."    


Xia Lei no longer explained. What he was worried about was not that the skeleton would take revenge on him. What he was worried about was that the skeleton would send out some information about him, which would bring her some unknown troubles. After all, it was very likely that Ixtab and Carcia Ruiz were also on this planet. If those two arch-enemies were to find out about his news, he didn't dare to imagine the consequences. However, he couldn't tell anyone about this worry.    


Xia Lei and Li Ni left the forest for their sanctuary, while Ri Hua stayed in the forest. It was still waiting for Xia Lei to follow it to the Peace Forest, but after what happened tonight, it was a little worried. This could be seen from the way it looked at Xia Lei's back.    


The refuge of the Peace Village was located far away from the village, in a remote place. It was a cave located at the foot of the mountain. Normally, the entrance to the cave was blocked with rocks, and only when dangerous situations arose would the villagers move the rocks away so that they could quickly seek refuge.    


"It's the Village Chief and Teacher Xia, they're back!" Tigress shouted excitedly.    


Li Ni walked over, "Those guys have all been killed by Teacher Xia, we're safe now."    


More and more people ran out from the cave. There were familiar faces, some of them had a smile on their faces, some of them were crying because they had lost their loved ones, and some of them were silent because they were worried about the future. No matter what kind of reaction it was, the emotions that the villagers revealed at this moment were very real.    


Xia Lei was surrounded by a group of villagers, causing a ruckus in his ears. Someone was saying thank you to him, someone was asking him what he should do in the future, and someone was asking him if he had seen his family. And he didn't know how to answer these questions.    


Lin Qing stood outside the crowd and looked at Xia Lei. Her eyes were filled with tears, but her face was full of smiles.    


Li Ni brought the surviving villagers back to the village.    


The houses in the village were still on fire, and many villagers were crying. Many of them had lost their loved ones, and now they had lost their homes. How many people could bear such grief?    


Xia Lei said: "Cry, it will be better if you cry out loud. However, after crying, I hope that you can pull yourselves together, because your homeland still needs you to be rebuilt. "    


"Teacher Xia, will you stay and help us?" Li Ni looked at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei said: "Of course I'll stay and help you."    


Li Ni hesitated for a moment before saying: "Teacher Xia, why not ? "Why don't you become the village chief instead?"    


Xia Lei was startled, "No no, I can't be your village chief."    


Li Ni said: "You are far more capable than me. If not for your protection this time, all of us would have died. "You will be our village chief, protect us, and build our village. You will do better than me."    


Lin Qing looked at Xia Lei with anticipation. She truly hoped that Xia Lei would agree to be the village chief of the Peace Village, because if he did, he would stay behind.    


In the Peace Village, almost all the villagers had the same thoughts as Lin Qing. They all hoped that Xia Lei could become the Peace Village's Village Chief. Having an expert like him as a guardian deity in this chaotic world would ensure their safety and give them more dignity.    


Xia Lei felt a headache coming, he smiled bitterly, "I will be leaving this place soon, I am unable to be your village chief."    


"Are you leaving soon? Where are you going? " Li Ni was anxious.    


Xia Lei said: "That Lan Long did not help us for nothing, I have an agreement with it, I want to go with it to the Dark Forest."    


"Teacher Xia, can you not leave?" We can give you anything you need. " Tigress said.    


"Yes, Teacher Xia. We can give you whatever you need. If we don't have it, we can get it for you even if we sell everything we have." Da Hu said.    


Xia Lei said: "I will tell you the truth, if I did not have that agreement with the Lan Long, it would have already destroyed this village. I promised him that I would keep my promise. "    


Lin Qing replied: "That place is very dangerous. Don't tell me you didn't know about it?"    


"I know how dangerous it is." Xia Lei said: "But I have already decided, I know the legends of the forest. If I were to return alive, I would definitely come here."    


"Then when are you planning to leave?" Li Ni's eyes were filled with sorrow.    


Xia Lei thought for a moment, "Three days later."    


"So fast?" Lin Qing's expression immediately dimmed.    


Xia Lei said, "One day early, one day early. I have to go no matter what. There is no banquet in this world that does not disperse. However, please believe me, I will not forget you. As long as I am alive, I will definitely come back to find you. "    


Everyone fell silent.    


They had first lost their loved ones and their homes, and now they were about to lose their guardian deity. How could they still have the mood to speak?    


Xia Lei quietly left, he went straight to Li Ni's home.    


Li Ni's house had already been destroyed, the machine guns had smashed the house into pieces, but luckily it was not set ablaze. The handmade machine tools in the utility room were not destroyed and were still in good condition. However, even if the house was on fire, the machine tools would not break because the machine tools were made of blue moon metal and conventional weapons were completely useless against them.    


Seeing that the machine tool was still intact, Xia Lei secretly heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, "Consider this machine tool my property to the Rebel Army."    


Footsteps came from behind him.    


Xia Lei turned around and saw Li Ni. He said, "You should be with the villagers. They really need you."    


"What about my needs? Who's going to give it to me? " Li Ni said.    


Xia Lei changed the topic, "Liang Tao will definitely come here, let me give you a suggestion. There are not many villagers left in Peace Village, if there are too few of you, you will easily become the target of others. Instead, it would be much safer to bring them to the Rebel Army. Also, give the machine tool I made to Liang Tao, Rebel Army needs it very much. I believe he will accept the villagers for the sake of that machine tool. "    


"Don't you have anything to say to me?" Li Ni's eyes started to tear up.    


Xia Lei really wanted to say something, but in the end, he still shook his head, and walked towards the stone bridge.    


What needs to be cut has to be cut, or some vines will blossom and bear fruit.    


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