Tranxending Vision

C1383 Warm Milk Cut Blue Moon

C1383 Warm Milk Cut Blue Moon

When Liang Tao held onto Xia Lei's hand, Kangtu Nana's lips moved a little, as if she wanted to ask Liang Tao to stop, but she swallowed the words that were about to reach her mouth. 's stubbornness truly made her uncomfortable, but Rebel Army really needed someone like Xia Lei.    


Liang Tao seemed to know what Kangtu Nana was thinking. He didn't say anything, but gave Kangtu Nana a wink.    


Kangtu Nana smiled bitterly, she did not believe that Liang Tao could persuade him to join the Rebel Army.    


The expressions and reactions of Kangtu Nana and her were actually all observed by Xia Lei. He actually understood that Kangtu Nana wanted him to join the Rebel Army, but he couldn't. He had his own destiny, he had his own resistance.    


It was also because he needed Xia Lei to understand the situation. After Liang Tao entered, he released the power of her branding power and used his energy field of branding power to cover the entire Oval Office. His branding power's energy was like a data cable, allowing him to "download" all kinds of information from Kangtu Nana and his brain.    


The information poured into his brain like a tidal wave, and his brain processed it quickly, giving him a very comprehensive result.    


On this Star of Hope, the human population was left with less than ten million. There were also some that couldn't be counted, such as the population of the small villages and tribes in the Wilderness. Even if those uncounted population were to be added in, the population of humans on this planet would only be 10 million, or maybe a little more than 10 million.    


The majority of the surviving people were hiding within the hundreds of Underground City, large and small. Fringe Underground City was but a very small existence among the many Underground City, with a population of no more than twenty thousand. The biggest Saint Underground City lived in a place with a population of over two hundred thousand. It was located in the first region, a long distance away. It was also the only big city left to man, and its construction began five hundred years ago.    


From the information "downloaded" in Kangtu Nana's brain, Xia Lei also gained a fuller understanding of the Rebel Army.    


The Rebel Army was indeed a military organization that was fighting against the blue moon man, but it was not a group of people, it was a chaotic situation where warlords parted ways. After the previous commander in chief of Rebel Army, 'Wu Sheng', was assassinated, Kangtu Nana took over the position of commander in chief of the Rebel Army. Although she held the title of "Commander in Chief of Rebel Army", she only had this army that she could control. Other Rebel Army did not listen to her commands at all. Without a unified command, the large and small Rebel Army troops controlled their respective territories and had a much greater ability to protect their own interests than when fighting against the blue moon man.    


The branch Kangtu Nana was leading was also not the strongest branch of the Rebel Army. On the contrary, the branch she was leading was one with strength at the very bottom, with a population of less than ten thousand. In this world, such a small number of people could only be considered a division, not even an army. The worse thing was that she did not have money or any other weapons and equipment, so the Rebel Army she was leading was not very attractive. In the past three years, there had been a decrease in manpower and territory.    


Kangtu Nana's greatest wish was to unite the Rebel Army and form a strong military force. But what she had to face was a dispirited person, as well as a few big and small warlords who were holding the flags of Rebel Army, trying to seek benefits for her. That was why she said what she did just now. She wanted him to be her assistant, then replace her as the new commander of the Rebel Army.    


This was the current situation of the Rebel Army. It was very cruel and helpless, yet it represented humanity's last hope.    


could not help but recall a piece of history. During the Second World War, when Japan invaded the Grand China, the army in that era was known as the Great Master of the National Government. Most of the weapons and equipment were made in the United States, not one bit inferior to Japan's. However, it was because of the warlord's decree that the warlords were seeking benefits for themselves. That was why they were repeatedly defeated in front of the Japanese army, losing half of their territory. Weren't the humans of the New World rewriting that history now? Facing the blue moon man, not only were humans not united, they had even fallen into internal strife. Unscrupulous merchants, brutal bandits, and even Rebel Army's that were in their own camps. With such a situation, how could humans fight against blue moon man?    


The "download" information from Liang Tao's brain was basically the same as the "download" information from Kangtu Nana's brain. From the "download" information in Liang Tao's mind, he had a little more understanding of the war that was going on at the northern defense line.    


His brain simulated a "real" battlefield using the information "downloaded" from Liang Tao's brain. It was in a corner of Fringe City. blue moon man's drone had bombed the buildings, causing continuous explosions. On the ground, the warriors of Rebel Army fled in panic. Some of them were caught by the warriors on the ground of the blue moon man and eaten using feeding equipment. Some people died on the spot. The lines guarded by the Rebel Army Warriors quickly collapsed. The army of the blue moon man s gathered on a different street from different directions.    


Beneath the street was a sewer, beneath which was the natural burrow that was to be used to build the city. The blue moon man obviously did not allow another Great Underground City to appear at this place. They wanted to destroy it.    


In fact, from the information that was "downloaded" from Liang Tao's brain, the blue moon man only dispatched one aircraft, and it had a total of about ten surface fighters. According to the human lineup, this was just a Special Forces commando team. But these few people actually caused the Rebel Army to be covered in claws, they did not even have the strength to fight back!    


The mental simulation of the "battlefield video" had not finished yet, but Xia Lei had already interrupted it. He had received so much information and lamented so much, but to Liang Tao and Kangtu Nana, he had only stayed silent for a few dozen seconds. Liang Tao and Kangtu Nana did not even know what Xia Lei had learned from them.    


"You want me to help you fight? "No problem." Xia Lei stopped his thoughts, looking relaxed.    


"You agreed to help?" Liang Tao didn't think that Xia Lei would agree to participate in the battle even before he said what he could help his with. This made him very surprised.    


Xia Lei said indifferently: "Then let go of me. If you pull me along, how will I get my weapons and equipment when I return home?"    


Liang Tao then let go of his hand.    


"I'll wait for you outside." Xia Lei left the Oval Office.    


Liang Tao laughed bitterly, "This guy is truly difficult to see through, but... He's a good man, you should keep him. "    


Kangtu Nana said: "I have tried, but I simply can't do it."    


Liang Tao said: "Then keep working hard. If he leaves, it will be hard to pull him in."    


"You have a good relationship with him. Take care of this matter." Kangtu Nana said.    


Liang Tao had a headache expression, "If I could, I wouldn't have let you come here. That guy's only weakness is women. Attract him? "    


Kangtu Nana glared at Liang Tao, "Shut up, I'm not that kind of woman. Also, I heard you told Shinsuke Akagawa that he's my fiance, right? "    


"Isn't that a stopgap measure? "The situation then ?"    


"Enough, stop it." Just this once, if I hear you say that again next time, I'll make you pay! " Kangtu Nana glared at her with her almond-shaped eyes, like a tigress preparing to fight.    


Liang Tao shrugged his shoulders, "Alright, I won't say anything, but... I really think you fit him. "    


"You're still talking!" Kangtu Nana's voice resonated in the Oval Office, shaking the glass.    


"I'm leaving!" Liang Tao ran out of the Oval Office as if he was escaping.    


Kangtu Nana hesitated for a moment before going out as well. She caught up to Liang Tao and said, "I'll go take a look too."    


"You? "No, that's too dangerous!" Liang Tao wiped away his usual mischievous smile and said seriously: "You are our highest commander. If you die, this group of Rebel Army will fall into chaos. At that time, we will really have no hope."    


Kangtu Nana replied, "No, I want to go take a look. You made him sound so bad, I want to see if he's as good as you make him out to be. If he has it, then he's worth it for me to try to get him to join us. If he doesn't, then he's not worth it.    


"The opponent is a special team from the blue moon man. They have a Fearless Heavy Fighter A and a predator Fighter, do you expect him to help us win this battle?" Liang Tao said.    


"I don't have such high expectations, I just want to see his performance on the battlefield." Kangtu Nana said: "Let's go, stop trying to persuade me."    


"Fine." Liang Tao sighed, "However, there are times when I feel that you two are a perfect match. They are both so good-looking, and so stubborn."    


Kangtu Nana kicked it.    


Liang Tao let out a "scream" as his footsteps became faster.    


Inside the Peaceful Mansion, Xia Lei put on the light armor he had pulled out from the head of the Black Market Alliance s and then held the metal bow in his hands. This time, he did not choose any ordinary firearms, but chose the from the blue moon man instead. After all, the enemy he had to deal with was the blue moon man.    


This was the first time he had fought against a blue moon man head on. He could not help but feel excited as his adrenaline surged.    


"Master, you must be careful on the battlefield. You must take care of yourself, okay?" Mu Caiyun helped Xia Lei organize the light armor on his body.    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "Don't worry, I will be fine."    


Mu Xiao Hong brought a bowl of milk to Xia Lei and said, "Master, drink this bowl of milk. It will give you more strength and courage."    


Is this milk?    


Xia Lei felt that it was a little absurd, but he still took the bowl of milk and drank it all in one gulp. A hot feeling rose in his stomach. He had indeed gained more strength, more courage, and was extremely touched.    


"Master, how about another bowl?" Mu Caiyun said.    


"Squeeze a bowl, I'll drink it when I get back!" Xia Lei handed the bowl to Mu Caiyun and walked out the door.    


There was the ancient sect of Guan Yu's Warm Wine that beheaded Hua Xiong, and today there was Xia Lei's Warm Milk that beheaded blue moon man!    


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