Tranxending Vision

C1400 The kung fu Kid, used his fists to convince people!

C1400 The kung fu Kid, used his fists to convince people!

Sky Plaza was already filled with people, males and females, old and young, but the most common were the young Ahimis women. Ah Magang was the youngest warrior in the entire Ahimis Tribe. He had a tall and sturdy build and was very handsome.    


He did not know if the Ahimis had any fans, but in Xia Lei's eyes, the young women of the Ahimis were all hardcore fans of Ah Magang. They would cheer for Ah Magang, and even attack him to create a "home ground" atmosphere and advantage for Ah Magang. But he did not care, because he was a dragon that crossed the river!    


When Lan Ji'er and Xia Lei appeared, everyone shifted their gazes onto them. Lan Ji'er and the others must know him, but they did not know who she was. Their eyes were filled with curiosity, suspicion, and even hostility.    


Ah Magang looked coldly at Xia Lei and Lan Ji'er, his eyes filled with hatred.    


But Lan Ji'er just had time to grab Xia Lei's arm, and chat and laugh with Xia Lei, their demeanor was extremely intimate.    


"Damn it! How could she fall in love with a human brat? That brat must have deceived her! " Ah Magang said bitterly.    


A middle-aged man from the Ahimis moved closer to Ah Magang, and together with him, they watched as Xia Lei and Lan Ji'er slowly walked over. He was dressed differently from the other Ahimis s. He wore a long white robe with a round crown made from vines on his head. He stood out among the crowd in the square, looking like a learned intellectual, and the people around him were primitive men with sticks and stones.    


This man was the representative sent by the Ahimis's Tribal Council, Ulaya.    


"He doesn't look scared." Ulaya said.    


Ah Magang coldly snorted, "That's because he doesn't know who his opponent is."    


Ulaya said: "I saw the bone bow and bone lance on his body. They seem to be made from the bones of Taishag s. This shows that he is very good at archery and lances. I suggest you engage him in close combat. You are the most powerful warrior in our tribe. A human can't possibly have more strength than you, and know how to fight better than you. I'm sure you can use your hand to break his neck. "    


"You want me to kill him?"    


"Kill him." Ulaya's voice seemed a little cold.    


Ah Magang nodded his head, and a cold smile surfaced on his lips, "Even if you didn't say it, I would have still killed him."    


Lan Ji'er held Xia Lei's hand and walked to the front of Ah Magang and Ulaya. The surrounding crowd automatically opened a path for them as they made way for them.    


Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Lan Ji'er suddenly embraced Xia Lei's waist and kissed his lips. Xia Lei had all of his attention on Ah Magang and Ulaya, and simply did not expect that she would do such a thing. The moment their lips met, there was a warm and soft feeling, along with a faint fragrance that entered his nostrils and lingered between his teeth. He just realized that it was wrong to be afraid of interacting with the Ahimis women, and the feeling of kissing them was really wonderful.    


"How could this be?"    


"Truly shameless."    


"Father Lan Mu's daughter knows how to be shameless? "You think too much."    


"I bet Lan Ji'er has already slept with that human brat."    


"Can that human kid last ten breaths on Lan Ji'er's body?"    


"Impossible, he can't last that long. The structure is different, the human brat simply cannot satisfy Lan Ji'er's needs, haha! "    


The discussion was in a complete mess.    


When these sounds fell into Ah Magang's ears, it was like oil being poured on a fire. He clenched his fist, and the bones of his fingers cracked loudly. The blue veins on the back of his hand popped out one after another, as if they contained a terrifying power.    


But Xia Lei was still enjoying Lan Ji'er's sweet kiss. He knew that Lan Ji'er wasn't really in love with him, he just wanted to earn some money from him. The reason she was kissing him right now in front of all these Ahimis was only because she wanted to carry on with her plan. She might have another goal, and that was to use this opportunity to anger Ah Magang, causing him to lose the heart to pursue her. Thus, under these circumstances, he was forced into a passive state. He could not reject Lan Ji'er, and even more so, could not push her away. It was this thought that caused him to raise one hand, and then place it on Lan Ji'er's raised buttocks.    


Lan Ji'er's butt was full of springiness, as well as the magic of stirring up the male's desire. None of his things were stuck, but if she didn't have any material on her hips, she could stick to his hand if she wanted to.    


Lan Ji'er's body stiffened slightly as an extremely light snort came from her nostrils and a hint of faint blue light appeared on her face. She let go of Xia Lei, and in her eyes, she really wanted to bite Xia Lei.    


"Yes, yes." Lan Ji'er cleared her throat before facing Ah Magang and Ulaya, "Respected Member Ulaya, warrior Ah Magang, I have brought my lover here to accept the battle request of the Ah Magang Warrior. "We don't need to talk about the rules, let's just talk about our demands."    


With that said, Lan Ji'er's elbow touched Xia Lei's waist.    


This was a signal that needed him to make a statement and make a request. Xia Lei understood this very clearly, and said: "Yes, I have a request."    


"A human who can speak the Ahimis language?" Ulaya's eyes flashed with a strange light, "This is the first time I've seen such a thing happen. Before you make your request, I want to hear the story between you and Lan Ji'er."    


Xia Lei said: "Lan Ji'er was captured by an evil merchant called Song Ji. I killed Song Ji and saved her from the group of evil merchants. I followed her to the Ahimis Tribe. I know that this place is full of danger to me, but for the sake of our love, I am willing to accept such a challenge. I will prove to you all that there is nothing that can stop the love between Lan Ji'er and I, even if it's death. "    


The surrounding crowd was once again filled with discussion.    


Ah Magang clenched his fists even tighter as the bones in his fingers made soft popping sounds.    


Ulaya said: "Your story is good, tell me your request."    


Xia Lei said: "My request is very simple. If I want to stay here, I want to marry Lan Ji'er."    


Ulaya said: "You want to be one of us, but you are just a human."    


Xia Lei said: "Love does not distinguish between races. I have already explained it clearly, there is nothing that can stop my love with Lan Ji'er, even if it means death."    


Ulaya's mouth revealed a cold smile, "Then you will have to accept the test of death. According to our tradition, if you can survive Ah Magang's battle, your demands will be satisfied. You can stay, and you can marry Lan Ji'er."    


Xia Lei laughed: "Thank you, for Lan Ji'er, I will work hard to survive."    


Ulaya and Lan Ji'er also retreated, leaving Xia Lei and Ah Magang alone in the circular space.    


Ah Magang said: "Brat, let's have a fight between men. Let's throw away your bow and spear and use our fists to solve the problem between us."    


"No problem." Xia Lei readily agreed, and then untied the bone bow and bone lance from his shoulder.    


Ah Magang laughed coldly, then walked towards Xia Lei.    


Ah Magang was nearly two meters tall, and about a head taller than Xia Lei. His body was full of explosive strength, and against the background of the blue-black stripes, there was a different kind of terror and mystery to him. His imposing aura was like a tall mountain, giving off a very strong sense of oppression. Xia Lei appeared very weak in front of him, and could not even withstand a single blow.    


"Is that human kid a fool?"    


"Didn't Lan Ji'er tell him that the brave warrior Ah Magang was the strongest person in our tribe? warrior Ah Magang once killed a horned pig with one punch. "    


"Sigh, another fool was going to die a miserable death under the iron fists of warrior Ah Magang."    


"Brave warrior Ah Magang will definitely make his request after killing this human brat. He will make Lan Ji'er marry him."    


"I really don't know what Lan Ji'er is thinking. She should be with the brave warrior Ah Magang. "    


The sounds of discussion seemed to the surrounding Ahimis that Xia Lei was already a dead man in their eyes, and Lan Ji'er also seemed to be destined to be Ah Magang's daughter.    


Ah Magang stopped two steps in front of Xia Lei. He lowered his head slightly to look at Xia Lei who was shorter than him by a bit, and his eyes were filled with contempt. "Kid, are you ready?"    


Xia Lei nodded, looking very calm.    


Ah Magang said: "Seeing that you still have some courage, I'll let you punch me, and then I'll kill you."    


Xia Lei shook his head, "No need, I'm not weak, I don't need you to let me win. I will finish the battle in ten breaths, but I will not kill you. I just want to use your method to resolve the conflict between us. "    


"Humph!" "Arrogant fellow!" Xia Lei's words enraged him. He suddenly took a step forward, and swung his huge fist towards Xia Lei's head.    


The sound of his fist tearing through the air was like a meteor falling from the sky. No matter who stood in front of it, they would shatter into pieces!    


Xia Lei also moved, but he did not dodge, and instead welcomed Ah Magang's iron fists. His left hand held onto Ah Magang's right fist and borrowed the force of the impact to push him to the side. His movements looked soft and powerless, but he had actually pushed Ah Magang's entire right arm aside with such a soft and soft motion!    


Pushing away Ah Magang's fist with his palm, Xia Lei's right fist, which had already gathered strength in the beginning, fiercely smashed towards Ah Magang's right rib.    




A muffled sound.    


Ah Magang's body that was almost one hundred fifty kilograms, was actually pulled out of the ground in an instant under Xia Lei's small punch!    


Was Ah Magang very strong?    


Yes, he was very strong.    


But in the Peace Forest, when the energy of the branding power on Xia Lei's body was completely released, his strength was not something that Ah Magang could compare to!    


couldn't help but want to scream out at the moment his right rib was hit, but his dignity as a warrior made him shut his mouth and clench his teeth!    


However, his nightmare had just begun.    


Without waiting for his body to land on the ground, Xia Lei had already squeezed into his embrace, and his fists fell like rain on his lower abdomen and chest.    


Bang Bang Bang...    


The surrounding Ahimis were all dumbfounded, and all the jaws on the plaza were shattered as well.    


In Ahimis's eyes, Xia Lei's fist had already reached a level faster than the wind, to the point that they could only see the afterimage of Xia Lei's fist!    




Ah Magang's heavy body smashed onto the ground, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth as he laid motionlessly on the ground.    


The entire audience was silent, so silent that even a pin drop could be heard.    


Ah Magang walked over and prepared to punch Xia Lei, but he didn't hit Xia Lei, so Xia Lei threw a punch back at him. His body dropped from the sky, but Xia Lei did not let him fall. Finally, he laid down on the ground, and the battle was over.    


Before Ah Magang made his move, Xia Lei said that he only needed the time of ten breaths to solve the problem. In the entire process, he only used the time of eight breaths.    


The direct descendants of the Wing Tsun, were the best at fighting in close combat. Adding the branding power, Ah Magang who chose to fight hand-to-hand was the real fool.    


Ulaya looked at Xia Lei, dumbstruck, his mind a blank.    


Xia Lei turned around and left without saying a word.    


Lan Ji'er chased after her and grabbed her arm, her face was full of smiles.    


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