Tranxending Vision

C1406 Sky Temple

C1406 Sky Temple

Tasty food, a hot bath in a wooden bucket, meticulous care from the ancient royalty of the Ahimis Empire. Xia Lei slept on Lan Ji'er's bed, Lan Ji'er slept on Xia Lei's bed. The treatment he was enjoying now was like the difference between heaven and earth.    


Who can this be blamed on?    


Father and Lan Ji'er had actually smashed their own feet with a stone.    


In the dead of night.    


Lan Ji'er lied on the bed and slept under the beast skin quilt. Her hands moved about under the quilt as if she was scratching an itch.    


Xia Lei's gaze pierced through the beast skin blanket on her body, and then, he shifted away somewhat guiltily.    


"What is this?" Lan Ji'er's voice broke the silence in the room. She stretched out her right hand from under the blanket and raised it high up into the air. Between her thumb and forefinger was a piece of skin, a very large piece of skin.    


Xia Lei was very clear where she dug out that piece of skin, and what kind of skin that piece was. He pretended not to hear and continued to pretend to sleep.    


"Stop pretending, I know you're awake!"    


"Slurp, slurp ?" Xia Lei just snored.    


"You damned pervert! You actually used your hand to touch me there! I'll kill you! " Lan Ji'er suddenly crawled up from the bed and pounced towards Xia Lei like a tigress.    


Xia Lei slowly asked: "How do we get to the council?"    


These words were like a bucket of cold water being poured over Lan Ji'er's head. She glared at Xia Lei, and could not wait to swallow him down.    


Xia Lei said indifferently: "So what if I touched your place? If you don't play my place, will I play yours? With a flick of my hand, that sticky thing of yours ? When the membrane appeared and stuck to my skin, could you blame me? "    


Could he blame them?    


"You can! If there's a next time, I'll stick your fingers out! " Lan Ji'er returned to her floorboard angrily.    


As soon as she got into bed, a paper airplane with a thousand denominations of blue moon coins flew onto her quilt. She grabbed the paper airplane, surprised and nervous. "What are you trying to do?"    


"Don't think too much into it. If you give me a thousand, I won't sleep with you. I don't want to become a eunuch." Xia Lei said lightly: "I want to buy an answer. Tell me, when Ahimis did that kind of thing, did women accidentally glued themselves to men as examples?"    


"Go to hell!" A faint blue color surfaced on Lan Ji'er's face.    


Another paper airplane with a thousand denominations landed on her towering chest. She hesitated, "Of course there won't be such an accident, but without the examples of the Ahimis's women and humans, I don't know if it will happen. However, once we Ahimis women encounter danger, our immune system will instinctively activate this innate ability, and protect our chastity. But if the Ahimis women truly liked you, I don't think so, because even if it was sticky ? The membrane has different strengths as well. It's like the muscles. Sometimes it's normal, sometimes it can be used. "    


"So that's how it is." Xia Lei suddenly realized, "It's like a woman's thigh. When you use force, it feels hard, but when you don't, it feels soft, is that what you mean? You Ahimis women are all sticky ? A film, when it doesn't attack, it's like a lubricant. When it attacks, it's like strong glue, right? "    


"A pervert is a pervert!" I curse you for the rest of your life! "    


"Hahaha ?" "Sleep. We still have to work tomorrow." Xia Lei closed his eyes and took liberties with the ancient princess of the Ahimis Empire.    


Lan Ji'er muttered under the blanket, as if she was cursing the man lying on her bed for the rest of his life with an ancient language ?    


In the early morning, there was a light drizzle. After the rain stopped, the entire Ahimis Mountain was shrouded in a thick mist. Even the light and heat from the Eternal Day could not dissipate, the visibility in the tribe was very low. However, this did not affect Xia Lei's movements in the least. In Peace Forest, his vision could easily see through the water vapor that pervaded the forest.    


Xia Lei was walking in the tribe with a carefree manner, but in reality, he was using the branding power's energy to capture the brain waves of the Ahimis, gathering all the information he wanted.    


That kind of ability to resist the power of the branding power could only be found in the ancient royal families in the Ahimis Empire. Furthermore, not every royal family had it. Both of them were of the ancient royal bloodline in the Ahimis, so Lan Mu's father didn't possess the same ability as Lan Ji'er. This was the result of Xia Lei's test last night, and it was also very strong evidence. Under these circumstances, Xia Lei could unscrupulously release his energy field of branding power and gather whatever information he wanted.    


He was preparing to enter the mountain temple to steal the spritual ore.    


Lan Ji'er and Lan Mu's father were also preparing for it. The father and daughter pair had gone to the cave workshop early in the morning to make the tools that Xia Lei had given them on the list. There were also some materials that looked very strange to them.    


Unknowingly, they had reached the Sky Plaza once again. Many Ahimis s passed through the Plaza and headed towards the Sky Temple.    


Xia Lei also followed the crowd and headed towards the sky temple. He also wanted to go in to take a look.    


There were already a lot of people in the sky temple. Every time it rained, it was the day that the Ahimis paid her respects to the God of the sky. The small rain in the morning was the reason why these Ahimis came to the temple so early in the morning.    


More and more Ahimis also meant more information and opportunities to obtain more information. Xia Lei blended into the crowd of Ahimis and arrived at the Sky Shrine, which was paying respects to the God of the sky.    


It was a very grand hall, with a round dome that was painted blue and black to create a picture of a starry sky. Stars, planets, nebulae, it was vast and endless. Under the dome, the shrine's floor was also covered with a star map. The stars, planets, and nebulae were all vast and endless. But strangely, Xia Lei quickly discovered that the star map in the sky and the star map in the ground matched each other. The upper and lower half of a ball combined to form an oval-shaped ball!    


"Could it be that the Ahimis has drawn the entire starry sky of the universe in this shrine?" Xia Lei was immediately attracted and was very surprised.    


Humans have never stopped exploring the universe, and the desire to unravel the mysteries of the universe has always been strong, but no one has ever drawn a complete map of the universe. If the oval shaped star map the Ahimis drew was the complete map of the universe, then how did they do it?    


"Mr. Xia, what are you doing here?" A melodious voice rang out from behind him.    


Xia Lei's gaze moved away from the dome of the divine hall, turned around and saw a soft and beautiful face. The one who was standing behind him and calling him was the woman who was singing last night, Porisi. He smiled, "Hello, Lady Porisi."    


The corner of Porisi's mouth also carried a friendly smile, "You shouldn't have come to this place where we pay our respects to the God of the sky. If the people from the council were to find out, they would be unhappy." She lowered her voice. "Get out of here before they find you."    


"Thank you." Xia Lei laughed, "Now I can be considered a Ahimis. I also believe in God of the sky, so I came here ?"    


Without waiting for Xia Lei to finish speaking, a voice interrupted him, "Who admits that you are Ahimis?"    


Xia Lei looked towards the source of the sound and saw Ah Magang with a single glance. Behind Ah Magang were a few sturdy Ahimis Hunters, all of them were staring at Xia Lei with unfriendly eyes.    


Last night, Xia Lei had beaten their team leader in a completely tyrannical fashion in the Sky Plaza. This was also a kind of humiliation to them.    


Ah Magang walked towards Xia Lei with a group of hunters surrounding him, looking extremely aggressive.    


Xia Lei only looked at Ah Magang indifferently, with a very calm demeanor.    


On the other hand, Porisi was slightly nervous. She was obviously not good at controlling her emotions. She could not hide the hatred she had towards Ah Magang, but she was afraid that it would be seen through by Ah Magang.    


Xia Lei said softly, "Go behind me."    


Porisi gratefully glanced at Xia Lei, and then walked behind Xia Lei.    


Ah Magang stopped in front of Xia Lei and looked at him coldly, "Even if you marry Lan Ji'er, you still won't be able to become a Ahimis. You humans are merely blue moon man's food. You should return to your place and stay there. "    


Xia Lei said indifferently: "I'll go wherever I want to. I'll stay wherever I want to. This is my personal matter, it has nothing to do with you."    


Ah Magang coldly snorted, his gaze suddenly shifting towards Porisi who was behind Xia Lei, "Porisi, don't you feel ashamed? Big brother Gaia is dead. You started seducing other men so quickly? And it's a human! "    


"You ? "Nonsense!" Porisi said angrily: "Gaia was caused by you ?"    


Ah Magang suddenly reached out and grabbed towards Porisi.    


Xia Lei raised his hand and blocked Ah Magang's hand.    


A few hunters rushed towards Xia Lei.    


"Stop! What do you want? This is the Temple of the Heavens! All acts of blasphemy will be punished! " Ulaya walked out from the crowd, his face full of anger. Behind him followed a few tribe warriors wearing Taishag armor. They were all older than Ah Magang.    


The oldest was in his early fifties with his hair standing straight up, as if he had just been struck by lightning. It left a deep impression on others. His body was also the tallest among the warriors in the tribe. His arm was thicker than Xia Lei's thigh, and it contained a terrifying power. Was Ah Magang the strongest warrior in the Ahimis Tribe? After seeing this old warrior, Xia Lei did not think so.    


Ah Magang slightly lowered his head towards the old tribe warrior, and greeted him with a voice full of respect, "Guild Leader Saleh."    


He was actually the leader of the brave warriors of the Ahimis Tribe, the leader of the armed forces of the Ahimis Tribe. Although he was only the title of "Guild Leader", his status was the same as Kangtu Nana in the Rebel Army.    


Saleh also nodded slightly towards Ah Magang, and then looked at him, "Follow me."    


Xia Lei said: "Where to?"    


Ah Magang said fiercely: I told you to go, then go, why are you asking so many questions?    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "I just want to know where I should be going, someone must tell me, right?"    


Ulaya said to Xia Lei: "Council."    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "Please lead the way."    


Saleh turned and left.    


Xia Lei followed the tribe warriors.    


Ulaya said to Porisi: "Go to the Assembly Court to receive your punishment."    


"I ?" Porisi was immediately nervous, her eyes were full of the light of grievance.    


Ulaya glared at Porisi, his eyes cold.    


Porisi bit her lips, lowered her head and left.    


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