Tranxending Vision

C1412 trapped whole body

C1412 trapped whole body

In the ancient rock hall, Xia Lei and Porisi stood on circular ground. The two of them were surrounded by councilors seats, a table made of rock, and a chair made of rock. This place was like a Colosseum in ancient Rome, while Xia Lei and Porisi were trapped in the Colosseum, ready to kill Gladiator.    


There were dozens of councilors present, all wearing white robes. White was the symbol of purity and light. But to Xia Lei, even if these representatives painted their skin white, they were definitely not good people.    


The judgement was very simple. When Ah Magang and a few other hunters stated the crime of having an affair with Porisi, the judgement against Xia Lei and Porisi began.    


Seated on the chairman's seat, Ling Mu spoke: "Xia Lei, Porisi, do you have anything else to say in front of all these witnesses and evidence?"    


"They're talking nonsense!" Porisi's eyes were filled with tears, "Mr Xia is only helping me heal my wound, we didn't do anything."    


"Shut up!" Ulaya berated: "Do you think we are idiots? I think we should cut off your tongue before the fire! "    


Porisi seemed to still want to say something, but kept her mouth tightly shut. She knew this place and these people. What was the use of her explaining it ten thousand times? These people wouldn't listen to her at all, much less believe her!    


Xia Lei said, "Alright, looks like you think I'm guilty. However, I have a suggestion. Aren't you in a bit of trouble? A Blutan cut off a path for you all to enter the heart of Peace Forest. I am willing to kill it for you all to compensate you all for thinking that I have committed a crime.    


"Kill the Blutan? Who do you think you are? " Ah Magang laughed coldly: "You're too arrogant!"    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "warrior Ah Magang, if you think I don't have the strength, you can come out and fight with me, I will prove to you my strength."    


"You ?" Ah Magang's face was blue with anger, but facing such provocation, he did not dare fight!    


Chairman Ling Mu and a few other representatives whispered in discussion.    


Ulaya's face darkened.    


Xia Lei had long ago captured the secret in his heart, but he did not say anything. Ulaya's choice was to cooperate with Ah Magang and use the fastest way to eliminate him and Porisi. At this time, Chairman Ling Mu and the few representatives were clearly moved, they were discussing about the feasibility of this matter, and Ulaya would definitely not be happy.    


"We do not believe that you can kill that Blutan, nor do we believe that we can help you break our thousand years of tradition and rule, that you and Porisi will be executed by fire. The location is Sky Plaza, and the time is tomorrow. "    


Porisi's legs went limp as she collapsed onto the ground.    


Xia Lei's eyes flashed with a cold light, but his face had a cynical smile, "You guys don't believe me? Well, you send someone you think can beat me. If your strongest warrior can't even beat me, how can you kill that Blutan? If you think about it from another angle, I'm going to die anyway, so that I can die in the battle of the Blutan, in exchange for giving you a chance to kill that Blutan, isn't that better? "    


"Shut up!" Ulaya obviously did not want Xia Lei to continue.    


Chairman Ling Mu said, "Let us discuss this a little more."    


Ulaya said: "Chairman Ling Mu, this brat ?."    


Chairman Ling Mu said, "Don't say anymore."    


At this time, Saleh's voice came from the direction of the entrance, "I agree with his suggestion!"    


Not only Saleh, even Father Lan Mu and Lan Ji'er had come. However, when Saleh came in, father Lan Mu and Lan Ji'er were stopped by the guards of the council. The father and daughter pair's face were filled with anxiety and confusion. From their perspective, they could not understand why Xia Lei was together with Porisi, the widow. This was completely illogical!    


Saleh strode into the large rock hall. His voice was loud, "That Blutan has already threatened our mission, so new opportunities are coming. Before we reach the center of Peace Forest, we need to open up a path. This human brat can help us complete our mission. Please give him a chance to atone for his sins. " After saying that, he winked at Speaker Ling Mu.    


This was a hint.    


Chairman Ling Mu understood tacitly. He nodded his head once and said, "Alright, we will give him a chance to atone for his crimes. Later, we will also approve your actions." However, this human kid will be temporarily locked up by you, and will not be released until after you start your operation. "    


"No problem, I will send someone to watch over him." Saleh said.    


Xia Lei said: "Wait, I have a condition."    


Saleh's gaze moved to Xia Lei's body, his eyes cold: "You still dare to state conditions? I have already saved your life, don't go too far! "    


Xia Lei said: "I will obey the decision of the council. I just want to ask you to lock Porisi up with me. I was given a chance to atone for my sins, and she should have had a chance to atone for her sins. I need a helper to kill that Blutan. She will become my helper. "    


"Isn't this ?" Chairman Ling Mu was about to reject, but right at that moment, he paused for a moment and his mind changed his mind, "This suggestion is not too overboard. I agree to it. Guild Leader Saleh, you can take that person away. "    


"Since this is a decision by the council, I shall carry it out. You two, follow me!" Saleh brought Xia Lei and Porisi and left.    


Chairman Ling Mu lightly shook his head with a puzzled expression on his face.    


Entering the stone hall, Lan Ji'er suddenly pounced forward and slapped Xia Lei in the face. She lost control of her emotions and said: "You damned pervert! I regret seeing you wrongly! You cheated on my feelings, you bastard! "    


Xia Lei grabbed her hand and intertwined with her.    


Several guards of the council and Ah Magang, who was standing afar, all revealed a gloating cold smile.    


But at this time, Lan Ji'er lowered her voice and asked, "What exactly happened here?"    


Xia Lei stuck close to her face, "Let's do it tonight." He pushed her away. "I don't love you at all, you're just a woman who loves money! We have nothing to do with each other ever again! "    


"Damn it! I will kill you! " Lan Ji'er bared his fangs and brandished his claws as he rushed forward to fight with Xia Lei.    


Saleh berated: "Enough! This is not a place for you to mess around in! "    


Father Lan Mu pulled Lan Ji'er away.    


Saleh and a few guards of the temple escorted Xia Lei and his group out of the Rock Hall, passed through the Sky Plaza and headed towards the temple at the top of the mountain.    


Xia Lei had only left the Sky Shrine at the top of the mountain for around half a day. He had returned again, but he was not as a visitor, but instead as a prisoner imprisoned in the prison of the temple. Porisi was locked in the same cell as him, and even after the iron door of the cell shut, she was still in a trance.    


"Although I don't understand why Speaker Ling Mu agreed to lock you up with Porisi, I want to warn you, don't do anything disgraceful, otherwise you will be severely punished." Saleh said through the iron gate.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Guild leader Saleh, don't worry, we will stay here honestly."    


"If you need anything, just knock on the iron gate. The guards in the corridor will be here soon." After saying that, Saleh closed the iron gate's entrance and left.    


Xia Lei's line of sight pierced through the metal door, looking at Saleh's back.    


Saleh stopped beside one of the guards and explained: "Watch carefully. If you hear any sound that you shouldn't make, drag that woman out to be burned to death."    


The guard nodded. "Understood, Captain."    


Saleh left the corridor, and Xia Lei withdrew his gaze. But before he could turn around, a warm body had already stuck itself onto his back. Porisi's two Blue Moulang Mas were pressed tightly against his back, forming a flat shape. She wrapped her arms around his waist and held him. She pushed hard, as if he wanted to shove him into her body.    


Xia Lei did not push her away, he only stood there quietly. She desperately needed security, and he gave her a sense of security.    


The two of them stood there, and after a long while, Porisi finally let go of Xia Lei and walked in front of him. She reached out and caressed the part of her face that had been slapped by Lan Ji'er, then asked gently: "Does it hurt?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "It doesn't hurt anymore."    


Porisi slipped into Xia Lei's embrace.    


Xia Lei gently caressed her hair, "Don't worry, and don't be afraid. I said that I would bring you away from here, so I will definitely bring you away from here. "    


"Why didn't you show up earlier?" Porisi choked with sobs: "If you had appeared earlier, I would have given you my most precious things. I am now ?"    


"Idiot, let's not talk about that. Go and rest for a while." Xia Lei said.    


"Yes." Porisi replied very meekly. After that, she left Xia Lei's embrace and walked toward a pile of weeds at the corner of the prison.    


That pile of weeds was the bed of this cell.    


There was also a wooden bucket in the cell that was completely unobstructed.    


Apart from a pile of grass and a bucket, there was nothing else in the cell. The walls were made of solid rock, and some of the rocks were blue. Under the illumination of the oil lamp, they emitted a faint blue light, giving off a feeling of an atmosphere.    


Xia Lei's brain entered an extraordinary state and started to circulate at an unbelievable rate.    


Ah Magang leading the group to apprehend the criminal was a situation he did not expect. He was now in a deep and unbroken prison. It seemed like a terrible situation, but in this terrible situation, there appeared a turning point, because this was the best opportunity to steal that spritual ore!    


In his mind, all the maps he had seen of the temple at the top of the mountain, and all the places he had walked through, appeared in his head and formed a holographic map. In practically a second, his brain calculated a result based on all the information he had ? ? The prison he and Porisi were in was located at the right side of the central divine hall, and the distance between the ground level was less than two hundred meters!    


After the brain gave this result, the simulation began again. All sorts of possibilities, every possible step and risk factor, appeared in his mind with incomparable clarity and precision. The simulation that was going on inside his brain was so accurate that it determined how he was going to move every step of the way!    


However, simulations were simulations. Such changes could not be avoided during a real operation. Therefore, this simulation was only one of his hypothetical actions, and he was only trying to find the most suitable and easy to succeed solution.    


A plan gradually surfaced in his mind, slowly taking shape ?    


A rustling sound suddenly came from behind him.    


Shh, shh, shh ?    


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