Tranxending Vision

C1419 Normal separation picture

C1419 Normal separation picture

The rain continued to fall without any signs of stopping. Raindrops the size of beans dripped from the leaves and the hillside was muddy. Not long after he left, Borissi slipped and fell to the ground, landing in a heap of mud.    


She was shivering but that was not because of the cold wind or the heavy rain. It was because she had just killed Ulaya.    


"Don't be afraid, it's over." Xia Lei comforted her.    


"With you by my side, I am not afraid. Where, where are we going? "    


She escaped, but she was at a loss. She didn't know where to go, nor did she know what the future looked like.    


Xia Lei said: "Waiting."    


"Waiting for someone?" Bo Li Xi looked up from Xia Lei's shoulder and looked at him curiously. "Who is it?"    


Xia Lei replied: "Someone you know."    


"Someone I know?" She could not guess who it was.    


At this moment, a woman's voice suddenly came from behind a giant tree, "Shameless! If my father and I were not here, I'm afraid you would have started a fight."    


With that, Lan Ji'er and his father walked out from behind the huge tree. Father Lan Mu's face was filled with a fawning smile, but Lan Ji'er's face was filled with contempt and displeasure. It was as if she was looking at someone who owed her a lot of money but didn't return it.    


"Lan Ji'er, I ?" Bo Li Xi subconsciously left Xia Lei's embrace and anxiously looked at Lan Ji'er and Lan Mu's father who were walking over. She looked like she had a guilty conscience.    


Everyone in the Ahimis Tribe knew that Xia Lei was Lan Ji'er's fianc?, but now that they were together, facing the Lan Ji'er who refused to lose out the most before the tribe left, how could she not be worried?    


Xia Lei seemed to have seen through Bo Li Xi's thoughts. Just as Bo Li Xi was about to leave his embrace, Xia Lei reached out and grabbed her shoulders, then affectionately embraced her in his embrace and said, "Don't be afraid of her, and don't even think that you owe her anything."    


She didn't know that Xia Lei and Lan Ji'er had been acting from the very beginning. They weren't some married couple at all, and couldn't even be considered a couple. However, after Xia Lei said this, when she looked at Lan Ji'er and Lan Mu's father again, she actually wasn't that afraid anymore, and didn't worry anymore.    


Lan Ji'er walked over and she gave a cold snort, "We're already here, where's the thing?"    


"Of course it's on me, but I have a condition." Xia Lei said: "If you agree to my conditions, I will give you the things you want."    


"What other conditions do you have?" This is too much! " Lan Ji'er suddenly lost control of his emotions.    


"Exactly." Father Lan Mu replied, "We made a deal beforehand. At that time, you didn't say what other conditions you have."    


Xia Lei said: "You also didn't tell me that there is a gravitational field in that shrine. If I wasn't smart enough, I would have already died there. You've been hiding here for fifteen years, so it's impossible for you not to know about the temple. Why didn't you tell me? It's not like you've schemed against me twice already, so what if I raised a condition? You don't like it? If you guys don't want to, then forget it.    


"You ? "We ?" Lan Ji'er wanted to explain, but the words were swallowed back down her throat, how could it be easy to deceive a person like Xia Lei?    


Father Lan Mu also felt awkward and guilty.    


Xia Lei said indifferently: "The thing is in my hands, if you want to take it back, you have to fulfill my conditions, there is no room for discussion."    


Lan Ji'er bit her blue cherry lips, "What are your conditions?"    


Xia Lei said, "My condition is very simple. You all must ensure the safety of Borisi after bringing her out of the Peace Forest. After I leave the Peace Forest, you all must hand her over to me unharmed."    


Before Lan Mu's father could reply, Borissi interrupted him and said, "I'm not leaving. I want to be with you. I'm not going anywhere!"    


Xia Lei said, "I still have to pass through the Calm down corridor, and I still have to go to Origin Valley. Every place is extremely dangerous, and I can't guarantee your safety.    


"No, I'm not afraid of death." Polich looked stubborn.    


Xia Lei suddenly slapped her butt.    


With a crisp smack, Porisi's upturned bottom instantly rippled with a wonderful sound. Her face immediately turned blue from embarrassment, but in her heart, she didn't have the slightest intention to blame Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei asked, "Why should I die? Isn't it good to live? Leave this place first and wait for me to come back. After that, I'll bring you to the desolate Underground City. I have a home there. "    


It was unknown if it was due to that slap on her butt or the words that Xia Lei said, Borsi responded softly.    


If she followed Xia Lei to the An Xi corridor and went to Origin Valley, she would become a burden to Xia Lei and she would most likely die there. If they were already dead, then how could they stay together? If he were to leave for a safe place for the time being and wait for Xia Lei to come back so they could be together in the future, then why not leave?    


"Dirty." Lan Ji'er spat lightly.    


Father Lan Mu said, "Son-in-law, I can agree to your conditions, but first, you have to let me see that thing."    


Xia Lei reached his hand into his crotch, and that hand moved about in his crotch.    


Lan Ji'er's face suddenly turned blue, "You actually hid our sacred object in that place!"    


"Son-in-law, you're too ?" Lan Mu's father also didn't quite understand what was going on.    


Xia Lei said, "I stole it from the shrine, so I have to continue acting as a prisoner. If I don't hide it there, where can I hide it?"    


When he took his hand out from his crotch, a small bag wrapped in black cloth appeared. He opened the small bag and a faint blue brilliance was instantly emitted from his hand. In his hands was the spritual ore that he had stolen from the Central Palace.    


"It's this!" Our sacred object! " Lan Ji'er could not wait and reached out her hand to take it.    


Xia Lei retracted his hand, "Considering what you have done before, I will not easily believe you."    


"Son-in-law, give it to me. I've already agreed to your conditions, what else do you want?" Lan Mu's father also looked at the spritual ore in Xia Lei's hands with shining eyes, impatient to get it.    


Xia Lei said: "Bring Porisi out of Peace Forest, and when I come out, hand him over to me, and I'll pass the spritual ore to you."    


"You ? "That's impossible!" Lan Ji'er roared at Xia Lei: "What you promised us, you have to keep your promise! Give it to us! "    


Xia Lei said: "I've already explained it very clearly, when I come out, I'll give you spritual ore, you guys give me Porisi."    


"You ?" Lan Ji'er asked angrily.    


Father Lan Mu said: "You will die there. If you die, wouldn't we die in vain? Don't worry, I promise on my honor that I will protect Porisi well. Even if you die, I will take good care of her. "    


Xia Lei laughed, "Do you still have credibility?"    


"You ?" Father Lan Mu was so angry that he couldn't say a word.    


At this moment, a roar came from the distant camp, and the lights began to sway in the forest, turning the place into a mess. The people of the Ahimis Tribe had obviously noticed Ah Magang and Ulaya who had died in the tent, the chase had begun.    


Xia Lei turned around and glanced at them, "You don't have much time left, hurry up and make your decision."    


Father Lan Mu and Lan Ji'er looked at each other, and after an exchange of glances, Lan Ji'er said: "We promise you, but I have to follow you to ensure the safety of our sacred object."    


"You? I can't even guarantee that I will survive, do you want to die? " Xia Lei said.    


"If you aren't afraid of death, how can I be afraid of death?" Lan Ji'er's eyes were very firm, "I have a mission on me, and this is the best chance to complete my mission. Even if I die, I won't regret it. Father, I'll leave Porisi to you. "    


Father Lan Mu nodded his head, "I will wait for you outside Peace Forest. You know where I will be."    


"Alright, then it's decided. You guys wait for me at the front. I'll have a chat with Porisi. " Xia Lei said.    


Lan Ji'er had a look of disgust on her face, "You're really ?"    


Father Lan Mu took Lan Ji'er's hand and walked forward with him. As they walked, he said, "Let him speak, she doesn't need that much time." Then, he lowered her voice. "Follow him and find a chance to steal something from him ?"    


Father and daughter actually had something to say as well.    


Xia Lei brought Porisi to the back of a row of trees.    


Porisi looked at Xia Lei with teary eyes, "If you have something to say, say it to me. I'll listen to you. "    


Xia Lei took out two small bottles from his pocket, "Um ? Give me two bottles of milk and I'll take it with me to drink on the road. "    


Porisi, "..."    


This was what Xia Lei wanted to say to him before they parted ways.    


"Where did you get this bottle?" Porisi also didn't know why she would ask such a question.    


"I took it from Ulaya's tent. Hurry and squeeze, there's no time." Xia Lei urged.    


Only then did Porisi come back to her senses. She hurriedly lifted up her clothes, and with one hand holding the bottle and the other grabbing a big blue bottle, she began to milk the milk in the bottle.    


Xia Lei could not help but lick his lips as he watched the top-grade Blue Milk flowing into the bottle.    


Porisi laughed out loud, "I really don't know why you like drinking milk so much. You're just like a child."    


Xia Lei also laughed, "Your milk can make me stronger."    


"I don't believe it." Porisi said, then said: "If you're hungry, you can eat some yourself. I'll just squeeze in this one, it won't be a problem to fill these two little bottles of yours."    


How could Xia Lei hesitate?    


Drip, drip, drip ?    


Bada Bada ?    


The sound of rain, the sound of drinking milk mixed together, along with the faint sounds of Ahimis women randomly saying it, there was no atmosphere of parting. The atmosphere and scenes of parting were simply too chaotic to bear.    


Did he like Porisi?    


Or, does he love Porisi?    


Until now, he hadn't thought about this question seriously, but he knew that this unfortunate woman had given him her most precious chastity, and even gave him milk to drink. Since she treated him so well, he would treat her as well. That was enough. It was much better than the men who often said the words "I like you" and "I love you" and turned around to flee in the face of danger.    


Porisi filled the two bottles to the brim, and when Xia Lei was full, he burped.    


"My man, I will wait for you outside Peace Forest. You must come and see me, or else I will come and find you." Porisi said.    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "Wait for me, I will be back."    


Porisi suddenly hugged Xia Lei's neck, and covered her lips with his.    


"There's no need to be anxious. You can do it once and then separate." Lan Ji'er's voice sounded, "I can wait for you guys."    


Porisi quickly let go of Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei touched the back of her head, then turned and left.    


This was the formal parting scene.    


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