Tranxending Vision

C1411 The suffering is difficult to see the true feelings

C1411 The suffering is difficult to see the true feelings

Someone saw Xia Lei walk out of the tree branch corridor "in the sky and into Porisi's house. This was normal, because this place was already on the streets of the tribe.    


But the person who came looking for him was Ah Magang, that was abnormal.    


Ah Magang liked Lan Ji'er, but he couldn't wait to get rid of Porisi, the trouble that knew his secret. To him, Xia Lei was an even faster enemy that would come at the right time. Even in his dreams, he dreamed of a chance to eliminate Porisi and her, and if he didn't have the chance, he would create it. That was why he sent people to spy on Porisi and Xia Lei. The moment he received the news, he would rush over immediately to 'apprehend the traitor'!    


Why is there no excuse for the crime you wish to commit?    


In fact, Ah Magang did not care whether Xia Lei and Porisi rolled in the bed or not, he just wanted to block the two of them in the room, and have arrange the crime with his mouth!    


"You're lying!" Porisi's emotions went out of control, "We didn't do anything! We are innocent! "    




The door kicked open as Ah Magang stood at the entrance, staring coldly at Xia Lei and Porisi. The hunters that came with him moved quickly and blocked the door and windows in the blink of an eye.    


Xia Lei smiled, and said indifferently: "I won't run, why are you blocking the way?"    


Ah Magang raised his left arm, pointed at Xia Lei's nose and coldly said: "You can still laugh? Do you know what you and this bitch are going to face? "    


Xia Lei looked at his wrapped right hand, "The bandage is not bad, is it still painful? You have to be careful, don't cripple even your left hand. "    


Xia Lei was slightly better off without mentioning his right hand, but whenever he lifted his right hand, Ah Magang could not help but roar out. He raised his left hand and slapped Xia Lei's face.    


A hunter frantically hugged Ah Magang, "Captain, we already have a brother to call for the council. He is intentionally provoking you, so don't bother with him.    


Only then did Ah Magang put his left hand down, and he sneered, "I was almost tricked by you again. You humans are truly a species even more cunning than mice. You have a secret relationship with Porisi, you will be sent to the council for trial, and then, in front of everyone, you will be burned to death in the Sky Plaza! "    


"How could you have known that we would steal, steal ?" "I'm in love!" Porisi asked angrily.    


Ah Magang pointed to his left eye, then pointed to his right eye, "I saw it with my two eyes, and I saw it with the people from the hunting team."    


"Yes!" We all saw it! " The Hunter who advised Ah Magang not to make a move had a look of schadenfreude on his face, "We saw you doing that kind of thing on the bed, we were all witnesses."    


The hunter who was guarding the window said, "I even heard you insult Big Brother Gaia, who lost his life. I really feel disheartened for him, you shameless woman!"    


"You're talking nonsense! You... You won't have a good ending! " Porisi held her head with both her hands and pulled at her hair with all her might.    


Xia Lei grabbed both of her hands and said to her: "Don't be like this, trust me, we will be fine."    


Ah Magang laughed coldly: "You're still lying at a time like this? It's not enough for you to lie to Lan Ji'er, and now you're trying to lie to Big Brother Gaia's woman. You are from Ahimis Tribe, so you will die here! "    


Xia Lei looked at Ah Magang. His face did not have the slightest bit of anger or fear, only a calm like ice and snow, "If you are smart enough, then kneel down and apologize to Porisi and apologize to Gaia.    


Ah Magang was momentarily stunned, and then, he laughed out loud. "What did you say? Let me kneel down and apologize to this bitch? To apologize to Gaia? Are you thinking of letting me go? Haha ? "You're crazy!"    


"Hahaha!" The hunters from the hunting team also laughed out loud.    


Xia Lei's expression was still as calm as ever, his eyes grew colder and colder, and his pupils became darker and darker.    


To him, wanting Ah Magang to die was something that was as normal as breathing. At this time, he truly had the intention to kill. He needed a thought and Ah Magang would jump down from the tree himself. He could even eat Ah Magang and a few of his subordinates as food!    


But just at this moment, Porisi suddenly circled behind Xia Lei and arrived in front of him, blocking his line of sight. "Ah Magang, don't you want me to die? I can satisfy you. This matter has nothing to do with Mr. Xia. I was the one who seduced him. He didn't know anything. Let him go ? I, I'll let you do whatever you want with me! "    


Ah Magang said fiercely: "Don't even think about it! All of you must die! "    


"Captain, Representative Ulaya and Chairman Ling Mu have brought their men over." One of the hunters sneered, "This is going to be a good show."    


Xia Lei's line of sight fell, and instantly penetrated the ground between his and Porisi's feet. He saw Ulaya and an old man wearing a white robe climbing up. The old man was very old, his bluish-black face was wrinkled like tree bark, but his pair of eyes still seemed very deep, giving off a sense of wisdom. His legs were still nimble, and his speed was not slower than Ulaya at all as he climbed the stairs inside the tree trunk.    


"The Ahimis Tribe has no Clan Leader, and the council holds absolute authority. This old man called Ling Mu was the chairman, he was the highest leader of the Ahimis. If he had Lan Ji'er's bloodline, then it would be troublesome. If he did not, then the problem would be easy to solve. " Xia Lei had already started to plan a strategy in his mind.    


Ulaya and Chairman Ling Mu quickly arrived in front of Porisi's tree house. Ah Magang lowered his head towards Ling Mu and respectfully said: "Chairman Ling Mu."    


With a head full of white hair, Speaker Ling Mu lightly nodded his head.    


Ah Magang took two steps back, and opened the door that he had blocked.    


Chairman Ling Mu's eyes moved towards Xia Lei, his gaze seemed to want to pierce through Xia Lei's body and soul.    


Xia Lei purposely avoided Chairman Ling Mu's gaze and slightly lowered his head: "Chairman Ling Mu, hello."    


The Speaker of the Spirit Wood did not bother about Xia Lei's greeting, and shifted his gaze back to Porisi's body.    


Porisi couldn't help but shiver, she was simply unable to conceal the fear that came from the bottom of her heart.    


"Xia Lei!" Ulaya didn't even bother to address Xia Lei with the most basic of courtesies, he just called his name, "You sure are capable! Ever since you came to our tribe, we haven't had a day of peace. You have already obtained the most beautiful woman in our tribe, and yet you are still not satisfied. The men of our Ahimis will only marry one wife and one husband in our entire lives. Loyalty is as important to us as our lives! You and Porisi hooked up with each other and did something to humiliate the dead. You will face the judgement of the council! If more than half of the councilors think you are guilty, then you will face the burning! But I think only the flames will purify your dirty bodies and souls! "    


"NO!" This has nothing to do with Mr. Xia, it's all my fault! " Porisi suddenly lost control, and she cried: "Kill me! Burn me! I've had enough! But Mr. Xia should not be punished, because he did nothing wrong! "    


"You were flogged at the council. Was he the one who treated your back?" Chairman Ling Mu finally spoke. His voice was like the sound of the wind blowing through an icy valley, cold and emotionless.    


"I... "We ?" Porisi suddenly roared out, "I healed myself!"    


Ulaya suddenly waved his hand. A slap landed on Porisi's face.    




Ulaya's attack was extremely ruthless. Porisi staggered, and his entire body crashed into Xia Lei's chest. If Xia Lei had not supported her, she would have fallen to the ground. Even so, her left cheek still slightly swelled up, and a trace of blue blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.    


Xia Lei was completely capable of stopping Ulaya, but right when Ulaya made his move, he was using his branding power's energy to probe the Speaker of the Spirit Wood Sect. When Porisi bumped into his arms, he finally reacted, but he was already a step too late. However, there was a trace of relief on his face. After his probing just now, he had come to a conclusion. He did not have the ancient blood on Lan Ji'er's body, nor the ability to heal himself quickly, nor the immunity to the energy of the branding power.    


Actually, he didn't even need to test the waters to guess the result.    


Other than Lan Ji'er and Father Lan Mu, the Ahimis of this tribe were the descendants of prisoners. How could they possibly possess the mysterious bloodline of an ancient royal family?    


Ulaya took a step forward, waved his hand, and still wanted to give Porisi another slap.    


Xia Lei dragged Porisi behind him and used his body to protect her.    


When Ulaya's palm was about to land on Xia Lei's face, it suddenly stopped and did not continue to slap. It was one thing to hit Porisi, but beating Xia Lei was another. One had to know that the human brat in front of him was someone who could play with the tribe warrior, Ah Magang!    


Xia Lei's mouth revealed a trace of a smile, "That's right, restrain yourself. Aren't you going to judge? "Then judge."    


"Humph!" Ulaya snorted, "Come with us!"    


"Mr. Xia, run!" Can't go with them, the council... That was a terrifying place! They will kill you! " It was unknown where Porisi got the courage from, but she dared to say such words in front of Chairman Ling Mu and Ulaya.    


Sure enough, before she could even finish speaking, Chairman Ling Mu bellowed: Porisi! Just based on your words, you should be put on the stake! Take her and this brat away! "    


Ah Magang and a few hunters rushed into the tree house.    


Xia Lei said: "We will go, don't move your hands unless you don't want your other hand."    


"You ?" Ah Magang never thought that Xia Lei would actually dare to threaten him at a time like this. However, under Xia Lei's calm and murderous gaze, he did not have the courage to reach out and capture Xia Lei.    


Those people who were pulling Porisi's hand all walked out.    


Both Ulaya and Ah Magang, who were blocking at the door, could not help but make way, and did not dare to block the way.    


"You, why didn't you run away?" Porisi cried.    


Xia Lei did not explain. If he didn't have that spirit stone, he might have escaped with her because controlling these people wasn't a difficult task for him. However, he still hadn't obtained that spirit stone yet. How could he bear to escape?    


"Do, do you regret it?" Porisi's tears flowed even more urgently.    


Xia Lei smiled, and extended his hand to wipe the tear stains from the corner of her eyes, "No regrets."    


"I don't regret it either, I just... I regret not having met you earlier. " Her voice was low.    


Xia Lei gently shook her hand, "Let's go, we'll talk slowly next time."    


Porisi's tears gushed out of her eyes once more, "You didn't know about that place in the council, we ? We have no future. "    


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