Tranxending Vision

C1424 crystal palm

C1424 crystal palm

The tunnel in the mine was high and wide, and one could cross the train if the tracks were laid.    


The passageway twisted and turned, reaching the end of the mountain after a distance of two kilometers.    


The space in front of him suddenly opened up. It was a huge oval hole. The tunnel wound around and around from the bottom of the pit until it reached the bottom. The distance from the bottom of the pit to the peak of the tunnel was around fifty meters. It was not difficult to imagine the scene of Ahimis mining here a thousand years ago.    


The Blutan's den was at the bottom of the pit. Standing at the edge of the pit, Xia Lei saw a cave at the bottom of the pit that was made from branches, hay and bones.    


The two of them arrived at the bottom of the mine pit. This place was extremely quiet. The only sound Xia Lei could hear was the sound of Lan Ji'er's breathing;    


Xia Lei's eyes quickly swept across his surroundings. He saw a few spritual ore hidden in the blue colored rocks, but their quantity and grade didn't seem to be very high. His heart was full of confusion, that Blutan would not come here for these spritual ore, right?    


"This is the Blutan's lair. What are you looking for?" Lan Ji'er spread out her hands, "If you want the spritual ore, you can dig it out now. If you want its nest, you can take it apart now. "    


What she said was obviously said in anger, but Xia Lei did not care, he released the branding power's energy and let it spread towards the entire pit. His energy field of branding power could capture brain waves from humans and animals, and could also discover energy field s with special items, some of which even had resonating reactions. Thus, to a certain extent, his energy field of branding power could also be used as a "detector" in certain circumstances.    


When the energy field of branding power was about to enter the Blutan's nest, the energy field of branding power suddenly trembled.    


Xia Lei's heart moved. This was the vibration caused by the energy structure being affected by what the energy field of branding power sensed. His eyes slightly jumped, his line of sight penetrating through the Blutan 'lair and looking into the ground. However, his perception was also disturbed, as his vision could only pierce through the Blutan 'nest, unable to pierce through the rocks below.    


Xia Lei walked towards the large nest of Blutan.    


Lan Ji'er looked at Xia Lei strangely, "Are you really going to tear apart its nest?"    


Xia Lei said: "If you want to leave this place earlier, then come and help us dismantle the nest."    


Lan Ji'er, "..."    


When the two fought, the Blutan's nest was quickly destroyed.    


Beneath the nest was a bluish rock, no different from any other. The rocks were pieced together, forming an uneven surface. However, the connection between them was very stable. Even using engineering machinery would take some time to excavate.    


"Haha!" Can you tell me what you're looking for? " The corners of Lan Ji'er's mouth were full of ridicule.    


However, Xia Lei was still staring at the rocky ground beneath the big nest. Although his line of sight could not penetrate the blue coloured rocks, her energy field of branding power could still feel the mysterious energy that was being released from below. He seemed to have met that energy somewhere before, but it was only a vague feeling and he couldn't make an accurate judgement. Moreover, after he tore down the big hole, the resonance reaction of the energy field of branding power was even stronger than before when he stood on the rock below the big hole!    


All the signs indicated that there was something hiding under the rocks, and that was the reason why the Blutan was here at the top of the mountain!    


"Let's go, we have to leave this place." Lan Ji'er said: "Entering the Blutan's nest, this was a mistake in the first place, it's not too late to correct it now."    


Xia Lei, however, did not move. He suddenly said: "Give me your energy pistol."    


"Two? What are you doing? " Lan Ji'er asked curiously.    


Xia Lei said: "I want to blast this piece of land apart."    


"Are you sick?" Lan Ji'er was infuriated by Xia Lei's obstinacy.    


Xia Lei stretched out his hand towards Lan Ji'er.    


"I must have owed you something from my past life." Lan Ji'er laughed bitterly, and in the end, still took out two energy pistol s from his backpack and gave them to Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei removed the energy magazine from one of the energy pistol and placed it in the gap between the two rocks. He stepped back a dozen meters and fired at the energy clip.    




A violent explosion sounded in the pit, causing the ground to shake.    


After the dust settled, a huge pit appeared on the ground. It was about two meters deep and a meter wide. This was the effect of the energy magazine that had been removed. A single shot simply could not achieve such an effect.    


Xia Lei came over to the side of the crater and looked over. An extremely pure oval shaped rock appeared at the bottom of the crater. It was crystal clear, like beautiful jade. However, this was not what attracted Xia Lei to it. What attracted Xia Lei's attention was the fact that it was wrapped around a crystal palm.    


The crystal palm lay quietly on the oval rock. It was also crystal clear, but unfortunately, it couldn't be seen through. That mysterious energy was emitted from the crystal palm, giving Xia Lei a familiar and mysterious feeling!    


Now, Xia Lei finally understood why he felt such a familiar feeling. This was because the crystal palm was of the same nature as the energy released by the crystal skull that he had met in Jerusalem!    


crystal skull, crystal palm ?    


Xia Lei was stunned, "Could it be that the crystal skull is not an individual, but a part of a crystal skeleton? If it is, then there should be crystal arms, feet, leg bones, ribs and so on. Where are those parts? "    


However, what shocked him even more was that if there really was a crystal skeleton, who would have a skeleton like that? Is there a God in this universe that surpasses all living beings?    


"There really is something ?" Lan Ji'er, who came over to watch a joke, also saw the crystal palm at the bottom of the crater. She was first shocked, then her eyes lit up. Is this true? "Give it to me!"    


However, before Lan Ji'er could jump into the crater, Xia Lei had already jumped down and reported his information about the transparent rock.    


It wasn't actually a rock, but something similar to amber. It was hit by the explosion, and there were many cracks on its surface. When Xia Lei picked it up, the cracks started to expand. Xia Lei punched twice with his fist and the oval shell completely shattered, turning into pieces of "Amber Fragment".    


The crystal palm was completely exposed, and the moment Xia Lei's palm touched it, his brain suddenly shook intensely. It was as if someone had knocked him with a wooden stick. The scene before his eyes then changed. The pit was gone, so was Lan Ji'er, what replaced it was white light, unable to see anything.    


What a strong light!    


Xia Lei subconsciously raised the back of his hand to block the light, but in that instant, a face appeared amidst the white light, staring straight at him. He tried to see the face, but he couldn't see it. The face was black in the white light, very blurry.    




The illusion disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the mine pit returned. Lan Ji'er also appeared in their line of sight. The crystal palm was still in his hand, and nothing had changed.    


Xia Lei's heart was filled with endless guesses, "I also saw a similar illusion within the crystal skull, is this some kind of signal? What exactly is that face? "    


Even the most imaginative guesses were useless in the face of such a thing.    


"Can I see it?" Lan Ji'er looked at Xia Lei passionately. She laid on the side of the crater and extended her hand towards Xia Lei, preparing to take that crystal hand.    


Xia Lei suddenly came back to his senses, and said sternly: "Don't touch it!"    


Lan Ji'er hurriedly retracted her hand after being raised by Xia Lei, and then said with dissatisfaction: "Stingy! I just want to see it, not ask you to give it to me. "    


Xia Lei said: "If you want to live, it's best if you do not touch this thing. What I say is true, I have come in contact with something related to it, and if those people aren't dead, they are crazy."    


"Huh?" Lan Ji'er was dumbstruck. She couldn't believe such an absurd idea but from Xia Lei's reaction, she felt that what he said was true.    


Xia Lei's gaze landed on the crystal palm once again, but it was not a peek. He did not dare look through it, because it would disturb his energy field of branding power and his brain, causing him to fall into an illusory realm. He only used his normal vision to observe it. As a result, he discovered that it was not broken by someone, nor was it cut off by someone. Instead, it had been removed from the joint.    


An imaginary scene suddenly appeared in his mind. In the endless starry sky, a crystal skeleton was drifting about. For some unknown reason, it suddenly split up. Its head flew off in a certain direction, its arms flew in a certain direction, and its soles flew in a certain direction. There was also its leg bones and ribs ?    


He quickly rejected this hypothesis because he had found the crystal skull on Earth. If there was a crystal skeleton floating in the sky, even if it was broken down, how could it fly through thousands of years of time to reach Earth?    




It was related to the City of the Sky!    


All the mysteries he wanted to solve seemed to be related to that City of the Sky. If he wanted to solve all the mysteries, and if he wanted to return to the Earth from a thousand years ago, he had to find that City of the Sky!    


"Now that we have the things, let's go!" Lan Ji'er reminded them.    


Xia Lei shook his head with all his might, and then put the crystal palm into his equipment bag.    


Lan Ji'er said: "I never believed that there was anything inside the mine, because if there was, our Ahimis would have already discovered it, but there isn't. So when you said you wanted to come in, I didn't believe you could find anything. "But you really did find something. How do you know that strange hand is hidden here?"    


Xia Lei climbed into the pit and said, "Because of some information, Ahimis dug here more than a thousand years ago. However, in the later stages of the game, there were many people who mysteriously died, and the reason is still unclear. I've encountered a similar situation before. Those who came into contact with this thing were either dead or crazy, so at that time, I had a premonition that there might be something hidden here, which was why I insisted on coming to take a look. "    


He gave such an explanation, but he himself was not sure. What he had experienced before was that those who came into contact with the fragments of the World's Box were either dead or crazy, but crystal skull could make people produce intense hallucinations, and could even control a person's brain. In Jerusalem, it had disturbed the magnetic field, rendered the detector useless, and even killed Israeli detectors, thereby protecting itself. This was all evidence, proof that it could make others go crazy like the World's Box did, or even kill it directly. Otherwise, why would Ixtab and Carcia Ruiz be so afraid of it?    


"So that's how it is, but how do you know it's hidden down there? After all, it's two meters deep underground, and all of the above are secondary ores. " Lan Ji'er said.    


Xia Lei said: "Don't ask, let's go, if we don't leave now, we will get into trouble."    


Lan Ji'er curled her lips in dissatisfaction.    


"Aooo!" A roar of a beast suddenly came from the direction of the cave entrance.    


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