Tranxending Vision

C1430 Propose to me!

C1430 Propose to me!

Go ahead and propose to me!    


The Lan Long s' nest was much more "shabby" than the Lan Long king's nest. It was much smaller and did not have that many blue colored rocks either.    


Lan Long Ri Hua walked to the side of its nest made of weeds and dead branches, and then used her mouth to pick out a one-foot square alloy chest, and a bag made of beast skin. The animal skin was bulging with something.    


Without waiting for Xia Lei to see through it, Lan Long used his claws to open the beast skin bag. A patch of smooth blue light suddenly emanated from the beast skin pouch. That light was especially soft and pure.    


Xia Lei and Lan Ji'er were dumbstruck at the same time.    


Inside the beast skin bag, there were several spritual ore of different sizes and shapes. However, each one of them was bright and dazzling, containing a rich amount of spiritual energy. Especially the oval shape, it was about the size of a human fist. It seemed to be purer than other spritual ore, and it also contained more spiritual energy. Looking at it was like looking at an eye. That feeling was extremely marvelous.    


"That is ?" Top rank level one spritual ore! " Upon seeing it, Lan Ji'er cried out in shock.    


Xia Lei asked: "How many levels are the spritual ore at?"    


Lan Ji'er said: "According to the degree of purity and the amount of energy stored in the spritual ore, in the ancient Ahimis Empire, the spritual ore have been ranked into five different levels. Level three, level two, level one, special level and World's Stone. Every level has a range of energy values, and the closest to the largest is the Exquisite. The value of three levels was from 1 to 20. If it was 18, 19, or 20, then it was the best value of three levels. The range of value for level one is 40 to 60. If it's 58, 59, and 60, these three values are the pinnacle of level one. "    


Xia Lei understood. In the Ahimis Tribe, he had used the blue moon man's experimental apparatus to scan himself. That apparatus gave him a number. His body had pure spiritual energy at a purity of 96%, which was far beyond that of a special spritual ore. He was only second to the World's Stone. At that time, he had guessed that the spritual ore had at least three levels, level one, level two and level one. Now, it seemed that he had guessed correctly, but he had not expected that there were still so many things to be paid attention to.    


Lan Ji'er continued, "See that? The spritual ore in the Beast Skin Bag is a top grade one beast. Its psionic power is at least 59, and it can even reach 60. In the ancient Ahimis Empire, its value could allow a family of the Ahimis to eat for a hundred years. "    


"So valuable?" Since the ancient Ahimis has mastered the techniques of spiritual energy, what are they planning to do with spiritual energy? " Xia Lei asked.    


Lan Ji'er said, "There's nothing that can not research in science and technology, agriculture, evolution of races, and exploration of the universe."    


Xia Lei laughed. This question was superfluous, because he himself was an example of what was impossible.    


"My friend." The message from the Lan Long came over, "This is the gift I prepared for you, I hope you like it."    


Information on Xia Lei, "I like it very much. Thank you, my friend. I know about these spritual ore, but what is that alloy box? How did you get those things? "    


A message from the Lan Long, "Those spritual ore were left to me by my mother. We, the Lan Long, like them. The beast skin pouch was obtained from the body of a victim, and I felt that it was very suitable to contain my spritual ore. As for this alloy box, I don't know what it is. I picked it up from the Peace Forest. I can't open it, but I think you can open it. "    


Xia Lei's heart was moved, he awakened the clairvoyance. His gaze penetrated the alloy box. The damping was very strong, but he was still able to see what was inside the box.    


It was a very complicated instrument. It had a circuit board, electronic components, wires, and even components that could store and convert energy. It was very complicated. Before looking through, Xia Lei had another guess, and that was that this alloy box was a storage box. What was inside it? However, he did not expect that it would be such a complicated instrument. He had never seen such an instrument before.    


After he finished looking through, Xia Lei carefully looked at the appearance of the alloyed box. It was bronze in color and looked very old. It was not the silver that blue moon man used to make alloy equipment. There were no marks on the surface of the box, only some of what appeared to be bruises from the impact. His curiosity was piqued. What kind of apparatus was this?    


"What are you daydreaming for, hurry up and get those spritual ore back." Lan Ji'er lightly touched Xia Lei's waist.    


Xia Lei's thoughts were immediately interrupted, but he did not take the spritual ore in the beast skin bag. Instead, he asked the Lan Long a question, "This box looks very ancient, I think it's an instrument, my friend, where did you get it from?"    


Information on the Lan Long, "One time, I chased a prey to a very remote place and my prey fell down a cliff. I also went down and found this box at the bottom of the cliff. When I was little, I thought it was fun, so I took it back. "    


Xia Lei thought for a while, "Did you find anything else similar at the bottom of the cliff? "Such as fragments?"    


Lan Long Ri Hua shook her head, "That's not the case. The bottom of the cliff is shrouded in a very thick mist, and I can't see it clearly. It's too wet, and I was afraid there might be a swamp trap, so I didn't dare to go in. "    


"Where is that cliff?"    


"It's just north of here. If my legs are okay, I can show you." Message from the Lan Long, "But I don't want you to go to that place. That place is very strange and it makes me feel uneasy. "Tell me, why do you want to go down that cliff?"    


Xia Lei's message, "I am only very curious, and do not necessarily have to go to that place."    


Information on the Lan Long, "My friend, please accept my gift and wait for the ceremony to begin. Don't think about that cliff anymore, it's not a place you should go. "    


Without waiting for Xia Lei to get the presents, Lan Ji'er stretched out her hand to get the beast skin bag. She was not interested in the ancient instrument disguised as a metal box. She was interested in the spritual ore in the beast skin pouch.    


Lan Long Ri Hua glared at Lan Ji'er. Its eyes were big, and with one stare, it revealed a vicious look, as if it wanted to eat something.    


Lan Ji'er felt a chill in her heart, but she followed suit and retreated. She muttered in her heart: "What a stubborn brain, isn't it the same as mine?"    


Xia Lei took the beast skin pouch and expressed his gratitude to Lan Long Ri Hua, "Thank you, my friend. But, these spritual ore were left to you by your mother, is it appropriate for you to give them to me? "    


"Of course it's appropriate. My friend, you are the one chosen by the Queen Peace. It is my honor to give you a gift." Information about the Lan Long s Ri Hua.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Then I'll accept it."    


Lan Long was different from humans. It gave him a gift because of respect, and if he did not accept it, then it would lose its respect.    


Xia Lei stayed in Ri Hua's cave for a while, then a Lan Long came over and brought him and Lan Ji'er to a cave, and told them to stay there for the time being.    


The cave was very small. Not to mention a bed, there wasn't even a nest piled with grass and leaves. In addition, there were no washrooms or bathrooms. It was just a cave. Lan Long's tribe was an animal's tribe after all, so they wouldn't treat guests like humans.    


After the Lan Long left, Lan Ji'er said anxiously, "Quick, let me take a look at that piece of Exquisite Level 1 spritual ore."    


Xia Lei did not mind, and casually gave the piece of Exquisite Level 1 spritual ore to Lan Ji'er.    


Lan Ji'er chuckled, "Sometimes, you are really generous."    


Xia Lei replied, "Stop talking nonsense and quickly take a look. Give it to me when you're done reading it."    


Lan Ji'er smirked, "You're so petty."    


Xia Lei laughed: "Don't tell me you want me to gift it to you as a gift?"    


Lan Ji'er vigorously nodded his head, "Mn! Then give it to me. "    


"Alright, then give me some milk." Xia Lei said.    


"Go to hell, you damn pervert!" Lan Ji'er's face instantly turned blue.    


Xia Lei said: "I like drinking milk, but that's not because I'm lustful, but because milk can make me stronger. Last night I was able to defeat so many Lan Long, all thanks to the two bottles of milk Borici squeezed for me. "This is my secret. Until now, I've only told you to listen. You have to keep it a secret for me."    


Lan Ji'er looked at Xia Lei with a dumbstruck expression, her eyes looked as if she was looking at a monster. These words sounded extremely absurd, but she just had to believe that what Xia Lei said was true. Because she had personally experienced what happened last night. She had personally witnessed how Xia Lei possessed a godlike strength after drinking those two bottles of milk, sending a few tons of Lan Long flying with a slap!    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "Don't misunderstand, telling you this secret is not to lure you into giving me milk, I just want you to know the truth."    


"Don't think I don't know what you're up to. I'm not a stupid woman like Borisch." Lan Ji'er said: "I am the princess of the empire, do you think that I would give birth to your milk just for a piece of spritual ore? "You said that you won't seduce me, but you're seducing me, you pervert!"    


Xia Lei laughed without a care, "I know that you and your father want to redeem the Star of Ice from the blue moon man's hands, even though the price is one billion blue moon coins, you guys can't afford to pay that price. You and your father have to pay a deposit of three hundred thousand each year, and this money is difficult to collect. That's why you're so greedy, right? "    


"You ? How do you know? " Lan Ji'er looked very surprised.    


"Don't worry about how I know. In your eyes, everything is a business, so we might as well do a business." Xia Lei said: "I've helped you get the money, this piece of Exquisite Level One spritual ore is my deposit to you, you just need to give me your milk while you and I are at An Xi Forest, what do you think?"    


"Go to hell!" Lan Ji'er suddenly threw the spritual ore towards Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei reached out and grabbed the spritual ore.    


Lan Ji'er angrily left the cave.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Even if you don't have the life of a princess, you still have the temper of a princess. If she agreed to my conditions, her milk would become the most expensive milk I've ever drunk in my life, right? She didn't want it, and I didn't want it. How much I want to drink after I leave Anxi Forest, and how much Borissi will give me, free of charge. It's fine if you don't want to squeeze. I don't care. "    


Although it was said that it was normal, it was actually fake. The Empire's royal family's mysterious bloodline was a huge temptation to him. Lan Ji'er's milk and Borsi's milk would definitely not be the same. But even if he couldn't eat the grapes, what was wrong with calling them sour?    


Just as Xia Lei was about to study the strange apparatus that was a foot square, Lan Ji'er suddenly turned back and said loudly: "Wish me to marry you!"    


"Huh?" Xia Lei was stunned on the spot.    


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