Tranxending Vision

C1443 The world of the World Box!

C1443 The world of the World Box!

Xia Lei walked forward, but he could not see anything. The road beneath his feet was very flat, as if it weren't grass, but ground that had been leveled and flattened to the extreme. When he turned his head back, he could no longer see Lan Ji'er and Xie Fang.    


"I'm here, where are you?" Xia Lei asked.    


His voice echoed through the darkness, as if there were hundreds of them. He said the same thing, and the echoes rolled away.    


Unfortunately, no one replied to him.    


Xia Lei braced himself and continued walking, walking, walking, walking, walking.    


He did not know how long he had walked, nor did he know how far he had walked. He did not ask where Queen Peace was, because he felt that Queen Peace would definitely appear. Like him, it was also looking forward to this meeting.    


Walk, walk, walk.    


In a single moment, it was as if the darkness that had enveloped the entire world had quietly retreated, and the light had returned to this world.    


Xia Lei suddenly stopped in his tracks, and looked forward with his mouth wide open in shock.    




A bolt of lightning struck down from the sky.    


A young girl carried a baby into an old residential building. The young girl's face was mixed with rain and tears. She looked so helpless and pitiful. She abandoned a baby upstairs in the old resident and left crying.    


This scene was extremely familiar to Xia Lei, because the young girl was his mother and the abandoned baby was himself.    


He still could not see his mother's face clearly. He could not wait to see her face. But when he approached the girl, the scene before his eyes suddenly changed.    


An electric arc of light shot out from the welding machine and struck his left eye. His left eye was instantly charred black, and the smell of burnt meat permeated the air. The workers surrounded him, talking at once. Some sympathized with him, others remained indifferent. However, what they didn't know was that at that time, his body was currently undergoing a heaven-shaking transformation. And the source of that change was precisely that bolt of lightning ?    


That was the incident where he opened the path of evolution, but now he knew that even if nothing happened to him, he would still open the path of evolution for other reasons.    


The scene changed quickly.    


The first time he met Long Bing, he was in love with her, so he married Shentu Tianyin ?    


He had killed Gu Kewen on the snowy mountain in the Wangda, reunited with "Zhu Xuanyue" in the United States, and reached an agreement with Carcia Ruiz ?    


The past flurries like snow and then melts away. New "snowflakes" kept appearing and melting. He had experienced all of those things personally, but now that he saw them again, he felt like a bystander.    


Finally, the scene of him leaving Earth appeared before his eyes.    


Inside the mysterious core hall of the City of the Sky, at the most critical moment, Ixtab threw aside the grudge between the two of them and saved him. Then, the City of the Sky flew into the boundless darkness, and everything sank into darkness.    


Nothing could be seen.    


Xia Lei's mind returned to reality, and his heart was filled with emotion. It was as if he had lived a very long life in that little bit of time just now.    


We are the passersby of this world, and we are our own bystanders.    


"Your goal is to find that Stone Town?" The Queen Peace's voice suddenly came from within the darkness.    


Its voice seemed to be very far away, yet it also seemed to be right beside him, in the mud beneath his feet.    


Yes, the soil, Xia Lei could feel the existence of the grass. He was extremely surprised. When did the ground change? He didn't even feel a single thing.    


"What you saw just now was what I got from your brain." Queen Peace's voice sounded, "I know everything about you."    


Xia Lei also had this ability, but he knew that he couldn't compare to Queen Peace at all. The Queen Peace had so calmly told him that he stole the information inside his brain, but he was still a little angry.    


"That city is not some City of the Sky. I call it the origin." Queen Peace's voice.    


Xia Lei was not surprised at all. Different identities, different cultures. The same thing would have many different names, but that wasn't important, nor would it change the nature of that thing.    


"You already know everything about me, but I'm still facing the darkness. When are you going to come out and meet me?" Xia Lei said.    


"I have always been by your side, but you are used to using human eyes to measure 'meeting'. "Alright, I'll satisfy your habit." Queen Peace's voice.    


The ground suddenly shook.    


A streak of blue light suddenly emerged from the ground. This ray of blue light was very eye-catching in this dark environment, but it did not soar into the sky. Instead, it suddenly stopped at a height of a few dozen meters above the ground. Immediately after, more blue lights emerged from the ground, some of them dozens of metres high in the air, while others seemed to flow on the ground like liquid.    


In the blink of an eye, the ground was filled with blue energyetic root s. The blue beams that shot into the sky also formed tree trunks and branches. In the blink of an eye, the blue leaf sprouted from the bare branch and quickly grew into a large, thick leaf.    


The blue energy tree appeared in this way.    


It was right in front of his eyes, but Xia Lei could feel that it wasn't real, and everything he was experiencing right now was all an illusion.    


"Are you used to me like this? I can feel the confusion in your heart. " The voice of the Queen Peace came out from the energy tree.    


Xia Lei didn't know how to answer this question, but he was truly confused. Originally, he had many questions to ask the Queen Peace, but when he saw that the energy tree's origin was exactly the same as the energy tree in the "energy tree," he did not know why all those questions in his heart had disappeared, nor did he know what to say.    


Talking to a tree takes a little time to adjust.    


"Perhaps I should appear closer to your habits." Queen Peace's voice.    




The ability tree suddenly lit up, and its shape became blurry, finally turning into a mass of blue light.    


A woman walked out of the halo of light. She had long hair, fair skin, bright eyes, and small lips. There were also two peaks and a plump butt. Her appearance was that of a standard human female. Furthermore, she was an extremely beautiful, flawless beauty in the East.    


She did not have any clothes on her body, and all of her privacy was clearly visible. However, Xia Lei did not have a single thought that he shouldn't have, nor did he have a single desire. His mind also calmed down. He said, "Regardless of how you change, you will still not be one of my kind. You don't need to satisfy any of my habits, that's not important. The important thing is that after our meeting this time, I have too many questions that I want you to answer for me. "    


"Ask away." The Queen Peace said.    


Xia Lei said, "In the Ahimis Tribe, I used an instrument from the blue moon man to scan myself. It said that my age was 1026, and my body contained a spiritual energy with a purity of 96%. I called it the branding power, but in this world, more races called it spiritual energy. My question is, did you say "origin" take me to the world a thousand years later? "    


"There is a mistake in your question."    


"A mistake? What mistake? "    


"Time doesn't exist."    


Xia Lei was slightly taken aback, "I have come across this line of reasoning before, but I do not understand. If time does not exist, then how can there be day and night, youth and aging? "    


"You're wrong again. Day and night exist because planets revolve around stars, and in many parts of the universe it is always night, and in many places it is day for hundreds of millions of years. If you use day and night to explain time, then wouldn't those places with endless nights and days be in a time stagnation state? " Queen Peace said, "As for the age and aging you speak of, that is just a process that life must experience. Those life forms that have not evolved well will make many mistakes in the process of growing up. Those bodies that have not been able to correct those mistakes will age and die. And your body has already evolved to an almost perfect state, so you can probably live for around a hundred thousand years. "    


Xia Lei was shocked. He could live for a hundred thousand years!    


On Earth, not to mention 100 thousand years, even 100 years was considered a long life!    


"Your first question." The Queen Peace continued, "You are not in the world after a thousand years, you are in another world. Your wife and children are still in your old world, and I know you long to get back. "    


"Can I go back?"    


"That will depend on your hard work."    


"If I'm not in the world that's going to happen a thousand years from now, then I ? "Then what world am I in?"    


Queen Peace did not answer.    


Xia Lei continued to ask: "If I wasn't in the world that's going to happen a thousand years later, where would the humans in this world come from? They spoke Chinese, which was the language of the Han people on Earth! It was impossible for the humans in this world to appear out of thin air, right? It was impossible for the language of the Han people to spread from Earth here, right? "What's going on?"    


"Because of the origin."    


"The Stone Town?"    


"Right." The Queen Peace said, "It's an existence that cultivates a civilization."    


Cultivate a civilization?    


Xia Lei was stunned on the spot.    


The Queen Peace said, "It sowed seeds in this universe. Every place it goes, a new species will be born, and a new civilization will be born. It wanted the humans of Earth to appear in this world, so the humans of this world would appear. If it wants the people of this world to speak Chinese, then the people of this world can speak Chinese. "    


Xia Lei suddenly remembered Carcia Ruiz's description. He said that Ixtab's mission was to rebuild her civilization and unlocking the secrets of the World's Box was the only way. Thinking of this, his heart suddenly shook greatly. "Could it be ?" I am in the world of boxes!? "    


World's Box, World's Box!    


That name was the answer!    


It sowed life, nurtured civilization, and played the role of Prometheus!    


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