Tranxending Vision

C1435 Queen of Rest

C1435 Queen of Rest

His short legs bounced off the ground and he immediately jumped up. Its face suddenly shifted from the front to the back, and its arms instantly completed the transition from the front to the back. Then, it pushed its right arm forward and suddenly stretched its arm out. With a whoosh, it flew out and landed a fist on Lan Ji'er's butt.    


The running Lan Ji'er simply could not anticipate that Xie Fang would have such an ability. Caught off guard, he immediately let out a stuffy groan, and his body lost balance and crashed into an ancient tree.    


Xia Lei just happened to walk past the ancient tree, and he saw everything that happened just now. He saw Xie Fang suddenly stretch out his arm and punch Lan Ji'er's butt, and then, Lan Ji'er pounced towards him.    


Xia Lei frowned, "She really is a piece of sticky candy, it just can't be torn off. What can I do to make her give up?"    


At this moment, the vines on the ancient tree all began to flutter. Not only this one, but all the vines on the ancient trees at the very front of the forest started to fly up, forming a real net in an instant.    


An endless net!    




Lan Ji'er's body struck the net formed by the vines, and suddenly there was a loud bang, as her body was bounced back. After flying a few meters back, she fell onto the ground, fell on her butt, and had her hands and feet facing the sky.    


In the instant when Lan Ji'er was sent flying, Xia Lei very clearly caught a energy field, as well as the movement of the mysterious energy. The mysterious energy was aimed at Lan Ji'er, the energy was extremely terrifying, if it was aiming for Lan Ji'er's life, Lan Ji'er would already be a pile of minced meat!    


This was clearly just a warning punishment.    


Lan Ji'er crawled up from the ground, and looked at Xia Lei who was behind the web of vines.    


"Hahaha!" Stupid! "Idiot!" Xie Fang started laughing out loud. "You're the dumbest idiot I've ever seen, and the one with the poison milk!" "Hahaha!"    


Lan Ji'er did not react at all, but her tears started to flow even more anxiously.    


For some reason, when he saw her fall down in a sorry state, and saw her cry, a tinge of guilt rose in Xia Lei's heart. However, he still made his choice and turned around, walking into the depths of the forest.    


The forest was filled with a thin layer of fog, and towering trees were rising from the ground into the sky. A white mist floated like a ribbon between the trunk and the crown of the tree. An ancient and mysterious aura was everywhere, and this forest gave off a fantastic and fairyland feeling.    


Xia Lei walked forward step by step. The ground under his feet was very moist, without a single blade of grass. This ancient and mysterious forest was extremely vast, but it looked very pure. There were only towering trees, vines hanging from their bodies, and nothing else.    


He was very strange. He was sure that he had not walked very far, but when he turned around, he could no longer see the Lan Long and the Lan Long. There were also Kung Fu and Lan Ji'er.    


Xia Lei braced himself and walked forward, after walking for a distance, all the ancient trees suddenly released a terrifying aura. He even felt that they were not trees, but ancient guardians. What secrets are they guarding here? Anyone close to them will die!    


In such an environment, with the countless ancient trees creating an intimidating field, Xia Lei couldn't help but become a little nervous.    


"I'm already here!" Xia Lei continued to walk forward, and loudly shouted at the same time: "Can you hear me? Can you get my message? If you hear my voice, or if you receive my message, then please give me a response! "    


Whoosh, whoosh ?    


The treetops suddenly began to shake, but there was no wind at this time. All of the treetops and vines were moving in the absence of any wind.    


Is this the response of the Queen Peace?    


Xia Lei stopped and quietened down. He released his energy field of branding power and started to capture all the information in the region.    


He didn't catch anything at first, until a strange sound came. It was mixed in the sounds made by the shaking vines and treetops. If it wasn't for the fact that its ears had evolved to be sharper than a dog's, Xia Lei wouldn't have been able to hear it.    


The moment this voice appeared, his energy field of branding power caught hold of a message, and a voice sounded in his mind.    


It was not a man's voice, nor a woman's voice. This voice was especially ancient, ancient, and hoarse. It feels like a tree or rock that has lived for millions of years and suddenly has a mouth to speak with.    


"You are the person I am looking for. You have finally come. I have been waiting for this day for a very, very long time."    


"Who exactly are you? Why wait for me? And why am I the one you're looking for? " Xia Lei sent a message through the energy field of branding power. He had too many questions to answer from the.    


"You will know, when we meet." Information about the Queen Peace.    


"Why don't you tell me now?"    


"I can't keep in touch with you for long, and what I want to talk to you about is very complicated."    


"With your ability, is it difficult to send more information?"    


"This is not a phone call, you can easily receive information here. However, every time I transmit a message or receive a message, I have to do it through the roots underground. The distance between us is about 50 thousand kilometers, which will consume a lot of energy."    


Xia Lei was shocked. 50 thousand km, this distance was even longer than the Earth's equator. But what shocked him was not the distance between him and Queen Peace, but that Queen Peace actually passed the message through the roots in the soil. It was as if they were traveling tens of thousands of kilometers on a route!    


It was impossible to imagine how the Queen Peace had done it.    


The world was full of unexplainable mysteries.    


Xia Lei originally did not believe Queen Peace's words, but after hearing this explanation, he believed it. Even if a true God wanted to establish such a connection, it would be very difficult!    


"I can meet with you, and that's what I want, because I have a lot of questions I want to ask you. I want answers from you." Xia Lei sent a new message to the Queen Peace.    


"I know what you want to ask. I've already prepared the answer for you."    


"I'm about 50 thousand kilometers away from you, and we need to pass through the territory of the Blutan. It will be very difficult, and it will take a very long time, so I need your help. Do you have any ways to help me get there as soon as possible?"    


"Of course you can, I will get the Kontan to help you."    




"You'll know when the time comes. What else do you need me to do for you? Just ask as soon as possible. We can't talk like this for too long."    


"I want to bring two friends with me." Xia Lei originally wanted to say one, which would have been a good idea, but when the words were just about to reach his mouth, those teary eyes of Lan Ji'er suddenly appeared in his mind. Then, for some reason, he changed his mind, changing one into two.    


"I promise you, that's all. I'm looking forward to our meeting." This was the last message from the Queen Peace.    


The swaying treetops and vines stopped moving, and the ancient and mysterious forest returned to tranquility. There was no wind or birds or insects, it was so quiet that it was like an ancient graveyard where countless creatures were buried.    


Xia Lei turned to leave, secretly wondering in his heart, "What is a Kontan? A bird of prey? However, even if it's a bird of prey, flying tens of thousands of km is not an easy task, right? "    


It wasn't the teleportation gate, but rather sending a bird of prey. This method made Xia Lei a little disappointed.    


After walking not too far, Xia Lei saw the Lan Long King, his Lan Long outside the forest, as well as An Fang and Lan Ji'er. Lan Ji'er stood there quietly as tears flowed down her cheeks. No one paid her any attention, only tears. She looked very lonely and helpless.    


"Sigh!" Xia Lei let out a sigh, as he felt a headache coming, "I've always been too soft-hearted. She's actually also a pitiful woman."    


Xia Lei walked out of the ancient forest.    


"Wah!" "My beautiful and magnanimous boss has come out!" It was a pleasant voice, and every word carried a sense of flattery.    


The Lan Long King sent a message over, "My friend, what instructions has the Queen Peace given you?"    


Xia Lei sent him a message, "Queen Peace will send Kontan to fetch me and I will leave as soon as the Kontan arrives. Right, what is a Kontan? "    


"The legendary King of Space, his wingspan allows me to run on his wings. Its claws could easily grab hold of a huge rock, and even Blutan were not its match. I'm afraid only the Rock Spirit can contend against it. " Information from the Lan Long King.    


Xia Lei's brain could not help but sketch out the appearance of "Kontan", but no matter how he tried, he just couldn't make it look like it. To spread his wings and allow the Lan Long to run on it, was he still a ferocious beast? It was simply an aircraft carrier made of flesh and blood! How big was this bird? How much kinetic energy would it need to fly into the sky? Let alone using its sharp claws to grab a huge rock, even a mountain peak would be razed to the ground with just a few claws, right?    


"My friend, I am only guessing based on the legends I have heard. I have never seen a true Kontan. I also heard that it can fly 50,000 kilometers a day. If Queen Peace sends Kontan to pick you up, from now on, you can leave after a day. Information from the Lan Long King.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Thank you for telling me these, esteemed Lan Long King. I have a request. After I leave, please take care of my friend Ri Hua, okay? "    


"No problem, I promise you." The Lan Long King left with its Lan Long.    


Xia Lei walked towards Lan Ji'er.    


Lan Ji'er wiped the tears off her eyes with the back of her hand and turned her head to the side, not looking at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei said: "When can you cure your rash habit? Do you know how dangerous it was for you to do that? Those ancient books are not simple at all. If they wanted your life, then you would already be dead. "    


"It's good that he's dead!" Lan Ji'er choked with sobs: "Anyway, no one cares about me anymore, I won't be bullied by you and that piece of trash again after I die."    


That piece of scrap iron was obviously a good name.    


"Hey!" Stupid woman, who do you want to talk about? " Xie Fang jumped up in excitement, "Try cursing your grandpa again, your father will give you another punch!"    


"Great." Xia Lei said.    


"Oh." Although Xia Lei did not say anything, it still shut its mouth quickly.    


Xia Lei said, "I have already agreed to bring you and Xie Fang to Origin Canyon."    


Lan Ji'er was slightly taken aback, "You ? Why did you change your mind? "    


"You look pitiful." Xia Lei walked over and said, "Also, don't think too much about the wealth inside the flying ship. The good Fang said that the ship sent by the idiotic Saint Ruler Randall did indeed contain wealth worth one and a half billion blue moon coins, but all of them were only blue moon coins. Do you think the money from thousands of years ago can still be used? Even if they could be used, the money would be squashed into mud. "    


Lan Ji'er's lips moved, and she said in a small voice, "You ? "Why tell me this?"    


"You look pitiful." Xia Lei said.    


The corner of Lan Ji'er's mouth suddenly revealed a trace of a smile, but her tears had once again flowed out.    


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