Tranxending Vision

C1609 Women's Time

C1609 Women's Time

Blue Moon Dock 1.    


When Xia Lei came, he entered the second dock, which was Lan Yue's military dock. Although Dock Number One also had docking battleships, it placed a greater emphasis on civilian commerce. Although it was larger than Dock Number Two, it mostly stored commercial and civilian ships that used to mine and transport garbage.    


And Xia Lei was going to board a ship that was transporting trash.    


Xia Lei was dressed in a black windbreaker as he stood in front of the garbage ship. Lan Sidi stood by his side, held onto Xia Lei's hand, and warned him with a very gentle voice: "Be careful when you go down there, I'll wait here for you to come back."    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "Don't worry, I will definitely come back."    


"Go on, it's time for me to go back. That fellow Lie Zheng has another problem. " Lan Sidi released Xia Lei's hand and turned to leave. Her legs were slightly apart from her normal posture, and the way she walked was somewhat strange.    


Seeing her walk in that strange posture, Xia Lei felt a tinge of pleasure in his heart. Previously, in Lan Sidi's office, it was hard for Lan Sidi to control her emotions, but he had also played the role of the lustful butterfly, playing the phoenix fake phoenix until it flew into the sky. Although he did not have this real body's toy with him, the size of the toy was quite impressive. Furthermore, he went through the wrong door ?    


The scene of the last game played in his mind. Although Xia Lei had thrown himself into it with hatred and vengeance, he had no choice but to admit that he felt very good about it. Was he getting used to the role of a woman more and more? He didn't even dare to think about this question; it was too bizarre.    


Lan Sidi walked further and further in Xia Lei's line of sight, with Yue Nu following right behind her. Her two short legs moved nonstop, nonstop. It was currently Lan Sidi's domestic robot, but the moment he cracked Lan Yue's energy field and researched on her own communication system and equipment, he would have the chance to wake up Yue Nu # 2 and make it her spy in Lan Yue!    


Yue Nu was a chess piece he had buried in the blue moon, or it could be said to be a bomb.    


"Miss Lelele, board the ship." A three metre tall Evil Moon Army warrior stuck her head out of the boarding entrance and urged with some dissatisfaction.    


Xia Lei then turned and boarded the boat.    


The garbage transport ship faced thousands of tons of metal rubbish, as well as the clothes and broken weapons that were taken from the dead. These things were the same as the rubbish he saw in the rubbish dump near the Peace Village. In addition to these thousands of tons of trash, there were ten warriors from Evil Moon Army. They were a team, and they were going on this mission together with him. This team also had a Destroyer Heavy Mecha, which had powerful firepower.    


Their mission was to give Xia Lei reinforcements when he needed them, and protect him. Of course, this is only on the surface. They still have the mission content that cannot be said to Xia Lei, and that is to monitor Xia Lei and prevent him from getting out of your control. But even if no one told Xia Lei, he was well aware of the situation.    


The transport started moving, and a buzzing sound came from above dock one. The sky curtain had opened, but up till now, Xia Lei still could not see where the center of the curtain was, or rather, what had produced the sky curtain was. However, this regret could very likely be solved after returning to the Peace Forest.    


Xia Lei lowered his head to look at his energy boots. There was a data storage card inside his right energy boots. The data that Yue Nu had stolen from the Lunar-core's laboratory all ended up in that small storage card. With the location of the laboratory, the value of this data storage card was definitely more to him than the value of his family's treasure.    


The flying ship smoothly flew out of Lan Yue's body and entered the Star of Hope's atmosphere. During this process, Xia Lei carefully experienced the feeling of passing through the energy barrier, but he did not get any particular feeling.    


Buzz buzz ?    


When the transport airship entered the atmosphere, it closed the sky. This time, Xia Lei felt a very strong energy fluctuation, to the point that the transport airship that was flying down started to budge. The ship rocked for about three seconds, then returned to normal.    


"Miss Lelele, let me introduce myself." A Evil Moon Army warrior said, "My name is Thoron, the leader of the Warrior Squad, I am in charge of this operation."    


Xia Lei only nodded indifferently. He was wary of these people on Blue Moon, but the moment he returned to his original body, these Evil Moon Army warriors would be his food.    


Thoron took out a remote control, "Did you see it? It can control the explosive devices on your body. We will land in a rubbish dump near the end of the frontier. We will disembark with you and return to the ship. We'll be waiting at the dump for news of you. If you get attacked and call us, we'll help you. Your armor will capture your voice and your image. Everything you do during this mission is under our surveillance, so do not do anything foolish, and do not betray us. "    


Xia Lei's gaze landed on the remote control in Thoron's hand. It was called a remote control, but it wasn't a TV remote control like the ones on Earth. It was a flat electronic device, about the size of a phone on Earth, and it also had a display screen. His heart stirred as he thought to himself, "Now that Tianmu is off, can this equipment be used the same as the communication device in blue moon man?"    


Just as Xia Lei was thinking about this, Thoron suddenly awakened the remote control in his hand. A map of the city appeared on the screen. The map showed the ruins of the city and the surrounding areas. The flying ship was currently watching a rubbish dump to the east of Fringe City. There was a red dot on the screen, and that red dot kept blinking, clearly representing him.    


Thoron changed his mode and the map disappeared. The remote control released a projection mapping and Xia Lei was the main content of the projection.    


Thoron was using this to remind him that everything he had done was under the control of the warrior team.    


"Captain Thoron, can you let me take a look at that remote control?" Xia Lei tried to test the waters.    


"Humph!" Thoron kept the remote control, "Miss Lelele, although you and Master Lan Sidi are very close, but in the eyes of us blue moon man, you are just a human. If you think that you will receive special treatment because of your relationship with Master Lan Sidi, then you are greatly mistaken. Once I confirm that you have deviated from your mission or betrayed us, I will activate the explosive device on your body. "    


Xia Lei frowned, "If you don't want to, then don't. It's not a big deal. But I have to be convenient, don't I? Do you want to see it when it's convenient for me? Do I need a bath too? Do you want to see it when I take a bath? "    


"Why are you bathing in armor?" Thoron revealed an unhappy expression.    


Xia Lei said: "This set of armor's buttocks and crotch can be freed, that's for my convenience design right? I don't need to shower, but I have to be convenient, right? "    


Thoron said in disgust: If it's convenient, just say something, I will close the remote control.    


"How do I know you didn't shut down? What if you peep? " Xia Lei pretended to be angry, "I executed such a dangerous person for Master Lan Sidi, I risked my life for your blue moon man, if I can't even obtain the most basic of respect from a woman, alright, you might as well activate the explosive device on my body now, and kill me."    


"You're such a nuisance!" Thoron said coldly: "I said it clearly, you do not have any privileges!"    


Xia Lei suddenly stood up, "What I want is not privilege, but the right of a woman to release her hands and not be spied on! I will contact Master Lan Sidi immediately, I'm done for! You insulted me! "    


"Wait ?" Thoron hesitated for a moment, but eventually conceded, "There is a working light on the chest of this set of armor, when I close the remote control, it will go out."    


Xia Lei opened up the zipper of his clothes, revealing the meat colored armor underneath. He pretended to look at it on his chest, and then said: "I see.    


"Woman, you're so troublesome!" Thoron said that he actually wanted to say "female dog", but he still took out the remote control and closed it.    


That small light was located below Xia Lei's right chest. Although its location was extremely hidden, still knew of its existence. Sure enough, after Thoron closed the remote control, the tiny indicator lamp lost its luster.    


Xia Lei turned and left.    


Thoron stood up, "Stop! Where are you going? "    


Xia Lei said, "Can't I pee? "Don't you ever turn on that remote control, or I'll give up. You guys can go investigate the situation in the wilderness yourselves."    


"You ?" Thoron immediately became angry on the spot.    


Xia Lei entered the transport airship's public bathroom and undid the armor at his buttocks and crotch. He looked down at the light below his right breast and could not help but watch himself hiss. That messy feeling immediately resurfaced, it was as messy as the grass.    


It only took two minutes to solve the problem, but Xia Lei had to dawdle in public for an entire 6 minutes before he could leave.    


He had to stall for time and test out the limits of what Thoron could endure, because when he reached Underground City, the first thing he would do was to remove the Battle Armor on his body.    


Returning back to the cabin, Thoron looked at Xia Lei with a gloomy face, "Why would it take so long?"    


Xia Lei said: "I am a woman, you should at least wipe your face after taking a piss, while you men will be fine after shaking a few times, but us women are different. Also, it will take time for me to take off my armor and put it on, right? Do you still need to wash your hands after this? "    


"Do you still want to look in the mirror?" Thoron sneered.    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "There is no mirror in that bathroom, if there is, I will definitely take a look. Also, when I said I needed to pee, it was six minutes. When I said I needed to pee, it was ten minutes. I have no other request but that you do not peek at me at my convenience. "    


"I can promise you that, but you'd better not play any tricks!" Thoron said aggressively.    


"Rest assured, we will cooperate to complete this mission. You will go back and receive your rewards, I will return to Master Lan Sidi's side, and each of us will take what we need." If you give me convenience, I will also give you convenience. "If you insult me, I'm sorry, but I can't take it anymore!" Xia Lei confronted him with equal harshness.    


At this time, the transport airship's voice from the system sounded, "The garbage dump is here, prepare to land."    


Xia Lei was secretly excited in his heart, "Star of Hope, I'm back."    


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