Tranxending Vision

C1385 Crazy Early River

C1385 Crazy Early River

What is your dream?    


This usually happens between the teacher and the student, the parent and the child, and the person who says it is usually the teacher and the parent. For Xia Lei to say such words to an old man who seemed to be in his early sixties, was already very inappropriate. However, he still looked so serious, his face was filled with anticipation, as if he really wanted to know what the dream of Shinsuke Akagawa, this old man whose neck was covered in mud was.    


These words also made the atmosphere of the conversation turn strange.    


"What is your dream?" Xia Lei asked again.    


Shinsuke Akagawa coldly snorted, "Are you joking with me?"    


Xia Lei shook his head, "I am serious. You don't want to say it, I understand. "Well, let me do it for you."    


Shinsuke Akagawa stared coldly at Xia Lei. He wanted to tell Xia Lei to scram, but the moment he saw Xia Lei's eyes, his expression became dazed for a moment, and then, his entire person became quiet.    


Xia Lei's voice did not change at all, but there was a strange magic hidden deep in his bones, "Your dream is to become someone like the Saint Ray, and bring all its warriors to fight it. You are brave and fearless, your men are brave and fearless, you are not afraid of the blue moon man at all. You want to obtain the respect of the entire Underground City's people, you are not afraid of death at all, because you yourself are a powerful warrior ? "    


Shinsuke Akagawa nodded.    


Xia Lei's gaze swept across the armed men around Shinsuke Akagawa one by one, "You guys are chasing powerful warriors, you hate blue moon man. Take up your weapons and go fight with the blue moon man, you will receive unparalleled glory ? "    


A few minutes later, Xia Lei closed his mouth.    


Shinsuke Akagawa shook his head with all his might, but his head was still dizzy.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Alright, I know you don't like me, I will be going. If there is a chance, let's chat again." He left just like that.    


Shinsuke Akagawa and his men watched Xia Lei as he left. They all had a very strange feeling in their hearts, but they couldn't say what it was.    


Xia Lei returned to his seat, his face carrying a light smile, with such calmness and confidence. He could not hypnotize all the people around Shinsuke Akagawa, but he had already hypnotized Shinsuke Akagawa and the leaders beside him, and that was enough.    


Liang Tao moved closer with a curious look on his face, "Brother, I think you're..."    


"What?" Xia Lei looked at him.    


Liang Tao laughed bitterly, "You should go and do political work, you should come to our Rebel Army as a political committee."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


The light rail stopped.    


The Black Market Alliance's armed men and warriors walked down from the train. The platform was packed with people. An explosion rumbled above their heads, shaking the ground. The sound was both nerve-wracking and inexplicably exciting.    


Kangtu Nana stood opposite of the Rebel Army Warriors, she had a solemn expression on her face, "Everyone must be careful later, try your best not to engage in direct combat with the blue moon man, and use more explosive devices to attack them."    


"Yes sir!" The Rebel Army warriors gave a loud and clear answer.    


Kangtu Nana looked at Xia Lei, "You plan to use your bow and arrow to deal with blue moon man?"    


Xia Lei nodded his head, and then whistled.    


Kangtu Nana looked at Xia Lei strangely, "This is going to the battlefield, can you please be more serious? What are you whistling for? "    


Xia Lei did not answer.    


On the other side, Shinsuke Akagawa suddenly raised his right arm, clenched his fist, and roared excitedly. YES! Brothers, blue moon man has been oppressing us for too long. Today, we will let them experience our might! Charge! Kill! Whoever kills a blue moon man, I will give them nearly a million! Whoever is afraid to fight, flee before the battle, I will kill their entire family! "" " "Come with me, kill ?"    


The members of the Black Market Alliance's armed forces looked at each other, only a few of the leaders were excited.    


"Motherf * cker ? YES! What are you standing there for? Charge! " A leader roared.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


An impatient leader even fired a few shots at the ceiling of the platform.    


Shinsuke Akagawa took the lead and rushed towards the exit of the stage, while shouting, "Kill ? ? Ah!"    


BOOM! All of the armed forces of the Black Great Alliance moved, as they followed Shinsuke Akagawa towards the exit. It was like the Red Army in World War II, charging toward German positions.    


Liang Tao's mouth was agape, looking completely dumbfounded, "They ?. Did you take any medicine? "    


Xia Lei casually said, "It's possible."    


Kangtu Nana said, "I knew that at a critical moment, Black Market Alliance would make the right decision. Soldiers, follow me! Let's go fight! "    


The warriors of the Rebel Army followed Kangtu Nana and rushed to the exit.    


Xia Lei mixed in with the crowd and also rushed towards the exit. He was the only one who knew the truth, but he wouldn't tell. This made Kangtu Nana believe that even people like her would pick up their weapons when fighting against blue moon man. This was actually a good thing, at least she believed that humans still had hope and wouldn't lose the courage to fight.    


The Eternal Day's rays of light poured down from above, which was a little blinding. A energy shell whizzed over in the sunlight, and struck a building beside the exit.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


The dilapidated building suddenly had a few supporting pillars removed. It shook for a moment before collapsing with a loud bang.    


The dense dust was swept up and was pushed to the Rebel Army's defensive line by the exploding energy shock wave.    


Thump, thump, thump ?    


The machine guns on the Rebel Army's position roared, shooting out a string of 30 mm machine gun shells.    




A shuttle shaped combat aircraft roared past, and the energy machine gun under its belly shot down a shuttle shaped, scorching energy ammunition.    


BOOM! Rumble ?    


The intense explosions shook the earth and caused people's hearts to tremble.    


The Rebel Army warrior who was controlling the machine gun could not escape, he and his machine gun were hit by the energy ammunition, he and the machine gun were both blown into pieces.    


This was war.    


"Everyone spread out!" Liang Tao roared.    


The warriors of the Rebel Army quickly dispersed.    


"Charge! Kill!" Shinsuke Akagawa took the lead, brandishing a energy pistol and rushed towards the blue moon man's front line.    


In that instant, the bullet whistled through the air above his head and the energy shell exploded beside him. However, he did not hesitate at all and his conviction did not waver in the slightest. He was like an ancient lone knight charging towards an army of thousands. Even though he knew he would die, he still did not turn back!    


The members of the Black Market Alliance were completely stunned. Many of them thought that Shinsuke Akagawa's pre-battle mobilization on the light rail platform was just a show for the Rebel Army's people to see. The moment he appeared, they would have immediately gone into hiding, but they never expected that Shinsuke Akagawa would immediately rush straight towards the blue moon man's front!    


Is this a new script?    


Did the mayor take drugs?    


"Damn it!" Rush ~ ~ ~ "A leader shouted from behind the armed men of Black Market Alliance.    


"Head, he's going to die." An armed man said he was really scared.    




As soon as his words fell, the leader shot him in the head.    


Blood and brain matter spurted out, and the headshot body fell to the ground.    


The leader blew out the smoke coming from his gun, "This is the result of being afraid to fight. Any of you have anything else to say?"    


Hua la, the armed men of the Black Market Alliance all rushed towards the front line of the blue moon man.    


If they didn't rush up, they would die immediately. If they rushed up, they might not die, but they might still be able to earn that one million yuan. They were mercenary people, so they knew what to do next.    


The brave soldiers of the Black Market Alliance caused the warriors of the Rebel Army to be dumbstruck. They even felt ashamed of their courage.    


"That's not right, that guy, Chuan, seems to have gone crazy." Kangtu Nana mumbled to herself. She suddenly remembered the scene of Xia Lei talking to her on the light rail train once. She subconsciously looked at Xia Lei, but Xia Lei was no longer by her side.    


Xia Lei was already on a deserted street.    


The blue moon man's firepower was ten times, or even dozens of times stronger, but the target of attack was obviously denser. With so many people squeezed together in one area, the enemy only needed to pour ammunition on them to settle the battle.    


He fought, but only in his own way.    


The street was completely silent as the shockwave from the explosion sent the debris flying into the air. Xia Lei's speed was extremely fast, as he moved between the abandoned buildings, like a black specter on a battlefield.    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


The deafening sound of an energy machine gun could be heard coming from the side.    


Xia Lei stopped in his tracks and looked through a windowless window. A silver Fighter A entered his field of vision. It was at least five meters tall, had two arms and two legs, could move upright, and was equipped with energy arms s on both arms and shoulders. What was shooting at the Rebel Army Front was the energy machine gun in its hands. It was even bigger than a Rebel Army machine gun, and its weight was at least a few hundred pounds!    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


The frequency of the energy machine guns wasn't particularly fast, but they were shockingly powerful. This could be seen from its recoil. A five-meter tall mech was shaking non-stop as it fired. The weight of the mech itself was at least ten tons! It gave off the feeling of a tank continuously firing cannon!    


This was the first time Xia Lei had seen a blue moon man Fighter A. It was similar in appearance to the amorous cat s and the Black Market Alliance's humanoid Fighter A, but the former was clearly the original version. The latter was simply an imitation of a human's own characteristics and resources.    


Xia Lei's line of sight moved to the humanoid Fighter A's chest. It was the same as the human Fighter A's, it was also equipped with bulletproof glass as a cockpit. Looking through the cockpit, he saw a male blue moon man. Her eyes were also especially big and her mouth and nose were especially small, giving people the feeling that she was a "secondary character".    


Xia Lei took a deep breath, and then, he placed a metal arrow on the bowstring of the metal bow. The moment the metal arrow touched the bowstring, Xia Lei suddenly opened up both of his arms, causing the metal bow s to clatter.    


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