Tranxending Vision

C1334 Blind Sharpshooter

C1334 Blind Sharpshooter

The metal arrow drew a silver trajectory in the air, instantly breaking through space and fiercely piercing into Huang Zhan's chest.    




The metal arrow pierced through Huang Zhan's armor and through his chest. After coming out from his back, it sent Huang Zhan's body flying for a good few meters before he landed on the ground.    


The protective armor and the bulletproof vest on Huang Zhan's body were actually the same principle. It could better defend against bullets, and even sniper rifle bullets couldn't do anything to it. After all, the bullet was oval shaped and had a relatively large area. The tip of the blade and the arrow were very sharp and extremely small. It was unable to defend itself at all.    


Xia Lei's self-made metal bow could kill a horned pig with one shot, let alone Huang Zhan who wore such a set of armor.    


After the arrow landed, Xia Lei suddenly reached out and hugged Li Ni, knocking her down to the ground.    


This was already the second time he had threw Li Ni down, and Li Ni also seemed to be accustomed to the feeling of being suppressed by him.    


Only then did the people from Stone Tribe realize.    


Bang Bang Bang...    


Gunshots rang out again.    


Bullets whizzed past their heads one after another. Fragments of stone flew past the air like shrapnel, striking the skin of those who were hit by the bullets.    


"Head!" "Head?" The people of Stone Tribe called out to Huang Zhan, but Huang Zhan did not even react.    


"The head is dead!" Someone shouted.    


"Kill them!" "Avenge my head!" Someone roared.    


The people of Stone Tribe charged towards the lines of the Peace Village like madmen. The man with the metal shield was at the front, and the rest of the uniformed men were hiding behind him.    


In their imaginations, even though Xia Lei's metal bow possessed immense power that could penetrate armor, they had no way to shoot through the metal shield. Therefore, in their eyes, although Huang Zhan had been killed, they were still able to kill Xia Lei and the people from Peace Village. And the person who killed Xia Lei was the person who had the highest chance of succeeding Huang Zhan and becoming the new leader of the Stone Tribe!    


The Peace Village's side was in a terrible situation. They did not have any chances to catch their breath because of Xia Lei's killing of them. On the contrary, dozens of Stone Tribe's uniformed personnel charged over in a frenzy. The pressure on their survival was much greater than before. A few Peace Village warriors tried to retaliate, but the moment they appeared, they were suppressed by the enemy's firepower and couldn't even raise their heads.    


"Village head, run! We'll cover for you!" Tigress roared.    


Just as Li Ni was about to speak, Xia Lei had already grabbed the thousand Avenger by his side. Without even looking, she threw the spear towards the side of the rock and with a bang, she shot.    


With the sound of the gunshot, an armed Stone Tribe soldier with a metal shield in hand fell to the ground. The bullet fired from the Avenger's 1000 range hit him squarely on her leg. The bullet broke his calf bone and his body lost its balance as she fell to the ground.    


Bang! Another gunshot rang out. The instant he fell to the ground, a bullet flew over and instantly exploded his head.    


Li Ni stared dumbstruck at Xia Lei. From start to finish, she couldn't understand why Xia Lei wasn't even needed to look at it, in order to be able to shoot his target with such precision.    


Xia Lei glared at her, "Why are you looking at me? Let your men shoot! "    


Li Ni regained her senses and shouted: "Fire! Kill them all! "    


The warriors of Peace Village looked like they woke up from their sleep, they all took out their guns and covered their bodies, shooting at the people of Stone Tribe.    


The people of Stone Tribe lost the protection of the shield-bearer, and immediately fell under the Peace Village's fire net. Although they were well-equipped, they did not hide anything. On the side of the Peace Village, as soon as they fought back, several of them were defeated in the blink of an eye.    


However, those who were knocked down quickly regained their mobility because they were all wearing bulletproof clothing. The warriors of the Peace Village were able to beat them up, but not kill them. They crawled on the ground and opened fire, suppressing the Peace Village Warriors' fire. The armed forces of Stone Tribe behind them followed suit and laid on the ground as they fired. In a short period of time, both sides were in a stalemate, bullets flying above their heads, but no one could do anything to them.    


However, this kind of stalemate was extremely disadvantageous for the warriors of the Peace Village, as their ammunition was not comparable to the armed men of the Stone Tribe. Once the ammunition was exhausted, they would have to fight against the uniformed men of the Stone Tribe with their fists and cold weapons.    


Behind a rock, Xia Lei's ears moved. After that, he shifted the muzzle of the Avenger's gun to a direction and adjusted it by about a centimeter.    




A gunshot rang out. The instant the gunshot rang out, a member of the royal family clan wearing a bulletproof vest exploded his head open. Blood and brain splattered everywhere.    


In the next second, Xia Lei adjusted the muzzle of the gun by a few millimeters, and then shot a second time. Without any suspense, another armed member of Stone Tribe who was lying on the ground was beheaded.    


"Teacher Xia, you ?" Li Ni stared straight at Xia Lei and the expression in her eyes was as though she was looking at a monster.    


"What are you trying to say?" Xia Lei said indifferently. Even in the midst of such a barrage of bullets, his face did not show the slightest hint of nervousness, it was relaxed as if he was drinking afternoon tea.    


"You didn't even look at them, how can you ?" Li Ni's words were cut off by a gunshot. Right before her eyes, Xia Lei killed his third target in the same way, and Xia Lei had even shot while she was still looking at him. She felt that Xia Lei's entire body was filled with eyes!    


Xia Lei did not even look at the location of the target, but his ears were able to determine the exact location from the target's gunshots. His brain accurately calculated the target's exact location and even the exact distance according to the sounds he heard. So although he didn't use his eyes to see, his ears could replace his eyes and provide the brain with the information it needed. Then, based on the information, his brain would give instructions to his body, lock the target, and then kill the target.    


It was still because of that reason that the blue moon in the sky created energy field s that covered the entire new world, interfering with and restricting the branding power's energy in his body. However, his body still possessed an evolved body, and the functions of his organs far exceeded those of a normal person. Take his eyes, for example. Although he couldn't see or scan anything, he could still see very far, very clearly, even in the dark. His ears were also more than a dozen times better than a normal person's. He could hear very minute sounds, and could also lock onto a sound in a complicated environment that he needed to lock onto, excluding other sounds. His brain, on the other hand, was still in an extraordinary state. He could make the corresponding calculations based on the voices in his ears, allowing him to adjust the gun without looking at the target, and use the "blind fire" to kill the target.    


Li Ni suddenly thought of what Xia Lei had just said. In front of me, no one can call themselves a sniper. When he heard Xia Lei's words, she more or less felt that Xia Lei was a little arrogant, but now she realized that Xia Lei was definitely not arrogant, but just confident!    


Quietly, the man in front of her aroused her curiosity even more. She couldn't help but wonder, just what kind of story did this man who was completely obsessed have on him?    


Bang Bang Bang...    


The shooting continues.    


However, what held the absolute advantage was not the superior numbers of the armed men of the Stone Tribe, but the backward numbers of the warriors of the Peace Village. With Xia Lei's help, they beat up the armed men of Stone Tribe until they could not even raise their heads. Especially Xia Lei's spear techniques made them filled with confidence in their victory, because every time Xia Lei fired a spear, a member of the Stone Tribe's armed forces would die, not a single spear was missed!    




The Avenger in Xia Lei's hands released another shot, and the last person who was wearing the Stone Tribe's bulletproof clothes, was shot in the head. The Avenger's 1000 magazine was also empty, and he had no spare ammunition on him.    


Just then, the armed men of Stone Tribe suddenly crawled up, turned around and ran towards the forest on both sides of the road. They had already lost all their courage because of Xia Lei, they did not even know that Xia Lei's Avenger was already out of bullets, but they knew that they definitely did not want to be the next target that was randomly shot in the head by another person. Huang Zhan was dead, and the few leaders in bulletproof clothes were killed, the remaining people had already lost their leader position, and their fighting spirit was gone.    


"They've escaped! Kill them all!" Tigress was the first to rush out of cover, shooting at the fleeing armed men of Stone Tribe.    


One by one, the soldiers of the Pingyang Village rushed out of their hiding spots and fired at the soldiers of the Stone Tribe. The ones running in the front fell into the forest, while the ones running in the back fell to the ground after being hit by the bullets.    


The army was defeated like a landslide. The armed men of Stone Tribe who were approaching in full fury became dogs that had lost their homes, leaving behind a field of corpses and disappeared into the dense forest.    


"We have won!" "Victory!" The warriors of the Peace Village shouted excitedly.    


However, Li Ni was still looking at her. She didn't notice it in the slightest, but at this moment, she was looking at Xia Lei the same way Xia Lei used to look at her breasts.    


Xia Lei walked towards the place where Huang Zhan had fallen.    


Huang Zhan laid on the ground, the blood that seeped out from his body staining the ground red. His two eyes stared at the sky, not moving, but from his eyes, one could still see his shock, his unwillingness, and his fear of death. But nothing could change anything, Xia Lei's arrow had pierced into his heart, and he died the instant he was hit by the arrow. He thought that by wearing blue moon man's light armor, he would be able to stand in front of Xia Lei without restraint. However, he never expected that Xia Lei would shoot him to death with a bow and arrow. If he was given another chance, he would not even appear here, and he would not even have the thought of retaliating against Xia Lei. However, it was already too late. Even if there was a medicine for regret in this world, he wouldn't be able to eat it.    


Xia Lei carefully removed the metal arrow from Huang Zhan's body, then took off the black light armor on Huang Zhan's body.    


The warriors of the Peace Village also started to loot the dead armed men of the Stone Tribe. Those armed men's guns, bulletproof clothes, ammunition, even their clothes and shoes were their spoils of war. As a result, all the corpses that they had plundered became naked corpses, to the extent that not even the underwear was left behind.    


Li Ni did not go and plunder her spoils of war. To her, Xia Lei was her best spoils of war, and she was standing right next to him, looking at him.    


"Village Head, can I keep this set of armor?" Xia Lei asked.    


Li Ni said, "Of course we can. All these years, we have been under the exploitation and suppression of the Stone Tribe. This is the first time we have beaten them. Without your help, it would have been impossible for us to defeat them. You've helped us win the most important battle, so whatever spoils of war you want are fine. "    


Xia Lei laughed, "Then I will need this set of armor, it looks pretty good."    


Li Ni's voice became softer, her expression somewhat strange, "Other than this set of armor, do you not have anything else you want?"    


"No, I just want this armor. The rest of the spoils are yours." Xia Lei said.    


He did not notice a trace of faint disappointment in Li Ni's eyes.    


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