Tranxending Vision

C1315 New World

C1315 New World

A person has no sense of time when they are asleep or in a coma. Maybe 10 thousand years had passed, or maybe one night was short...    


Xia Lei didn't have a feeling towards time, but he had a feeling towards light. After an unknown amount of time, his vision gradually began to shine. The light grew stronger, and it warmed his body. His consciousness returned at this moment. One picture after another flashed through his mind like a movie. The mysterious City of the Sky and the blue energy tree, as well as the World's Box and the world that provided information, were going to end with Ixtab and Carcia Ruiz. When the two faces of culminate evolution appeared in his mind, he suddenly opened his eyes.    


The light was blinding, and what lay before his eyes was a vast expanse of white. Xia Lei subconsciously raised his hand to cover his eyes as he observed the surroundings around him. His vision quickly adapted to the new environment, but it was only for this moment, and he was immediately shocked on the spot.    


He thought that he should be in the City of the Sky, but he discovered that he was standing in a desert. His vision was filled with yellow sand and rocks, and also withered yellow weeds. There was a rolling mountain range in the distance, but there was no tree on those hills.    


He looked up at the sky. A giant star hung in the sky, and on the side of the star was an asteroid. It was blue, very striking. His first impression was of the sun and the moon, but when he looked at it closely, it was not at all. The glowing star was clearly larger than the sun, and the moon was not blue.    


Just by looking at the huge stars and the blue planets in the sky, he could conclude that this was really another planet, with his feet on the ground of a new world.    


This world gave him a feeling of being roasted by a star and dying.    


"City of the Sky flew here with me, but why is it gone? And Ixtab and Carcia Ruiz, where did those two guys go? " Xia Lei thought about this question, but he could not even find the slightest clue.    


Suddenly, he recalled something and hurriedly withdrew his gaze from the sky before moving it to the ground beside him.    


World's Box and crystal skull were not by his side. Other than that, there was not even a trace of cloth on his body. He was like a newborn baby, abandoned once again by his mother in this desolate place.    


"Is this the hometown of Ixtab and Carcia Ruiz?" Xia Lei walked forward. His first goal was to clarify this problem. This was the most basic of all.    


The dry sand and stones made his feet uncomfortable. As he walked, he discovered that the air in this world was similar to the air on Earth, with oxygen coming out of it. However, the density of air here was slightly higher than on Earth. He had come to the conclusion that the night must have been very cold, because the density of the air was inversely proportional to the temperature.    


The only difference was that after living in this environment for so long, he felt no different from Earth. Walking in this barren desert, he felt like he was walking in the Great North of his motherland. When this feeling came, he began to miss home. He couldn't help but think of his women and children.    


"At this time, they must be searching the entire world for me, right? If they can't find me, they will definitely be very sad. Can time heal their wounds and gradually make them forget about me? " Xia Lei's heart was filled with sorrow, and his eyes also quietly became moist.    


In that world, he was the richest man in the world. He had everything he wanted, including beauty, wealth, and power. But now he didn't even have a single piece of clothing. He was probably the poorest person in the world. If there were people in this world. He didn't really care about wealth or power, but the thought of his women and children made him sad. He missed the smell of their bodies, and he missed the huge bed at home...    


Just thinking about it, several hours had passed.    


A rolling mountain range blocked in front of Xia Lei. The peak of the mountain was not very high, and the average elevation was around one thousand meters. Xia Lei chose to climb the highest mountain. He had to get out of this desert, and now that he knew the world, his first goal was to find water and food. Even he would be weakened if he didn't have water and food for a few days. He might be able to last longer than a normal person, but if he didn't drink anything or eat anything for ten days to half a month, he would probably die here!    


Comrade Xia Lei, the chosen one from the World's Box who hid the secrets of the universe, rode the City of the Sky to a new world, and then starved to death in a barren wasteland. If this was the final result, then it would definitely be the biggest joke of the year in the entire universe.    


Due to the gravity being a little too high, Xia Lei was actually a little tired while he was climbing the mountain. A mountaintop with an altitude of a little more than a thousand meters would only take him about ten minutes to climb to Earth. However, it took him over forty minutes to reach the highest point of the mountaintop.    


"Climbing such a mountain actually makes me feel a little tired. Is it because of this world, or is it because of my body?" Xia Lei did not bother to climb until he was at the highest point before he stopped, preparing to check the interior of his body.    


The branding power's energy was awakened, but just as he was about to use the branding power's energy to circulate his entire body, and then obtain the information from within his body, the branding power suddenly stopped moving. He tried again, and the result was the same. He awakened the branding power's energy, and in less than a second, the energy stopped moving. He tried the third and fourth times, but the result was the same!    


If the energy of his branding power was compared to a machine, then the machine had already malfunctioned.    


"Did the City of the Sky do something to me? That blue energy tree? Or is there some other reason? " Xia Lei felt terrible. Such an obvious failure, but he couldn't find any other reason other than guessing, let alone finding a solution to it. After losing his powerful ability, he went from 'Superman' to a mortal. That kind of difference wasn't something that anyone could bear.    


After a few minutes of nervousness and disappointment, Xia Lei calmed down. This was bad for him, but it wasn't irreparable. Because the energy of his branding power had not disappeared, it was still in his body. It had a problem now, like a machine that had a problem. As long as the cause of the problem was found, a solution to the problem could be found and the machine could be repaired.    


After walking out of his terrible mood, Xia Lei climbed to the peak of the mountain.    


A huge basin entered his line of sight. In contrast to the environment behind him, there were forests and rivers in the basin.    


Looking at the green colored trees and river, Xia Lei let out a long sigh of relief. There is food in the forest, and only by solving the problems of food and water can survival be qualified to achieve more goals.    


"What's that?" Xia Lei's gaze suddenly shifted to the side of a river, and then, he was no longer able to shift his gaze away.    


There were a few houses, which were very similar to the villages on Earth and looked like a small village.    


"The size and style of those houses are similar to the houses in my hometown. Only a person would build a house like that! Could it be ? Are there any humans in this world? " Xia Lei couldn't help but become excited.    


When he had just woken up in this world, he was worried that he was the only human in this world, and the rest were all Ixtab's clansmen. The loneliness of being alone in the world is hard. However, the scene before him gave him hope. As long as there was someone here, it would be good no matter what.    


Xia Lei confirmed the location, then headed down the mountain in the direction of a village.    


After an hour of trekking, Xia Lei finally reached the side of the river. On the other side of the river was a forest. Although it was filled with trees, there were none that he recognized. After all, this wasn't the world that he was born in. This was a foreign world, and the plants here had their own systems.    


If plants were like this, then what about humans?    


Xia Lei started to worry again. He was worried that the people in this new world were different from him. If he suddenly appeared, the people of this new world would treat him as a stranger, or even a monster!    


"I'd better be careful. If it's a village and there are people around, I should be careful to make contact with them. I should only be a little stronger than ordinary people right now. If they treat me as a monster or an enemy, then that would not be a good thing. " Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart.    


After making up his mind, Xia Lei laid on the riverside, ready to drink. After several hours of trekking without a single piece of clothing covering his body from the sun's rays, the water in his body evaporated very quickly, and he had long since lost his thirst. However, just as he was about to put his mouth to the surface to drink, he stopped again, fearing that there was something in the water that could not enter the human body.    


In this new world, nothing was known. He might not be able to eat what people in this world could. A very simple example is the fact that the same air, the air on Mars, is highly toxic and can kill a person with just a few puffs. Therefore, it was difficult to protect the water from a similar poison. Drinking a few mouthfuls of it would be fatal.    


A green fish suddenly swam past Xia Lei's eyes.    


Xia Lei stared at it, dumbstruck.    


This fish is an Asian carp, and its shape, size and scales are no different from those of an Asian carp on Earth.    


The Asian carp in the river turned around and looked at Xia Lei, unafraid of his appearance.    


Xia Lei grinned, "Hello."    


The Asian carp wagged its tail and swam downstream. It didn't seem to be paying any attention to a naked guy.    


Xia Lei giggled, then buried his mouth into the water and started drinking. The water in the river was clear enough to see the bottom, and the entrance was cool and sweet. It was the smell of the best mineral water.    


"Hey!" "Bare-ass guy!" A woman's voice suddenly came from behind him, "Raise your hand!"    


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