Tranxending Vision

C1183 Seven people in one body, kill, kill, kill!

C1183 Seven people in one body, kill, kill, kill!

The tunnel was a kilometer long, with a large iron gate at the other end. Rusty iron gates blocked the railway line and blocked the light outside the tunnel.    


Why did you build such an iron gate on the railway and close the tunnel? There was no way to know the reason.    


When he was still 200 meters from the iron gate, Xia Lei's line of sight pierced through it and saw the situation outside. There was a sentry post outside the door. Fourteen armed terrorists. Two were cooking on the edge of the railroad, two were smoking on the railroad, two were pissing, and the remaining eight were chatting and cleaning their guns in one place.    


Xia Lei retracted his gaze, "There is a sentry post at the tunnel entrance, there are fourteen terrorists."    


The members of the Zodiac Clan all looked at Xia Lei strangely. Although no one spoke, it was clear that they had the same question in their hearts, and that was, how did he know?    


Xia Lei said: "It was still that live one. He was the one who told me. Of course, he also got his reward, and I gave him a quick death. "    


The seven of them quietly arrived at the iron gate.    


The metal door was not locked, but it was locked. But this was also a problem. Once the people inside the tunnel opened the door, the terrorists outside would notice. If the other person fired, it would be very troublesome if they didn't get hit by the bullet, because the gunshot would attract more enemies.    


Faced with such a situation, the members of the Zodiac Clan frowned, feeling troubled. After all, there weren't just a few terrorists outside, but a dozen or so. It was impossible to kill them in a second or two. Even if it was just for a second or two, that was enough to alert the other side to shoot terrorists elsewhere.    


Xia Lei stood by the door and said, "Relax."    


The members of the Zodiac Clan looked at Xia Lei in confusion.    


But just at this moment, Xia Lei's gaze changed, like two black holes suspended in space, the aura on his body also changed, it could not be described with words. Without any warning, the six members of the Zodiac Clan walked towards Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei suddenly reached out to the door and pushed it open.    


The crack in the door widened.    


More than a dozen terrorists at the exit of the tunnel looked over.    


Thump! Thump! Thump!    


Tuk, tuk, tuk ?    


Bullets flew out from the crack of the door. These bullets flew out from different assault rifles and stabbed into the bodies of different targets.    


Blood splattered everywhere, and corpses littered the ground.    


From beginning to end, the battle had lasted less than two seconds!    


More than a dozen terrorists from different positions were killed at the same time without even a chance to fire a shot. Furthermore, this was only through the metal door!    


"Well done!" Xia Lei said as he walked out of the tunnel.    


Behind him, the six Zodiac Clan s were still standing there in shock. They were all super soldiers, and each of them could take charge on their own. However, the previous battle was not something that a strong individual could solve with his or her combat strength. That was because the day before yesterday, she or she had to rely on extremely high cooperation to kill the opponent without being able to do so. However, they were separated by a metal door, and the terrorist outside the door didn't even know his appearance or his position, how could they have shot their target at the same time Xia Lei opened the door?    


Most importantly, they had also hit the target.    


This kind of thing seemed very strange and unfathomable, but it was only used by a simple energy field on Xia Lei. He saw the location of the terrorist outside the door, and used the energy field with mysterious energy to synchronize the six Zodiac Clan's thoughts. In those two seconds, he had turned all six Zodiac Clan members into himself. He understood the situation, he fired, he ended the battle!    


This was the counterattack of his brain thinking, transforming the members of the Zodiac Clan into himself!    


That was, his energy field's effective range would be 10 square metres, maybe a little more, but it would not exceed 11 square metres. He could not calculate the exact number because his energy field was not motionless. It was invisible and colorless, moving like waves.    


"Did the boss do anything to us?" Sayimu suddenly said.    


Arresian shrugged his shoulders, "I think it's instinct."    


"I think so too." Ye Liena said: "He didn't do anything, he only opened the door."    


Kyoko Tsukino walked out of the tunnel and said: "Enough with the nonsense, let's go."    


Ten minutes later, Xia Lei and the members of the Zodiac Clan dragged all the corpses into the forest and hid them. Then, they continued along the railway line.    


The mountain top where the tunnel was located was about 40 kilometers away from the Friendship Mining Industry. If he were to walk normally, it would take a few hours. Running would take about three hours. However, the closer they got to the Friendship Mining Industry, the more patrolling people there were. There might even be elite American special forces soldiers.    


Along the way, Xia Lei and the members of the Zodiac Clan were all very cautious. They would clear all the checkpoints in the Boca scared land because they wanted to clear all the obstacles for the army of the Rescue Institute.    


The special forces of the United States had blocked all the signals, preventing the news from spreading. But it also made it convenient for Xia Lei and the members of the Zodiac Clan.    


In the afternoon, Xia Lei raised his hand when he was at a place, causing the members of the Zodiac Clan to stop in their tracks.    


There was an abandoned building a kilometer ahead, built on the edge of the railroad, and like the building they had passed before, it was a depot built on the railroad. Xia Lei saw that there were a total of eight people guarding the building, and they were not armed personnel of the Boca scared land, but rather American special forces soldiers. He also saw the triangles made by the swords and lightning on the bodies of the special forces, they were all special forces of the Delta.    


Although there were only eight of them, they were clearly more difficult to deal with than all the armed forces of the Boca scared land combined.    


Xia Lei left the railway line and climbed up a very tall tree like an ape. Looking into the distance, he saw a flat valley. A building stood tall in the middle of the valley, it was Wanxiang Group. The straight line was five kilometers away from him. At this distance, he could also see the "Grand China" sign on the factory gate.    


As the body evolved forward, his vision increased.    


Xia Lei shifted his gaze to the left side of Friendship Mining Industry. At the bottom of the mountain was a mining area, which was a mining area. At the top of the mountain, there was something unnatural that looked like a radar car, but because it was more than 8 kilometers away, it could not be seen clearly.    


From this glance, Xia Lei gained a new understanding of his clairvoyance. It was that his distance of vision had already neared eight kilometers.    


Xia Lei got down from the tree and squatted on the ground. He used a branch to draw a simple map on the ground, "Friendship Mining Industry is about five kilometers ahead of us. There is a sentry post one kilometer ahead of us. What was guarding there were not the armed men of the Boca scared land, but the special forces of the American Delta. There are eight of them, two on the roof, two on the railroad, four in the building. "    


Arresian pursed his lips, "Killing them should make me very excited."    


But Xia Lei said: "Old rules, we can't let them shoot. "There are a lot of enemies nearby, we don't know how many special forces the United States has sent over, we can't alert them under such circumstances."    


Qian Jun frowned, "It's not difficult to get rid of them, but it's difficult to get rid of them. After all, the Delta Special Forces are the strongest Special Forces in the world. "    


If even a character like Thousand Army was frowning, then the difficulty of this mission could be imagined.    


"Let me go." Kyoko Tsukino said: "I'll try."    


She was a ninja, an assassin from the Zodiac Clan, but she was not 100% sure that she would be able to complete the mission.    


Xia Lei said: "You will go with me. Qian Jun, Sayimu, you guys will go from the left side of the railway line and assassinate the two targets there. Yasuya Khan and Arresian, the three of you should sneak over from the right side to get rid of the two targets on the rooftop. Ye Liena, you will be in charge of checking the time. Six minutes later, with the whistle signal, Qian Jun, Sayimu, Yasuya Khan and Arresian will attack together.    


"No problem." Ye Liena looked at the multifunctional wrist watch in his hand, "Start counting in ten seconds... "Move!"    


Xia Lei and Kyoko Tsukino left the railway line and entered the forest. The two of them were dashing through the forest like two nimble foxes.    


The female ninja's running was very appreciative. The pair of waves swayed in her clothes, bouncing up and down, more like waves than waves.    


Three minutes, eight hundred meters. At a distance of five meters per second, the speed of the two was not excessive.    


When he was near the building, Xia Lei suddenly stopped, "There's a mine, follow me."    


Kyoko Tsukino had no problems with that as she followed closely behind Xia Lei as they passed through the lightning zone.    


The two of them approached the building. There was still one minute left before they could make a move.    


Xia Lei's gaze penetrated through the walls of the building, took a look at the situation in the room, and then, Kyoko Tsukino pointed to a room, "There's one in that room, you can have it."    


Kyoko Tsukino nodded her head, and then crawled towards the window of the room.    


Xia Lei then went to another room. In that room, there were three targets, and the three Delta Special Forces were in that room enjoying the fun that cannabis brought to them.    


The eight commandos were divided into two classes, with the four of them taking turns.    


A whistle sounded.    


On the railway line, Thousand Army, Yasuya Khan, Sayimu and Arresian all shot at the same time. The four Delta Special Forces on the railway line and on the roof also fell to the ground.    


The three commandos smoking marijuana in the room suddenly threw away the marijuana in their hands. Smoke, grab the assault rifle beside you. However, their actions had proceeded to this point. In that instant, their brains seemed to go dead.    


Xia Lei appeared from beneath the window, the two shots from his viper pistol shot out, effortlessly killing off the two Delta Special Forces soldiers. Once again, his energy field invaded the brain of the one who was still alive, stealing the information stored inside.    


At the same time, Kyoko Tsukino suddenly appeared from the window. The Delta Commando soldier who was peeing in another room tried to pull out his gun in a hurry, but he was slower than Kyoko Tsukino by a little. Just as he pulled the pistol out of its holster, a sword in his hand stabbed into his forehead.    


She rolled into the room and took her shuriken from the forehead of the corpse. She was prepared to help Xia Lei, but when she arrived at the room, she saw two corpses and a person who stood there like a wooden log. That special forces soldier looked as if he was scared silly, and didn't dare to move an inch.    


Xia Lei suddenly pulled the trigger.    




The last Delta Special Forces soldier fell onto his back.    


He had contributed all the information in his mind, and that was all he was worth.    


"We should go." Xia Lei said, there were no superfluous words.    


"So cool." There seemed to be many little stars in the eyes of the female ninja.    


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