Tranxending Vision

C1300 Dirty Mouse

C1300 Dirty Mouse

"I know what's in that bag." Ixtab finally opened his mouth and said, "I am indeed very afraid of the things in the bag, but I have to remind you, you will need some time, and I can do a lot of things in this little bit of time. For example, killing these four women and then attacking you. "    


Xia Lei had already simulated his thoughts many times in his mind. He needed at least a second to jump to the side of the bag, and then it would take at least two seconds to take either the crystal skull or the World's Box out. Three seconds were indeed enough for someone like Ixtab to do a lot of things.    


He could definitely give it a try, but Ixtab had made it clear that if he dared to move, she would kill all four of them. When he thought of these four beautiful and young lives disappearing, his body felt as if it was tied up with a rope, and his hands and feet were tied up.    


Ixtab laughed, "Your weakness is still so obvious, have you never thought of changing it? Woman, is woman really that important to you? The right to rule this world, to solve the mysteries of the universe, and to obtain the most powerful power, don't you think these things are of no interest to you? "    


Xia Lei calmed himself down and slowly got off the bed, "What do you want to say? If I pursue power and power, and become a monster like you and Carcia Ruiz, what benefits would that bring to you? "    


"I don't want to talk nonsense with you! "Tell me, how do I solve this?" Ixtab's voice turned cold, and her unusually large eyes were also filled with hatred.    


"How do we solve what?"    


"Humph!" Ixtab snorted, "Don't play dumb with me, you know what I'm talking about!"    


"You mean ?" Xia Lei avoided her topic, "Let's talk outside, this is not the place to talk."    


"Let's go out and talk?" You're still afraid that I'll kill them. " Ixtab laughed coldly: "I'm warning you, if you think about even a little bit more about them, I'll immediately kill them all! I'd like to see how important these four women who have known you for less than twenty-four hours and who have already slept with you are in your heart. "    


Xia Lei was slightly stunned. He had a feeling that the Ixtab that appeared this time seemed to have changed a little compared to her before. Her emotions had become impulsive and irritable, but her past self was cold and emotionless. No matter who he was facing, her emotions would not fluctuate at all, he could kill whoever he wanted, do whatever he wanted, do whatever he wanted, and he would not hesitate in the slightest. However, now that she wanted to kill these four women, she seemed to hesitate. This was something he could not even imagine before!    


Ixtab's body was actually a soul form, and the fluctuations of her emotions would cause her to become unstable. From this point of view, her injury had not yet healed. What he had done to her last time, what it had done to her, what it had done to her, what it had done to her, what it had done to her.    


"Well, I don't care if they live or die." Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, pretending to be indifferent, "What does it have to do with me that you want to kill them, or not kill them?"    


"Is this true? Then I'll eat them. " Ixtab said and looked like she was about to attack.    


"Don't ?" Xia Lei hurriedly said, "It's just a joke, why are you being so serious? If you want to talk here, you can, I'll listen. "    


"I've already told you, how are you going to settle this?" Ixtab endured the rage in her heart, "You must give me an explanation today."    


It was meaningless for Xia Lei to continue pretending to be stupid. He was very clear in his heart about what she meant by that matter so he smiled bitterly, "You want me to give you an explanation? Didn't I also want you to give me an explanation? Don't forget that you wanted to eat me. If I hadn't done that, I would have died in your hands. "    


Ixtab suddenly roared at Xia Lei: "It's not wrong that I want to kill you!"    


Xia Lei was speechless. It was very troublesome to reason with a woman. It was the same for Ixtab as the truth of the human world.    


"You threatened my plan, you tried to destroy my base, and in fact you did too! What's wrong with me killing you? " Ixtab had already begun to show signs of losing control.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly but did not say anything. What was the point of arguing?    


"If I kill you, you can also kill me, but you ? Using that disgusting thing to enter my body! "Not only did you get in, you're even more despicable! You're going to shoot ?" Ixtab said that she didn't want to go anymore, so she raised her hand and pointed at Xia Lei's waist area, "Cut it off, this is the explanation that you should give me. If you cut it off, we can talk about other things. "    


Xia Lei was so angry that he laughed instead, "Do you think you are God? I have to do what you say? Do I have to fulfill your request? F * ck you! F * ck! I'm standing right here. Didn't you want to kill me? Come on! Didn't you want to cut my Tintin? You can cut it yourself! "    


"Go to hell!" Ixtab suddenly pounced towards Xia Lei, her pure energy body suddenly condensed into an oval shape, as though she was a football that was flying at a supersonic speed, in the blink of an eye, she smashed into Xia Lei's body.    


Xia Lei was already prepared, the moment she showed signs of fighting, he would cross his arms in front of his chest.    


BOOM! Xia Lei's body was sent flying like a cannonball towards the thick and solid stone wall. However, the moment he hit the wall, the tip of Xia Lei's right foot hooked upwards, and the backpack that was lying on the ground was lifted up by the tip of his foot, and it flew into his hands.    




A piece of the stone wall suddenly collapsed. Xia Lei's body flew out of the castle and landed heavily on the ground.    


Ixtab came out from the hole in the wall, her body once again turned into a football that fell down at a high speed towards Xia Lei's head.    


If he was hit by her, Xia Lei's head would probably split open like a watermelon under the iron hammer!    


Xia Lei rolled on the ground, and instantly teleported several meters away.    




A loud sound rang out and a huge crater appeared on the ground!    


Although Xia Lei had dodged the thunder-like attack, he was still hit in many places by the shattered stones, leaving wounds everywhere! He flipped his body and quickly retreated. His right hand reached into his special shoulder bag and took out the World's Box inside.    


When the World's Box appeared, Ixtab suddenly rushed backwards, and instantly dodged to a distance several tens of meters away.    


Xia Lei did not chase after it. Instead, he held onto the World's Box and vigilantly looked at the distant Ixtab, while probing: "Why are you so afraid of it?"    


Ixtab did not answer her question. She only looked coldly at Xia Lei.    


"Why am I not afraid of it?" Xia Lei continued to probe.    


"Aren't you here to find the answer? You will soon know the answer. " Ixtab said.    


Xia Lei said: "He is on this island, aren't you afraid?"    


"Humph!" Ixtab just snorted coldly, her voice carried a hint of contempt, "That guy is just like a mouse, dirty and cunning. He would only hide in the shadows and wait for an opportunity to steal something. Do you think he is my match? I simply look down on an opponent like him! "    


"He's your kind. He's a prehistoric figure from your world, right?"    


Ixtab did not admit it, but she did not deny it either.    


Xia Lei continued to speak: "You look down on him so much that you don't even consider him your opponent, yet you reached some sort of agreement with him, didn't you?"    


Ixtab still maintained her silence, neither admitting nor denying. After venting the anger in her heart, her mood calmed down instead.    


This was what Xia Lei didn't want to see the most, because this kind of Ixtab was the most terrifying!    


Xia Lei spread out his hands: "You said that you want to negotiate, but you aren't saying anything, what else can we talk about?"    


Ixtab remained silent for a while, before saying: "Be careful on that day, if you're smart enough, you might have a chance of survival."    


Xia Lei's heart was moved, "What do you mean?"    


"He's here. I don't want to meet him." Ixtab said, but when she finished speaking, she disappeared into the air.    


The rain was still endlessly laughing, hitting the ground and making sounds, causing splashes. Some rainwater gathered in the crater Ixtab smashed open, and the reflection of a dark cloud appeared on the surface of the water. The dark clouds were especially thick, as if they were carrying something that could fall at any moment and shatter the earth.    


Xia Lei's gaze moved from close to far, and quickly swept his gaze in all directions. The mountain forest was pitch black. There was wind and rain, but he didn't find anyone, nor any animals, nor did he find any trace of Carcia Ruiz. He would always appear wearing a black robe. If he came and didn't change the way he appeared, Xia Lei was confident that he could discover.    


But he could see nothing, feel nothing. It made him feel that Carcia Ruiz was hiding somewhere nearby, spying on him and observing him.    


After facing such a stalemate for a few minutes, Xia Lei was unable to endure it any longer, and shouted from the depths of the valley: "Carcia Ruiz! I'm coming! "Come out!"    


Carcia Ruiz!    


I'm coming!    


"Come out."    


Xia Lei's voice flew out of the castle and reverberated within the valley, reaching very far away.    


After a long while, there was no response. Not in the valley, not in the castle. It was only then that Xia Lei realised that no one had moved about the castle ever since Ixtab had appeared. Under normal circumstances, there should be patrolling Knights. Moreover, with such a loud noise, unless the knights were deaf, they would wake up even if they were asleep.    


Xia Lei turned and walked into the castle, entering from the main hall. Upon entering, he saw a few armed men from the Knights Hospitaller lying on the ground. Two of them were the people he had met yesterday afternoon. His gaze pierced their skulls and entered their brains, and then he saw that their brains had shriveled and rotted.    


When Ixtab came over, she had a snack. This was probably the situation.    


Xia Lei did not kill them, but they still died. Humans were nothing but food to Ixtab and Carcia Ruiz. If they wanted to kill him, they would do so without any mercy.    


Xia Lei walked towards the stairs, and at the same time, looked through the rooms in the castle. He saw a lot of people, but none of them were alive. Even Commander Johnson, the knight, was dead. He was lying in his room, holding a Bible in his hand.    


The god he believed in did not help him through this ordeal.    


When Xia Lei returned to his room on the second floor, he discovered that everyone in the castle, with the exception of the four Holy Maiden who slept with him, had all died.    


The four female Knights were still lying on the bed. They were deeply hypnotized, and they did not know what had happened in the castle. They couldn't even dream and simply fell asleep.    


Xia Lei's gaze moved to the ground. The parts of the silver armor that the four women had untied were still there, causing him to heave a long sigh of relief.    


At this moment, the sense of danger, the feeling of someone spying in the dark, suddenly disappeared.    


Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart: "You came and you left? Ixtab was right, Carcia Ruiz was like a mouse. Did I have to wait until the last day of the deadline he set for me? Is there any special meaning to that day? "    


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