Tranxending Vision

C1323 Betrayal on the Dumpster

C1323 Betrayal on the Dumpster

Li Ni and Ramona didn't move.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


The especially tall and sturdy man raised the assault rifle in his hand and shot three times in the direction of Li Ni and the others. The bullet hit a huge piece of metal and sent three sparks flying.    


This man was the head of the Stone Tribe, Huang Zhan. He stood on top of a piece of metal. His hard muscles formed an exaggerated line, making him look like an iron man.    


"I asked you to join us, but instead of joining us, you came to our territory and stole something from us!" Huang Zhan's voice was filled with anger, "I'll give you one more chance today. Either come back with me to be my woman, or I'll kill all of you, and then bring some people to capture the people from your village and sell them to the middlemen!"    


There was no point in continuing to hide, Li Ni braced herself and walked out. Ramona also followed Li Ni out. In her hand was a gun, which looked very old, making others suspicious of its sight.    


Li Ni said loudly: "This rubbish dump does not belong to your Stone Tribe, it belongs to everyone. On what basis do you all call it yours? We don't want to cause any trouble. We just want to bring something back. "    


"If I say it's ours, then it's ours." The corner of Huang Zhan's mouth revealed a cold smile, and the eyes he looked at Li Ni and Ramona were also filled with desire, "How about this, the two of you follow me, I'll let your people go. Otherwise, I will kill them all! "    


"You're shameless!" Li Ni could not help but curse.    


Ramona pointed her gun at Huang Zhan, but she did not have the guts to shoot. She was very clear about the capabilities of her gun. If she were to fire this shot, there was a high chance that the bullet would not hit Huang Zhan, but many people would definitely die if she did.    


The warriors of the Peace Village finished their stealth and revealed themselves. Those who held guns faced each other, while those who held cold weapons were ready to charge.    


The transport airship of the blue moon man had not left yet, but the people who were picking up the trash were already on tenterhooks, they could start a slaughter at any time. This was the depravity of humans. The humans on this planet had reached the point of extinction, but what people thought of was still their own interests. For her own benefit, she would do anything.    


Just as the two parties were staring at each other, Xia Lei had already left his hiding place, and silently slipped away in one direction.    


The people of Stone Tribe also came here on horses, so they would naturally leave people to watch the horses. The hiding place of the horses in the Stone Tribe was Xia Lei's goal. He could not kill dozens of armed men from the Stone Tribe without any weapons, but against one or two guards on horses, he was fine. The man guarding the horse must have a gun on him. That's what he wants.    


Although he could not use the clairvoyance, Xia Lei's ears were still extremely sensitive. Soon, he heard some faint sounds. It was the breathing of a horse. The sound of human breathing was almost inaudible, but it was several times that of a human's, and the sneezing sound was even more distinct.    


After locating his position, Xia Lei sped up his stealth movement ?    


"Black Tiger!" Huang Zhan sneered: "I thought you were some kind of character, but you're actually willing to work for a woman, and this woman isn't even sleeping with you, what do you want?"    


The black tiger remained silent, its eyes cold. Huang Zhan's taunts had obviously pricked his mind.    


"Follow me!" We will build our power together, and even our kingdom! " Huang Zhan's voice was filled with temptation, "Don't you want beautiful women? I can give you as much as you want. "    


Black Tiger still did not speak.    


Standing beside the black tiger, Big Bear said, "Captain, we ?"    


"You shut up, don't talk." The black tiger glared at the big bear.    


Big Bear immediately shut his mouth.    


Huang Zhan said, "Black Tiger, I'll give you two choices tonight. The first choice is that you take your men back. You can take that box with you, but you have to leave those two women behind for me. Second, you can protect those two women, but both of you will die here. "    


The Black Tiger was still silent and did not respond.    


Huang Zhan sneered: "Also, let me add that if you make your first choice, it would be to follow me by default, I will bring people over to take over Peace Village. "But don't worry, I won't break up your relationship with your men. You are still the leader of your people."    


Black Tiger looked at Li Ni and Ramona who were behind him. Although he did not say anything, there was already a trace of hesitation in his eyes.    


At this time, Huang Zhan suddenly whistled.    


Suddenly, more than twenty armed men emerged from the nearby garbage heap. Even the warriors of the Peace Village had to go to the trash heap, there were also armed men.    


Xia Lei's intuition was fulfilled once again. This was not an opportunity, but a trap.    


When the armed men of Stone Tribe who were lying in ambush appeared, the warriors of Peace Village were immediately surrounded. Not to mention protecting Li Ni and the two women, as long as Huang Zhan gave the order, they would immediately become corpses.    


"Captain!" Big Bear panicked and said nervously, "We don't need to protect those two women. You like the village head, but she never liked you. Why do you need to protect her?"    


"Shut up!" The Black Tiger was enraged.    




A gunshot rang out.    


A bullet flew out from Huang Zhan's rifle and struck the ground in front of the Black Tiger. A little more forward of that bullet and a bloody hole would appear in the Black Tiger's thigh.    


Huang Zhan said fiercely: "Motherf * cker ? I don't have that much time to think. I will count to three, and after three, if you still won't make a choice, then I will tacitly accept your choice of being second. I will chop you all into pieces and feed it to the Lan Long! " After pausing for a moment, he began to count. "One!"    


Crash! *    


All the armed men of the Stone Tribe raised their spears, and pointed their guns at the people of the Peace Village in the encirclement.    


"Two!" Huang Zhan's voice was filled with killing intent.    


Black Tiger suddenly shouted, "Don't shoot, let's go!"    


The warriors of the Peace Village all put down their spears and the cold weapons in their hands. No one was willing to use their own life in exchange for someone else's chance to live, even if the person they were needed to protect was the village chief who was always on their side.    


Li Ni's tears rolled down her face.    


Ramona roared. "Black Tiger! You bastards! Have you forgotten who saved you and who took you in when you were about to die from severe injuries? You are an ungrateful beast! "    


"Shut up!" Black Tiger became angry from the embarrassment and said, "I have already paid her back what I owe! I don't want to die! I don't want to live a useless life like this either! Take care of yourselves, laozi is done with it! Bear, take someone to get that box, let's go! "    


The big bear had brought three people to drag the boxes from the trash heap, and the other people went to where Li Ni and Li Ni were hiding to bring out their war horses. In the entire process, no one dared to look into Li Ni's eyes.    


The Peace Village warrior dragged the box and left.    


Li Ni's tears seemed to have dried as well. The soldiers she had once seen as brothers and sisters had abandoned her. Her heart had shattered at that moment, and she didn't want to look at them again.    


"Li Ni!" Huang Zhan laughed: "I already said this before, you will sooner or later become my woman. As long as you promise me, I won't treat you unfairly. " His gaze shifted towards Ramona, and he did not try to conceal the desire in his heart, "Ramona, I want to go up. You've been here a long time, and this time you can't get away. Rest assured, I will gently enter your body and not be rude. "    


"Shut up!" Ramona said angrily: "Even if I die, I won't let you touch me!"    


"Hahaha!" Huang Zhan laughed: "You think that I will let you go after you die? Let me tell you, even if you die, I still want to play with you! "    


"You're scum!" Ramona roared, she waved her hand and prepared to shoot.    


Li Ni suddenly held down Ramona's hand, then said loudly: "Huang Zhan, I'll follow you, you let Ramona go!"    


Ramona was anxious: "What are you doing? Let me go! Do you think I'm the same as them? I won't give up on you! "    


"Calm down, this isn't a question of giving up, it's ?" Li Ni lowered her voice, "There's no need for us to die together. Go back, find Xia Lei and bring him away. He's not familiar with the terrain, and she's timid. She doesn't know how to fight, so she needs your protection. "    


"You ? You're still thinking for others even at this time, when are you going to think for yourself! "You idiot!" Ramona's eyes were filled with tears.    


"Listen to me, and take it as my last words. You don't need to die with me. Li Ni pushed Ramona.    


Ramona was pushed back two steps by Li Ni, but she did not leave.    


"You want to leave?" Huang Zhan sneered: "Why don't you ask if I agree? Didn't I explain it clearly? I want you two, not one of you. I'll hug you guys to sleep together, and after doing this and that, how great is that? If you want me to put one on, how uncomfortable would it be for me! "    


"Hahaha ?"    


The soldiers of Stone Tribe burst into laughter.    


"Brothers, I'll let you guys have a good time after I'm done." Huang Zhan said.    


The armed men of the Stone Tribe once again released excited roars.    


"Go and arrest them!" Huang Zhan was already impatient.    


A few armed men from the Stone Tribe surrounded Li Ni and the others. They raised their rifles in their hands, watching Li Ni and Ramona's every move.    


"Fight them to the death!" Ramona suddenly waved her hand and aimed at an armed member of the Stone Tribe that was approaching him.    


However, before she could pull the trigger and fire, a bullet from a sniper rifle came in from the side and struck her pistol. There was a crisp sound of metal colliding with metal. The extremely old pistol in her hand had been dismembered. In her hand, only the handle of the gun remained!    


Ramona was so scared that her face turned pale.    


"You ? And he even brought a sniper! " Li Ni finally understood that they were not discovered because of the battle horses, but because of the trap from the very beginning!    


Li Ni suddenly thought of Xia Lei. Where was that man who had seen the truth from the very beginning? How could he give such accurate predictions without any basis? Who was he? Just where did he come from?    


The encirclement shrank again.    


Several members of the Stone Tribe's armed forces revealed sinister and vulgar smiles. They had even started to imagine the wonderful scene of these two beautiful women playing around under their bodies.    


Li Ni suddenly raised her gun. She knew clearly that this was a suicidal retaliation, but she had no other choice.    




Another gunshot rang out as the assault rifle in Li Ni's hands got hit. The barrel of the rifle exploded into a ball of sparks and the barrel was actually bent by the bullet of the sniper rifle!    


"Hahaha ?" Huang Zhan laughed: "I've said it before, neither of you will be able to escape. Open your legs and wait to enjoy my big bird!"    


Just as Huang Zhan finished speaking.    




A gunshot rang out from the other direction.    


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