Tranxending Vision

C1325 A kind woman

C1325 A kind woman

A cold corpse lay on top of the ice-cold metal garbage. The bullet that took his life pierced through his forehead, instantly killing his brain. There was no longer any blood flowing out of the hole. The blood and brain matter had frozen on his face. There were no signs of fear in his eyes until the moment of his death, because he had no time to be afraid of death.    


Xia Lei's gaze landed on the sniper rifle beside the corpse. It was a very old, ordinary light sniper rifle, its structure was not complicated, and was not even close to Rayma Group's XL2500 sniper rifle.    


"This is the sniper rifle that the Rebel Army forged herself. It is called the Avenger 1000." "The numbers at the back represent its range. It's not very powerful, so it's very difficult to penetrate the blue moon man's armor. However, it's a good gun for killing people. Its accuracy is very high. "    


Xia Lei curled his lips, "The effective range is only 1000 meters and it cannot penetrate blue moon man's armor, such a spear is too weak."    


"You sound like you know a gun." The moment she said those words, she regretted it immediately. In her mind, she also thought of how Xia Lei, without even giving her a glance, had killed an armed member with a single shot. How could a person who possessed such a spear technique not know how to use a spear?    


However, Xia Lei didn't mind. He picked up the Avenger 1000 and looked at it, then said: "Although it's a bit lacking, it's still better than nothing. After I take it back, I will modify this spear and make it more powerful. Perhaps, I can use it against the blue moon man in the future. "    


"You can modify guns?" Li Ni looked at Xia Lei strangely. The man in front of his was becoming harder and harder to see through.    


"I'm not sure. I forgot everything. But I have a feeling that I can change my spear just like how I believe that I can fix blue moon man's battle boots. " Xia Lei smiled.    


Li Ni and Lei Mona couldn't help but look at each other. This wasn't the first time Xia Lei said this to them, and they didn't feel anything special about the past few times they had heard it. They didn't know why, but they wanted to kick Xia Lei when they heard it this time.    


"Teacher Xia, how long are you trying to lie to us for?" Li Ni pleaded in a pleading tone: "Tell us, who exactly are you?"    


"Xia Lei." Xia Lei answered very quickly without any hesitation.    


Li Ni could not help but glare at Xia Lei, "What I want is not your name, but to know who you are? "Where did you come from!"    


Xia Lei shook his head, "I told you before, I forgot the past, other than my name, I don't know anything else."    


"You ?" Li Ni immediately became righteous on the spot.    


Xia Lei did not explain, because he could not.    


"If he doesn't want to say it, then forget it." Ramona said, "What should we do next? "Should we return to the village, or ?"    


Li Ni's expression immediately darkened, "I ? I don't know. "    


"Xia Lei, why don't you make your decision? Should we return to the village or go somewhere else?" Lei Mona looked at Xia Lei a bit more, waiting for his decision.    


Xia Lei thought for a moment before replying, "Of course we're returning to the village. I know what you guys are worried about, worried about the Black Tiger and the warriors in the village. However, with me here, you don't have to be afraid of them. "    


Li Ni said: "I understand Black Tiger's personality. He betrayed us, he will not let the people in the village know about what is happening here. The only thing to do is to get rid of us and keep everything that happens here a secret. That's what's best for him, and he always makes the best choice for himself. "    


"I believe he will do the same. Once we return, they will aim their guns at us, saying that they might have ambushed us on their way back." "No," Ramona said.    


"Then I'll get rid of them." Xia Lei said.    


"No." Li Ni's voice.    


"Why?" Xia Lei frowned, "They betrayed you and left you to the people of the Stone Tribe. They must have known what was waiting for you, but they did it anyway. "You are always thinking for them, but at the most crucial moment, they sold you out. If they do this to you, do you still want to protect them?"    


Li Ni said: "Not everyone should die, many of them have no choice, this is a world without humanity, if they want to live, I don't blame them."    


"You're too kind. Alright, you decide then. If you want to go back, I'll go back with you. If you want to leave ?" Xia Lei was silent for a moment, before saying: "Let's split up like this. The two of you leave, I'll leave alone."    


"You are leaving?" Where are you going? " Li Ni immediately became nervous.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "I don't know either, I guess I'll go where."    


"Then we'll go with you." Li Ni said.    


However, Xia Lei shook his head, "I have some things to do, and it will be very dangerous for you all to follow me. You all should just leave it to me."    


"Will we be safe if we two women leave?" "Tell us what you're going to do. We will not become your burden, I am also a warrior, I can fight! "    


However, Xia Lei became silent, the problem that he had to solve was not one that they could participate in.    


"I ?" Xia Lei could not find an excuse to reject him.    


"Forget it, let's head back to the village." Li Ni suddenly changed her mind, "Even if I think it through, escaping is not a solution. The Black Tiger accepted Huang Zhan's conditions. What happened tonight, Huang Zhan would not let this go easily, he would definitely gather more people to attack the Peace Village. With Black Tiger's personality, he will definitely sell out the Peace Village. " After a pause, she added, "If someone has to die, why not him?"    


Xia Lei's face revealed a trace of a smile, "It's good that you've thought it through. Kindness is a good thing. Since you've changed your mind, let's go back. "    


"Yes." Li Ni nodded.    


"Wait." Lei Mona said, "We nearly died here because of these. There's no reason for us to not take the spoils of war. Why don't we take a look and see what's there?"    


"I agree. Teacher Xia, what about you?" Li Ni looked at Xia Lei.    


"Li Ni, you usually have your own way of thinking. How come you've become so ignorant tonight?" "No," Ramona said.    


A faint blush rose on Li Ni's face. She glared at Lei Mona, but didn't say anything.    


The atmosphere suddenly became awkward for some reason as Xia Lei turned around and walked towards a box. He was actually very curious about what was in the box.    


The box was not very heavy, so Xia Lei did not spend too much effort to pull it down from the metal garbage heap. He used a metal bar to pry open the iron bars of the box and poured out the contents.    


Inside the box were some tattered clothes, shoes, and some random items that one could tell at a glance that they had been pulled out from the dead man's body. Other than these items, there were also some broken weapons and parts, as well as some ammunition.    


Xia Lei was curious: "These things are really useless on the battlefield, but how can blue moon man have such trash? These boxes were obviously brought down from the Blue Moon and thrown away. "    


Li Ni looked at the bloodstained clothes, and her expression became grave, "They are all remnants of the Rebel Army's warriors. They could be warriors who were captured and turned into food after being sent to Lan Yue. blue moon man would not take their belongings, so she had the transport airship take them down and throw them in the trash. Actually, the majority of the weapons and equipment that we found at the trash yard are the remnants of the Rebel Army Warriors. Only a small portion of the blue moon man's equipment and garbage is trash, and it's usually broken, so it doesn't have any repair value. "    


Xia Lei raised his head and looked at the blue moon hanging in the sky.    


At this time, the transport airship had already finished dumping all its rubbish and was slowly rising into the air.    


Buzz buzz ?    


The sound of the energy shield opening could be heard once again from far away in the sky.    


The energy of the branding power in Xia Lei's body woke up once again, and all of the restricted abilities returned back to normal. His eyes clearly saw the structure at the bottom of the transport airship, the emblem of a blue moon, and the description of the troops that he belonged to.    


After the translation, it read: Black Moon Legion, transport unit 1293.    


"Black Moon Army?" "Isn't that ?" Xia Lei suddenly remembered, "Isn't that the army led by Ixtab! Could she be above Lan Yue? She recovered her legion? "That's impossible, she can't possibly build another army so quickly ?"    


"Teacher Xia, what are you looking at?" Ramona asked curiously.    


Xia Lei retracted his gaze, "Nothing."    


"The two of you, come here and help. There are so many good things that I can't take all of them by myself." Li Ni's voice.    


Only then did Xia Lei come back to his senses. He hurriedly shifted his gaze away from Lei Mona, and went to get something. He picked out a pair of shoes from the trash. The energy of his battle boots was almost depleted, so he had to find an ordinary pair of shoes to replace the energy. In addition to a pair of shoes, he also took some ammunition and parts of firearms. The parts and ammunition of these firearms were important to him.    


Li Ni and Lei Mona were very greedy. The two women opened all the boxes one after another and took away the weapons and ammunition that were still in good condition. What they had looted weighed at least two hundred pounds in several large bags, back and forth. Their warhorses seemed to struggle to stand up.    


The three of them led their horses and headed in the direction of the Peace Village.    


Li Ni and Ramona whispered.    


"Did you change your mind because you wanted to keep him?" Ramona whispered into Li Ni's ear.    


Li Ni smirked, "What do you want to say?"    


However, Ramona only smiled and did not continue.    


Along the way, Xia Lei had been observing the situation in the mountain forest, but he did not discover anything. But he believed that the Black Tiger must have known what happened at the dumpster, and the Black Tiger and his men would definitely have been prepared.    


The way home was not safe.    


But Xia Lei did not care at all.    


He really liked the sentence Li Ni said after he thought it through. Since they were going to die, why couldn't they be Black Tiger and him?    


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