Tranxending Vision

C1332 stony tribe attack

C1332 stony tribe attack

"Aiya, my blade!" Lin Qing looked at the blade in Xia Lei's hand that was moving, and felt his heart ache for it.    


Xia Lei said: "It's fine, I will make a blade that can cut iron for you later. "Tell me, what kind of pig is this?"    


"Horned Pig, I told you earlier." Lin Qing said, she was still feeling sorry for her blade.    


"I know what you said, I mean... Why is its skin so tough? " Xia Lei said.    


Lin Qing rolled her eyes at Xia Lei, "You killed it, don't you know how tenacious its skin is?"    


Xia Lei pointed to the metal bow on his shoulder, "I made a bow last night and shot it to death with one arrow. I didn't even know that its skin was this thick."    


Lin Qing laughed bitterly, "You, you don't even know the situation in the forest and you dared to go in there to hunt. You are a person who isn't afraid of the heavens or the earth. Let me tell you, this is a Horned Pig. Our Hunters would need at least dozens of bullets to kill it. However, if you shot it and hurt it, it would rush over to attack the hunter, so hunting a horned pig was actually very dangerous. Didn't you know that a hunter was killed by a horned pig last month? "    


Xia Lei shook his head. Moreover, he did not feel that entering the forest to hunt was a threat at all. Just this horned pig was enough to kill him with a single arrow. What was so dangerous about it?!    


"Can you show me your bow?" Lin Qing finally stopped looking at her rotten blade.    


Xia Lei removed the metal bow he made himself and handed it over to Lin Qing.    


Lin Qing tried to pull it, but the bow did not budge. She tried again with all her might, but her face was flushed and she could not pull the bow free.    


"What are you trying to do?" Xia Lei said with a smile. He stared at Lin Qing's swollen chest, his eyes were hot, and the saliva in his mouth was obviously much more than before. That was for the craving.    


Lin Qing had already gotten used to Xia Lei's "perverted" look. She passed the ugly metal bow back to Xia Lei and said depressingly: "If your bow can kill the horned pig in one shot, I want to try it too. If that's the case, I won't trouble you anymore."    


Xia Lei laughed and said: "You definitely cannot, it takes a lot of strength to pull this bow, a woman like you does not have that kind of strength. Don't think too much into it. It's not like you'll suffer any losses if you trade with me. "    


"Show me." Lin Qing was not convinced.    


"I'll pull it off, so you can milk it for me, okay?" The milk bug in Xia Lei's stomach almost crawled out of his throat again.    


Lin Qing rolled her eyes at Xia Lei again, "Don't say the word 'milking', alright? I don't... I like it. "If you want it from now on, just tell me to get me something to drink."    


Xia Lei nodded his head, then grabbed onto the place where the bowstring was wrapped around to protect his fingers. With a tug of his strength, the metal bow immediately pulled out a full bow from his hands.    


Lin Qing's mouth was wide agape. She could not believe that this man who looked so cultured and refined had such terrifying power. A strange thought even popped into her head. Was his power related to his love of drinking milk?    


Xia Lei once again slung the metal bow over his shoulder, and pulled out a metal arrow from the quiver. "Go squeeze ? "Give me something to drink, I'll use these arrows to separate this pig."    


Only then did Lin Qing come back to her senses. She nodded once before entering the room.    


When Xia Lei looked over, the shabby wooden door had already closed. He wanted to see how the shy woman milked, but he couldn't see it.    


The sound of a baby crying came from inside the house as Lin Qing's child woke up.    


"Don't cry, this isn't for you. It's for your Uncle Xia." Lin Qing's voice sounded, and then, she said in a small voice, "Such a big man and he still likes to drink milk, truly."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


When Lin Qing came out with the small bowl of milk, she had already dismembered a horned pig. The arrow was sharper than a knife, and could easily cut through the skin and flesh of a horned pig. He left half of the horned pig to Lin Qing, and after drinking the other half of Lin Qing's bowl of milk, he carried the other half back to Li Ni's house.    


Li Ni had already woken up, and she had even made breakfast. Seeing Xia Lei carrying back half of the horned pig, she said in shock, "You ? You really went hunting in the forest? "    


"It's just a hunt, is it worth it for you to make such a big fuss over?" Xia Lei carried the half of the horned pig into the kitchen, but did not eat the breakfast that Li Ni made.    


"Don't you want some?" Li Ni said.    


Xia Lei said: "I ate a little at Doctor Lin's place, so I won't eat anymore."    


Li Ni's small mouth slightly curved upwards, "If you don't want to eat, then don't. From now on, make it yourself."    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, he did not know how to explain. After drinking the half bowl of milk, he felt full and didn't want to eat any more breakfast. But he had no way to tell Li Ni this. He said, "I'm going to the utility room."    


Li Ni ignored Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei walked out of the kitchen and into the storage room. Before he even reached the door, a female warrior rushed in. Xia Lei recognized her. She was the first female warrior to throw down her spear last night.    


Tigress rushed into the courtyard and asked anxiously, "Where is the Village Chief?"    


Xia Lei said: "You ate breakfast in the kitchen. You are so flustered, what happened?"    


However, the tiger-girl did not answer Xia Lei's question. She walked towards the kitchen in large strides.    


Just then, Li Ni walked over with a bowl in her hands, "Tigress, why are you in such a hurry? What happened? "    


Tigress didn't even have time to catch her breath before she shouted, "Village Chief, it's bad! Our people found dozens of Stone Tribe's men near the border. They were all armed, and some were even wearing bulletproof clothes. Huang Zhan will probably attack us! "    


Li Ni immediately frowned, "Attack us in broad daylight?"    


Tigress said, "With their weaponry and numbers, is there a difference between attacking in broad daylight and attacking at night? There's no way we can beat them. "    


"I'll go and have a look right away. You go and make all the soldiers in the village anxious so that they can gather at the border." Li Ni said.    


"Alright, I'll be there immediately." Tigress turned and ran out.    


Li Ni looked at Xia Lei, "Teacher Xia, come with me, we need your help."    


Xia Lei smiled and said: "Then why don't you cook for me in the future?"    


"You ? "Do it!" Li Ni's expression looked as though she was angry at Xia Lei for taking advantage of the situation to rob her, but there was a trace of a smile on the corner of her mouth.    


Ten minutes or so later, twenty horses rushed out of Peace Village and headed towards the west side of the village. Lin Qing's home was on the west side of the village. As she was passing by the forest, Xia Lei saw Lin Qing standing in the middle of the forest. He waved towards Lin Qing.    


Lin Qing pretended not to see it.    


Xia Lei didn't seem to be interested, and thought to himself, "It's just a greeting, is there really a need to hide anything? Say hello to me and people will say that you and I have some kind of illicit relationship? Would he get pregnant just by saying hello? "Really ?"    


Li Ni slowed her pace and galloped beside Xia Lei's horse. She mischievously spoke: "If even I don't want to bother with you, then you shouldn't bring trouble on yourself in the future."    


Xia Lei laughed awkwardly. If Lin Qing didn't have milk, he wouldn't even bother to approach her.    


"Your bow is so ugly. It's even made from steel rope. Can it be used?" Li Ni finally noticed Xia Lei's metal bow.    


Xia Lei said: "Of course I can use it, that horned pig was shot to death by me using this bow."    


"I don't believe it." Li Ni said.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Then you can watch it on the battlefield ? Home!" He pinched the horse's belly and urged it to a run. The warhorse he was riding was the Black Tiger's, the strongest and fastest of all the warhorses. With this blow, the warhorse under him quickly dashed to the front of the group.    


On the battlefield, he had always been at the forefront, on Earth, and in the new world.    


The war horses galloped forward, and the road continued on. In the distance, there was a canyon entrance that entered his line of sight. The road led straight into the valley, and he couldn't see the end of it. There was a wooden house at the entrance to the valley, with a wooden fence in the middle of the road, but no one was visible.    


"Teacher Xia, we're here." Li Ni finally caught up to Xia Lei, "What are you running so fast for? If the other side has a sniper, you'll be in danger. "    


Xia Lei looked in the direction of the valley, "In front of me, no one can call themselves a sniper."    


While Li Ni was still trying to figure out the meaning of these words, Xia Lei had already jumped off the horse and walked towards the wooden hut by the side of the road with large strides. Before even reaching the hut, Xia Lei could smell a faint smell of blood. Although he was unable to see the situation inside the wooden house, based on his experience, he could already guess what was going on inside.    


Pushing open the door of the hut, a strong smell of blood assaulted their nostrils. The scene in the hut made Xia Lei and the people who followed him feel nauseous.    


What was lying on the ground was not a complete corpse, but a dismembered corpse. A Peace Village warrior's hands and feet were chopped off alive, placed on both sides of the corpse. And the head, the poor warrior's head was cut off, pierced with a metal spear, and stuck in the wall. What was even more disgusting was that the murderer had cut open his stomach, scooped out his intestines and organs and casually threw them on the ground.    


On the wall of the wooden house, there was a message written in the blood of the deceased: Peace Village people, I give you two hours to surrender.    


This is not a simple killing, this is spreading terror.    


"Damn it!" Li Ni smashed her fist against the wooden wall, her delicate fist had its skin torn, blood flowing out, but she seemed to not feel any pain.    


Fury blazed in everyone's heart.    


"We will kill our way to the Stone Tribe!" Tigress bellowed, "Avenge Xiao Shi!"    


"He's only eighteen!" An old warrior choked with sobs and said, "Yesterday, he was still talking about women with me, and he asked me ? Sigh! He's so young, how could those people even dare to lay their hands on him! "    


Anger spread within the wooden house, and could erupt like a volcano at any time.    


However, Xia Lei became the only one who was clear-headed and calm. Just when the warriors of the Peace Village were burning with anger, he suddenly thought of something.    


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