Tranxending Vision

C1336 New machine tool and Weapons

C1336 New machine tool and Weapons

Night fell.    


The small forest was quiet. The blue moonlight scattered on the ground. Its lustre made the world seem unreal.    


Beneath the deep blue moonlight, Lin Qing had her back facing Xia Lei and she was holding a snow-white milk in one hand. Her face was red, as if she had drunk a lot of wine.    


Xia Lei stood behind Lin Qing, his back facing her, waiting for his food. His tongue continuously pursed his lips, and the milkworm almost crawled out of his throat.    


"Alright." Lin Qing put down her clothes, tidied up a little, turned around, and gave the small bowl of milk to Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei turned around, made a gurgling sound from his throat, and then impatiently took the bowl to dry.    


Lin Qing couldn't help but burst out laughing, "You're such a big person and you're so greedy. Seriously... "Strange."    


She actually wanted to say "abnormal", but in the end, it was "strange."    


Xia Lei had already drunk all of Lin Qing's milk and was using his tongue to dry the bottom of the bowl.    


Lin Qing shook her head, looking like she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.    


Xia Lei finally licked a bit of the bottom of the bowl into his mouth and returned the clean bowl to Lin Qing, "What did you say just now?"    


"I say you are a strange person." Lin Qing rolled his eyes at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Am I very normal? It's just that I have milk thirst."    


Lin Qing's face flushed red again, "I'm not going to talk to you about this anymore." After pausing for a moment, she continued, "I heard that you used your bow to kill Huang Zhan. Thank you."    


Xia Lei was startled, "Why are you thanking me?"    


Lin Qing said: "Huang Zhan is an animal. My father and I are together in a village that is being exploited by him. Once, my father broke a rib in one of his subordinates, while he was still alive. It's a good thing you killed him, thank you. "    


Xia Lei smiled, "Go back and rest, I need to go back now."    


Lin Qing's lips slightly moved, but in the end, she did not say anything. She watched Xia Lei leave with a faint sense of loss in his heart.    


Xia Lei actually knew that she really wanted to chat with him for a while. He also liked to chat with a woman as gentle as water, but when he thought about the standard that he had set for himself, he decided to leave.    


In this new world, there must be no mercy. There must be a good relationship between men and women.    


Walking out of the forest, Lin Qing's small cabin disappeared behind him. That gentle woman was just a passerby in his life. They had connections, but no stories.    


Xia Lei stopped his steps, "Come out, stop hiding, I know where you are."    


A rustling sound came from the edge of the forest, and then, Li Ni walked out from within. Her face was slightly red, and she was a little nervous. Just to get some herbs from Dr. Lin. "    


Xia Lei looked at her with concern: "Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?"    


"That... You don't have to worry about women's common ailments. " Li Ni said.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Then you should go and find Doctor Lin, I will be going first."    


"Never mind, I'll come back and find her tomorrow. I'll go back with you." Li Ni walked to Xia Lei's side, and suddenly moved closer to Xia Lei as he sniffed.    


Xia Lei asked: "What are you doing?"    


"Milk." Li Ni said: "You couldn't have asked Doctor Lin for milk?"    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly: "You're asking me even after seeing it?"    


"Why?" Li Ni looked at Xia Lei strangely.    


"Milk thirst." Xia Lei said: "This is a disease of mine, my body needs to drink milk."    


"Is animal milk not good enough? I can find animal milk for you. " Li Ni said.    


Xia Lei shook his head, "I can't drink milk, I need human milk."    


"How can there be such a strange disease? You're not telling the truth, you must have... Special hobby, right? " Li Ni said.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "Do you want to say that I am abnormal? "It's okay, you can say it if you want to. I won't mind."    


"I ?" Li Ni indeed thought like that in her heart, but she couldn't say it like that.    


"Give me a map to the Stone Tribe. I want to go and take a look tomorrow." Xia Lei changed the topic and walked towards the village with slow steps.    


"There's no map, if you want to go to Stone Tribe, you have to bring me." Li Ni said: "I already said, no matter what you do, I will support you and the warriors of Peace Village will support you."    


"Okay, we'll leave when I'm ready." Xia Lei said.    


"What do you want to prepare?" Li Ni asked.    


Xia Lei replied: "Machine tools."    


Li Ni asked curiously: "Are you going to the Stone Tribe because of the machine tools?"    


Xia Lei turned his head and smiled, "You'll know when the time comes."    


"What happens if you don't drink milk?" Li Ni's one sentence brought the topic back to normal.    


Xia Lei's head hurt a little, "It'll be very uncomfortable."    


"Are you interested in Lin Qing's milk, or her milk?"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


In the next few days, Xia Lei spent all his time and energy on the first machine tool he could get into the new world. Li Ni's storage room was no longer enough for him, so he went straight to the garbage dump to look for usable parts. There was a mountain of mechanical waste in the dumpster, and it was easy to find the parts you wanted. The warriors of the Peace Village also came to help him, looking for parts and components according to his request.    


With Huang Zhan's death, the Stone Tribe still hadn't completed the transfer of authority, and was currently in a state of internal strife, turning the rubbish dump into a very safe place. So the search for the parts went well. With the help of the Peace Village's Warriors, Xia Lei only needed three days to gather all the necessary parts.    


On the fourth day, the first machine tool for Xia Lei that came to this new world was born. There was no electric energy, nor was there the blue moon man's energy drive system, it was all manual. However, although it was all manual, it was not simple at all. Xia Lei had displayed the use of mechanical energy to the extreme, and adding on the many practical and ingenious uses, its overall ability was not one bit inferior to the first generation of Raylong intelligent machine tool that he had created in the Rayma Group.    


Xia Lei gave this machine tool a name, the generation of revolutionary army.    


The name was a tribute to the revolutionary army fighting for the fate of mankind.    


With the help of the machine tool, Xia Lei immediately started to modify his weapon. The first modification was on the Avenger 1000 that he had obtained from the Stone Tribe's snipers. From the rifling line to the mechanical structure, he had changed everything that could be changed. Due to the scarcity of ammunition in the New World, he even added a switch function to the Avenger 1000. His modified Avenger 1000 can fire not only sniper rifle ammunition, but also ordinary rifle ammunition.    


On the fifth day, Xia Lei rebranded his metal bow. He picked up some better and more suitable materials from the rubbish dump and used those materials to create a new set of metal bow s. However, the strength required was also much greater. Even if Xia Lei were to pull the bow until it was full, it would still be rather strenuous and he would not be able to pull it continuously, so shooting an arrow would take some time to recover.    


Although this seemed like he was asking for trouble, he still chose the former without any hesitation between its power and its shooting speed. His considerations were clear. If he was facing blue moon man who was wearing his armor, or even the Lan Long, if he couldn't injure or kill his target with one arrow, then what was the use of shooting ten arrows?    


On the sixth day, Xia Lei repaired all of the Peace Village warriors' spears. The parts that had been replaced had been changed, and the parts that needed to be changed had been changed. Under the hands of a firearms master like him, the warriors of Peace Village bid farewell to their trash weapons overnight. The guns that returned to them not only had a tattered look on them, but they also had several times the increase in performance. They had a longer range, higher accuracy, and even smaller recoil. They were even more outstanding and stable than new guns.    


In these six days, Xia Lei, this outsider of unknown origin, had become an omnipotent existence in the eyes of the people of Peace Village. When he entered the battlefield, he was the one who could use his own strength to reverse the situation. In the village, he was also a top-tier technician. Not only could he fix the equipment on blue moon man, he could also change his gun to a superior weapon. What couldn't he do?    


The morning of the seventh day.    


Li Ni went to the stable alone.    


Ramona was cleaning the assault rifle that Xia Lei had modified for her. About a hundred meters behind her, a wooden board hung from the trunk of a tree. There were a few rings on the board, each with a ring around it. It was clearly a target, and at the center of the ring were several bullet holes.    


"Good spear art." Li Ni smiled and greeted her.    


Only then did Ramona realize that Li Ni had arrived. She put down the assault rifle in her hands and hugged Li Ni, "My marksmanship is average, but Teacher Xia's skills are so good, that even a modified spear can't feel the recoil, and my aim is especially high. Using this kind of gun to shoot, it would be hard not to hit the center of the target."    


"He's a strange man." Li Ni sighed.    


"I saw him always running towards Lin Qing's house, if you like him, then you'd have to work hard." Ramona said with a smile.    


Li Ni's face slightly blushed, "I don't like him at all. He always goes to Lin Qing's house because ? He has a disease called thirst and she asks Lin Qing for milk. "    


"Huh?" Ramona was dumbstruck.    


"That's what he said, I have it and I don't know if it's true. Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore. " Li Ni changed the topic, "I want you to go to Rebel Army's headquarters."    


"Why are you going to the rebel headquarters?" Ramona was puzzled.    


Li Ni said: "Tell Rebel Army's people about Teacher Xia, that he and his machine tool can help Rebel Army."    


"Think clearly, you want him to leave the Peace Village for the Rebel Army. With his ability, if he went to the Rebel Army, there would definitely be a better development for him. What about you?"    


Li Ni pretended to be relaxed, "Don't tell me you want a man like him to stay in this little village for his entire life? He was an eagle. He should fly to a wider sky. The Rebel Army is fighting for the fate of the entire human race. If the Rebel Army fails, our village will perish. This is a battle for all of us, and we should participate. If possible, I also wish to join Rebel Army. "    


Ramona nodded her head, "I understand, I will go."    


Footsteps in the woods.    


Li Ni urged: "You can go on your way now, Teacher Xia and Eldest Wu are here. We are going to the Stone Tribe today. "    


"To the Stone Tribe? That would be too dangerous. " Ramona's eyes were filled with worry.    


Li Ni laughed, "With Teacher Xia's modified gun, and a Sharpshooter like him, I think you should be more worried about the people from Stone Tribe."    


"Alright, take care. I'm leaving." Ramona went to lead the horse.    


Just as Ramona rode away, Xia Lei brought Wu Da and the black girl over.    


"Where's Ramona?" Xia Lei asked.    


Li Ni said: "She has some matters to attend to and has left, this time she will not come with us to the Stone Tribe."    


"Then let's go with the four of us, the soldiers aren't too expensive." Xia Lei said.    


A moment later, the four war horses dashed out of the forest and headed towards the west side of the village.    


This direction was the exact opposite direction that Ramona was heading towards.    


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