Tranxending Vision

C1366 fire escape

C1366 fire escape

"Boom ~ ~ ~"    


Another explosion shook the earth. The refinery in the canyon had turned into a sea of fire. The first explosion was an oil storage tank, and the second was an oil storage tank. The fuel stored in the tank was pushed far away by the shock wave, and everywhere it passed there was fire.    


The oil refining machine exploded, and the armed bandits in the refinery were burnt to a crisp. However, this was not the worst case scenario. The worst case scenario was that the fuel and flames would fly to the circular town and ignite it. The fire was spreading fast, and there was no fire engine in the town to put out the fire.    


The black beard's territory had many of those horrifyingly weirdly shaped chariots, but none of them were normal fire engines. Well, who could expect these outlaws to drive a fire engine?    


The residents of the town began to flee in all directions. After rushing out of the town, they split into two parts. One part fled towards the entrance of the canyon, while the other part escaped towards the exit of the canyon. Not all the people here were evil people, many of them were kidnapped here to mine crude oil and refine oil for the black beard, and they were ordered to do so by the black beard as slaves. Now that they had the chance to escape, how could they be willing to stay here?    


Bang Bang Bang...    


A gunshot rang out, and bullets flew towards those who had escaped. Some of them had fallen, but none of them wanted to stop. If they stayed, sooner or later they would die. They would rather fight for a chance to escape this hell.    


"Capture them!" The black beard roared as it carried a heavy machine gun and shot at the fleeing crowd.    


The scene was a mess as some armed bandits began to drive in pursuit of those who had escaped.    


However, Lelele smiled happily, "This is really a grand barbeque party." She gestured to a swan dance. "I really want to see the guy who made this barbecue party and dance with him here in the firelight." She looked at black beard who was holding onto a machine gun and fired. Then, she pointed at an old man who was moving slowly, "Heh! "You ugly ghost, kill him!"    


The black beard then adjusted the direction of the machine gun and pulled the trigger.    


Thump thump thump! A series of bullets flew at the old man. The old man's body was torn to shreds by the machine gun's bullets, turning into several pieces that fell to the ground.    


"Hahaha ?" Lelele laughed happily, "Troublemaker, Troublemaker, where are you hiding? Big sister is coming to catch you, you must hide well, if I catch you all of a sudden, it won't be fun. "    


The troublemaker she was talking about was obviously Xia Lei.    


Amid the chaos,'s figure appeared in the small round town which had sunk into a sea of fire. When he fired off the oil storage tank at the oil refinery, he took advantage of the chaos caused by the explosion and sneaked into the small town.    


His purpose in staying was the five poor children. He couldn't and wouldn't have the ability to save everyone here, but he had to get the five children out of here.    


Kicking open the closed door, Xia Lei entered a room in a flash.    


The room was dark, but the first thing he saw was the five children hiding in the room. They were lying under a dirty bed, nervously looking at him as he barged in through the door. One of the children had a knife in his hand and was biting his lip, waiting for an opportunity to stab him.    


"Don't be afraid, I'm here to save you." Xia Lei said, "Do you still remember that black woman? I shot her. "    


The five children did not move.    


"Come out, I see you. If you want to continue to hide under that bed, the fire will soon spread out and burn you to death. Even if you do not die from the fire, you would be captured by the black beard and become food for the blue moon man. I'm leaving now. If you guys want to follow me, follow me. " Xia Lei turned and walked toward the door.    


The five children hesitated, then crawled out from under the bed.    


"Uncle, save us! We can do anything!" The youngest girl said pitifully.    


Xia Lei's heart ached slightly, "Follow closely behind me, don't get separated."    


The fire spread rapidly to the center of the small town.    


Xia Lei took his five children and snuck between the buildings, towards the direction of the flames. At this time, the black beard and the armed bandits were doing their best to capture the people who were running away, to find the "assassins". But this situation would not last for long. Once black beard and his men gained control of the chaotic situation, they would gather all their power to deal with him. He had to fight for time with Huo Huo, and also had to fight for time with the black beard.    


After a distance, the black beard's tent entered Xia Lei's line of sight.    


Xia Lei suddenly remembered something as he pointed at the west side of the town with his five children. "Where are you going?    


"Uncle, do you not want us anymore?" The youngest girl glanced at the corner of her mouth and was about to cry.    


Xia Lei patted the little girl's head, "Uncle will not abandon you guys in this kind of situation. Uncle will only go to the white tent to get something. Count to two hundred and I'll catch up. Go, go! "    


The five children ran.    


The little girl ran as she counted, "One, two, three ?"    


By the time the little girl counted to nine, Xia Lei had already rushed into the black beard's tent. What he was looking for were the data and experimental records on AE that the black beard had snatched away from Professor Pang Bei. Those things definitely could not be left with the black beard, and even more so, could not be left with the evil Lelele and Lan Sidi.    


The tent was quiet, and the light from outside pierced through the canvas of the tent. Everything inside was clearly visible. Xia Lei's gaze moved to the three corpses lying on the ground, and then he discovered that there was something different about the cause of death for two of the corpses.    


"This... These two women have been eaten by the blue moon man. " Xia Lei was shocked, "Why is this technique similar to Ixtab's technique?"    


In the Peace Village, he had heard of Li Ni's descriptions of how the blue moon man preys on humans. Li Ni said that the blue moon man used a special type of hunting equipment. That equipment would extract energy and at the same time, refine a person's flesh and blood. But the way he was eating was clearly Ixtab's way of eating. Could it be that the blue moon man woman named Lan Sidi had already evolved to a level similar to Ixtab?    


This guess made Xia Lei secretly nervous. If this guess worked, then that blue moon man woman called Lan Sidi would be an extremely dangerous existence!    


"Wait ?" Xia Lei suddenly thought of something, and his gaze shifted to the corpse of a white woman whose brain had been eaten, "This world has been sealed by Lan Yue's energy field, I am unable to use my abilities here, how did she do that?"    




An explosion came from the direction of the well.    


The ground trembled slightly.    


Xia Lei ended his thoughts in a hurry, his gaze sweeping across the entire tent. Two seconds later, his gaze stopped at a safe made from the fragments of blue moon man's ship. The bullet in the safe could not penetrate it, but the lock was only an ordinary one.    


Puff puff!    


Two bullets flew out from the Avenger's 1000 gun muzzle, each striking the lock on the safe. After the second bullet, the lock popped open.    


Xia Lei opened the safe and saw what was inside. Inside were a few blue moon coins, a blue moon man energy pistol, and a briefcase.    


Xia Lei opened the briefcase and took a look, and then immediately let out a sigh of relief in his heart. Inside the briefcase was a stack of experimental data, which was related to the AE research. There was also a portable hard disk for storing data. Although it was quite different from the hard drives he had seen before, he could recognize it at a glance just by looking at the interface and the words written on it.    


Everything inside Xia Lei's safe was put into his briefcase, and he put the energy pistol s from the blue moon man into his belt.    


After taking his things, Xia Lei left the tent and chased after the five children.    


"189, 180, 181..." The little girl was still counting, her tears streaming down her face.    


"Don't count, he won't come." The oldest boy said, "He abandoned us, and I knew he would, and we... It's just that no one wants a child. "    


191, 192 ? The youngest girl, however, was still counting. For some reason, she was willing to believe in that strange uncle.    


The edge of the small town was right in front of him. It only took him a few steps to get out.    


Suddenly, two armed bandits appeared at the intersection.    


The five children stopped in their tracks.    


"Haha!" There are still five little guys here! "Capture them!" An armed bandit called to his companions and approached the five children with a gun.    


"197, 198 ?" The little girl's voice was trembling, and her tears flowed even more urgently. The closer she got to 200, the more nervous she became.    


Would that strange uncle abandon her?    


Puff! The head of the armed bandit who was approaching with a gun suddenly blossomed with blood. Then, he fell onto the ground with a loud crash. Before the other armed bandit could raise the assault rifle, another bullet flew over and blew his head off.    


The five children hurriedly turned their heads, and at that instant, that strange uncle entered their line of sight.    


The fire was burning and the uncle was running.    


"199, 200!" A smile appeared on the little girl's face, but her tears flowed uncontrollably.    


"Let's go!" Xia Lei picked up the youngest girl in one go, rushed out of the small round town with his five children, and ran towards the dark area where no one was around.    


The road beneath his feet was a road for survival. It led to a mountain slope that was emitting poisonous smoke.    


"Uncle!" We can't go to that place! " The oldest boy stopped near the hillside. "There's poison there. We'll die there."    


Xia Lei said: "Do as I say, and you won't die. If we want to leave this place alive, we will have to leave from here."    


This canyon was filled with armed bandits who were searching in chariots. The chances of them successfully leaving through the canyon's entrance or exit were practically zero. The armed bandits would not be able to search even if they wanted to, so this was the only way to survive.    


"I, I'll leave by myself!" The oldest boy suddenly turned and ran.    


The other two boys hesitated and then followed him toward the entrance to the canyon.    


A girl caught up with the three boys after they had run a few steps.    


Xia Lei shouted angrily: "You will all die!"    


The oldest boy stopped and turned around to look at Xia Lei. "You must have went to the black beard's tent to steal some money earlier, right?"    


"You ?" Xia Lei was enraged by this rebellious child.    


"We will die if we follow you up the mountain. I'd rather believe in myself!" The oldest boy turned and ran for the entrance to the canyon.    


Two boys and a girl followed him toward the entrance to the canyon. In that direction, the war chariot roared, and the sounds of gunfire and screams mixed together.    


The only one who remained behind was the youngest girl. She looked at Xia Lei eagerly, "Uncle, I believe in you, I will follow you."    


Xia Lei took out his blade and cut open the center of the little girl's palm. Then, he showed her his palm that was dripping blood, "Drink some of my blood, it can help you cure the poison."    


The little girl nodded, then used her mouth to receive the blood.    


After feeding the little girl blood, Xia Lei used the army knife to cut off a piece of cloth from his clothes, and used the blood to moisten the cloth, covering the little girl's face.    


When he was about to climb the slope with the little girl in his arms, Xia Lei glanced in the direction the four children had escaped in.    


Would they make it out alive?    


Xia Lei did not care anymore. Everyone had their own destiny, the four children had made the right decisions, so they had to accept the consequences. He's never been a savior. He can't save everyone.    


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