Tranxending Vision

C1416 Collate Information

C1416 Collate Information

Everything was back to normal, and the guards of the temple returned to their posts. They did not have the slightest impression of what kind of "miracle" they had discovered. Even the guards in the dungeon only recovered after Xia Lei entered the dungeon and locked himself up.    


To the guards of the temple, what had happened before was like a game of time stopping, and they were missing the most important part of their memory.    


It all started from the beginning, the moment their brains started working again.    


"Hey!" What's going on inside? " One of the temple guards who had come to inspect the place asked the swordsman.    


The sword wielding guard replied, "There's no situation. Everything is very normal."    


"Let's go take a look." Another patrolling temple guard walked towards the prison holding Xia Lei and Porisi.    


The iron window on the prison's iron gate was opened. The two patrolling guards saw Porisi lying on a pile of weeds and Xia Lei napping in the corner. Even though the two of them were locked in the same cell, they were separated by a long distance, so they didn't do anything disrespectful.    


The sound of Xia Lei "waking up" of him opening the iron window caused him to open his eyes and look at the guards outside the iron window.    


"You better behave!" The guard outside the window said fiercely.    


Xia Lei spread out his hands with an innocent expression, "Could it be that there is someone more honest than me?"    


"Cut the crap and keep your spirits up. We will set off tomorrow morning." The guard outside the iron window said, "The main reason we came here is to tell you this."    


"Alright, I can go to the battlefield at any time and sacrifice my life for the tribe!" Xia Lei said excitedly.    


"Hmph." The guard outside the window snorted, then closed the window. "Idiot."    


The smile on Xia Lei's face also disappeared.    


Who exactly was the fool? When the time came, the results would naturally come out.    


After the two patrolling guards left, Xia Lei came out from the corner of the wall onto the grass. He lifted up Porisi's clothes, then moved his mouth closer to one of the mountain peaks of Orchid Mountain, which was closest to him. His actions just now had consumed a lot of energy, so he urgently needed to replenish his energy.    


The Ahimis widow not only gave birth to the highest quality Blue Milk, but because of the difference in the structure and constitution, she gave birth to a considerable amount of milk. He had already eaten it twice, but this time, the sweet blue milk was still coming towards him in an unending stream.    


The pure energy circulated within his body, and all the fatigue disappeared. All the energy that had been used up was replenished. The feeling of a mortal turning into a god returned. It was just as intense as before.    


"Yes." Porisi suddenly opened her eyes. Xia Lei, who was in her embrace, and something else that came out of her body immediately gave her a fright. She opened his mouth, and stared blankly for a good long while before he managed to utter a single word, "I ? What? You have milk? "    


She was very clear that Xia Lei had asked her to help him with something previously, and that was to have her give birth to milk. Although she agreed, she didn't want to teach her to help Xia Lei at all. But when she woke up, he found that Xia Lei was already drinking her milk! What could be stranger than this world?    


"Burp." Xia Lei burped, and then revealed a smile, "Don't worry, I'm only hypnotizing your body, so that your body will enter its lactation period."    


This was a simple explanation, but what should be said had been said. The explanation was clear and straightforward.    


However, Borsi didn't seem to hear what Xia Lei had said. Not knowing why, she reached out his hands to grab onto one of the Lan Mu Lang Ma peaks, then squeezed forward tentatively. With just that light smack, a blue colored beverage was instantly poured over Xia Lei's face.    


Xia Lei frantically grabbed onto Bo Li Xi's hand, "Don't waste this, these are all good stuff." Then he wiped his face with his hand and sucked his finger. At this moment, he was no longer a hero, nor was he a superhuman. Instead, he looked like a hungry, gluttonous brat.    


"I ?" She could no longer organize her words.    


Xia Lei said gently: "Don't worry, this is naturally breast-feeding, and will not affect your body. If you don't want to, I can let your body end the milk. "    


The moment he said those words, Xia Lei regretted it immediately. He was really worried that Porisi was unwilling, otherwise, where would he be able to drink such a high quality blue milk?    


Porisi finally regained her senses, she looked at Xia Lei with a strange gaze, and said with a trembling voice, "My man, are you a god?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "What kind of god do I look like? I'm just a man with a little special ability. You don't have to be afraid of me, I won't hurt you. "    


"I'm not afraid of you, I ?"    


"What are you trying to say?"    


Porisi suddenly threw herself into the pile of weeds, her voice trembling even more fiercely, "Eat me, I want to eat you!"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


There had never been a free lunch in the world. Cattle that ate grass had to be plowed.    


In the corridor of the dungeon, the guard began to wipe his sword again. He was grinding away at the sword until a layer of it was almost gone, but he just couldn't stop.    


The wind and rain stopped, and once everything quieted down, Porisi quickly fell asleep. This time Xia Lei did not hypnotize her, but she was tired. After continuously providing Xia Lei with so much Supreme Blue Milk, her body consumed a large amount of energy, and adding that her body and mind were filled with an incomparable joy, it was very natural for her to fall asleep after he completely relaxed.    


On the other hand, Xia Lei was in no state to sleep. With the support of Ahimis's Blue Milk, he was in an exceptionally good state, how could he possibly waste time sleeping with a beauty?    


After Porisi fell asleep, Xia Lei lifted up one of her blue legs that was pressed against his body, and gently put it down. Then, he put on his clothes and took out the spritual ore that she had stolen from the central divine hall.    


This time, the Cosmic Brand did not resonate with him, and the Cosmic Brand lurking in the depths of his soul did not emerge, nor did the spritual ore in his hands send him any of the stored information. However, this was not the same thing with his brain. Back in the central hall, his brain had already received a huge amount of information stored inside the spritual ore. At this time, he only needed to organize and she could get the information he wanted.    


Image after image appeared in Xia Lei's mind.    


Prisoners were being escorted through a large door made of blue rock. The door was tall and mighty, releasing a mysterious power. Even though it was just an image, he could feel the distorting effect of space. On the other side, in the far away Peace Forest of Star of Hope, one prisoner after another walked out from a cave in a gorge. Although he didn't see the same door made of blue rocks, he could feel the spatial distortion that was released from the cave ?    


This was the way for the prisoners of Ahimis to come to Peace Forest. The pioneer was not riding on a spaceship, but a space channel similar to a star gate!    


The Ahimis prisoners were searching for something in the canyon, it was filled with black and blue ores. Some were incomparably huge, some were very small, but without exception, they all contained rich spiritual energy. It was the center of Peace Forest, whom the Ahimis called the Origin Valley.    


Origin Valley. This was a very special name. It seemed to imply something, but the information he received did not contain any relevant information.    


The prisoners of Ahimis were attacked by a large number of fierce beasts, they formed a horde of them, forming a beast tide. Many of the Ahimis s died in the Origin Canyon, and the survivors were able to escape the fierce beasts' pursuit. In the end, they stopped at the border of the Peace Forest and began to build camps, waiting for reinforcements.    


Support did not come, they became a group of abandoned people...    


A huge human aircraft carrier flew towards the Ahimis Tribe, but maintained a sufficient altitude. It seemed to be unable to land in the Peace Forest, because the Peace Forest had a mysterious and powerful energy field. A bird of prey flew down from the human carrier, and on its back sat a human.    


That person was clad in red armor, and he appeared extremely powerful. Unfortunately, because he was wearing a full helmet, his face couldn't be seen.    


This man was the Saint Ray, the leader of the human race.    


That bird of prey was like a bat, a thousand times larger, and not a species from Earth. It looked very fierce, with sharp claws and teeth. Even Lan Long would not be its match. However, such a terrifying bird of prey had actually become a human's mount.    


There had to be a story between it and the Saint Ray, but the information he had received did not contain any information related to it.    


The Saint Ray came to the Ahimis Tribe and sealed the alliance with the previous King of the Ahimis Tribe, Viserys. The previous king of the Ahimis tribe, Wessel, followed the Saint Ray and left the Peace Forest. The previous king of the Ahimis Tribe never came back. After his death, the Ahimis Tribe fell into chaos. Parliament rose and the monarchy ceased to exist. In order to change the conflict between the king and the tribe, the council constantly emphasized the conflicts between the Ahimis and the tribe. It made everyone hate the Saint Ray ?    


Ahimis's prison camp continued to expand until it eventually became a tribe. As the years passed, the reinforcements from the Ahimis still had not arrived. They were no longer able to enter the Origin Opening Canyon, but they did not give up their mission. The surviving prisoners of the Ahimis continued to build their tribes with a growing population. Their footsteps once again extended towards Origin Canyon. Failing time and time again did not push them back. On the contrary, it made their conviction even more resolute ?    


The invasion of the blue moon man had destroyed the human civilization, and the Peace Forest had also welcomed a huge change. The Ahimis finally got the chance to step into the Origin Valley again. Their initial plan to search for the stone had been continued, but they had not found the fragment from World's Box, but they believed that there were clues hidden inside the Origin Valley. As long as they could find the clue, they could find the fragment.    


With his mind in an extraordinary state, Xia Lei was also immersed in a sea of information. He desperately wanted to find information about the World's Box and the City of the Sky from that information, but he couldn't find anything at all.    


The sky gradually brightened.    


Footsteps could be heard in the corridor outside the cell.    


Xia Lei quickly stored the spritual ore and then woke up Borsi, "Quickly put on your clothes, we are going to set off."    


Borich crawled out of the weeds, dressed in her clothes, and miserably probed, "You will always take me with you, won't you? You won't abandon me, will you? "    


Xia Lei laughed, then waved his hand and slapped her blue and black striped ball, "How can I bear to see you being so nice? I was counting on you to feed me. "    


"You're so bad." Porisi charmingly rolled her eyes at Xia Lei, that gaze wishing that she could swallow Xia Lei down and hide him inside his stomach.    


The footsteps drew closer.    


A new journey was about to begin.    


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