Tranxending Vision

C1367 Frontier City

C1367 Frontier City

The first rays of dawn dispersed the darkness, and when the Eternal Day's rays fell on the grassland, the green grassland extended outwards like a carpet, with no end in sight.    


A group of white gnus appeared in Xia Lei's line of sight. They were tall and sturdy, their entire bodies snow-white, like unicorns in Western myths. They represented nobility and the Spring Festival, but they had no wings.    


Ri Hua's appearance alarmed the horned horses, and they ran towards another direction, their hooves rumbling like cavalry charging forward on an ancient battlefield.    


Ri Hua slowed down his steps and walked forward while facing the light of the Eternal Day. Seated on its back were three people. The one in front was Xia Lei, the one in the middle was the little girl, and the one behind was Han Yifei.    


"We're safe, we're out of the pursuers." Han Yifei heaved a long sigh of relief, his tensed nerves finally relaxed, he suddenly lost the strength to resist, and slid down from Ri Hua's back, falling onto the grass.    


Xia Lei looked somewhat speechlessly at Han Yifei who had fallen on the ground, before patting Ri Hua on the neck, "Ri Hua, you've also run for the greater part of the night, you should rest up first."    


"Hm." A voice came out of Ri Hua's mouth, and then, he lied on the grass.    


Xia Lei jumped off the little girl's back and said with a smile, "The little guy is quite heavy. How old is he now?"    


The little girl crisply said: "Uncle, I'm eight years old this year. My name is Gu Ke Xin."    


"Gu Kexin?" Xia Lei was immediately stunned.    


She was a single word away from the woman he knew, and her name brought back memories of her. But he knew very well, the little girl in front of him was definitely not that woman. She was only 8 years old, and that woman had already died on Earth.    


"My name is Gu Kexin." Gu Kexin cautiously asked, "Uncle, what's your name?"    


Only now did Xia Lei regain his senses, and he smiled, "My name is Xia Lei, you can call me Uncle Xia."    


"Uncle Xia, Uncle Xia!" Gu Kexin's small mouth was very sweet, so she immediately opened it and cried out.    


Xia Lei patted Gu Ke Xin's head, "Tell Uncle Xia, where is your home? Where are your parents? "    


Gu Ke Xin's small mouth twitched and she was about to cry again. "My parents ?" Even though it was eaten by the blue moon man and my grandfather brought me out of the village, we were caught by the people from the black beard. They told me to go make oil too, and my grandfather died of exhaustion at the refinery. "    


Xia Lei's heart ached, and the corners of his eyes became moist.    


Han Yifei said: "Mr. Xia, do you have any plans?"    


"Go to Fringe City and hand you over to the people of Rebel Army, then I'll go to the Dark Forest." Xia Lei said.    


"What about me?" Gu Kexin anxiously said, "Uncle Xia, bring me along with you. I can do anything. I can wash clothes, I can cook. You can also teach me how to use a gun, and I can fight and kill bad guys with you. "    


Xia Lei squatted in front of Gu Ke Xin and wiped away the tears at the corner of her eyes, "I will entrust you to the people of Rebel Army, they will take good care of you. It's not that Uncle Xia doesn't want to bring you along, it's just that Uncle Xia can only travel alone. "    


"Uncle Xia ?" Gu Kexin's tears once again flowed out.    


Xia Lei understood her feelings very clearly. In this world, she had no one to rely on, and it wasn't easy for her to meet someone who could protect her, but then had to leave her.    


"Don't worry, everything will be fine." Xia Lei hugged Gu Ke Xin in his arms, consoling her. However, he did not know when he would be able to fulfill this promise. Perhaps, there would never be a time for that.    


"Roar!" Ri Hua growled at Xia Lei.    


"We should go." Xia Lei carried Gu Ke Xin and said, "Come, Uncle Xia will carry you up."    


Han Yifei also crawled up from the grass, he walked to Xia Lei's side, "Don't worry, I will take good care of her for you, treat it as repaying your saving grace."    


Xia Lei smiled at Han Yifei.    


Between men, sometimes, there were things that didn't even need to be said.    


Ri Hua set off again, flying towards the east. The place where it had run left deep footprints. Within a few days, green weeds would grow out of the soil.    


Life was in the cycle of reincarnation at every moment.    


Half a month later.    


The vast prairie was left behind and a city appeared at the end of his vision. The moment Xia Lei saw it, he was still shocked.    


Huge buildings stood under the sky, some broken, some covered with trees and vines. There was no end to the sight of these buildings in their line of sight. The city was so big that not even New York or London could match it.    


However, it was already dead, devoid of any life.    


When the city was still alive, there were at least tens of millions of people living in it, but how many people lived here these days? Putting aside the blue moon man's hunting and killing, just food and water, as well as medical treatment were enough to stifle the population's reproduction. Thus, even if there were people living in this city, there wouldn't be that many.    


"This is Fringe City. It was built a thousand years ago in the era of the Saint Ray. It is a city in the eastern region of the human race." Han Yifei also gazed at the dead silent city in the distance. "At its peak, it had a population of over sixty-seven million and it also had a very important role to play in the Saint Ray's thousand year plan. In that plan, it would become a bridgehead city for humans to expand into the Dark Forest. After the invasion of the blue moon man, because of its unique location, it was almost the last city to be destroyed. "    


Xia Lei said: How many people are still living here?    


Han Yifei shook his head, "I am not too sure about that, but I don't think it will exceed a hundred thousand."    


Xia Lei said: "Hundred thousand, such a large city is indeed not many, but looking from the food and water point of view, this is a very big number. The people here will definitely face the blue moon man's search and arrest again.    


Han Yifei laughed, "Haven't you been to a big city before?"    


"Nope." Xia Lei said that this was the first time he had seen a human big city.    


Han Yifei said: "Then it's not strange, the people in the city have long since moved down to the ground. blue moon man usually flew out to hunt, and rarely went deep underground. The population of blue moon man is actually very small, they would not rashly go down to take action, that way, their advanced weapons would be greatly reduced, and they would also receive casualties, which is something that they are absolutely unable to accept. "    


Xia Lei suddenly thought of a conversation he had with Carcia Ruiz. In that conversation, Carcia Ruiz said that there were very few of Ixtab's kind that could not endure a battle with heavy casualties. That was the reason why Ixtab took action first, turning Earth into a safe hunting ground. Right now, Han Yifei also had the same argument. It was from Carcia Ruiz's point of view, which meant that the number of blue moon man s here was truly very small.    


This caused Xia Lei to secretly heave a sigh of relief. If the number of blue moon man s that lived in Lan Yue reached billions or even more like the humans, then there would really be no hope for humans. This situation allowed him to see a glimmer of hope; it was very important to him.    


"Let's go into the city." Han Yifei said.    


Xia Lei patted Ri Hua's neck, "Ri Hua, let's go."    


But Ri Hua did not move, he raised his head and looked further ahead.    


Although Xia Lei couldn't see what was happening, he knew that it was looking towards its homeland, the Peace Forest.    


Ri Hua laid down on its back, with a motion, he wanted the three people on its back to come down.    


Xia Lei understood this body language, and he jumped down from Ri Hua's back. At the same time, he said: "You guys can also come down, Ri Hua is about to leave."    


Han Yifei also jumped down from Ri Hua's back, then caught Gu Ke Xin and helped her return to the ground. Gu Ke Xin caressed the scale armor on Ri Hua's stomach with a little reluctance to part, and asked: "Uncle Xia, where is it going?"    


Xia Lei said: "It's going home."    


"Is it coming back?" asked Gucci.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "I don't know about that. You and Uncle Han go first, I will bid farewell to Ri Hua."    


"Uncle Xia ?" Gu Kexin wanted to say something.    


"Caixin, let Uncle Xia and Ri Hua go first." Han Yifei pulled Gu Kexin's small hand and headed towards Fringe City.    


Xia Lei came in front of Ri Hua, "Give me a few days. I'll come look for you once I'm done with my matters. Wait for me in Peace Forest, I won't miss my appointment. "    


A string of voices came out from Ri Hua's mouth, but it was unknown if it understood Xia Lei's words.    


Xia Lei patiently drew a few pictures on the ground, and then repeated what he had just said.    


"Roarr." This time, Ri Hua nodded his head, as if telling Xia Lei that he understood.    


"Wait for me." Xia Lei patted Ri Hua's neck, then turned and left.    


Ri Hua watched Xia Lei walk into the distance, then ran towards the side of the Desolate City. It had an instinctive aversion towards human cities. It would rather spend more time than pass through them.    


Xia Lei caught up with Han Yifei and Gu Ke Xin, and they entered into Fringe City.    


The streets of the city were deserted, and there were wreckage of vehicles, tanks, and even huge ships everywhere. Some were discarded, others were relics of the war. The traces of the explosion and the wreckage of the war seemed to be telling a silent story of the blood and fire of that year, as well as the many people who had died because of the war. Their souls seemed to be in this city, in that uninhabited building, in some dark corner, unwilling to rest.    


A gust of wind blew past, sweeping up the rubbish on the ground. Some flew close to the ground, while others were lifted into the air. Xia Lei's worry seemed to have been swept up as well, the entire desolate city stirred up his homesickness.    


Are the women all right?    


Are the children all right?    


Would women and children miss him in the absence of him?    


There were many guesses, and each one carried a tinge of sadness.    


The desire to go home was still strong, but when would he be able to go back? Can you go back?    


He didn't know at all.    


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