Tranxending Vision

C1268 Good intentions are rewarded

C1268 Good intentions are rewarded

A bitter smile suddenly surfaced on the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, the intense sensation of starting an adventure soon turned into a headache. He did not need to turn his head to know that the two Korean beauties had caught up with him.    


He gave Quan Zixian and Song Yinxiao food and water, and even asked them to bring out guns and magazine. Even though he had helped them, it seemed like he had helped the two women and pointed out a path for them to live, but he knew that they would not live long. With the battle power of the Quan Zixian and Song Yinxiao, even if one were to take care of the two people infected helldog virus s with their spears, they would not be able to deal with the two of them, let alone leave the central area of the gathering of the people infected helldog virus alive.    


In fact, he had only done so because he did not want his conscience to be blamed. It had not really saved them. But he had obviously ignored the two women's desire to survive. They were like drowning people, and he had floated a wooden stick in front of them. How could they let go of this opportunity to survive so easily?    


Quan Zixian and Song Yinxiao walked out from behind the door, but they did not dare to approach Xia Lei for fear of angering him up.    


"Sir, please take us with you." Quan Zixian said carefully: "We will not be your burden. Please trust us."    


We know how to shoot. Believe us, we can fight with you. Song Yinxiao's voice.    


The two female celebrities drank some water and ate their energy bars. They recovered quite well, and their voices also had a trace of spirit. They also wore their clothes, concealing their tempting bodies. However, both women wore short skirts that revealed their long legs. They were still sexy and seductive.    


As if they had other motives, the chests of the two women were wide open, revealing a deep groove that was fair and tender.    


If there was no sacrifice, there would be no gain. If one wanted to obtain something, they would have to pay the same price. This was the principle of equal exchange in the? Alchemy of Steel?. He did not know if Quan Zixian and Song Yinxiao had seen this anime before, but they seemed to be following this principle. In such a desperate environment, the only thing they could offer was their sexy and seductive bodies.    


"Sir? "Please, save us, we ?" Quan Zixian wanted to say something but hesitated.    


Song Yinxiao hesitated for a moment, but she forced herself to say: "We, we can fulfill all of your demands, as long as you agree to save us."    


If it was just a hint before, then it was already a very obvious hint now.    


To be honest, when facing and Song Yinxiao, these two famous beauties, no one was unmoved without that normal man. Xia Lei was also a normal man, and his needs and abilities in that area were many times that of a normal man. However, he was not a person who would give up his principle when he saw a beautiful woman. He still shook his head when faced with the begging of the two women, "Get out of here! Don't bother me anymore! "    


The Quan Zixian was close to tears, "Sir, there are so many people infected helldog virus down there. We tried to leave, but it's impossible."    


Song Yinxiao dropped to her knees, "Sir, please save us, we are ? If you don't save us, we will die here. " She suddenly reached out and grabbed the front of her shirt. With a tug of her strength, the two buttons immediately flew off and two snow-white buttons were exposed. The snow-white snow was like the stamen of a flower and was extremely beautiful.    


Xia Lei was immediately stunned.    


"Sir, you can do anything to us, really. If you don't believe me, you can do it now." Song Yinxiao continued to raise the stakes.    


Quan Zixian began to take off his skirt.    


Xia Lei bit his lips, suddenly pulled out his viper pistol, and said fiercely: "You two, immediately leave this place, don't let me see you again, if not I will shoot you dead ? - Scram!"    


Quan Zixian and Song Yinxiao were shocked. Just as Xia Lei shouted "Scram" towards them, they became extremely afraid, instinctively turned around and ran towards the stairs. He took off a bit of the panties for Quan Zixian while Song Yinxiao's two snow-white legs bounced around in the air, giving off the impression that they would fall down at any time due to the excessive weight of the panties.    


When the two women disappeared from his sight, Xia Lei sighed, "Don't blame me, I am not your savior."    


Xia Lei once again shifted his gaze onto the black building. At this time, the sun had already risen a little bit, and without realizing it, it had already dispelled the darkness in the sky. The building opposite them was reflecting the golden morning light. Adding to that, the blood-colored whirlpool that was spinning at the bottom of the building gave off a holy and mysterious feeling ? ? if all the people infected helldog virus s were pious pilgrims.    


Although there was a better light, Xia Lei was still unable to check out the situation inside the building. As he neared the building, his gaze seemed to be absorbed by something. He could only see the image, but there was no other information that could be fed back to him. Normally, when he saw something, not only could he see it through, but he could also scan it. His brain could even calculate the distance, height, weight of the object in a second.    


Still, he had to go in and take a look.    


Xia Lei aimed the gun at the window he selected previously.    


Rumble, rumble ?    


Suddenly, the sound of a helicopter engine could be heard running in the sky.    


Xia Lei's line of sight shifted to the sky, but the sound of the helicopter's engine rumbling came from behind the black building. The black building blocked his view, so he was unable to see the situation of the helicopter. However, his ears were unaffected. A second after he heard the sound, he was able to determine the distance of the helicopter. The helicopter was about a kilometer away, heading towards them in a straight line.    


There are two possibilities for helicopters to appear at this time. The first is a helicopter from the South Korean military or US forces in Korea. They came here to scout the situation, or for some other military purpose. The other situation was where a helicopter from a television station was used to record infected video by air. However, this possibility was rather small. After all, this area was sealed off by the military, so it was unlikely for them to give a television station such a permit.    


But regardless of the possibility, Xia Lei could not let the other party discover it. A kilometer distance for a helicopter was but a few seconds of flight time. He did not dare to stay any longer. Grabbing his rope gun, he ran towards the staircase that led away from the rooftop.    


saw the two women again as he entered the staircase.    


Quan Zixian and Song Yinxiao were limp on the ground, their big black eyes filled with tears. The water they had to replenish was a little wasted, but they couldn't control the despair and sadness in their hearts.    


Seeing that Xia Lei had suddenly appeared, the two women immediately stopped crying and looked at him.    


"Mister, you ?" Song Yinxiao wanted to beg Xia Lei, but when she remembered how fierce Xia Lei was, she felt guilty and did not dare speak up.    


Xia Lei did not care about the two women, he stood by the door and stuck out half of his head to look at the top of the black building. At this moment, a black hawk helicopter appeared in the sky above the black building. It stopped and did not descend immediately.    


The helicopter carried a few American commandos. One of them threw a bottle of water down.    




A sound similar to gunfire suddenly rang out and lightning sparks flew in all directions. The bottle of mineral water exploded at a height of ten meters above the building. It was instantly set ablaze!    


This sudden change caused Xia Lei to break out in a cold sweat. The black building really did have an invisible cover that was similar to a energy field's. The moment they touched it, they would be attacked by electricity!    


Maybe it wasn't electricity, but at least it looked like that.    


Xia Lei's gaze uncontrollably moved towards the two women, Song Yinxiao and Quan Zixian, as a trace of gratitude and rejoice appeared in his heart. Just now, if these two women didn't suddenly run up to the rooftop and interfere with his actions, he would have recklessly shot his gun towards the black building. The arrow of the gun would have struck the energy shield and the electricity would have returned. Because the rope of the rope shooting gun is not a hemp rope, but a steel rope, it is a good material for conducting electricity.    


This was truly a good recompense for his good intentions. He had just saved the two women, and they had somehow interfered with his actions and saved his life. Therefore, people sometimes do good things in return, do not everything and the time of gain and loss linked.    


"Zixian, did you hear that?" Song Yinxiao suddenly became excited, "I heard the sound of a helicopter, did you hear it?"    


"I heard it too, outside!" Quan Zixian got up, "Let's go out and take a look!"    


Song Yinxiao also crawled up, and ran out together with Quan Zixian.    


Xia Lei held out his hand to stop the two women, "Don't go out."    


"Why?" Quan Zixian pushed Xia Lei's hands away, "Are you the same as Li Jinhuan? You don't want us to be saved? "    


Xia Lei said, "If I were like him, I wouldn't even have saved you. This place had been completely sealed, no matter if the people here had helldog virus or not, they would be killed the moment they got close to the seal line. This was the easiest way to isolate the virus and prevent it from spreading. That's what your government is doing. I'm sure of it, if you go out at this time, what's waiting for is not a savior but bullets. "    


"You liar!" While Xia Lei and Song Yinxiao were talking, the Quan Zixian slipped past them.    


Xia Lei did not stop her.    


"Hey!" There's someone here! Save us! " Quan Zixian waved her arm and shouted to the black hawk helicopter for help with her loudest voice.    


"Get out of the way!" Song Yinxiao pushed Xia Lei and walked out.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


A bullet suddenly came pouring down from the Black Hawk helicopter, striking the concrete floor of the rooftop. Sparks flew in all directions, and the bullets flew everywhere.    




Song Yinxiao who had just left also escaped back to the stairs.    


Bada! Quan Zixian who had just escaped to the door fell to the ground.    


Xia Lei grabbed her arm and fiercely pulled her into the staircase, pulling her into the staircase all of a sudden. Just as her body entered the staircase, a bullet struck the ground where she had fallen. The fragments of cement struck her buttocks and thighs, burning with pain!    


Bang Bang Bang...    


More bullets rained down. He descended.    


Xia Lei carried the terrified Song Yinxiao and rolled down the stairs.    


As the three of them left the staircase exit, machine-gun bullets followed one after another. They penetrated the motionless concrete and walls of the staircase exit, and in the blink of an eye, had turned the staircase exit into a sieve of light.    


Song Yinxiao and Quan Zixian were dumbstruck.    


The strange man in front of her was right. They had already become targets to be killed. And the man they had just blamed had saved them again.    


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