Tranxending Vision

C1291 The Mystery of Xia Lei's Origin

C1291 The Mystery of Xia Lei's Origin

Xia Changhe had come, but he was blocked outside the back door of the Peach Blossom Base.    


The ones blocking him were the four female Knights of the Rescue Institute, as well as several tens of elite soldiers of the Rescue Institute. The four female Knights and the Rescue Institute's elite soldiers all had the same blast assault rifle.    


The members of the Zodiac Clan stood behind the armed men of the Rescue Institute. They did not pull out their spears. They even avoided his gaze and didn't dare face him.    


The armed forces of the Rescue Institute could treat Xia Changhe as a stranger who had invaded them, but the members of the Zodiac Clan could not. They had all been adopted by Xia Changhe and trained by him, so without Xia Changhe, they would not be who they were today. Therefore, even if Xia Changhe did something to hurt them, they would not truly treat him as an enemy.    


Being aimed at by dozens of guns, Xia Changhe's face was completely expressionless. He stood outside the door, terrifyingly quiet.    


When Xia Lei came out, he immediately saw his father, Xia Changhe. At that moment, his heart was filled with complicated feelings. He walked towards the door, his steps heavy.    


The members of the Zodiac Clan all looked over, their eyes filled with worry.    


"All of you, go down." Xia Lei said: "I'll take care of it."    


"But ?" Giovanna looked very worried.    


"Go on down, nothing will happen." Xia Lei said.    


Giovanna waved his hand, "Go!"    


Only then did the elite soldiers of the Rescue Institute retreat. The people from the Zodiac Clan also left, and only Xia Lei, his father and son were left at the gate.    


Xia Lei looked at Xia Changhe, and only spoke after a long period of silence: "What are you doing here?"    


Xia Changhe said: "Didn't you want me to see my grandson and granddaughter? I'm here now. "    


"Follow me." Xia Lei walked out of the door, then followed the wall of the Peach Blossom Valley to a place where there was no one else.    


Xia Changhe followed Xia Lei and said: "Don't you want me to go in?"    


Xia Lei stopped at a certain place, then turned around and faced Xia Changhe. "I don't have much time left. I don't want to know what my father was like until I died. "    


Xia Changhe remained silent and did not say a word. He only looked at Xia Lei, without a single emotion on his face.    


"Tell me!" Xia Lei roared at Xia Changhe: "If you still have a son like me in your heart, then tell me!"    


Xia Changhe's gaze moved to the sky, "I won't tell you, but you still recognize me as your father in your heart. If I tell you this, you won't treat me as your father anymore."    


Xia Lei was startled, that was not the answer, but it was also the answer.    


"But before I speak, you must believe me. I am doing this for your own good. I did do something that wasn't good for you, but I have my reasons. " Xia Changhe said.    


"Then tell me!"    


"I... Not your father. "    


Xia Lei was stunned, he felt his heart stop beating. In his memories, although Xia Changhe was not a good father, he was still his father. He disappeared, he appeared, he accepted whatever he did. However, he could not accept this answer.    


People were like this sometimes. They wanted to know the answer, but when they got the answer, they regretted it. Sometimes it's a good thing to be a little muddle-headed. There's no need to live so clearly, so cleverly.    


"Are you satisfied?" A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Xia Changhe's mouth. It was the first emotional reaction he'd had since coming here, but it was only for a second, and his face was expressionless again.    


"Who is my father? Who is my mother? And Xia Xue, she... " Xia Lei bit her lips, "Is she my sister?"    


Xia Changhe shook his head, "She is not your sister, the mother in your memories is her mother, not yours. When I married her, she was already pregnant with Xia Xue. Her father, a college student, was afraid to take responsibility and abandoned her. I entered her life, I accepted the child in her womb, and she accepted you. I married her because you needed a normal identity. And then I killed her because she was a potential danger to me. "    


Xia Lei clenched his fists, and the bones of his fingers made popping sounds. This man in front of him had done such a heartless thing, yet he could still tell a story in front of him as if he was telling a story without a shred of guilt. His heart was burning with fury. He wished he could rush forward and give him a good beating!    


"You want to hit me? Then why are you still standing? You can beat me up if it will make you feel better. " Xia Changhe said.    


Xia Lei restrained the anger in his heart in the end. Would beating him up make that kind woman come back to life? Would the damage on Xia Xue disappear? Not at all. He took in a deep breath and calmed himself down a little, then said: "Don't tell Xia Xue the truth, she has always thought of you as her father. I don't want her to lose her mother, and now her father. You can disappear, you can die, but the part of you that is your father will live in her memory, and that is all she will have left. "    


Xia Changhe nodded his head, "I promise you."    


"You haven't answered my question. Who are my biological parents?"    


However, Xia Changhe became silent again.    


"Answer me!" Xia Lei couldn't control her emotions anymore, "Is this question really that difficult for you? Answer me! "    


Xia Changhe shrugged his shoulders, "I actually really want to tell you that you have the right to know the answer, you should know the answer ? "But I don't know. How can I tell you?"    


Xia Lei was stunned on the spot.    


Even Xia Changhe did not know what was going on?    


Xia Changhe said: "This is the answer. I know that you do not believe it and cannot accept it, but this is the truth."    


Xia Lei sneered: "Then how did you find me? I couldn't have grown up in the ground, could I? I couldn't have fallen from the sky, could I? "    


Xia Changhe took out a box from his pocket. It was a simple and crude wooden box, and its surface was filled with filth.    


The moment Xia Changhe took out the box, Xia Lei instinctively used his X-ray vision, but to his astonishment, he discovered that he could not see what was inside the box!    


Xia Changhe opened the box and a dark green compass was revealed from the box.    


It was an ancient compass, but the degree of closeness was astonishing. There was a pointer on the compass, pointing straight at Xia Lei. Xia Lei instinctively moved one step, but when the needle on the compass caught hold of him again, it was still pointed straight at him.    


This compass looked somewhat similar to the one he had repaired before, which meant that it was the compass used to find the World's Box's fragment. However, it looked more precise and mysterious.    


"It ?" Xia Lei had never seen this compass before, his heart was filled with shock and speculation, "What is this thing? What am I pointing at? "    


Xia Changhe said: "This is the answer you want."    


"What are you talking about? Are you implying that this box gave birth to me? "You bastard!" Xia Lei's emotions went out of control once again.    


"Of course it won't give birth to life. It's just looking for life." Xia Changhe threw the box containing the compass to Xia Lei, "Back then, I took this box to find you."    


"How did it find me?"    


"Because you are the person chosen."    


Ixtab had said the same thing about the selected person.    


"Who selected?"    


"I don't know, I just... A lowly executor. " Xia Changhe avoided Xia Lei's gaze, "You have your fate, and I have mine. Back then, I took this compass and followed its instructions to the rooftop of a residential building. I found you on the rooftop. You're naked, no clothes, no blood, you're clean. Then I looked into everyone in that area, and no one had children at that time, and no one had abandoned their own children. "    


Xia Lei couldn't help but conjure up a scene in his mind. The sky was filled with stars as a fat and white kid laid on the roof of an old residential building. However, this was not the answer he wanted at all. This was a mystery that was difficult to solve!    


"You'll find out, not from me." Xia Changhe's voice brought Xia Lei's thoughts back to reality.    


"Why do you say I'm the person you've chosen? "What picked me?" Xia Lei asked a new question.    


Xia Changhe raised his head to look at the sky and muttered, "I want to understand as well." After a pause, he added, "So I went all over the world looking for answers, I went to Israel, I went to Italy, and my notes are all over the world. I've been to all the places I can think of, and I've had some gains. That crystal skull is my harvest, I know that it belongs to you, others cannot take it away. So, if you really want an answer, I think it is, but that is just my guess. "    


"You mean the crystal skull?"    


Xia Changhe said, "Yes, that's it. But I didn't dare approach it. The moment I did, I had a horrible hallucination, and my brain would be controlled by it. I took a few people with me when we found the underground pyramid on the outskirts of Jerusalem. We found the crystal skull at the top of the pyramid. I told some people to pick it down, but those who went up jumped down and died. It was the crystal skull controlling their brains. After that, I discovered the secret passage. I had my men climb up from the passage and try to take it down again. But do you know? The man I sent straight up took out his gun and killed himself. After that, I received a warning. I couldn't control my hand from holding the gun to my own head, but it didn't kill me. Then I had the thousand troops blow up the entrance to the pyramid and seal it up for you to retrieve. "    


Xia Lei said: "What makes you think I can take it away? "Also, you said that you were searching the entire world for the answer. What kind of clues did you rely on?"    


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