Tranxending Vision

C1309 My life is not up to the heavens but mine!

C1309 My life is not up to the heavens but mine!

Xia Lei did not put the crystal skull into his specially made bag. He said: "Do you know how Ixtab describes you? He said you were a mouse. I never understood why she said that about you. I now understand that you really are a mouse, because only mice hide in this dark place and don't dare to see the light. "    


"You want to anger me?" Carcia Ruiz's voice was as cold as ice.    


Xia Lei said: "I'm just speaking the truth."    


"Hahaha!" Carcia Ruiz laughed, "Don't even think about using such a method to deal with that bitch Ixtab. I won't be angered by you. Did you hear me laugh? I was laughing, but my heart was not in the least bit disturbed. "    


Xia Lei was actually at a loss for words.    


"Put the crystal skull away." Carcia Ruiz's voice carried the nature of an order.    


Xia Lei coldly snorted, "Who do you think you are? The god that ruled this world? And even if I was the god who ruled this world, it wasn't what he wanted me to do. I had to do what he wanted me to do. My life belongs to the heavens! "    


"Your fate is not in your hands, it is in mine." Carcia Ruiz's voice.    


Xia Lei sneered: "If you want to kill me, what do you want from me? Since I have what you want, what are you waiting for? How laughable, you actually wanted me to keep the World's Box and the crystal skull. Carcia Ruiz, you are very strong, I admit that. But I still have to tell you, your opponent ? I look down upon you! "    


Deep in the darkness, Carcia Ruiz remained silent for a moment before replying, "You really have some ability, to actually make me ? "I'm a bit angry now." He sighed, "Alright, I gave you a time limit. I was going to wait until the deadline to personally come and find you, but I didn't expect that you would actually have the ability to find me here. Since that's the case, then let that day come early. "    


Xia Lei increased his vigilance, all the energy in his eyes, eyes and branding power was activated, his body and consciousness instantly entering his highest battle state.    


At this moment, the darkness retreated like a receding tide.    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


Amidst a series of weird sounds, a bright ray of light filled the entire space.    


Eight energy pillars were emitting light. They were placed in eight different locations, forming an octagonal diamond. The dark energy field seemed to be related to them, as did that terrifying gravitational force.    


Xia Lei had seen Ixtab's energy field before, but the things in front of him were a little different. They gave off an even older feeling, but Ixtab's pillars of energy seemed to be a lot "younger". There was no standard to measure which one was "older" and "younger" in Carcia Ruiz and her pillars of energy were stronger. That was only his intuition. His instincts were usually accurate.    


Borrowing the light released from the eight energy pillars, Xia Lei had finally managed to clearly see the situation on the ground. It was an entire piece of black rock, and its surface was extremely smooth. There was even a hint of transparency on its surface, as if it was an enormous black jade. And in this piece of "black jade", blue energy particles could be clearly seen flowing around. It was like bolts of lightning trapped within this piece of "black jade"!    


Carcia Ruiz appeared on top of the octagonal form. Dressed in a black robe, without a body or face, he looked like an evil spirit wearing a Magus' robe.    


Although Carcia Ruiz did not want to have a body, was that true? He always wore this black robe, letting his body of energy support this robe, making him look like a person. He was actually a person who didn't mean what he said!    


The crystal skull lost its radiance and returned to normal. Without gravity, without the energy field's interference, its reaction stopped. After all, it was an unconscious thing and would not take the initiative to react. However, Xia Lei still held onto it, and did not put it into his special bag.    


"I'm here." Xia Lei broke the silence between the two, "What do you want from me?"    


Carcia Ruiz did not speak.    


Xia Lei's branding power energy extended towards Carcia Ruiz. The moment his branding power energy came into contact with Carcia Ruiz, he drew out a diagram based on the information that the energy field had captured. That was the appearance of Carcia Ruiz's pure energy individual. Although he and Ixtab came from the same world, his appearance was different from Ixtab's.    


Carcia Ruiz's head was a lot larger, his eyes were small, his mouth was big, and his chin stuck out together with his head. It would have been better if the mouth hadn't been opened. If it had, it would have been a bloody mouth. Ixtab looked like a cute girl from the second world, while he was obviously a mutated ugly man from the second world.    


However, it was normal for Carcia Ruiz and Ixtab to look different. After all, the former was a prehistoric figure in an unknown world. Evolution would change Ixtab's appearance, but Carcia Ruiz's appearance was destined to happen.    


"Stop looking." "I am really ugly to judge my appearance by your human sense of beauty. However, in my time, I was a person that was liked by women. "    


"I have no interest in your appearance." Xia Lei said: "Since you're not in a hurry, I also don't want to die that quickly. Seeing as we're going against each other, let's chat a bit. At least let me die to understand what's going on. "    


Carcia Ruiz did not say yes, but he did not reject either.    


"What's going on here?" Xia Lei probed: "These rocks clearly possess some sort of energy and it is impossible for them to be anything from this world. The rocks formed a city, but there was only one person in the city. But my question is not about your kind. I just want to know where this city came from. "    


"Change the question." Carcia Ruiz said.    


He said another question, not a rejection, which meant he was willing to talk. However, Xia Lei could feel a hint of "sympathy" from this collaboration, causing his heart to be filled with sorrow.    


"Where's my father?"    


"He's not your father. Didn't you already see the truth when you came here?"    


"I was not related by blood to him, but I thought of him as my father. I am not like you. I am a person with feelings, not a stone, not a cold-blooded animal. "    


"He is only one of my dogs. Do you still want to recognize him as your father?" Carcia Ruiz's tone carried obvious insult.    


"Even if he is a dog, I will still recognize him as my father! You said he's a dog, but you're not even equal to a dog! "    


"Hehehe ?" Amidst the laughter, Carcia Ruiz said: "You heard me laugh again, right, but my heart was not moved at all."    


"Where is he?!"    


"Dead." Carcia Ruiz said.    


"Did you kill him?" Xia Lei clenched his fists.    


Carcia Ruiz said, "No, he solved it himself. Originally, I was going to kill him, but no one dared to betray me. The result of betraying me is death. Unfortunately, I was a step too late. By the time I got there, he had already committed suicide. He died in a dry well. I don't know why he did that. "    


Xia Lei's body trembled slightly, and his eyes became moist all of a sudden. Of course Carcia Ruiz wouldn't understand, because he was just a ball of emotionless energy. His father knew very well that he was going to die, and his last wish was to go to the place where he had first dated Princess Young-mei and take a look, then go down to accompany Princess Young-mei.    


It was clear that the dried up well was where his father wanted to go.    


Carcia Ruiz definitely knew the exact location of the well, but he didn't want to ask. Dad had said that it was his secret, his last secret.    


Then let Father keep the secret.    


"He must have told you everything. Otherwise, you wouldn't have come here." Carcia Ruiz said.    


"Why do you say I'm the person you've chosen?" Xia Lei didn't want to talk about his father's matters anymore.    


"He got straight to the point so quickly?" Carcia Ruiz said: "But you must remember, after telling you this, you have to welcome your fate."    


His words made Xia Lei hesitate.    


The price of obtaining an answer was death.    


No matter who made the decision, it wouldn't be easy.    


"You said you weren't afraid of death, but you were, weren't you?" Carcia Ruiz's voice carried a sense of ridicule.    


"Of course I'm afraid of death." Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "I still want to live with my women and children for a few more years, watch them slowly grow old, watch my children get married and have children ? However, I can still bear it. Sooner or later, people will have their own day. If I had a choice, I'd rather it didn't happen. But I had no choice. Since I was the one who chose, then all of this was fated. Speak, tell me. "    


"Did Xia Changhe give you the compass?"    


Xia Lei nodded. There were actually two compasses in his satchel. One was the one he had repaired to find the last piece of the box, and the other was the one his father had given him to find the chosen one. And the compass had given Pop hints, which was why the story of Jerusalem had happened. However, he did not intend to take out the compass.    


"This story is very long." Carcia Ruiz said.    


Xia Lei waited quietly.    


"The box in your hand was first discovered by me. I obtained it." Carcia Ruiz continued, "But before I found the box, I got the compass from your father first. Without that compass, I would not have been able to get the box. "    


"Where did you get the compass?"    


"Of course not." Carcia Ruiz said: "Didn't I leave something for you? Not all of the things inside the Bronze Grimoire and Iron Book were fake, and there were real ones as well. Everything about the box was true, but I only mentioned it a little and didn't go into detail. Now I can tell you the truth... "In my era, I was originally just an ordinary person with many beautiful dreams, but I was unable to realize them because I was very poor ?"    


From Carcia Ruiz's voice, Xia Lei suddenly became vigilant, "He wouldn't be so kind to tell me his story. He was just a body of energy without emotions. Anything that he did would only be considered by one thing, and that was his own interests. He has brought such a simple question so far, could he be trying to stall for time? "    


Amidst Carcia Ruiz's nagging, Xia Lei's gaze suddenly shifted away from his.    


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