Tranxending Vision

C1357 practicing milk

C1357 practicing milk

Three days later.    


Xia Lei and Ri Hua appeared at the boundary between the forest and desert. Standing on the bare hillside, the Peace Village entered their line of sight. However, it was no longer the peaceful district that was at peace, but a charred ruin.    


The people of Peace Village would rebuild their village, but Xia Lei didn't know if he would be able to see it again.    


Ri Hua stood by his side as it looked at the ruins of the Peace Village. It was unknown what it was thinking in its heart.    


"I am truly reluctant." Xia Lei laughed bitterly, and then said to himself, "Coming to this world, this village can be considered as my home."    


"Roar?" Ri Hua's voice seemed to be saying "What are you saying".    


Xia Lei patted Ri Hua's shoulder, "Let's go, to your hometown, Peace Forest."    


Ri Hua seemed to have understood the word "Peace Forest." It actually nodded its head, and then lied down on the ground, so that Xia Lei could climb onto its back.    


Xia Lei did not stand on ceremony as he climbed onto Ri Hua's back. The road to Peace Forest was very long, who knows how long it would take to walk on his two legs, and Ri Hua was obviously an excellent transportation tool.    


Just as Xia Lei stepped on Ri Hua's back and was about to set off, a horse came out from the direction of Peace Village and sprinted towards him.    


Xia Lei quickly recognized the woman on the horse. It was Lin Qing. This made him feel a little surprised, because the impression Lin Qing gave him was that of a gentle, quiet and weak woman.    


"Roar?" Ri Hua's voice seemed to be asking Xia Lei if he wanted to leave.    


As long as Xia Lei nodded his head once, Ri Hua would leave him in the dust. This seemed to be the most logical decision. For some reason, Xia Lei still hesitated. He had never been a stone-hearted man to women. Even in this new world, he had not been able to completely change the critical flaw, which was that he would not reject a woman.    


Lin Qing milked him and gave him that whatever it was, it was all her good to him. He had gotten her good, how could he not accept her kindness?    


"Um, Brother Ri Hua, wait a little longer, it's alright to say goodbye." Xia Lei said awkwardly.    


Ri Hua turned his head and glared at Xia Lei, his gaze unrestrained.    


Xia Lei just smiled bitterly.    


Li Ni and Lin Qing who were riding on their horses quickly reached the bottom of the mountain. Standing on the hillside, Ri Hua was simply an existence that they did not dare to offend.    


Xia Lei jumped down from Ri Hua's back and walked towards Lin Qing who was at the bottom of the hill. Ri Hua moved towards the hillside, as if it didn't want to see any kind of scene.    


Xia Lei came to the foot of the mountain with an apologetic smile on his face. "You should stay in the village, it's not safe here."    


Lin Qing jumped down from the horse, "Your place is safe." She walked towards Xia Lei, and stopped at the place that was just about to approach him, "Why did you leave without even saying goodbye?"    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "There is no such thing as a banquet that does not disperse. After greeting them, I still have to leave."    


"You ? Is there nothing to say to me? " Lin Qing's eyes were filled with sorrow.    


Xia Lei sighed, "Lin Qing, I know you treat me well, but... We're not going to get anywhere. I have my destiny, and I cannot stop my steps to live with any woman. I know it might hurt you, but I still have to say it. "    


"I'm not worthy of you." Lin Qing's voice was soft.    


"No, you're a very good woman, really."    


"You don't have to comfort me. In the suffering I've endured, this is nothing at all." Lin Qing laughed bitterly, feeling a little relieved. "I understand now, how could a man like you live in a mountain village with a woman like me? You are an eagle, you should fly in the wider sky. This world also needs you. I cannot attempt to change the fate of this competition because of my selfishness. "    


She really was a gentle and intelligent woman.    


Xia Lei was a little touched in his heart. He laughed and said, "You're saying that I'm too great, I'm not some savior. I'm only a pitiful person who fights for fate."    


"You're right. Each of us has our own destiny. We have to accept it."    


"Alright, let's go back." Xia Lei turned his head to look at the mountain slope. Ri Hua had already climbed over the hill and was nowhere to be seen.    


"Wait." Lin Qing said.    


"Anything else?" Xia Lei looked at her.    


"I ?" Lin Qing bit her cherry lips, and a strange red blush appeared on her fair apple face: "About that, I brought you something to eat."    


Seeing her expression, Xia Lei understood what food she was bringing him to eat. He smiled: "Thank you, I really do like that stuff." He reached out his hand, impatient to get what Lin Qing had prepared for him.    


Lin Qing didn't take out the bottle or anything like that, but reached out and undid the buttons on her clothes.    


Xia Lei was stunned on the spot, "You ?"    


Lin Qing bravely looked into Xia Lei's eyes, "Without you, the Peace Village would have been annihilated long ago. Without you, my child and I would not be alive now. I don't have anything to repay you with. If I do, then I'm the only one left. I don't know if I'll ever see you again. If I don't do something for you, my life will be a pity. "Don't reject me, just treat it as doing it for you."    


Shouldn't such a thing be done by drinking wine?    


She actually gave milk to Xia Lei to drink.    


This seemed absurd, but there was true love everywhere.    


Xia Lei would never reject true love.    


At the foot of the mountain, there was green grass, flowers in full bloom, buds that had not bloomed yet, clear water flowing in the river, and fish in the water. Everything was so beautiful.    


No matter how beautiful your dreams are, there will always be a time when you wake up and your memories will always return to reality.    


"I have to go." Xia Lei said.    


"Will you be back?" Lin Qing said reluctantly.    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "If I'm still alive, I will definitely come back."    


Lin Qing said: "Li Ni has already made a decision, she has decided to bring us to the Rebel Army to participate. Some would like to go with her, others would like to stay. "    


"And your decision?" Xia Lei asked.    


"I... I'm going to the Rebel Army. " Lin Qing said, "Last night, I thought about it for an entire night. I know medical skills, so I can contribute a little to Rebel Army. This is the fate of all of us. If we don't fight, then what hope do we have? I hope my child will live in a world where no one treats him as food. "    


"Alright, then we'll meet at Rebel Army in the future." Xia Lei gave Lin Qing a hug.    


"Li Ni actually wanted to send you off, but she decided in the end that she wouldn't come." Lin Qing said while standing in Xia Lei's embrace, "She said she doesn't want to see your back turn away, she ? She seems to like you. "    


Xia Lei released Lin Qing, then patted her curvy bottom, "Stop talking about this, I'm going. Take care."    


He turned and left.    


After ten thousand words, he still had to leave.    


Lin Qing blankly watched Xia Lei's leaving figure. She hoped that Xia Lei would turn his head and glance at her, but she did not see Xia Lei turn his head back even after he disappeared from her line of sight.    


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